diff --git a/components/app-header.vue b/components/app-header.vue
index fc690e35..184ae2a3 100644
--- a/components/app-header.vue
+++ b/components/app-header.vue
@@ -103,17 +103,13 @@ const links = computed(() => {
{{ links.home.label }}
diff --git a/config/i18n.config.ts b/config/i18n.config.ts
index d4db6272..df2d1107 100644
--- a/config/i18n.config.ts
+++ b/config/i18n.config.ts
@@ -1,11 +1,14 @@
-export const locales = ["de"];
-export type Locale = (typeof locales)[number];
import type { LocaleObject } from "vue-i18n-routing";
import type de from "@/messages/de/common.json";
import type projectDe from "@/messages/de/project.json";
import { project } from "../config/project.config";
+export const locales = ["de"];
+export type Locale = (typeof locales)[number];
export const defaultLocale: Locale = project.defaultLocale;
export const localesMap = {
diff --git a/content/cms-intro/en/intro.md b/content/cms-intro/en/intro.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 99f378d5..00000000
--- a/content/cms-intro/en/intro.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-title: OpenAtlas Discovery - Content Management
- light: /assets/images/hero-light.svg
- dark: /assets/images/hero-dark.svg
- - label: Admin-Login
- href: /admin
- external: true
- - label: Docs
- href: /docs
- external: false
-Welcome to the Content-Managment Area! Go to the Admin-Login, to manage the presentation website's
-content or, if you unsure how to proceed in the Admin-Area, read the Docs provided for it.
diff --git a/content/de/team.md b/content/de/team.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 31d71e63..00000000
--- a/content/de/team.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-title: Team
- title: Team
-Das sind die Mitglieder des FemCare-Projekts:
-Michaela Binder
-Martin Scheutz
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/content/docs/en/documentation.md b/content/docs/en/documentation.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 2da239d9..00000000
--- a/content/docs/en/documentation.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-title: Documentation
-Welcome to the detailed admin area documentation. Here you can find everything you need to know on
-how to customize your OpenAtlas-Discovery presentation-website!
-**Important note:** Don't forget to always "**Publish**" your changes. They will be visible on your
-presentation site in a few minutes.
-The admin area is divided by so named **Collections**. The **Collections** are:
-- Config
-- Metadata
-- System Pages
-- Pages
-- Team
-In the following, we will discuss every single one and what you can do with it.
-## Config
-The **Config**-Collection beholds the overall _Project Config_. Here you can :
-- edit the _colors_ of the website (the main brand color and the geojson color, which is for the
- entities locations on the map)
-- _select a default language_ for the website (if it is availiable in more languages)
-- upload your project's _logo_ - here is prefered to provide logo's for the light and dark mode of
- the website and a logo with and without text. (of course you can also just upload the same logo in
- all the categories :wink:)
-- add an _imprint_ to your website (if you are an acdh-ch-oeaw cooperation partner, don't hesitate
- to use the acdh-ch-imprint, otherwise you can add your
- [own imprint page](#creating-a-custom-imprint-page))
-- add your project's _twitter_-account to provide metadata to web-crawlers (more exposure, hooray!)
-## Metadata
-The **Metadata**-Collection beholds the _Project Metadata_. Here you must provide
-- your project's title
-- your project's short title
-- your project's description.
-This serves as metadata for web-crawlers, so your website ranks better in Google search results.
-(again, more exposure for your project! :thumbsup:)
-## System Pages
-The **System Pages**-Collection beholds the
-- Landing page / index page of your website. - It is called like your project (default:
- _OpenAtlasDiscovery_)
-- The _Team_ page
-In the _index_ page file (and _Team_ page file) you can
-- provide a _title_ (it will be the heading for the page and will also show up in the URL)
-- add a _navigation_ title (it will be shown in the website header)
-- upload an _hero image_ (e.g. a logo for dark and light mode, or on the _Team_ page a photo of your
- team.)
-- add an _hero lead-in_ text (will be shown underneath the hero image, e.g. the description of your
- project)
-- add main _links_ to important other pages on your website (they will be rendered as buttons, e.g.
- data and map)
-- provide extra _content_ for the page
-## Pages
-In the **Pages**-Collection you can manage your own content-pages. The link to your created pages,
-will show up in the header on the presentation-site. By default there is a "About the project"-page.
-Again for creating a new page, you need to specify:
-- a _title_ (it will be the heading for the page and will also show up in the URL)
-- a _navigation title_ (it will be shown in the website header)
-- and of course the _content_ of the page.
-### Creating a custom imprint page
-If you want to create your custom imprint page, you need to
-- set the _imprint_ setting to _use custom imprint page_ in the project config
-- create a page with the _title_ "**Imprint**" in the **Pages**-Collection. This is mandatory, it
- must be spelled like this! (without the quotation marks, of course) Here you can then specify the
- content for the custom imprint page.
-## Team
-In the **Team**-Collection you can add new team members, they will be displayed as a list under your
-content in the **System Pages**-Collection / _Team_ page
-When creating a new team member you can
-- provide the _First name_ of the member
-- provide the _Last name_ of the member (this is mandatory, though!)
-- provide the academic title of the member
-- upload an photo (it will be displayed in a profile picture style / circle)
-- add a short biography of the member
diff --git a/content/pages/en/about.md b/content/pages/en/about.md
deleted file mode 100644
index de0de310..00000000
--- a/content/pages/en/about.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-title: About the project
- title: About the project
-Elit anim cillum labore tempor Lorem irure voluptate qui nisi. Nostrud ut incididunt sint laborum ad
-est enim do qui. Occaecat labore ea adipisicing est esse enim amet irure non. Non ex et magna elit
-consequat cupidatat. Officia velit aute voluptate velit minim ullamco. Enim laboris irure sunt
-aliquip reprehenderit consequat cillum labore eiusmod ad cupidatat aliqua consectetur magna.
-Eiusmod excepteur amet id aliqua nostrud fugiat excepteur laboris elit nulla sunt adipisicing. Magna
-officia eu voluptate ad amet enim laboris laborum. Ut occaecat exercitation cillum ullamco veniam
-consequat ea Lorem veniam. Tempor officia pariatur est tempor aliquip exercitation reprehenderit
-aliquip cillum in enim pariatur amet. Duis anim cupidatat nulla tempor commodo magna pariatur
-laboris irure.
-Velit irure eu voluptate ipsum nulla incididunt. Consectetur veniam irure minim ea sint proident
-minim nisi commodo culpa dolore ex. Cillum nostrud voluptate commodo tempor ut consectetur. Dolor
-cillum esse nostrud eu veniam pariatur eiusmod eiusmod enim aliquip Lorem aliqua nulla exercitation.
-Exercitation non fugiat ea dolore nulla. Sunt esse eiusmod qui ea. Ipsum dolore non cupidatat velit
-commodo et pariatur.
-Ea reprehenderit Lorem cillum exercitation id est officia culpa irure ipsum fugiat tempor ullamco.
-Elit tempor labore occaecat culpa do tempor tempor. Eiusmod anim esse tempor deserunt deserunt aute
-aliquip eu cupidatat ad qui incididunt mollit est. Nisi ad nisi pariatur voluptate irure minim culpa
-voluptate aliqua et. Velit magna consequat incididunt dolor nulla consectetur sunt pariatur enim
-laborum culpa deserunt.
diff --git a/content/system-pages/de/index.md b/content/system-pages/de/index.md
index 3430ae8e..effe187c 100644
--- a/content/system-pages/de/index.md
+++ b/content/system-pages/de/index.md
@@ -1,28 +1,9 @@
-title: OpenAtlas Discovery
+title: FemCare Vienna
navigation: false
- light: /assets/images/hero-light.svg
- dark: /assets/images/hero-dark.svg
+ light: /assets/images/logo.jpg
+ dark: /assets/images/logo.jpg
leadIn: >-
- Das ist ein Prototyp für Projekte von [OpenAtlas](https://openatlas.eu). Die Demodaten wurden
- freundlicherweise bereitgestellt von: [THANADOS](https://thanados.net/) - Die Anthropologische und
- Archäologische Datenbank von Sepulturen
- - label: Daten anzeigen
- href: /visualization?mode=table
- - label: Karte anzeigen
- href: /visualization?mode=map
+ Das Projekt **FemCare Vienna** (FWF-Einzelstipendium P 36459-G) hat das Ziel, die Geschichte der medizinischen Betreuung von Frauen durch eine interdisziplinäre Untersuchung der historischen und bioarchäologischen Aufzeichnungen im Zusammenhang mit dem Krankenhaus der Elisabethianer in Wien aufzuklären. Im Mittelpunkt des Projekts stehen die Lebensgeschichten von 390 Patienten aus dem 18. Jahrhundert, deren menschliche Skelettreste auf dem Krankenhausfriedhof ausgegraben wurden.
-THANADOS (Die Anthropologische und Archäologische Datenbank von Sepulturen) beschäftigt sich mit der
-digitalen Sammlung und Darstellung frühmittelalterlicher Friedhöfe im heutigen Österreich.
-Innerhalb von THANADOS wurden bisher veröffentlichte Informationen zu frühmittelalterlichen
-Bestattungen digitalisiert und ins Englische übersetzt. Die Daten werden unter Verwendung des CIDOC
-CRM kartiert und online bereitgestellt. Die Informationen können über einen digitalen Katalog und
-eine interaktive Karte erkundet werden. Kartografische Visualisierungen sowie Diagramme und Grafiken
-werden dynamisch auf Basis realer archäologischer Forschungsdaten erstellt.
-Ziel ist es, einen Best-Practice-Ansatz zur Verbreitung archäologischer Quellen und Forschung im 21.
-Jahrhundert im Kontext der digitalen Geisteswissenschaften zu bieten.
diff --git a/content/system-pages/en/index.md b/content/system-pages/en/index.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 3814f08f..00000000
--- a/content/system-pages/en/index.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-title: OpenAtlas Discovery
-navigation: false
- light: /assets/images/hero-light.svg
- dark: /assets/images/hero-dark.svg
-leadIn: >-
- This is a prototype for [OpenAtlas](https://openatlas.eu) projects. Demo data kindly provided by:
- [THANADOS](https://thanados.net/) - The Anthropological and Archaeological Database of Sepultures
- - label: View data
- href: /visualization?mode=table
- - label: View map
- href: /visualization?mode=map
-THANADOS (The Anthropological and Archaeological Database of Sepultures) deals with the digital
-collection and presentation of Early Medieval cemeteries in the area of present day Austria.
-Within THANADOS hitherto published information on Early Medieval burials was digitized and
-translated to English language. The data are mapped using the CIDOC CRM and provided online. The
-information can be explored via a digital catalogue and within an interactive map. Cartographic
-visualisations as well as charts and plots are created dynamically based on real archaeological
-research data.
-It aims at providing a best practice way on how to disseminate archaeological sources and research
-in the 21st century against the background of digital humanities.
diff --git a/content/system-pages/en/team.md b/content/system-pages/en/team.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 721dc8c5..00000000
--- a/content/system-pages/en/team.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-title: Team
- title: Team
-Fugiat duis anim mollit sit nulla do dolore dolor eu veniam cupidatat anim. Cillum enim non
-reprehenderit proident eu tempor est adipisicing cupidatat amet. Ex esse sunt minim qui cupidatat
-adipisicing. Eiusmod aliquip magna dolore dolore ipsum reprehenderit sit cupidatat non sint eu
diff --git a/content/team/de/binder-michaela.md b/content/team/de/binder-michaela.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b355a057
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/team/de/binder-michaela.md
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+firstName: Michaela
+lastName: Binder
diff --git a/content/team/de/eichert-stefan.md b/content/team/de/eichert-stefan.md
deleted file mode 100644
index f5f43a74..00000000
--- a/content/team/de/eichert-stefan.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-firstName: Stefan
-lastName: Eichert
-image: /assets/images/team/stefan.jpg
-Stefan ist der Initiator und Mastermind hinter dem OpenAtlas-Projekt. Seine Forschungsschwerpunkte sind frühmittelalterliche Archäologie und Geschichte sowie Computeranwendungen in der Archäologie und den Digital Humanities.
diff --git a/content/team/de/scheutz-martin.md b/content/team/de/scheutz-martin.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..41481c8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/team/de/scheutz-martin.md
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+firstName: Martin
+lastName: Scheutz
diff --git a/content/team/de/watzinger-alexander.md b/content/team/de/watzinger-alexander.md
deleted file mode 100644
index e293acb5..00000000
--- a/content/team/de/watzinger-alexander.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-firstName: Alexander
-lastName: Watzinger
-image: /assets/images/team/alex.jpg
-Alex ist der Hauptentwickler von OpenAtlas und hat ein besonderes Interesse an Datenmodellierung und wissenschaftlichen Webanwendungen. Seine Lieblingstools sind Python, PostgreSQL, Linux und Open-Source-Software im Allgemeinen.
diff --git a/content/team/en/eichert-stefan.md b/content/team/en/eichert-stefan.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 69aa9fd6..00000000
--- a/content/team/en/eichert-stefan.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-firstName: Stefan
-lastName: Eichert
-image: /assets/images/team/stefan.jpg
-Stefan is the the initiator and master mind behind the OpenAtlas project. His main research fields are Early Medieval archaeology and history as well as computer applications in archaeology and digital humanities.
diff --git a/content/team/en/watzinger-alexander.md b/content/team/en/watzinger-alexander.md
deleted file mode 100644
index d847d987..00000000
--- a/content/team/en/watzinger-alexander.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-firstName: Alexander
-lastName: Watzinger
-image: /assets/images/team/alex.jpg
-Alex is the lead developer of OpenAtlas and has a special interest in data modeling and scientific web applications. His favorite tools are Python, PostgreSQL, Linux and open source software in general.
diff --git a/messages/en/common.json b/messages/en/common.json
deleted file mode 100644
index e04c32c2..00000000
--- a/messages/en/common.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,238 +0,0 @@
- "Actor": {
- "MemberOf": "Groups",
- "Relations": "Relations",
- "hasMember": "Affiliates"
- },
- "AppFooter": {
- "links": {
- "imprint": "Imprint"
- },
- "navigation-secondary": "Secondary",
- "with-love": "With {0} from {1}"
- },
- "AppHeader": {
- "links": {
- "data": "Data",
- "home": "Home",
- "map": "Map",
- "network": "Network",
- "team": "Team"
- },
- "navigation-main": "Main",
- "navigation-menu": "Navigation menu"
- },
- "ColorSchemeSwitcher": {
- "change-color-scheme": "Change color scheme",
- "color-schemes": {
- "dark": "Dark",
- "light": "Light",
- "system": "System"
- }
- },
- "ContentPage": {
- "error": {
- "not-found": "Document not found",
- "unknown": "Failed to display document"
- },
- "meta": {
- "title": "Content"
- }
- },
- "DataMapView": {
- "centerpoint": "Areas",
- "end-date": "End date",
- "point": "Locations",
- "polygon": "Display Areas",
- "start-date": "Start date"
- },
- "DataPage": {
- "meta": {
- "title": "Datalist"
- },
- "search": "Search",
- "title": "Datalist",
- "work-in-progress": "The database is currently work in progress."
- },
- "DataView": {
- "nothing-found": "No entries found for this search."
- },
- "DefaultLayout": {
- "skip-to-main-content": "Skip to main content"
- },
- "EntityDescriptionsDisplay": {
- "description": "No Description | Description | Descriptions",
- "no-descriptions": "No descriptions available."
- },
- "EntityPage": {
- "details": "Details",
- "iiif": "IIIF-Viewer",
- "images": "Images ({count})",
- "map": "Map",
- "meta": {
- "title": "Entity"
- },
- "network": "Network Visualization",
- "sidebar": {
- "toggle": "Toggle details for {title}"
- },
- "no-map": "Not visible on the map.",
- "no-network": "Not visible in the network."
- },
- "EntitySidebar": {
- "NextFeature": "NextFeature",
- "PreviousFeature": "Previous Feature",
- "copy": "Copy Citation",
- "copied": "Copied!"
- },
- "ErrorBoundary": {
- "error": "Error"
- },
- "ErrorPage": {
- "meta": {
- "title": "Error"
- },
- "title": "Something went wrong!",
- "try-again": "Try again"
- },
- "Global": {
- "Next": "Next",
- "Previous": "Previous",
- "ShowMore": "show more",
- "TitleMissing": "Title Missing"
- },
- "ImprintPage": {
- "error": {
- "not-found": "Imprint not found",
- "unknown": "Internal Error"
- },
- "meta": {
- "title": "Imprint"
- },
- "title": "Imprint",
- "contact": "Contact: {'alexander.watzinger@oeaw.ac.at'}"
- },
- "IndexPage": {
- "error": {
- "not-found": "Page not found",
- "unknown": "Internal Error"
- },
- "meta": {
- "title": "Home"
- }
- },
- "LocaleSwitcher": {
- "current-locale": "Current language: {locale}",
- "switch-locale": "Switch to {locale}"
- },
- "MapPage": {
- "meta": {
- "title": "Map"
- },
- "title": "Map",
- "work-in-progress": "The database is currently work in progress."
- },
- "NetworkPage": {
- "meta": {
- "title": "Network Visualization"
- },
- "title": "Network Visualization",
- "work-in-progress": "The database is currently work in progress."
- },
- "NotFoundPage": {
- "meta": {
- "title": "Page not found"
- },
- "title": "Page not found"
- },
- "RelationType": {
- "CurrentOrFormerResidency": "Residency"
- },
- "Relations": {
- "Artifacts": "Artifacts",
- "HumanRemains": "Human Remains"
- },
- "SearchForm": {
- "filter": "Filter",
- "filters": {
- "beginFrom": "Begin from",
- "beginTo": "Begin to",
- "endFrom": "End from",
- "endTo": "End to",
- "entityAliases": "Alias",
- "entityCidocClass": "CIDOC class",
- "entityDescription": "Description",
- "entityID": "ID",
- "entityName": "Name",
- "entitySystemClass": "System class",
- "relationToID": "Relation to ID",
- "typeID": "Type ID",
- "typeIDWithSubs": "Type ID with subs",
- "typeName": "Type name",
- "valueTypeID": "Value type ID"
- },
- "search": "Search",
- "select-filter": "Select filter"
- },
- "SearchResultsTable": {
- "header": {
- "begin": "Begin",
- "class": "Class",
- "dates": "Dates",
- "description": "Description",
- "end": "End",
- "name": "Name"
- },
- "no-entries": "No entries found for this search.",
- "search-results": "Search results"
- },
- "SystemClassNames": {
- "acquisition": "Acquisition",
- "activity": "Activity",
- "actor_function": "Actor function",
- "actor_relation": "Actor relation",
- "administrative_unit": "Administrative unit",
- "appellation": "Appellation",
- "artifact": "Artifact",
- "bibliography": "Bibliography",
- "creation": "Creation",
- "edition": "Edition",
- "event": "Event",
- "external_reference": "External reference",
- "feature": "Feature",
- "file": "File",
- "group": "Group",
- "human_remains": "Human remains",
- "involvement": "Involvement",
- "modification": "Modification",
- "move": "Move",
- "object_location": "Object location",
- "person": "Person",
- "place": "Place",
- "production": "Production",
- "reference_system": "Reference system",
- "source": "Source",
- "source_translation": "Source translation",
- "stratigraphic_unit": "Stratigraphic unit",
- "type": "Type",
- "type_tools": "Type tools"
- },
- "TeamPage": {
- "error": {
- "not-found": "Page not found",
- "unknown": "Internal Error"
- },
- "meta": {
- "title": "Team"
- },
- "team-members": "Team members"
- },
- "TimespansDisplay": {
- "end": "End",
- "no-dates": "No known calendar dates",
- "start": "Start"
- },
- "Toast": {
- "error": "Error"
- }
diff --git a/messages/en/project.json b/messages/en/project.json
deleted file mode 100644
index d7f06cd5..00000000
--- a/messages/en/project.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
- "__cms__": true,
- "Metadata": {
- "name": "OpenAtlas Discovery",
- "shortName": "OpenAtlas Discovery",
- "description": "OpenAtlas is an open source database software developed especially to acquire, edit and manage research data from various fields of humanities."
- }
diff --git a/nuxt.config.ts b/nuxt.config.ts
index 424ee2a5..37d6fa39 100644
--- a/nuxt.config.ts
+++ b/nuxt.config.ts
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ export default defineNuxtConfig({
langDir: "./messages",
lazy: true,
locales: Object.values(localesMap),
- strategy: "prefix",
+ strategy: "prefix_except_default",
vueI18n: "./i18n.config.ts",
imports: {
diff --git a/project.config.json b/project.config.json
index 3709b9d8..a19af1e5 100644
--- a/project.config.json
+++ b/project.config.json
@@ -1,35 +1,38 @@
- "colors": {
- "brand": "#b8cf5b",
- "geojsonPoints": "#69c0ef",
- "geojsonAreaCenterPoints": "#b8cf5b"
- },
- "network": {
- "excludeSystemClasses": [
- "type",
- "reference_system",
- "source_translation",
- "source",
- "bibliography",
- "external_reference",
- "administrative_unit",
- "edition",
- "type_tools",
- "file"
- ]
- },
- "map": {
- "startPage": false,
- "mapDisplayedSystemClasses": ["place", "feature"]
- },
- "fullscreen": true,
- "defaultLocale": "en",
- "imprint": "acdh-ch",
- "logos": {
- "light": "/assets/images/logo.svg",
- "dark": "/assets/images/logo.svg",
- "withTextLight": "/assets/images/logo-with-text-light.svg",
- "withTextDark": "/assets/images/logo-with-text-dark.svg"
- },
- "twitter": "@openatlas_eu"
+ "colors": {
+ "brand": "#6b5bcf",
+ "geojsonPoints": "#3A2A59",
+ "geojsonAreaCenterPoints": "#B2814E"
+ },
+ "network": {
+ "excludeSystemClasses": [
+ "type",
+ "reference_system",
+ "source_translation",
+ "source",
+ "bibliography",
+ "external_reference",
+ "administrative_unit",
+ "edition",
+ "type_tools",
+ "file"
+ ]
+ },
+ "map": {
+ "startPage": false,
+ "mapDisplayedSystemClasses": [
+ "place",
+ "feature"
+ ]
+ },
+ "fullscreen": true,
+ "defaultLocale": "de",
+ "imprint": "acdh-ch",
+ "logos": {
+ "light": "/assets/images/logo.jpg",
+ "dark": "/assets/images/logo.jpg",
+ "withTextLight": "/assets/images/logo.jpg",
+ "withTextDark": "/assets/images/logo.jpg"
+ },
+ "twitter": "@openatlas_eu"
diff --git a/public/logo.jpg b/public/assets/images/logo.jpg
similarity index 100%
rename from public/logo.jpg
rename to public/assets/images/logo.jpg