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import jsonimport mathimport osimport randomimport reimport timefrom pathlib import Pathfrom uuid import uuid4from telethon import Button, typesfrom telethon.errors import QueryIdInvalidErrorfrom telethon.events import CallbackQuery, InlineQueryfrom youtubesearchpython import VideosSearchfrom zthon import zedubfrom ..Config import Configfrom ..helpers.functions import rand_keyfrom ..helpers.functions.utube import ( download_button, get_yt_video_id, get_ytthumb, result_formatter, ytsearch_data,)from ..sql_helper.globals import gvarstatusfrom ..core.logger import loggingLOGS = logging.getLogger(__name__)BTN_URL_REGEX = re.compile(r"(\[([^\[]+?)\]\<buttonurl:(?:/{0,2})(.+?)(:same)?\>)")MEDIA_PATH_REGEX = re.compile(r"(:?\<\bmedia:(:?(?:.*?)+)\>)")tr = Config.COMMAND_HAND_LERdef get_thumb(name): url = f"https://github.com/TgCatUB/CatUserbot-Resources/blob/master/Resources/Inline/{name}?raw=true" return types.InputWebDocument(url=url, size=0, mime_type="image/png", attributes=[])def ibuild_keyboard(buttons): keyb = [] for btn in buttons: if btn[2] and keyb: keyb[-1].append(Button.url(btn[0], btn[1])) else: keyb.append([Button.url(btn[0], btn[1])]) return [email protected](InlineQuery)async def inline_handler(event): # sourcery no-metrics builder = event.builder result = None query = event.text string = query.lower() query.split(" ", 2) str_y = query.split(" ", 1) string.split() query_user_id = event.query.user_id if query_user_id == Config.OWNER_ID or query_user_id in Config.SUDO_USERS: if str_y[0].lower() == "ytdl" and len(str_y) == 2: link = get_yt_video_id(str_y[1].strip()) found_ = True if link is None: search = VideosSearch(str_y[1].strip(), limit=15) resp = (search.result()).get("result") if len(resp) == 0: found_ = False else: outdata = await result_formatter(resp) key_ = rand_key() ytsearch_data.store_(key_, outdata) buttons = [ Button.inline( f"1 / {len(outdata)}", data=f"ytdl_next_{key_}_1", ), Button.inline( "القائمـة 📜", data=f"ytdl_listall_{key_}_1", ), Button.inline( "⬇️ تحميـل", data=f'ytdl_download_{outdata[1]["video_id"]}_0', ), ] caption = outdata[1]["message"] photo = await get_ytthumb(outdata[1]["video_id"]) else: caption, buttons = await download_button(link, body=True) photo = await get_ytthumb(link) if found_: markup = event.client.build_reply_markup(buttons) photo = types.InputWebDocument( url=photo, size=0, mime_type="image/jpeg", attributes=[] ) text, msg_entities = await event.client._parse_message_text( caption, "html" ) result = types.InputBotInlineResult( id=str(uuid4()), type="photo", title=link, description="⬇️ اضغـط للتحميـل", thumb=photo, content=photo, send_message=types.InputBotInlineMessageMediaAuto( reply_markup=markup, message=text, entities=msg_entities ), ) else: result = builder.article( title="Not Found", text=f"No Results found for `{str_y[1]}`", description="INVALID", ) try: await event.answer([result] if result else None) except QueryIdInvalidError: await event.answer( [ builder.article( title="Not Found", text=f"No Results found for `{str_y[1]}`", description="INVALID", ) ] ) elif string == "pmpermit": buttons = [ Button.inline(text="عـرض الخيـارات", data="show_pmpermit_options"), ] PM_PIC = gvarstatus("pmpermit_pic") if PM_PIC: CAT = [x for x in PM_PIC.split()] PIC = list(CAT) CAT_IMG = random.choice(PIC) else: CAT_IMG = None query = gvarstatus("pmpermit_text") if CAT_IMG and CAT_IMG.endswith((".jpg", ".jpeg", ".png")): result = builder.photo( CAT_IMG, # title="Alive zed", text=query, buttons=buttons, ) elif CAT_IMG: result = builder.document( CAT_IMG, title="Alive cat", text=query, buttons=buttons, ) else: result = builder.article( title="Alive cat", text=query, buttons=buttons, ) await event.answer([result] if result else None) else: buttons = [ ( Button.url("قنـاة السـورس", "https://t.me/ZedThon"), Button.url( "مطـور السـورس", "https://t.me/zzzzl1l", ), ) ] markup = event.client.build_reply_markup(buttons) photo = types.InputWebDocument( url=ZEDLOGO, size=0, mime_type="image/jpeg", attributes=[] ) text, msg_entities = await event.client._parse_message_text( "𝗗𝗲𝗽𝗹𝗼𝘆 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗼𝘄𝗻 𝗭𝗧𝗵𝗼𝗻.", "md" ) result = types.InputBotInlineResult( id=str(uuid4()), type="photo", title="𝗭𝗧𝗵𝗼𝗻 𓅛", description="روابـط التنصـيب", url="https://t.me/ZedThon/105", thumb=photo, content=photo, send_message=types.InputBotInlineMessageMediaAuto( reply_markup=markup, message=text, entities=msg_entities ), ) await event.answer([result] if result else None)