diff --git a/_layouts/main.html b/_layouts/main.html
index e6e5ef1f9..8b01eedf6 100644
--- a/_layouts/main.html
+++ b/_layouts/main.html
@@ -64,13 +64,11 @@
New Working Groups
to pursue the goals from the
Community White Paper Roadmap
- published last year. We are
- calling for more nominations
- for convenors for each of the three new groups in
- Detector Simulation,
- Reconstruction and Software Triggers
- and Data Analysis.
- Nominations are open until 29 October.
+ published last year. We have setup a
+ search committee who
+ will be happy to receive any comments and suggestions you have
+ on our excellent
+ list of candidates.
diff --git a/announcements/_posts/2018-11-08-workshop.md b/announcements/_posts/2018-11-08-workshop.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ea8f34507
--- /dev/null
+++ b/announcements/_posts/2018-11-08-workshop.md
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+title: HSF Workshop, 18-22 March 2019 at JLab
+author: Graeme Stewart
+layout: newsletter
+symbol: glyphicon-calendar
+link: https://indico.cern.ch/event/759388/
+until: 2019-03-22
+[HSF Workshop 18-22 March 2019, joint with WLCG and OSG](https://indico.cern.ch/event/759388/)
diff --git a/howto-website.md b/howto-website.md
index 83724e9f5..cc72270f3 100644
--- a/howto-website.md
+++ b/howto-website.md
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ layout: default
## About the HSF website
-This site is maintained by the HSF GitHub [contributors](https://github.com/orgs/HSF/people). If you're interested to become one contact the HSF startup team or any team member. It was set up by Torre Wenaus and Benedikt Hegner.
+This site is maintained by the HSF GitHub [contributors](https://github.com/orgs/HSF/people). If you're interested to become one contact the [HSF coordination team](/organization/team.html) or any team member. It was set up by Torre Wenaus and Benedikt Hegner.
## Implementation
@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@ If you are not familiar with GitHub and Git, you can read our [survival kit](/gi
### General structure of website content files
All Markdown files of this site start with a section surrounded by `---`. This
-so-called *front-matter* contains metadata about the content. Such metadata are
-e.g. the author of the document or the title of the document.
+so-called *front-matter* contains metadata about the content. Such metadata are,
+e.g., the author of the document or the title of the document.
In the *front-matter* (but not in the text itself), you need to replace any `&` characters (which has a special meaning in HTML) by `&`. This is particularly important for the `title` attribute.
@@ -43,22 +43,19 @@ meeting to validate/update them. It is then easy to convert a properly formatted
levels) to Markdown for inserting it into the website. Look at our [documentation](/jekyll-beginners.html) on how to
do it.
-### Adding to the newsletter
-Add a new file in `newsletter/_posts` and follow the front-matter of the
-other files in there. The list of news will be updated automatically.
+### Adding a working group or activity
-### Adding a working group
-Add a new file in `workinggroups/` directory and follow the front-matter of the
-other files in there. `Activity` menu in the navigation bar will be updated automatically: the menu entry text is the `title` attribute in the *front-matter* section.
+Add a new file in the `_workinggroups` or `_activities` directory and follow the front-matter of the
+other files in there. The `Working Groups` / `Activities` menu in the navigation bar will
+be updated automatically: the menu entry text is the `title` attribute in the *front-matter* section.
### Adding an event
Add a new file in `events/_posts` and follow the *front-matter* (see above) of the other files
-in there. The [Events](http://hepsoftwarefoundation.org/events.html) page and the ``Upcoming Events`` sidebar will be updated automatically.
+in there. The [Events](http://hepsoftwarefoundation.org/events.html) page and the ``Upcoming Events`` sidebar will be updated automatically.
-### Adding breaking news
+### Adding news or announcements
Add a new file in `announcements/_posts` and follow the front matter of the other files in there. The front page will
get a new box with all information.
@@ -74,23 +71,28 @@ As of writing, this website contains the following page templates for wider usag
* default - every page inherits from this
* event - to be used for events
- * newsletter - to be used for news items
+ * newsletter - to be used for news items and announcements
* plain - to be used for standard contents
* main - the main page w/ boxes
+ * minutes - used for meeting minutes (the template adds
+ forward / backward navigation links)
### Menu bar and automatization
The menu bar is defined in `_includes/navbar.ext`, from which all page layouts inherit.
-The layout is hard-coded except for the addition of working groups. A new post
-in the `workinggroups/_posts` directory automatically adds the group to the drop
-down menu `Working Groups`.
+The layout is somewhat hard-coded, but working groups and activities are generated
+### Main page
+The main page contains three blocks, mostly hard-coded:
-### Main page automatization
-The main page contains three dynamic blocks:
+ * A *meetings* block, with links to the minutes of the last three meetings
+ auto-generated
+ * A news item that holds a small snippet of current important information
+ (currently this is hard-coded, but it would be better if it were more
+ dynamic)
+ * An *activities* block, that serves as an entry point to the main sections
+ of the website
- * breaking news, triggered by writing an item in `announcements/_posts`
- * a list of minutes
- * a list of newsletters
They are filled with *[Liquid](https://github.com/Shopify/liquid/wiki)* snippets.
## Useful references
diff --git a/organization/team.md b/organization/team.md
index eca96b8d1..687d5a470 100644
--- a/organization/team.md
+++ b/organization/team.md
@@ -8,20 +8,20 @@ layout: default
Currently the activities within the HSF are organized by the *HSF coordination team* (formerly called the *startup team*). Following the concept of a do-ocracy active contributors to the HSF are invited to join. These are the current members of the team:
* [Peter Elmer](https://phy.princeton.edu/people/g-j-peter-elmer) - Princeton University
- * Daniel Elvira - [FNAL](http://www.fnal.gov)
- * Benedikt Hegner - [CERN](http://cern.ch)
- * Michel Jouvin - [LAL,IN2P3](http://www.lal.in2p3.fr)
- * Pere Mato - [CERN](http://cern.ch)
- * Dario Menasce - [INFN](http://www.mi.infn.it)
+ * Daniel Elvira - FNAL
+ * Benedikt Hegner - BNL
+ * Michel Jouvin - LAL, IN2P3
+ * David Lange - Princeton University
+ * Pere Mato - CERN
+ * Dario Menasce - INFN
* Eduardo Rodrigues - University of Cincinnati
- * Elizabeth Sexton-Kennedy - [FNAL](http://www.fnal.gov)
- * Graeme Stewart - [CERN](https://cern.ch)
- * Andrea Valassi - [CERN](http://cern.ch)
- * Torre Wenaus - [BNL](https://www.bnl.gov)
+ * Elizabeth Sexton-Kennedy - FNAL
+ * Graeme Stewart - CERN
+ * Andrea Valassi - CERN
+ * Torre Wenaus - BNL
The entire team can be contacted via .
## Meeting Minutes
Coordination team minutes form part of the [meetings archive](minutes.html).