bower : requires nodejs to be installed.
npm install bower
bower install angular
mongoose is a lightweight web server. Serves up static filese
ng-inspector - Chrome extension
ng-annotate : node module to make the angular files minification and uglification safe.
Great article on angular validation
Why does angular not show error for undefined variables ?
Difference between factory and service functions
Read the articles below to understand this in more depth.
http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14324451/angular-service-vs-angular-factory http://tylermcginnis.com/angularjs-factory-vs-service-vs-provider/
How to deal with parrellal callback errors.
confirm password and invalidate form.
defining a controller on a directive. Does that create a new scope ?
q promises - http://plnkr.co/edit/L4HzkO72JNb7IO3NAbdY?p=preview
custom directives - http://plnkr.co/edit/RuuSMBkNKkGjPG2zym9C?p=preview
directives - http://plnkr.co/edit/037865?p=preview