[x] 00 Introduction
[x] 01 Inner working of Python
[x] 02 Github Codespace
[x] 03 Mutable and Immutable
[x] 04 Data Types
[x] 05 Numbers in Depth
[x] 06 Strings
[x] 07 Lists
[x] 08 Dict
[x] 09 Tuples
[x] 10 Set
[x] 11 Internal working of copy, reference
[x] 12 Conditional statements
[x] 13 Looping statements
[x] 14 Behind the scene of Loop
[x] 15 Functions
[x] 16 Scopes and Closure
[x] 17 OOPs
[x] 19 Decorators in Python
[x] 20 File Handling
[x] 21 Exception Handling
[x] 22 Virtual Environment
[x] 23 Map, Filter & Reduce
[x] 24 Python 3.12 Docs
[ ] 25 Packages, Modules & Libraries (pip)
[x] 26 Project 1 : Noteapp
[ ] 27 Leetcode Problems
[ ] 28 Asynchronus Programming in Python (asynio)
[ ] 29 Working with APIs
[ ] 30 Types in Python
[ ] 31 Project 2 : Discord Bot
[ ] 32 Python with Databases
[ ] 33 History of Python
[ ] 34 What you can do using Python ?
[ ] 35 Project 3 :
[ ] 36 Exploring Python Codebase on GitHub
[ ] 37 Build 10 Project with Python + AI
[ ] 29 Web Scraping
[ ] 30 Python in Different Environment(Win, Mac, Linux, Docker, Cloud, AWS, DigitalOcean)
[ ] 76 Tkinter
[ ] 31 Flask
[ ] 32 Django
[ ] 72 Numpy
[ ] 87 Pygame (Game Development in Python)
[ ] 88 Kivy (App Development in Python)
- Notepad
- build notepad app for windows using python
- Calculator Website
- create calculator website using python tkinter
- QR Code Generator App
write code for QR code generator using python and tkinter. take url as input from user and create QR code and display in gui using tkinter
add button to save that qr code image
- Build a Web Browser
- build a web browser using python and qtpy
- add more functionalities
- Build Bricks Breaker Game
- code for bricks breaker game using python tkinter with good gui