- Check to see if Java is already installed by typing:
java -version
- If you see something like “The program ‘java’ can be found in the following packages…”
- It probably means you actually need to install Java.
- The easiest option for installing Java is using the version packaged with Ubuntu. Specifically, this will install OpenJDK 8, the latest and recommended version.
- First, update the package index by in your terminal typing:
sudo apt-get update
- After entering your password it will update some stuff.
- Now you can install the JDK with the following command:
sudo apt-get install default-jdk
- Then hit Enter and continue with “y”.
sudo apt-get install scala
- Type scala into your terminal:
- You should see the scala REPL running. Test it with:
println(“Hello World”)
- You can then quit the Scala REPL with
- Next its time to install Spark. We need git for this, so in your terminal type:
sudo apt-get install git
- Next, go to https://spark.apache.org/downloads.html and download a pre-built for Hadoop 2.7 version of Spark (preferably Spark 2.0 or later). Then download the .tgz file and remember where you save it on your computer.
- Then in your terminal change directory to where you saved that .tgz file (or just move the file to your home folder), then use
tar xvf spark-2.0.2-bin-hadoop2.7.tgz
(Your version numbers may differ). - Then once its done extracting the Spark folder, use:
cd spark-2.0.2-bin-hadoop2.7.tgz
- then use
cd bin
- and then type
- and you should see the spark shell pop up
- this is where you can load .scala scripts. You can confirm that this is working by typing something like:
println(“Spark shell is running”)
- That’s it! You should now have Spark running on your computer.
- Name - Abhinav
- GitHub - github.com/abhinavg916