KendoNumericTextBox Widget for Wakanda
The WakendoNumericTextBox widget allows you to input a number value. See it in action.
Before using this widget, you must have installed WakendoCore
This widget has the following properties:
- value: widget current value.
- min: minimum accepted value.
- max: maximum accepted value.
- step: number added or substracted to current value when the user click on the up/down arrows.
- format: format applied to the value. See kendo documentation for more information.
This widget has the following methods:
- enable: Enable selection
- disable: Disable selection
- focus: Give focus to the widget
For more information on how to install a custom widget, refer to Installing a Custom Widget.
For more information about Custom Widgets, refer to Custom Widgets in the Architecture of Wakanda Applications manual.
For more information avec Kendo Widgets Library, refer to their git hub repo and their documentation