Welcome to the web
workspace. This is the codebase for the website users will see when they visit https://digitalhumanities.mit.edu.
This website uses the following technologies, methodologies, and libraries:
- Eleventy for static site generation with Liquid templates.
- Webpack for bundling our app during development and in production
- Utility-first SCSS via wool
- autoprefixer and cssnano postcss plugins for further style optimizations
- PurgeCSS to remove unused styles from the production CSS bundle
- PJAX page navigation via Highway.js
- GSAP for animations
- picoapp for managing JS modules across PJAX page transitions
- Babel to transpile modern JS syntax into ES5 for wider browser support
- Terser for minimizing the Javascript bundle for production
├── src
│ ├── assets # fonts, favicons, etc.
│ ├── data # eleventy global data files
│ ├── scripts # javascript
│ │ ├── components # picoapp components
│ │ ├── lib # custom modules
│ │ ├── transitions # highway.js page transitions
│ │ ├── util # shared utilities
│ │ ├── app.js # picoapp setup
│ │ ├── index.js # (entry) add listeners and mount app
│ │ └── router.js # highway.js setup
│ ├── styles # scss
│ ├── templates # liquid templates
│ └── util # build-time utilities
├── README.md # you're currently reading me
├── package.json
└── webpack.config.js # webpack configuration