diff --git a/.editorconfig b/.editorconfig
index 5044247d2..51d29a157 100644
--- a/.editorconfig
+++ b/.editorconfig
@@ -4,10 +4,7 @@ root = true
charset = utf-8
indent_style = space
-indent_size = 2
+indent_size = 4
end_of_line = lf
insert_final_newline = true
trim_trailing_whitespace = true
-indent_size = 4
diff --git a/phpcs.xml.dist b/phpcs.xml.dist
index 389eea79e..11def6e88 100644
--- a/phpcs.xml.dist
+++ b/phpcs.xml.dist
@@ -26,7 +26,10 @@
diff --git a/src/AcsfApi/AcsfConnector.php b/src/AcsfApi/AcsfConnector.php
index 24dc8778e..69b1d3af2 100644
--- a/src/AcsfApi/AcsfConnector.php
+++ b/src/AcsfApi/AcsfConnector.php
@@ -20,11 +20,11 @@ public function __construct(array $config, string $baseUri = null, string $urlAc
parent::__construct($config, $baseUri, $urlAccessToken);
$this->client = new GuzzleClient([
- 'auth' => [
- $config['key'],
- $config['secret'],
- ],
- 'base_uri' => $this->getBaseUri(),
+ 'auth' => [
+ $config['key'],
+ $config['secret'],
+ ],
+ 'base_uri' => $this->getBaseUri(),
diff --git a/src/CloudApi/ClientService.php b/src/CloudApi/ClientService.php
index 95acecea6..5021deaca 100644
--- a/src/CloudApi/ClientService.php
+++ b/src/CloudApi/ClientService.php
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ protected function configureClient(Client $client): void
$userAgent = sprintf("acli/%s", $this->application->getVersion());
$customHeaders = [
- 'User-Agent' => [$userAgent],
+ 'User-Agent' => [$userAgent],
if ($uuid = getenv("REMOTEIDE_UUID")) {
$customHeaders['X-Cloud-IDE-UUID'] = $uuid;
diff --git a/src/CloudApi/ConnectorFactory.php b/src/CloudApi/ConnectorFactory.php
index f8fd82488..5e1c99e73 100644
--- a/src/CloudApi/ConnectorFactory.php
+++ b/src/CloudApi/ConnectorFactory.php
@@ -33,9 +33,9 @@ public function createConnector(): Connector|AccessTokenConnector
if (!$accessToken->hasExpired()) {
// @todo Add debug log entry indicating that access token is being used.
return new AccessTokenConnector([
- 'access_token' => $accessToken,
- 'key' => null,
- 'secret' => null,
+ 'access_token' => $accessToken,
+ 'key' => null,
+ 'secret' => null,
], $this->baseUri, $this->accountsUri);
@@ -47,8 +47,8 @@ public function createConnector(): Connector|AccessTokenConnector
private function createAccessToken(): AccessToken
return new AccessToken([
- 'access_token' => $this->config['accessToken'],
- 'expires' => $this->config['accessTokenExpiry'],
+ 'access_token' => $this->config['accessToken'],
+ 'expires' => $this->config['accessTokenExpiry'],
diff --git a/src/Command/Acsf/AcsfListCommandBase.php b/src/Command/Acsf/AcsfListCommandBase.php
index 3778dce33..f26bca61e 100644
--- a/src/Command/Acsf/AcsfListCommandBase.php
+++ b/src/Command/Acsf/AcsfListCommandBase.php
@@ -37,8 +37,8 @@ protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int
$command = $this->getApplication()->find('list');
$arguments = [
- 'command' => 'list',
- 'namespace' => 'acsf',
+ 'command' => 'list',
+ 'namespace' => 'acsf',
$listInput = new ArrayInput($arguments);
diff --git a/src/Command/Api/ApiBaseCommand.php b/src/Command/Api/ApiBaseCommand.php
index 6149daf93..f6c05e099 100644
--- a/src/Command/Api/ApiBaseCommand.php
+++ b/src/Command/Api/ApiBaseCommand.php
@@ -62,8 +62,8 @@ protected function interact(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): voi
foreach ($this->getDefinition()->getArguments() as $argument) {
if ($argument->isRequired() && !$input->getArgument($argument->getName())) {
- "{$argument->getName()} is a required argument.",
- $argument->getDescription(),
+ "{$argument->getName()} is a required argument.",
+ $argument->getDescription(),
// Choice question.
if (
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int
// API calls returning octet streams (e.g., db backups). It's safe to use
// here because the API command should always return JSON.
$acquiaCloudClient->addOption('headers', [
- 'Accept' => 'application/hal+json, version=2',
+ 'Accept' => 'application/hal+json, version=2',
try {
@@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ private function createCallableValidator(InputArgument $argument, array $params)
if (array_key_exists($argument->getName(), $params)) {
$paramSpec = $params[$argument->getName()];
$constraints = [
- new NotBlank(),
+ new NotBlank(),
if ($type = $this->getParamType($paramSpec)) {
if (in_array($type, ['int', 'integer'])) {
@@ -316,8 +316,8 @@ protected function createRegexConstraint(array $schema, array $constraints): arr
} elseif (array_key_exists('pattern', $schema)) {
$constraints[] = new Regex([
- 'message' => 'It must match the pattern ' . $schema['pattern'],
- 'pattern' => '/' . $schema['pattern'] . '/',
+ 'message' => 'It must match the pattern ' . $schema['pattern'],
+ 'pattern' => '/' . $schema['pattern'] . '/',
return $constraints;
@@ -372,10 +372,10 @@ private function addPostParamToClient(string $paramName, ?array $paramSpec, mixe
if ($paramSpec && array_key_exists('format', $paramSpec) && $paramSpec["format"] === 'binary') {
$acquiaCloudClient->addOption('multipart', [
- [
- 'contents' => Utils::tryFopen($paramValue, 'r'),
- 'name' => $paramName,
- ],
+ [
+ 'contents' => Utils::tryFopen($paramValue, 'r'),
+ 'name' => $paramName,
+ ],
} else {
$acquiaCloudClient->addOption('json', [$paramName => $paramValue]);
diff --git a/src/Command/Api/ApiCommandHelper.php b/src/Command/Api/ApiCommandHelper.php
index 867a3d84a..2be9124e7 100644
--- a/src/Command/Api/ApiCommandHelper.php
+++ b/src/Command/Api/ApiCommandHelper.php
@@ -84,8 +84,8 @@ private function addApiCommandParameters(array $schema, array $acquiaCloudSpec,
// Parameters to be used in the request body.
if (array_key_exists('requestBody', $schema)) {
- $bodyInputDefinition,
- $requestBodyParamUsageSuffix,
+ $bodyInputDefinition,
+ $requestBodyParamUsageSuffix,
] = $this->addApiCommandParametersForRequestBody($schema, $acquiaCloudSpec);
$requestBodySchema = $this->getRequestBodyFromParameterSchema($schema, $acquiaCloudSpec);
/** @var \Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputOption|InputArgument $parameterDefinition */
@@ -310,8 +310,8 @@ private function getCloudApiSpec(string $specFilePath): array
$spec = json_decode(file_get_contents($specFilePath), true);
- $cacheKey => $spec,
- $cacheKey . '.checksum' => $checksum,
+ $cacheKey => $spec,
+ $cacheKey . '.checksum' => $checksum,
return $spec;
@@ -367,17 +367,17 @@ protected function getSkippedApiCommands(): array
return [
// Skip accounts:drush-aliases since we have remote:aliases:download instead and it actually returns
// application/gzip content.
- 'accounts:drush-aliases',
+ 'accounts:drush-aliases',
// Skip any command that has a duplicative corresponding ACLI command.
- 'ide:create',
- 'log:tail',
- 'ssh-key:create',
- 'ssh-key:create-upload',
- 'ssh-key:delete',
- 'ssh-key:list',
- 'ssh-key:upload',
+ 'ide:create',
+ 'log:tail',
+ 'ssh-key:create',
+ 'ssh-key:create-upload',
+ 'ssh-key:delete',
+ 'ssh-key:list',
+ 'ssh-key:upload',
// Skip buggy or unsupported endpoints.
- 'environments:stack-metrics-data-metric',
+ 'environments:stack-metrics-data-metric',
@@ -440,9 +440,9 @@ protected static function getParameterRenameMap(): array
// Format should be ['original => new'].
return [
// @see api:environments:cron-create
- 'command' => 'cron_command',
+ 'command' => 'cron_command',
// @see api:environments:update.
- 'version' => 'lang_version',
+ 'version' => 'lang_version',
@@ -498,10 +498,10 @@ private function getRequestBodyContent(array $requestBody): array
$content = $requestBody['content'];
$knownContentTypes = [
- 'application/hal+json',
- 'application/json',
- 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
- 'multipart/form-data',
+ 'application/hal+json',
+ 'application/json',
+ 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
+ 'multipart/form-data',
foreach ($knownContentTypes as $contentType) {
if (array_key_exists($contentType, $content)) {
diff --git a/src/Command/Api/ApiListCommandBase.php b/src/Command/Api/ApiListCommandBase.php
index 9234d1496..426895845 100644
--- a/src/Command/Api/ApiListCommandBase.php
+++ b/src/Command/Api/ApiListCommandBase.php
@@ -36,8 +36,8 @@ protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int
$command = $this->getApplication()->find('list');
$arguments = [
- 'command' => 'list',
- 'namespace' => 'api',
+ 'command' => 'list',
+ 'namespace' => 'api',
$listInput = new ArrayInput($arguments);
diff --git a/src/Command/App/AppVcsInfo.php b/src/Command/App/AppVcsInfo.php
index 85250d224..0d7c868fb 100644
--- a/src/Command/App/AppVcsInfo.php
+++ b/src/Command/App/AppVcsInfo.php
@@ -82,11 +82,11 @@ protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int
$table->setHeaderTitle('Status of Branches and Tags of the Application');
foreach ($allVcs as $vscPath => $env) {
- $vscPath,
+ $vscPath,
// If VCS and env name is not same, it means it is deployed.
- $vscPath !== $env ? 'Yes' : 'No',
+ $vscPath !== $env ? 'Yes' : 'No',
// If VCS and env name is same, it means it is deployed.
- $vscPath !== $env ? $env : 'None',
+ $vscPath !== $env ? $env : 'None',
diff --git a/src/Command/App/From/Composer/ProjectBuilder.php b/src/Command/App/From/Composer/ProjectBuilder.php
index 71a17b6a9..2aface12f 100644
--- a/src/Command/App/From/Composer/ProjectBuilder.php
+++ b/src/Command/App/From/Composer/ProjectBuilder.php
@@ -127,9 +127,9 @@ public function buildProject(): array
$source_modules = array_values(array_map(function (ExtensionInterface $module) {
// phpcs:disable SlevomatCodingStandard.Arrays.AlphabeticallySortedByKeys
return [
- 'name' => $module->getName(),
- 'humanName' => $module->getHumanName(),
- 'version' => $module->getVersion(),
+ 'name' => $module->getName(),
+ 'humanName' => $module->getHumanName(),
+ 'version' => $module->getVersion(),
// phpcs:enable
}, $this->siteInspector->getExtensions(SiteInspectorInterface::FLAG_EXTENSION_MODULE | SiteInspectorInterface::FLAG_EXTENSION_ENABLED)));
@@ -141,14 +141,14 @@ public function buildProject(): array
// phpcs:disable SlevomatCodingStandard.Arrays.AlphabeticallySortedByKeys
return [
- 'installModules' => $modules_to_install,
- 'filePaths' => [
- 'public' => $this->siteInspector->getPublicFilePath(),
- 'private' => $this->siteInspector->getPrivateFilePath(),
- ],
- 'sourceModules' => $source_modules,
- 'recommendations' => $recommendations,
- 'rootPackageDefinition' => $composer_json,
+ 'installModules' => $modules_to_install,
+ 'filePaths' => [
+ 'public' => $this->siteInspector->getPublicFilePath(),
+ 'private' => $this->siteInspector->getPrivateFilePath(),
+ ],
+ 'sourceModules' => $source_modules,
+ 'recommendations' => $recommendations,
+ 'rootPackageDefinition' => $composer_json,
// phpcs:enable
diff --git a/src/Command/App/From/Configuration.php b/src/Command/App/From/Configuration.php
index bacf660d0..30116a4e8 100644
--- a/src/Command/App/From/Configuration.php
+++ b/src/Command/App/From/Configuration.php
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ final class Configuration
protected function __construct(array $config)
$this->array = static::schema([
- 'rootPackageDefinition' => 'is_array',
+ 'rootPackageDefinition' => 'is_array',
diff --git a/src/Command/App/From/Recommendation/AbandonmentRecommendation.php b/src/Command/App/From/Recommendation/AbandonmentRecommendation.php
index 2b90af450..c90a1709a 100644
--- a/src/Command/App/From/Recommendation/AbandonmentRecommendation.php
+++ b/src/Command/App/From/Recommendation/AbandonmentRecommendation.php
@@ -66,12 +66,12 @@ public static function createFromDefinition(mixed $definition): RecommendationIn
// phpcs:disable SlevomatCodingStandard.Arrays.AlphabeticallySortedByKeys
$validator = static::schema([
- 'package' => 'is_null',
- 'note' => 'is_string',
- 'replaces' => static::schema([
- 'name' => 'is_string',
- ]),
- 'vetted' => 'is_bool',
+ 'package' => 'is_null',
+ 'note' => 'is_string',
+ 'replaces' => static::schema([
+ 'name' => 'is_string',
+ ]),
+ 'vetted' => 'is_bool',
// phpcs:enable
try {
@@ -145,20 +145,20 @@ public function normalize(): array
// phpcs:disable SlevomatCodingStandard.Arrays.AlphabeticallySortedByKeys
$normalized = [
- 'type' => 'abandonmentRecommendation',
- 'id' => "abandon:{$this->definition['replaces']['name']}",
- 'attributes' => [
- 'note' => $this->definition['note'],
- ],
+ 'type' => 'abandonmentRecommendation',
+ 'id' => "abandon:{$this->definition['replaces']['name']}",
+ 'attributes' => [
+ 'note' => $this->definition['note'],
+ ],
$recommended_for = [
- 'data' => array_map(function (ExtensionInterface $extension) {
- return [
- 'type' => $extension->isModule() ? 'module' : 'theme',
- 'id' => $extension->getName(),
- ];
- }, $this->appliedTo),
+ 'data' => array_map(function (ExtensionInterface $extension) {
+ return [
+ 'type' => $extension->isModule() ? 'module' : 'theme',
+ 'id' => $extension->getName(),
+ ];
+ }, $this->appliedTo),
// phpcs:enable
if (!empty($recommended_for['data'])) {
diff --git a/src/Command/App/From/Recommendation/DefinedRecommendation.php b/src/Command/App/From/Recommendation/DefinedRecommendation.php
index fc06cfa4d..1524be745 100644
--- a/src/Command/App/From/Recommendation/DefinedRecommendation.php
+++ b/src/Command/App/From/Recommendation/DefinedRecommendation.php
@@ -119,11 +119,11 @@ public static function createFromDefinition(mixed $definition): RecommendationIn
// phpcs:disable SlevomatCodingStandard.Arrays.AlphabeticallySortedByKeys
$defaults = [
- 'universal' => false,
- 'patches' => [],
- 'install' => [],
- 'vetted' => false,
- 'note' => static::NOTE_PLACEHOLDER_STRING,
+ 'universal' => false,
+ 'patches' => [],
+ 'install' => [],
+ 'vetted' => false,
+ 'note' => static::NOTE_PLACEHOLDER_STRING,
$validate_if_universal_is_false = Closure::fromCallable(function ($context) {
return $context['universal'] === false;
@@ -134,16 +134,16 @@ public static function createFromDefinition(mixed $definition): RecommendationIn
$validator = static::schema([
- 'universal' => 'is_bool',
- 'install' => static::listOf('is_string'),
- 'package' => 'is_string',
- 'constraint' => 'is_string',
- 'note' => 'is_string',
- 'replaces' => static::conditionalSchema([
- 'name' => 'is_string',
- ], $validate_if_universal_is_false),
- 'patches' => static::dictionaryOf('is_string'),
- 'vetted' => 'is_bool',
+ 'universal' => 'is_bool',
+ 'install' => static::listOf('is_string'),
+ 'package' => 'is_string',
+ 'constraint' => 'is_string',
+ 'note' => 'is_string',
+ 'replaces' => static::conditionalSchema([
+ 'name' => 'is_string',
+ ], $validate_if_universal_is_false),
+ 'patches' => static::dictionaryOf('is_string'),
+ 'vetted' => 'is_bool',
], $defaults);
// phpcs:enable
try {
@@ -226,16 +226,16 @@ public function normalize(): array
// phpcs:disable SlevomatCodingStandard.Arrays.AlphabeticallySortedByKeys
$normalized = [
- 'type' => 'packageRecommendation',
- 'id' => "{$this->packageName}:{$this->versionConstraint}",
- 'attributes' => [
- 'requirePackage' => [
- 'name' => $this->packageName,
- 'versionConstraint' => $this->versionConstraint,
- ],
- 'installModules' => $this->install,
- 'vetted' => $this->vetted,
- ],
+ 'type' => 'packageRecommendation',
+ 'id' => "{$this->packageName}:{$this->versionConstraint}",
+ 'attributes' => [
+ 'requirePackage' => [
+ 'name' => $this->packageName,
+ 'versionConstraint' => $this->versionConstraint,
+ ],
+ 'installModules' => $this->install,
+ 'vetted' => $this->vetted,
+ ],
if (!empty($this->note) && $this->note !== static::NOTE_PLACEHOLDER_STRING) {
@@ -243,12 +243,12 @@ public function normalize(): array
$recommended_for = [
- 'data' => array_map(function (ExtensionInterface $extension) {
- return [
- 'type' => $extension->isModule() ? 'module' : 'theme',
- 'id' => $extension->getName(),
- ];
- }, $this->appliedTo),
+ 'data' => array_map(function (ExtensionInterface $extension) {
+ return [
+ 'type' => $extension->isModule() ? 'module' : 'theme',
+ 'id' => $extension->getName(),
+ ];
+ }, $this->appliedTo),
// phpcs:enable
if (!empty($recommended_for['data'])) {
@@ -257,9 +257,9 @@ public function normalize(): array
$links = array_reduce(array_keys($this->patches), function (array $links, string $patch_description) {
$links['patch-file--' . md5($patch_description)] = [
- 'href' => $this->patches[$patch_description],
- 'rel' => 'https://github.com/acquia/acquia_migrate#link-rel-patch-file',
- 'title' => $patch_description,
+ 'href' => $this->patches[$patch_description],
+ 'rel' => 'https://github.com/acquia/acquia_migrate#link-rel-patch-file',
+ 'title' => $patch_description,
return $links;
}, []);
diff --git a/src/Command/App/From/SourceSite/Drupal7SiteInspector.php b/src/Command/App/From/SourceSite/Drupal7SiteInspector.php
index 78c51b85e..1a1e72c80 100644
--- a/src/Command/App/From/SourceSite/Drupal7SiteInspector.php
+++ b/src/Command/App/From/SourceSite/Drupal7SiteInspector.php
@@ -53,11 +53,11 @@ protected function readExtensions(): array
$modules = array_values(array_map(function (string $name) use ($enabled) {
// phpcs:disable SlevomatCodingStandard.Arrays.AlphabeticallySortedByKeys
return (object) [
- 'name' => $name,
- 'status' => true,
- 'type' => 'module',
- 'humanName' => $enabled[$name]->info['name'],
- 'version' => $enabled[$name]->info['version'],
+ 'name' => $name,
+ 'status' => true,
+ 'type' => 'module',
+ 'humanName' => $enabled[$name]->info['name'],
+ 'version' => $enabled[$name]->info['version'],
// phpcs:enable
}, array_keys($enabled)));
diff --git a/src/Command/App/NewCommand.php b/src/Command/App/NewCommand.php
index df2efb75b..9f53f723a 100644
--- a/src/Command/App/NewCommand.php
+++ b/src/Command/App/NewCommand.php
@@ -28,8 +28,8 @@ protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int
$this->output->writeln('Acquia recommends most customers use acquia/drupal-recommended-project> to setup a Drupal project, which includes useful utilities such as Acquia Connector.');
$this->output->writeln('acquia/next-acms> is a starter template for building a headless site powered by Acquia CMS and Next.js.');
$distros = [
- 'acquia_drupal_recommended' => 'acquia/drupal-recommended-project',
- 'acquia_next_acms' => 'acquia/next-acms',
+ 'acquia_drupal_recommended' => 'acquia/drupal-recommended-project',
+ 'acquia_next_acms' => 'acquia/next-acms',
$project = $this->io->choice('Choose a starting project', array_values($distros), $distros['acquia_drupal_recommended']);
$project = array_search($project, $distros, true);
@@ -66,11 +66,11 @@ protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int
private function createNextJsProject(string $dir): void
$process = $this->localMachineHelper->execute([
- 'npx',
- 'create-next-app',
- '-e',
- 'https://github.com/acquia/next-acms/tree/main/starters/basic-starter',
- $dir,
+ 'npx',
+ 'create-next-app',
+ '-e',
+ 'https://github.com/acquia/next-acms/tree/main/starters/basic-starter',
+ $dir,
if (!$process->isSuccessful()) {
throw new AcquiaCliException("Unable to create new next-acms project.");
@@ -80,11 +80,11 @@ private function createNextJsProject(string $dir): void
private function createDrupalProject(string $project, string $dir): void
$process = $this->localMachineHelper->execute([
- 'composer',
- 'create-project',
- $project,
- $dir,
- '--no-interaction',
+ 'composer',
+ 'create-project',
+ $project,
+ $dir,
+ '--no-interaction',
if (!$process->isSuccessful()) {
throw new AcquiaCliException("Unable to create new project.");
@@ -99,23 +99,23 @@ private function initializeGitRepository(string $dir): void
- 'git',
- 'init',
- '--initial-branch=main',
+ 'git',
+ 'init',
+ '--initial-branch=main',
], null, $dir);
- 'git',
- 'add',
- '-A',
+ 'git',
+ 'add',
+ '-A',
], null, $dir);
- 'git',
- 'commit',
- '--message',
- 'Initial commit.',
- '--quiet',
+ 'git',
+ 'commit',
+ '--message',
+ 'Initial commit.',
+ '--quiet',
], null, $dir);
// @todo Check that this was successful!
diff --git a/src/Command/App/NewFromDrupal7Command.php b/src/Command/App/NewFromDrupal7Command.php
index cf1dba8e3..41669d226 100644
--- a/src/Command/App/NewFromDrupal7Command.php
+++ b/src/Command/App/NewFromDrupal7Command.php
@@ -24,9 +24,9 @@
#[AsCommand(name: 'app:new:from:drupal7', description: 'Generate a new Drupal 9+ project from a Drupal 7 application using the default Acquia Migrate Accelerate recommendations.', aliases: [
// Currently only "from Drupal 7", more to potentially follow.
- 'from:d7',
+ 'from:d7',
// A nod to its roots.
- 'ama',
+ 'ama',
final class NewFromDrupal7Command extends CommandBase
@@ -200,11 +200,11 @@ function (mixed $path): string {
$output->writeln('⏳ Installing. This may take a few minutes.');
$process = $this->localMachineHelper->execute([
- 'composer',
- 'install',
- '--working-dir',
- $dir,
- '--no-interaction',
+ 'composer',
+ 'install',
+ '--working-dir',
+ $dir,
+ '--no-interaction',
if (!$process->isSuccessful()) {
throw new AcquiaCliException("Unable to create new project.");
@@ -224,24 +224,24 @@ private function initializeGitRepository(string $dir): void
- 'git',
- 'init',
- '--initial-branch=main',
- '--quiet',
+ 'git',
+ 'init',
+ '--initial-branch=main',
+ '--quiet',
], null, $dir);
- 'git',
- 'add',
- '-A',
+ 'git',
+ 'add',
+ '-A',
], null, $dir);
- 'git',
- 'commit',
- '--message',
- "Generated by Acquia CLI's app:new:from:drupal7.",
- '--quiet',
+ 'git',
+ 'commit',
+ '--message',
+ "Generated by Acquia CLI's app:new:from:drupal7.",
+ '--quiet',
], null, $dir);
// @todo Check that this was successful!
diff --git a/src/Command/Auth/AuthAcsfLoginCommand.php b/src/Command/Auth/AuthAcsfLoginCommand.php
index 8e424efe2..bedc80732 100644
--- a/src/Command/Auth/AuthAcsfLoginCommand.php
+++ b/src/Command/Auth/AuthAcsfLoginCommand.php
@@ -33,14 +33,14 @@ protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int
$factoryChoices[$url]['url'] = $url;
$factoryChoices['add_new'] = [
- 'url' => 'Enter a new factory URL',
+ 'url' => 'Enter a new factory URL',
$factory = $this->promptChooseFromObjectsOrArrays($factoryChoices, 'url', 'url', 'Choose a Factory to login to');
if ($factory['url'] === 'Enter a new factory URL') {
$factoryUrl = $this->io->ask('Enter the full URL of the factory');
$factory = [
- 'url' => $factoryUrl,
- 'users' => [],
+ 'url' => $factoryUrl,
+ 'users' => [],
} else {
$factoryUrl = $factory['url'];
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int
$users = $factory['users'];
$users['add_new'] = [
- 'username' => 'Enter a new user',
+ 'username' => 'Enter a new user',
$selectedUser = $this->promptChooseFromObjectsOrArrays($users, 'username', 'username', 'Choose which user to login as');
if ($selectedUser['username'] !== 'Enter a new user') {
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int
$factories[$factoryUrl]['active_user'] = $selectedUser['username'];
$this->datastoreCloud->set('acsf_factories', $factories);
- "Acquia CLI is now logged in to {$factory['url']}> as {$selectedUser['username']}>",
+ "Acquia CLI is now logged in to {$factory['url']}> as {$selectedUser['username']}>",
return Command::SUCCESS;
@@ -77,8 +77,8 @@ private function writeAcsfCredentialsToDisk(?string $factoryUrl, string $usernam
$keys = $this->datastoreCloud->get('acsf_factories');
$keys[$factoryUrl]['users'][$username] = [
- 'key' => $key,
- 'username' => $username,
+ 'key' => $key,
+ 'username' => $username,
$keys[$factoryUrl]['url'] = $factoryUrl;
$keys[$factoryUrl]['active_user'] = $username;
diff --git a/src/Command/Auth/AuthLoginCommand.php b/src/Command/Auth/AuthLoginCommand.php
index ba8274741..4645c934d 100644
--- a/src/Command/Auth/AuthLoginCommand.php
+++ b/src/Command/Auth/AuthLoginCommand.php
@@ -40,8 +40,8 @@ protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int
$keys[$uuid]['uuid'] = $uuid;
$keys['create_new'] = [
- 'label' => 'Enter a new API key',
- 'uuid' => 'create_new',
+ 'label' => 'Enter a new API key',
+ 'uuid' => 'create_new',
$selectedKey = $this->promptChooseFromObjectsOrArrays($keys, 'uuid', 'label', 'Activate a Cloud Platform API key');
if ($selectedKey['uuid'] !== 'create_new') {
@@ -68,9 +68,9 @@ private function writeApiCredentialsToDisk(string $apiKey, string $apiSecret): v
$accountInfo = $account->get();
$keys = $this->datastoreCloud->get('keys');
$keys[$apiKey] = [
- 'label' => $accountInfo->mail,
- 'secret' => $apiSecret,
- 'uuid' => $apiKey,
+ 'label' => $accountInfo->mail,
+ 'secret' => $apiSecret,
+ 'uuid' => $apiKey,
$this->datastoreCloud->set('keys', $keys);
$this->datastoreCloud->set('acli_key', $apiKey);
diff --git a/src/Command/CodeStudio/CodeStudioCiCdVariables.php b/src/Command/CodeStudio/CodeStudioCiCdVariables.php
index d6f01d174..c57734a56 100644
--- a/src/Command/CodeStudio/CodeStudioCiCdVariables.php
+++ b/src/Command/CodeStudio/CodeStudioCiCdVariables.php
@@ -21,48 +21,48 @@ public static function getList(): array
public static function getDefaultsForNode(?string $cloudApplicationUuid = null, ?string $cloudKey = null, ?string $cloudSecret = null, ?string $projectAccessTokenName = null, ?string $projectAccessToken = null, ?string $nodeVersion = null): array
return [
- [
- 'masked' => true,
- 'protected' => false,
- 'value' => $cloudApplicationUuid,
- 'variable_type' => 'env_var',
- ],
- [
- 'masked' => true,
- 'protected' => false,
- 'value' => $cloudKey,
- 'variable_type' => 'env_var',
- ],
- [
- 'masked' => true,
- 'protected' => false,
- 'value' => $cloudSecret,
- 'variable_type' => 'env_var',
- ],
- [
- 'masked' => true,
- 'protected' => false,
- 'value' => $projectAccessTokenName,
- 'variable_type' => 'env_var',
- ],
- [
- 'masked' => true,
- 'protected' => false,
- 'value' => $projectAccessToken,
- 'variable_type' => 'env_var',
- ],
- [
- 'key' => 'NODE_VERSION',
- 'masked' => false,
- 'protected' => false,
- 'value' => $nodeVersion,
- 'variable_type' => 'env_var',
- ],
+ [
+ 'masked' => true,
+ 'protected' => false,
+ 'value' => $cloudApplicationUuid,
+ 'variable_type' => 'env_var',
+ ],
+ [
+ 'masked' => true,
+ 'protected' => false,
+ 'value' => $cloudKey,
+ 'variable_type' => 'env_var',
+ ],
+ [
+ 'masked' => true,
+ 'protected' => false,
+ 'value' => $cloudSecret,
+ 'variable_type' => 'env_var',
+ ],
+ [
+ 'masked' => true,
+ 'protected' => false,
+ 'value' => $projectAccessTokenName,
+ 'variable_type' => 'env_var',
+ ],
+ [
+ 'masked' => true,
+ 'protected' => false,
+ 'value' => $projectAccessToken,
+ 'variable_type' => 'env_var',
+ ],
+ [
+ 'key' => 'NODE_VERSION',
+ 'masked' => false,
+ 'protected' => false,
+ 'value' => $nodeVersion,
+ 'variable_type' => 'env_var',
+ ],
@@ -72,48 +72,48 @@ public static function getDefaultsForNode(?string $cloudApplicationUuid = null,
public static function getDefaultsForPhp(?string $cloudApplicationUuid = null, ?string $cloudKey = null, ?string $cloudSecret = null, ?string $projectAccessTokenName = null, ?string $projectAccessToken = null, ?string $phpVersion = null): array
return [
- [
- 'masked' => true,
- 'protected' => false,
- 'value' => $cloudApplicationUuid,
- 'variable_type' => 'env_var',
- ],
- [
- 'masked' => true,
- 'protected' => false,
- 'value' => $cloudKey,
- 'variable_type' => 'env_var',
- ],
- [
- 'masked' => true,
- 'protected' => false,
- 'value' => $cloudSecret,
- 'variable_type' => 'env_var',
- ],
- [
- 'masked' => true,
- 'protected' => false,
- 'value' => $projectAccessTokenName,
- 'variable_type' => 'env_var',
- ],
- [
- 'masked' => true,
- 'protected' => false,
- 'value' => $projectAccessToken,
- 'variable_type' => 'env_var',
- ],
- [
- 'key' => 'PHP_VERSION',
- 'masked' => false,
- 'protected' => false,
- 'value' => $phpVersion,
- 'variable_type' => 'env_var',
- ],
+ [
+ 'masked' => true,
+ 'protected' => false,
+ 'value' => $cloudApplicationUuid,
+ 'variable_type' => 'env_var',
+ ],
+ [
+ 'masked' => true,
+ 'protected' => false,
+ 'value' => $cloudKey,
+ 'variable_type' => 'env_var',
+ ],
+ [
+ 'masked' => true,
+ 'protected' => false,
+ 'value' => $cloudSecret,
+ 'variable_type' => 'env_var',
+ ],
+ [
+ 'masked' => true,
+ 'protected' => false,
+ 'value' => $projectAccessTokenName,
+ 'variable_type' => 'env_var',
+ ],
+ [
+ 'masked' => true,
+ 'protected' => false,
+ 'value' => $projectAccessToken,
+ 'variable_type' => 'env_var',
+ ],
+ [
+ 'key' => 'PHP_VERSION',
+ 'masked' => false,
+ 'protected' => false,
+ 'value' => $phpVersion,
+ 'variable_type' => 'env_var',
+ ],
diff --git a/src/Command/CodeStudio/CodeStudioCommandTrait.php b/src/Command/CodeStudio/CodeStudioCommandTrait.php
index fb7dfe7d9..44a81691d 100644
--- a/src/Command/CodeStudio/CodeStudioCommandTrait.php
+++ b/src/Command/CodeStudio/CodeStudioCommandTrait.php
@@ -41,24 +41,24 @@ private function getGitLabToken(string $gitlabHost): string
throw new AcquiaCliException("Install glab to continue: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/cli#installation");
$process = $this->localMachineHelper->execute([
- 'glab',
- 'config',
- 'get',
- 'token',
- '--host=' . $gitlabHost,
+ 'glab',
+ 'config',
+ 'get',
+ 'token',
+ '--host=' . $gitlabHost,
], null, null, false);
if ($process->isSuccessful() && trim($process->getOutput())) {
return trim($process->getOutput());
- "",
- "You must first authenticate with Code Studio by creating a personal access token:",
- "* Visit https://$gitlabHost/-/profile/personal_access_tokens",
- "* Create a token and grant it both api and write repository scopes",
- "* Copy the token to your clipboard",
- "* Run glab auth login --hostname=$gitlabHost and paste the token when prompted",
- "* Try this command again.",
+ "",
+ "You must first authenticate with Code Studio by creating a personal access token:",
+ "* Visit https://$gitlabHost/-/profile/personal_access_tokens",
+ "* Create a token and grant it both api and write repository scopes",
+ "* Copy the token to your clipboard",
+ "* Run glab auth login --hostname=$gitlabHost and paste the token when prompted",
+ "* Try this command again.",
throw new AcquiaCliException("Could not determine GitLab token");
@@ -80,10 +80,10 @@ private function getGitLabHost(): string
throw new AcquiaCliException("Install glab to continue: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/cli#installation");
$process = $this->localMachineHelper->execute([
- 'glab',
- 'config',
- 'get',
- 'host',
+ 'glab',
+ 'config',
+ 'get',
+ 'host',
], null, null, false);
if (!$process->isSuccessful()) {
throw new AcquiaCliException("Could not determine GitLab host: {error_message}", ['error_message' => $process->getErrorOutput()]);
@@ -120,17 +120,17 @@ private function writeApiTokenMessage(InputInterface $input): void
if (!$input->getOption('key') || !$input->getOption('secret')) {
$tokenUrl = 'https://cloud.acquia.com/a/profile/tokens';
- "",
- "This will configure AutoDevOps for a Code Studio project using credentials",
- "(an API Token and SSH Key) belonging to your current Acquia Cloud Platform user account.",
- "Before continuing, make sure that you're logged into the right Acquia Cloud Platform user account.",
- "",
- "Typically this command should only be run once per application",
- "but if your Cloud Platform account is deleted in the future, the Code Studio project will",
- "need to be re-configured using a different user account.",
- "",
- "To begin, visit this URL and create a new API Token for Code Studio to use:>",
- "$tokenUrl>",
+ "",
+ "This will configure AutoDevOps for a Code Studio project using credentials",
+ "(an API Token and SSH Key) belonging to your current Acquia Cloud Platform user account.",
+ "Before continuing, make sure that you're logged into the right Acquia Cloud Platform user account.",
+ "",
+ "Typically this command should only be run once per application",
+ "but if your Cloud Platform account is deleted in the future, the Code Studio project will",
+ "need to be re-configured using a different user account.",
+ "",
+ "To begin, visit this URL and create a new API Token for Code Studio to use:>",
+ "$tokenUrl>",
@@ -152,11 +152,11 @@ private function authenticateWithGitLab(): void
$this->gitLabAccount = $this->gitLabClient->users()->me();
} catch (RuntimeException $exception) {
- "Unable to authenticate with Code Studio",
- "Did you set a valid token with the api> and write_repository> scopes?",
- "Try running `glab auth login` to re-authenticate.",
- "Alternatively, pass the --gitlab-token> option.",
- "Then try again.",
+ "Unable to authenticate with Code Studio",
+ "Did you set a valid token with the api> and write_repository> scopes?",
+ "Try running `glab auth login` to re-authenticate.",
+ "Alternatively, pass the --gitlab-token> option.",
+ "Then try again.",
throw new AcquiaCliException("Unable to authenticate with Code Studio");
@@ -188,9 +188,9 @@ private function determineGitLabProject(ApplicationResponse $cloudApplication):
// Prompt to create project.
- "",
- "Could not find any existing Code Studio project for Acquia Cloud Platform application {$cloudApplication->name}.",
- "Searched for UUID {$cloudApplication->uuid} in project descriptions.",
+ "",
+ "Could not find any existing Code Studio project for Acquia Cloud Platform application {$cloudApplication->name}.",
+ "Searched for UUID {$cloudApplication->uuid} in project descriptions.",
$createProject = $this->io->confirm('Would you like to create a new Code Studio project? If you select "no" you may choose from a full list of existing projects.');
if ($createProject) {
@@ -211,8 +211,8 @@ private function determineGitLabProject(ApplicationResponse $cloudApplication):
private function createGitLabProject(ApplicationResponse $cloudApplication): array
$userGroups = $this->gitLabClient->groups()->all([
- 'all_available' => true,
- 'min_access_level' => 40,
+ 'all_available' => true,
+ 'min_access_level' => 40,
$parameters = $this->getGitLabProjectDefaults();
if ($userGroups) {
@@ -246,11 +246,11 @@ private function setGitLabProjectDescription(mixed $cloudApplicationUuid): void
private function getGitLabProjectDefaults(): array
return [
- 'container_registry_access_level' => 'disabled',
- 'default_branch' => 'main',
- 'description' => $this->gitLabProjectDescription,
- 'initialize_with_readme' => true,
- 'topics' => 'Acquia Cloud Application',
+ 'container_registry_access_level' => 'disabled',
+ 'default_branch' => 'main',
+ 'description' => $this->gitLabProjectDescription,
+ 'initialize_with_readme' => true,
+ 'topics' => 'Acquia Cloud Application',
diff --git a/src/Command/CodeStudio/CodeStudioPipelinesMigrateCommand.php b/src/Command/CodeStudio/CodeStudioPipelinesMigrateCommand.php
index 46994b7c1..1dcf3aed5 100644
--- a/src/Command/CodeStudio/CodeStudioPipelinesMigrateCommand.php
+++ b/src/Command/CodeStudio/CodeStudioPipelinesMigrateCommand.php
@@ -66,11 +66,11 @@ protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int
$this->createGitLabCiFile($gitlabCiFileContents, $acquiaPipelinesFileName);
- "",
- "Migration completed successfully.",
- "Created .gitlab-ci.yml and removed acquia-pipeline.yml file.",
- "In order to run Pipeline, push .gitlab-ci.yaml to Main branch of Code Studio project.",
- "Check your pipeline is running in Code Studio for your project.",
+ "",
+ "Migration completed successfully.",
+ "Created .gitlab-ci.yml and removed acquia-pipeline.yml file.",
+ "In order to run Pipeline, push .gitlab-ci.yaml to Main branch of Code Studio project.",
+ "Check your pipeline is running in Code Studio for your project.",
return Command::SUCCESS;
@@ -111,8 +111,8 @@ private function getAcquiaPipelinesFileContents(array $project): array
if (file_exists($pipelinesFilepath)) {
$fileContents = file_get_contents($pipelinesFilepath);
return [
- 'filename' => $pipelinesFilename,
- 'file_contents' => Yaml::parse($fileContents, Yaml::PARSE_OBJECT),
+ 'filename' => $pipelinesFilename,
+ 'file_contents' => Yaml::parse($fileContents, Yaml::PARSE_OBJECT),
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ private function getAcquiaPipelinesFileContents(array $project): array
private function getGitLabCiFileTemplate(): array
return [
- 'include' => ['project' => 'acquia/standard-template', 'file' => '/gitlab-ci/Auto-DevOps.acquia.gitlab-ci.yml'],
+ 'include' => ['project' => 'acquia/standard-template', 'file' => '/gitlab-ci/Auto-DevOps.acquia.gitlab-ci.yml'],
@@ -144,11 +144,11 @@ private function migrateVariablesSection(mixed $acquiaPipelinesFileContents, mix
$variablesParse = Yaml::parse($removeGlobal);
$gitlabCiFileContents = array_merge($gitlabCiFileContents, $variablesParse);
- "Migrated `variables` section of acquia-pipelines.yml to .gitlab-ci.yml",
+ "Migrated `variables` section of acquia-pipelines.yml to .gitlab-ci.yml",
} else {
- "Checked acquia-pipeline.yml file for `variables` section",
+ "Checked acquia-pipeline.yml file for `variables` section",
@@ -171,48 +171,48 @@ private function migrateEventsSection(array $acquiaPipelinesFileContents, array
// phpcs:disable SlevomatCodingStandard.Arrays.AlphabeticallySortedByKeys
$eventsMap = [
- 'build' => [
- 'skip' => [
- 'composer install' => [
- 'message' => 'Code Studio AutoDevOps will run `composer install` by default. Skipping migration of this command in your acquia-pipelines.yml file:',
- 'prompt' => false,
- ],
- '${BLT_DIR}' => [
- 'message' => 'Code Studio AutoDevOps will run BLT commands for you by default. Do you want to migrate the following command?',
- 'prompt' => true,
- ],
- ],
- 'default_stage' => 'Test Drupal',
- 'stage' => [
- 'setup' => 'Build Drupal',
- 'npm run build' => 'Build Drupal',
- 'validate' => 'Test Drupal',
- 'tests' => 'Test Drupal',
- 'test' => 'Test Drupal',
- 'npm test' => 'Test Drupal',
- 'artifact' => 'Deploy Drupal',
- 'deploy' => 'Deploy Drupal',
- ],
- 'needs' => [
- 'Build Code',
- 'Manage Secrets',
- ],
- ],
- 'post-deploy' => [
- 'skip' => [
- 'launch_ode' => [
- 'message' => 'Code Studio AutoDevOps will run Launch a new Continuous Delivery Environment (CDE) automatically for new merge requests. Skipping migration of this command in your acquia-pipelines.yml file:',
- 'prompt' => false,
- ],
- ],
- 'default_stage' => 'Deploy Drupal',
- 'stage' => [
- 'launch_ode' => 'Deploy Drupal',
- ],
- 'needs' => [
- 'Create artifact from branch',
- ],
- ],
+ 'build' => [
+ 'skip' => [
+ 'composer install' => [
+ 'message' => 'Code Studio AutoDevOps will run `composer install` by default. Skipping migration of this command in your acquia-pipelines.yml file:',
+ 'prompt' => false,
+ ],
+ '${BLT_DIR}' => [
+ 'message' => 'Code Studio AutoDevOps will run BLT commands for you by default. Do you want to migrate the following command?',
+ 'prompt' => true,
+ ],
+ ],
+ 'default_stage' => 'Test Drupal',
+ 'stage' => [
+ 'setup' => 'Build Drupal',
+ 'npm run build' => 'Build Drupal',
+ 'validate' => 'Test Drupal',
+ 'tests' => 'Test Drupal',
+ 'test' => 'Test Drupal',
+ 'npm test' => 'Test Drupal',
+ 'artifact' => 'Deploy Drupal',
+ 'deploy' => 'Deploy Drupal',
+ ],
+ 'needs' => [
+ 'Build Code',
+ 'Manage Secrets',
+ ],
+ ],
+ 'post-deploy' => [
+ 'skip' => [
+ 'launch_ode' => [
+ 'message' => 'Code Studio AutoDevOps will run Launch a new Continuous Delivery Environment (CDE) automatically for new merge requests. Skipping migration of this command in your acquia-pipelines.yml file:',
+ 'prompt' => false,
+ ],
+ ],
+ 'default_stage' => 'Deploy Drupal',
+ 'stage' => [
+ 'launch_ode' => 'Deploy Drupal',
+ ],
+ 'needs' => [
+ 'Create artifact from branch',
+ ],
+ ],
// phpcs:enable
@@ -241,8 +241,8 @@ private function migrateEventsSection(array $acquiaPipelinesFileContents, array
} else {
- $messageConfig['message'],
- $command,
+ $messageConfig['message'],
+ $command,
@@ -272,11 +272,11 @@ private function migrateEventsSection(array $acquiaPipelinesFileContents, array
$gitlabCiFileContents = array_merge($gitlabCiFileContents, $codeStudioJobs);
- "Completed migration of the $eventName step in your acquia-pipelines.yml file",
+ "Completed migration of the $eventName step in your acquia-pipelines.yml file",
} else {
- "acquia-pipeline.yml file does not contain $eventName step to migrate",
+ "acquia-pipeline.yml file does not contain $eventName step to migrate",
diff --git a/src/Command/CodeStudio/CodeStudioWizardCommand.php b/src/Command/CodeStudio/CodeStudioWizardCommand.php
index 1e1c4ded8..500d7225b 100644
--- a/src/Command/CodeStudio/CodeStudioWizardCommand.php
+++ b/src/Command/CodeStudio/CodeStudioWizardCommand.php
@@ -52,9 +52,9 @@ protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int
switch ($projectSelected) {
case "Drupal_project":
$phpVersions = [
- 'PHP_version_8.1' => "8.1",
- 'PHP_version_8.2' => "8.2",
- 'PHP_version_8.3' => "8.3",
+ 'PHP_version_8.1' => "8.1",
+ 'PHP_version_8.2' => "8.2",
+ 'PHP_version_8.3' => "8.3",
$project = $this->io->choice('Select a PHP version', array_values($phpVersions), "8.1");
$project = array_search($project, $phpVersions, true);
@@ -62,8 +62,8 @@ protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int
case "Node_project":
$nodeVersions = [
- 'NODE_version_18.17.1' => "18.17.1",
- 'NODE_version_20.5.1' => "20.5.1",
+ 'NODE_version_18.17.1' => "18.17.1",
+ 'NODE_version_20.5.1' => "20.5.1",
$project = $this->io->choice('Select a NODE version', array_values($nodeVersions), "18.17.1");
$project = array_search($project, $nodeVersions, true);
@@ -82,17 +82,17 @@ protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int
- "deploy to non-prod",
+ "deploy to non-prod",
// Add SSH key to git repository.
- "add ssh key to git",
+ "add ssh key to git",
// Add SSH key to non-production environments.
- "add ssh key to non-prod",
+ "add ssh key to non-prod",
// Add a CD environment.
- "add an environment",
+ "add an environment",
// Delete a CD environment.
- "delete an environment",
+ "delete an environment",
// Manage environment variables on a non-production environment.
- "administer environment variables on non-prod",
+ "administer environment variables on non-prod",
@@ -102,12 +102,12 @@ protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int
$project = $this->determineGitLabProject($cloudApplication);
- "",
- "This command will configure the Code Studio project {$project['path_with_namespace']} for automatic deployment to the",
- "Acquia Cloud Platform application {$cloudApplication->name} ($appUuid)",
- "using credentials (API Token and SSH Key) belonging to {$account->mail}.",
- "",
- "If the {$account->mail} Cloud account is deleted in the future, this Code Studio project will need to be re-configured.",
+ "",
+ "This command will configure the Code Studio project {$project['path_with_namespace']} for automatic deployment to the",
+ "Acquia Cloud Platform application {$cloudApplication->name} ($appUuid)",
+ "using credentials (API Token and SSH Key) belonging to {$account->mail}.",
+ "",
+ "If the {$account->mail} Cloud account is deleted in the future, this Code Studio project will need to be re-configured.",
$answer = $this->io->confirm('Do you want to continue?');
if (!$answer) {
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int
case "Node_project":
$parameters = [
- 'ci_config_path' => 'gitlab-ci/Auto-DevOps.acquia.gitlab-ci.yml@acquia/node-template',
+ 'ci_config_path' => 'gitlab-ci/Auto-DevOps.acquia.gitlab-ci.yml@acquia/node-template',
$client = $this->getGitLabClient();
$client->projects()->update($project['id'], $parameters);
@@ -133,14 +133,14 @@ protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int
- "Successfully configured the Code Studio project!",
- "This project will now use Acquia's Drupal optimized AutoDevOps to build, test, and deploy your code automatically to Acquia Cloud Platform via CI/CD pipelines.",
- "You can visit it here:",
- $project['web_url'],
- "",
- "Next, you should use git to push code to your Code Studio project. E.g.,",
- " git remote add codestudio {$project['http_url_to_repo']}",
- " git push codestudio",
+ "Successfully configured the Code Studio project!",
+ "This project will now use Acquia's Drupal optimized AutoDevOps to build, test, and deploy your code automatically to Acquia Cloud Platform via CI/CD pipelines.",
+ "You can visit it here:",
+ $project['web_url'],
+ "",
+ "Next, you should use git to push code to your Code Studio project. E.g.,",
+ " git remote add codestudio {$project['http_url_to_repo']}",
+ " git push codestudio",
$this->io->note(["If the {$account->mail} Cloud account is deleted in the future, this Code Studio project will need to be re-configured."]);
@@ -181,8 +181,8 @@ private function getGitLabProjectAccessTokenByName(array $project, string $name)
private function getListOfProjectType(): ?array
$array = [
- 'Drupal_project',
- 'Node_project',
+ 'Drupal_project',
+ 'Node_project',
return $array;
@@ -200,10 +200,10 @@ private function createProjectAccessToken(array $project, string $projectAccessT
$this->checklist->addItem("Creating access token named $projectAccessTokenName");
$projectAccessToken = $this->gitLabClient->projects()
->createProjectAccessToken($project['id'], [
- 'expires_at' => new DateTime('+365 days'),
- 'name' => $projectAccessTokenName,
- 'scopes' => ['api', 'write_repository'],
- ]);
+ 'expires_at' => new DateTime('+365 days'),
+ 'name' => $projectAccessTokenName,
+ 'scopes' => ['api', 'write_repository'],
+ ]);
return $projectAccessToken['token'];
@@ -267,17 +267,17 @@ private function createScheduledPipeline(array $project): void
$this->checklist->addItem("Creating scheduled pipeline $scheduledPipelineDescription");
$pipeline = $this->gitLabClient->schedules()->create($project['id'], [
// Every Thursday at midnight.
- 'cron' => '0 0 * * 4',
- 'description' => $scheduledPipelineDescription,
- 'ref' => $project['default_branch'],
+ 'cron' => '0 0 * * 4',
+ 'description' => $scheduledPipelineDescription,
+ 'ref' => $project['default_branch'],
$this->gitLabClient->schedules()->addVariable($project['id'], $pipeline['id'], [
- 'value' => 'true',
+ 'value' => 'true',
$this->gitLabClient->schedules()->addVariable($project['id'], $pipeline['id'], [
- 'value' => 'true',
+ 'value' => 'true',
} else {
$this->checklist->addItem("Scheduled pipeline named $scheduledPipelineDescription already exists");
diff --git a/src/Command/CommandBase.php b/src/Command/CommandBase.php
index 51b7b219d..0231b8746 100644
--- a/src/Command/CommandBase.php
+++ b/src/Command/CommandBase.php
@@ -134,8 +134,8 @@ public function appendHelp(string $helpText): void
protected static function getUuidRegexConstraint(): Regex
return new Regex([
- 'message' => 'This is not a valid UUID.',
- 'pattern' => '/^[0-9A-F]{8}-[0-9A-F]{4}-[0-9A-F]{4}-[0-9A-F]{4}-[0-9A-F]{12}$/i',
+ 'message' => 'This is not a valid UUID.',
+ 'pattern' => '/^[0-9A-F]{8}-[0-9A-F]{4}-[0-9A-F]{4}-[0-9A-F]{4}-[0-9A-F]{12}$/i',
@@ -266,13 +266,13 @@ public function run(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int
return $exitCode;
$eventProperties = [
- 'app_version' => $this->getApplication()->getVersion(),
- 'arguments' => $input->getArguments(),
- 'exit_code' => $exitCode,
- 'options' => $input->getOptions(),
- 'os_name' => OsInfo::os(),
- 'os_version' => OsInfo::version(),
- 'platform' => OsInfo::family(),
+ 'app_version' => $this->getApplication()->getVersion(),
+ 'arguments' => $input->getArguments(),
+ 'exit_code' => $exitCode,
+ 'options' => $input->getOptions(),
+ 'os_name' => OsInfo::os(),
+ 'os_version' => OsInfo::version(),
+ 'platform' => OsInfo::family(),
Amplitude::getInstance()->queueEvent('Ran command', $eventProperties);
@@ -392,8 +392,8 @@ protected function promptChooseLogs(): object|array|null
$logs = array_map(static function (mixed $logType, mixed $logLabel): array {
return [
- 'label' => $logLabel,
- 'type' => $logType,
+ 'label' => $logLabel,
+ 'type' => $logType,
}, array_keys(LogstreamManager::AVAILABLE_TYPES), LogstreamManager::AVAILABLE_TYPES);
return $this->promptChooseFromObjectsOrArrays(
@@ -473,17 +473,17 @@ protected function rsyncFiles(string $sourceDir, string $destinationDir, ?callab
$command = [
- 'rsync',
+ 'rsync',
// -a archive mode; same as -rlptgoD.
// -z compress file data during the transfer.
// -v increase verbosity.
// -P show progress during transfer.
// -h output numbers in a human-readable format.
// -e specify the remote shell to use.
- '-avPhze',
- 'ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no',
- $sourceDir . '/',
- $destinationDir,
+ '-avPhze',
+ 'ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no',
+ $sourceDir . '/',
+ $destinationDir,
$process = $this->localMachineHelper->execute($command, $outputCallback, null, ($this->output->getVerbosity() > OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_NORMAL));
if (!$process->isSuccessful()) {
@@ -656,9 +656,9 @@ protected function getLocalGitCommitHash(): string
$process = $this->localMachineHelper->execute([
- 'git',
- 'rev-parse',
- 'HEAD',
+ 'git',
+ 'rev-parse',
+ 'HEAD',
], null, $this->dir, false);
if (!$process->isSuccessful()) {
@@ -941,10 +941,10 @@ protected function getCloudApplicationUuidFromBltYaml(): ?string
public static function validateUuid(string $uuid): string
$violations = Validation::createValidator()->validate($uuid, [
- new Length([
- 'value' => 36,
- ]),
- self::getUuidRegexConstraint(),
+ new Length([
+ 'value' => 36,
+ ]),
+ self::getUuidRegexConstraint(),
if (count($violations)) {
throw new ValidatorException($violations->get(0)->getMessage());
@@ -1039,9 +1039,9 @@ protected function getCloudEnvironment(string $environmentId): EnvironmentRespon
public static function validateEnvironmentAlias(string $alias): string
$violations = Validation::createValidator()->validate($alias, [
- new Length(['min' => 5]),
- new NotBlank(),
- new Regex(['pattern' => '/.+\..+/', 'message' => 'You must enter either an environment ID or alias. Environment aliases must match the pattern [app-name].[env]']),
+ new Length(['min' => 5]),
+ new NotBlank(),
+ new Regex(['pattern' => '/.+\..+/', 'message' => 'You must enter either an environment ID or alias. Environment aliases must match the pattern [app-name].[env]']),
if (count($violations)) {
throw new ValidatorException($violations->get(0)->getMessage());
@@ -1488,8 +1488,8 @@ protected function reAuthenticate(string $apiKey, string $apiSecret, ?string $ba
// this is being run as a sub-command.
// @see https://github.com/acquia/cli/issues/403
$this->cloudApiClientService->setConnector(new Connector([
- 'key' => $apiKey,
- 'secret' => $apiSecret,
+ 'key' => $apiKey,
+ 'secret' => $apiSecret,
], $baseUri, $accountsUri));
@@ -1563,11 +1563,11 @@ protected function runDrushCacheClear(Closure $outputCallback, Checklist $checkl
$checklist->addItem('Clearing Drupal caches via Drush');
// @todo Add support for Drush 8.
$process = $this->localMachineHelper->execute([
- 'drush',
- 'cache:rebuild',
- '--yes',
- '--no-interaction',
- '--verbose',
+ 'drush',
+ 'cache:rebuild',
+ '--yes',
+ '--no-interaction',
+ '--verbose',
], $outputCallback, $this->dir, false);
if (!$process->isSuccessful()) {
throw new AcquiaCliException('Unable to rebuild Drupal caches via Drush. {message}', ['message' => $process->getErrorOutput()]);
@@ -1583,11 +1583,11 @@ protected function runDrushSqlSanitize(Closure $outputCallback, Checklist $check
if ($this->getDrushDatabaseConnectionStatus()) {
$checklist->addItem('Sanitizing database via Drush');
$process = $this->localMachineHelper->execute([
- 'drush',
- 'sql:sanitize',
- '--yes',
- '--no-interaction',
- '--verbose',
+ 'drush',
+ 'sql:sanitize',
+ '--yes',
+ '--no-interaction',
+ '--verbose',
], $outputCallback, $this->dir, false);
if (!$process->isSuccessful()) {
throw new AcquiaCliException('Unable to sanitize Drupal database via Drush. {message}', ['message' => $process->getErrorOutput()]);
@@ -1603,9 +1603,9 @@ protected function runDrushSqlSanitize(Closure $outputCallback, Checklist $check
private function composerInstall(?callable $outputCallback): void
$process = $this->localMachineHelper->execute([
- 'composer',
- 'install',
- '--no-interaction',
+ 'composer',
+ 'install',
+ '--no-interaction',
], $outputCallback, $this->dir, false);
if (!$process->isSuccessful()) {
throw new AcquiaCliException(
@@ -1622,11 +1622,11 @@ protected function getDrushDatabaseConnectionStatus(Closure $outputCallback = nu
if ($this->localMachineHelper->commandExists('drush')) {
$process = $this->localMachineHelper->execute([
- 'drush',
- 'status',
- '--fields=db-status,drush-version',
- '--format=json',
- '--no-interaction',
+ 'drush',
+ 'status',
+ '--fields=db-status,drush-version',
+ '--format=json',
+ '--no-interaction',
], $outputCallback, $this->dir, false);
if ($process->isSuccessful()) {
$drushStatusReturnOutput = json_decode($process->getOutput(), true);
@@ -1690,9 +1690,9 @@ protected function determineApiKey(): string
private function validateApiKey(mixed $key): string
$violations = Validation::createValidator()->validate($key, [
- new Length(['min' => 10]),
- new NotBlank(),
- new Regex(['pattern' => '/^\S*$/', 'message' => 'The value may not contain spaces']),
+ new Length(['min' => 10]),
+ new NotBlank(),
+ new Regex(['pattern' => '/^\S*$/', 'message' => 'The value may not contain spaces']),
if (count($violations)) {
throw new ValidatorException($violations->get(0)->getMessage());
@@ -1925,8 +1925,8 @@ protected function validateRequiredCloudPermissions(Client $acquiaCloudClient, ?
foreach ($requiredPermissions as $name) {
if (!array_key_exists($name, $keyedPermissions)) {
throw new AcquiaCliException("The Acquia Cloud Platform account {account} does not have the required '{name}' permission. Add the permissions to this user or use an API Token belonging to a different Acquia Cloud Platform user.", [
- 'account' => $account->mail,
- 'name' => $name,
+ 'account' => $account->mail,
+ 'name' => $name,
@@ -1935,10 +1935,10 @@ protected function validateRequiredCloudPermissions(Client $acquiaCloudClient, ?
protected function validatePhpVersion(string $version): string
$violations = Validation::createValidator()->validate($version, [
- new Length(['min' => 3]),
- new NotBlank(),
- new Regex(['pattern' => '/^\S*$/', 'message' => 'The value may not contain spaces']),
- new Regex(['pattern' => '/[0-9]{1}\.[0-9]{1}/', 'message' => 'The value must be in the format "x.y"']),
+ new Length(['min' => 3]),
+ new NotBlank(),
+ new Regex(['pattern' => '/^\S*$/', 'message' => 'The value may not contain spaces']),
+ new Regex(['pattern' => '/[0-9]{1}\.[0-9]{1}/', 'message' => 'The value must be in the format "x.y"']),
if (count($violations)) {
throw new ValidatorException($violations->get(0)->getMessage());
diff --git a/src/Command/DocsCommand.php b/src/Command/DocsCommand.php
index 4512bafac..d4167c4da 100644
--- a/src/Command/DocsCommand.php
+++ b/src/Command/DocsCommand.php
@@ -24,78 +24,78 @@ protected function configure(): void
protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int
$acquiaProducts = [
- 'Acquia CLI' => [
- 'alias' => ['cli', 'acli'],
- 'url' => 'acquia-cli',
- ],
- 'Acquia CMS' => [
- 'alias' => ['acquia_cms', 'acms'],
- 'url' => 'acquia-cms',
- ],
- 'Acquia DAM Classic' => [
- 'alias' => ['dam', 'acquia_dam', 'dam_classic', 'acquiadam', 'damclassic'],
- 'url' => 'dam',
- ],
- 'Acquia Migrate Accelerate' => [
- 'alias' => ['acquia-migrate-accelerate', 'ama'],
- 'url' => 'acquia-migrate-accelerate',
- ],
- 'BLT' => [
- 'alias' => ['blt'],
- 'url' => 'blt',
- ],
- 'Campaign Factory' => [
- 'alias' => ['campaign-factory', 'campaign_factory', 'campaignfactory'],
- 'url' => 'campaign-factory',
- ],
- 'Campaign Studio' => [
- 'alias' => ['campaign-studio', 'campaignstudio'],
- 'url' => 'campaign-studio',
- ],
- 'Cloud IDE' => [
- 'alias' => ['ide', 'cloud_ide', 'cloud-ide'],
- 'url' => 'ide',
- ],
- 'Cloud Platform' => [
- 'alias' => ['cloud-platform', 'acquiacloud', 'acquia_cloud', 'acquia-cloud', 'cloud'],
- 'url' => 'cloud-platform',
- ],
- 'Code Studio' => [
- 'alias' => ['code_studio', 'codestudio', 'cs'],
- 'url' => 'code-studio',
- ],
- 'Content Hub' => [
- 'alias' => ['contenthub', 'ch'],
- 'url' => 'contenthub',
- ],
- 'Customer Data Platform' => [
- 'alias' => ['customer-data-platform', 'cdp'],
- 'url' => 'customer-data-platform',
- ],
- 'Edge' => [
- 'alias' => ['edge', 'cloudedge'],
- 'url' => 'edge',
- ],
- 'Personalization' => [
- 'alias' => ['personalization'],
- 'url' => 'personalization',
- ],
- 'Search' => [
- 'alias' => ['search', 'acquia-search'],
- 'url' => 'acquia-search',
- ],
- 'Shield' => [
- 'alias' => ['shield'],
- 'url' => 'shield',
- ],
- 'Site Factory' => [
- 'alias' => ['site-factory', 'acsf'],
- 'url' => 'site-factory',
- ],
- 'Site Studio' => [
- 'alias' => ['site-studio', 'cohesion'],
- 'url' => 'site-studio',
- ],
+ 'Acquia CLI' => [
+ 'alias' => ['cli', 'acli'],
+ 'url' => 'acquia-cli',
+ ],
+ 'Acquia CMS' => [
+ 'alias' => ['acquia_cms', 'acms'],
+ 'url' => 'acquia-cms',
+ ],
+ 'Acquia DAM Classic' => [
+ 'alias' => ['dam', 'acquia_dam', 'dam_classic', 'acquiadam', 'damclassic'],
+ 'url' => 'dam',
+ ],
+ 'Acquia Migrate Accelerate' => [
+ 'alias' => ['acquia-migrate-accelerate', 'ama'],
+ 'url' => 'acquia-migrate-accelerate',
+ ],
+ 'BLT' => [
+ 'alias' => ['blt'],
+ 'url' => 'blt',
+ ],
+ 'Campaign Factory' => [
+ 'alias' => ['campaign-factory', 'campaign_factory', 'campaignfactory'],
+ 'url' => 'campaign-factory',
+ ],
+ 'Campaign Studio' => [
+ 'alias' => ['campaign-studio', 'campaignstudio'],
+ 'url' => 'campaign-studio',
+ ],
+ 'Cloud IDE' => [
+ 'alias' => ['ide', 'cloud_ide', 'cloud-ide'],
+ 'url' => 'ide',
+ ],
+ 'Cloud Platform' => [
+ 'alias' => ['cloud-platform', 'acquiacloud', 'acquia_cloud', 'acquia-cloud', 'cloud'],
+ 'url' => 'cloud-platform',
+ ],
+ 'Code Studio' => [
+ 'alias' => ['code_studio', 'codestudio', 'cs'],
+ 'url' => 'code-studio',
+ ],
+ 'Content Hub' => [
+ 'alias' => ['contenthub', 'ch'],
+ 'url' => 'contenthub',
+ ],
+ 'Customer Data Platform' => [
+ 'alias' => ['customer-data-platform', 'cdp'],
+ 'url' => 'customer-data-platform',
+ ],
+ 'Edge' => [
+ 'alias' => ['edge', 'cloudedge'],
+ 'url' => 'edge',
+ ],
+ 'Personalization' => [
+ 'alias' => ['personalization'],
+ 'url' => 'personalization',
+ ],
+ 'Search' => [
+ 'alias' => ['search', 'acquia-search'],
+ 'url' => 'acquia-search',
+ ],
+ 'Shield' => [
+ 'alias' => ['shield'],
+ 'url' => 'shield',
+ ],
+ 'Site Factory' => [
+ 'alias' => ['site-factory', 'acsf'],
+ 'url' => 'site-factory',
+ ],
+ 'Site Studio' => [
+ 'alias' => ['site-studio', 'cohesion'],
+ 'url' => 'site-studio',
+ ],
// If user has provided any acquia product in command.
diff --git a/src/Command/Email/ConfigurePlatformEmailCommand.php b/src/Command/Email/ConfigurePlatformEmailCommand.php
index 7f7a7e44e..368c60707 100644
--- a/src/Command/Email/ConfigurePlatformEmailCommand.php
+++ b/src/Command/Email/ConfigurePlatformEmailCommand.php
@@ -55,18 +55,18 @@ protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int
$client = $this->cloudApiClientService->getClient();
$subscription = $this->determineCloudSubscription();
$client->request('post', "/subscriptions/$subscription->uuid/domains", [
- 'form_params' => [
- 'domain' => $baseDomain,
- ],
+ 'form_params' => [
+ 'domain' => $baseDomain,
+ ],
$domainUuid = $this->fetchDomainUuid($client, $subscription, $baseDomain);
- "Great! You've registered the domain $baseDomain to subscription $subscription->name.",
- "We will create a file with the DNS records for your newly registered domain",
- "Provide these records to your DNS provider",
- "After you've done this, continue to domain verification.",
+ "Great! You've registered the domain $baseDomain to subscription $subscription->name.",
+ "We will create a file with the DNS records for your newly registered domain",
+ "Provide these records to your DNS provider",
+ "After you've done this, continue to domain verification.",
$fileFormat = $this->io->choice('Would you like your DNS records in BIND Zone File, JSON, or YAML format?', ['BIND Zone File', 'YAML', 'JSON'], 'BIND Zone File');
$this->createDnsText($client, $subscription, $baseDomain, $domainUuid, $fileFormat);
@@ -330,8 +330,8 @@ private function checkIfDomainVerified(
private function determineDomain(): string
$domain = $this->io->ask("What's the domain name you'd like to register?", '', Closure::fromCallable([
- $this,
- 'validateUrl',
+ $this,
+ 'validateUrl',
$domainParts = parse_url($domain);
diff --git a/src/Command/Email/EmailInfoForSubscriptionCommand.php b/src/Command/Email/EmailInfoForSubscriptionCommand.php
index f4b6fcd3e..9f01e51c6 100644
--- a/src/Command/Email/EmailInfoForSubscriptionCommand.php
+++ b/src/Command/Email/EmailInfoForSubscriptionCommand.php
@@ -110,37 +110,37 @@ private function writeDomainsToTables(OutputInterface $output, SubscriptionRespo
- $domain->domain_name,
- $domain->uuid,
- $this->showHumanReadableStatus($domain->health->code) . ' - ' . $domain->health->code,
+ $domain->domain_name,
+ $domain->uuid,
+ $this->showHumanReadableStatus($domain->health->code) . ' - ' . $domain->health->code,
- $domain->domain_name,
- $domain->uuid,
- $this->showHumanReadableStatus($domain->health->code) . ' - ' . $domain->health->code,
+ $domain->domain_name,
+ $domain->uuid,
+ $this->showHumanReadableStatus($domain->health->code) . ' - ' . $domain->health->code,
foreach ($domain->dns_records as $index => $record) {
if ($index === 0) {
- $domain->domain_name,
- $domain->uuid,
- $this->showHumanReadableStatus($domain->health->code) . ' - ' . $domain->health->code,
- $record->name,
- $record->type,
- $record->value,
- $record->health->details,
+ $domain->domain_name,
+ $domain->uuid,
+ $this->showHumanReadableStatus($domain->health->code) . ' - ' . $domain->health->code,
+ $record->name,
+ $record->type,
+ $record->value,
+ $record->health->details,
} else {
- '',
- '',
- '',
- $record->name,
- $record->type,
- $record->value,
- $record->health->details,
+ '',
+ '',
+ '',
+ $record->name,
+ $record->type,
+ $record->value,
+ $record->health->details,
@@ -204,17 +204,17 @@ private function renderApplicationAssociations(OutputInterface $output, Client $
if (count($appDomains)) {
foreach ($appDomains as $domain) {
- $domain->domain_name,
- var_export($domain->flags->associated, true),
+ $domain->domain_name,
+ var_export($domain->flags->associated, true),
$writerAppsDomains->insertOne([$app->name, $domain->domain_name, var_export($domain->flags->associated, true)]);
} else {
$appsDomainsTable->addRow([new TableCell("No domains eligible for association.", [
- 'colspan' => 2,
- 'style' => new TableCellStyle([
- 'fg' => 'yellow',
- ]),
+ 'colspan' => 2,
+ 'style' => new TableCellStyle([
+ 'fg' => 'yellow',
+ ]),
$writerAppsDomains->insertOne([$app->name, 'No domains eligible for association', '']);
diff --git a/src/Command/Env/EnvCopyCronCommand.php b/src/Command/Env/EnvCopyCronCommand.php
index d6b6923a8..4c000d85b 100644
--- a/src/Command/Env/EnvCopyCronCommand.php
+++ b/src/Command/Env/EnvCopyCronCommand.php
@@ -73,11 +73,11 @@ protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int
// when environment is provisioned.
if (!$cron->flags->system) {
$cronFrequency = implode(' ', [
- $cron->minute,
- $cron->hour,
- $cron->dayMonth,
- $cron->month,
- $cron->dayWeek,
+ $cron->minute,
+ $cron->hour,
+ $cron->dayMonth,
+ $cron->month,
+ $cron->dayWeek,
$this->io->info('Copying the cron task "' . $cron->label . '" from ' . $sourceEnvId . ' to ' . $destEnvId);
@@ -93,10 +93,10 @@ protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int
$this->io->error('There was some error while copying the cron task "' . $cron->label . '"');
// Log the error for debugging purpose.
$this->logger->debug('Error @error while copying the cron task @cron from @source env to @dest env', [
- '@cron' => $cron->label,
- '@dest' => $destEnvId,
- '@error' => $e->getMessage(),
- '@source' => $sourceEnvId,
+ '@cron' => $cron->label,
+ '@dest' => $destEnvId,
+ '@error' => $e->getMessage(),
+ '@source' => $sourceEnvId,
return 1;
diff --git a/src/Command/Env/EnvCreateCommand.php b/src/Command/Env/EnvCreateCommand.php
index 3eb49463c..19cf133a6 100644
--- a/src/Command/Env/EnvCreateCommand.php
+++ b/src/Command/Env/EnvCreateCommand.php
@@ -57,8 +57,8 @@ protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int
if (isset($environment)) {
- '',
- "Your CDE URL: domains[0]}>{$environment->domains[0]}>",
+ '',
+ "Your CDE URL: domains[0]}>{$environment->domains[0]}>",
diff --git a/src/Command/Env/EnvDeleteCommand.php b/src/Command/Env/EnvDeleteCommand.php
index 25719c9c1..e4c8488f9 100644
--- a/src/Command/Env/EnvDeleteCommand.php
+++ b/src/Command/Env/EnvDeleteCommand.php
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int
- "The {$environment->label} environment is being deleted",
+ "The {$environment->label} environment is being deleted",
return Command::SUCCESS;
diff --git a/src/Command/Env/EnvMirrorCommand.php b/src/Command/Env/EnvMirrorCommand.php
index e3860ff7e..12592a767 100644
--- a/src/Command/Env/EnvMirrorCommand.php
+++ b/src/Command/Env/EnvMirrorCommand.php
@@ -92,9 +92,9 @@ protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int
- "Done! {$destinationEnvironment->label} now matches {$sourceEnvironment->label}",
- "You can visit it here:",
- "https://" . $destinationEnvironment->domains[0],
+ "Done! {$destinationEnvironment->label} now matches {$sourceEnvironment->label}",
+ "You can visit it here:",
+ "https://" . $destinationEnvironment->domains[0],
return Command::SUCCESS;
@@ -130,9 +130,9 @@ private function mirrorCode(Client $acquiaCloudClient, mixed $destinationEnviron
$this->checklist->addItem("Initiating code switch");
$outputCallback('out', "Switching to {$sourceEnvironment->vcs->path}");
$codeCopyResponse = $acquiaCloudClient->request('post', "/environments/$destinationEnvironmentUuid/code/actions/switch", [
- 'form_params' => [
- 'branch' => $sourceEnvironment->vcs->path,
- ],
+ 'form_params' => [
+ 'branch' => $sourceEnvironment->vcs->path,
+ ],
$codeCopyResponse->links = $codeCopyResponse->_links;
diff --git a/src/Command/Ide/IdeCommandBase.php b/src/Command/Ide/IdeCommandBase.php
index f3204ccc3..fbeab7c18 100644
--- a/src/Command/Ide/IdeCommandBase.php
+++ b/src/Command/Ide/IdeCommandBase.php
@@ -42,9 +42,9 @@ protected function promptIdeChoice(
protected function startService(string $service): void
$process = $this->localMachineHelper->execute([
- 'supervisorctl',
- 'start',
- $service,
+ 'supervisorctl',
+ 'start',
+ $service,
], null, null, false);
if (!$process->isSuccessful()) {
throw new AcquiaCliException('Unable to start ' . $service . ' in the IDE: {error}', ['error' => $process->getErrorOutput()]);
@@ -57,9 +57,9 @@ protected function startService(string $service): void
protected function stopService(string $service): void
$process = $this->localMachineHelper->execute([
- 'supervisorctl',
- 'stop',
- $service,
+ 'supervisorctl',
+ 'stop',
+ $service,
], null, null, false);
if (!$process->isSuccessful()) {
throw new AcquiaCliException('Unable to stop ' . $service . ' in the IDE: {error}', ['error' => $process->getErrorOutput()]);
@@ -72,9 +72,9 @@ protected function stopService(string $service): void
protected function restartService(string $service): void
$process = $this->localMachineHelper->execute([
- 'supervisorctl',
- 'restart',
- $service,
+ 'supervisorctl',
+ 'restart',
+ $service,
], null, null, false);
if (!$process->isSuccessful()) {
throw new AcquiaCliException('Unable to restart ' . $service . ' in the IDE: {error}', ['error' => $process->getErrorOutput()]);
diff --git a/src/Command/Ide/IdeCreateCommand.php b/src/Command/Ide/IdeCreateCommand.php
index 2c106e5cd..f62933d6b 100644
--- a/src/Command/Ide/IdeCreateCommand.php
+++ b/src/Command/Ide/IdeCreateCommand.php
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int
public function validateIdeLabel(string $label): string
$violations = Validation::createValidator()->validate($label, [
- new Regex(['pattern' => '/^[\w\' ]+$/', 'message' => 'Use only letters, numbers, and spaces']),
+ new Regex(['pattern' => '/^[\w\' ]+$/', 'message' => 'Use only letters, numbers, and spaces']),
if (count($violations)) {
throw new ValidatorException($violations->get(0)->getMessage());
diff --git a/src/Command/Ide/IdeListCommand.php b/src/Command/Ide/IdeListCommand.php
index dfa5e9bac..37bd43a86 100644
--- a/src/Command/Ide/IdeListCommand.php
+++ b/src/Command/Ide/IdeListCommand.php
@@ -36,10 +36,10 @@ protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int
foreach ($applicationIdes as $ide) {
- ["{$ide->label} ({$ide->owner->mail})"],
- ["IDE URL: links->ide->href}>{$ide->links->ide->href}>"],
- ["Web URL: links->web->href}>{$ide->links->web->href}>"],
- new TableSeparator(),
+ ["{$ide->label} ({$ide->owner->mail})"],
+ ["IDE URL: links->ide->href}>{$ide->links->ide->href}>"],
+ ["Web URL: links->web->href}>{$ide->links->web->href}>"],
+ new TableSeparator(),
diff --git a/src/Command/Ide/IdeListMineCommand.php b/src/Command/Ide/IdeListMineCommand.php
index cb7fb3f87..a5a1325f3 100644
--- a/src/Command/Ide/IdeListMineCommand.php
+++ b/src/Command/Ide/IdeListMineCommand.php
@@ -36,13 +36,13 @@ protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int
$applicationUrl = str_replace('/api', '/a', $application->links->self->href);
- ["$ide->label"],
- ["UUID: $ide->uuid"],
- ["Application: $application->name>"],
- ["Subscription: {$application->subscription->name}"],
- ["IDE URL: links->ide->href}>{$ide->links->ide->href}>"],
- ["Web URL: links->web->href}>{$ide->links->web->href}>"],
- new TableSeparator(),
+ ["$ide->label"],
+ ["UUID: $ide->uuid"],
+ ["Application: $application->name>"],
+ ["Subscription: {$application->subscription->name}"],
+ ["IDE URL: links->ide->href}>{$ide->links->ide->href}>"],
+ ["Web URL: links->web->href}>{$ide->links->web->href}>"],
+ new TableSeparator(),
diff --git a/src/Command/Ide/IdeServiceRestartCommand.php b/src/Command/Ide/IdeServiceRestartCommand.php
index c6a0eee34..58e5dee2d 100644
--- a/src/Command/Ide/IdeServiceRestartCommand.php
+++ b/src/Command/Ide/IdeServiceRestartCommand.php
@@ -34,12 +34,12 @@ protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int
$serviceNameMap = [
- 'apache' => 'apache2',
- 'apache2' => 'apache2',
- 'mysql' => 'mysqld',
- 'mysqld' => 'mysqld',
- 'php' => 'php-fpm',
- 'php-fpm' => 'php-fpm',
+ 'apache' => 'apache2',
+ 'apache2' => 'apache2',
+ 'mysql' => 'mysqld',
+ 'mysqld' => 'mysqld',
+ 'php' => 'php-fpm',
+ 'php-fpm' => 'php-fpm',
$output->writeln("Restarting $service>...");
$serviceName = $serviceNameMap[$service];
@@ -52,10 +52,10 @@ protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int
private function validateService(string $service): void
$violations = Validation::createValidator()->validate($service, [
- new Choice([
- 'choices' => ['php', 'php-fpm', 'apache', 'apache2', 'mysql', 'mysqld'],
- 'message' => 'Specify a valid service name: php, apache, or mysql',
- ]),
+ new Choice([
+ 'choices' => ['php', 'php-fpm', 'apache', 'apache2', 'mysql', 'mysqld'],
+ 'message' => 'Specify a valid service name: php, apache, or mysql',
+ ]),
if (count($violations)) {
throw new ValidatorException($violations->get(0)->getMessage());
diff --git a/src/Command/Ide/IdeServiceStartCommand.php b/src/Command/Ide/IdeServiceStartCommand.php
index 71a5e19b0..0e1e4bf4e 100644
--- a/src/Command/Ide/IdeServiceStartCommand.php
+++ b/src/Command/Ide/IdeServiceStartCommand.php
@@ -34,12 +34,12 @@ protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int
$serviceNameMap = [
- 'apache' => 'apache2',
- 'apache2' => 'apache2',
- 'mysql' => 'mysqld',
- 'mysqld' => 'mysqld',
- 'php' => 'php-fpm',
- 'php-fpm' => 'php-fpm',
+ 'apache' => 'apache2',
+ 'apache2' => 'apache2',
+ 'mysql' => 'mysqld',
+ 'mysqld' => 'mysqld',
+ 'php' => 'php-fpm',
+ 'php-fpm' => 'php-fpm',
$output->writeln("Starting $service>...");
$serviceName = $serviceNameMap[$service];
@@ -52,10 +52,10 @@ protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int
private function validateService(string $service): void
$violations = Validation::createValidator()->validate($service, [
- new Choice([
- 'choices' => ['php', 'php-fpm', 'apache', 'apache2', 'mysql', 'mysqld'],
- 'message' => 'Specify a valid service name: php, apache, or mysql',
- ]),
+ new Choice([
+ 'choices' => ['php', 'php-fpm', 'apache', 'apache2', 'mysql', 'mysqld'],
+ 'message' => 'Specify a valid service name: php, apache, or mysql',
+ ]),
if (count($violations)) {
throw new ValidatorException($violations->get(0)->getMessage());
diff --git a/src/Command/Ide/IdeServiceStopCommand.php b/src/Command/Ide/IdeServiceStopCommand.php
index 039015a1d..ae93ff415 100644
--- a/src/Command/Ide/IdeServiceStopCommand.php
+++ b/src/Command/Ide/IdeServiceStopCommand.php
@@ -34,12 +34,12 @@ protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int
$serviceNameMap = [
- 'apache' => 'apache2',
- 'apache2' => 'apache2',
- 'mysql' => 'mysqld',
- 'mysqld' => 'mysqld',
- 'php' => 'php-fpm',
- 'php-fpm' => 'php-fpm',
+ 'apache' => 'apache2',
+ 'apache2' => 'apache2',
+ 'mysql' => 'mysqld',
+ 'mysqld' => 'mysqld',
+ 'php' => 'php-fpm',
+ 'php-fpm' => 'php-fpm',
$output->writeln("Stopping $service>...");
$serviceName = $serviceNameMap[$service];
@@ -52,10 +52,10 @@ protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int
private function validateService(string $service): void
$violations = Validation::createValidator()->validate($service, [
- new Choice([
- 'choices' => ['php', 'php-fpm', 'apache', 'apache2', 'mysql', 'mysqld'],
- 'message' => 'Specify a valid service name: php, apache, or mysql',
- ]),
+ new Choice([
+ 'choices' => ['php', 'php-fpm', 'apache', 'apache2', 'mysql', 'mysqld'],
+ 'message' => 'Specify a valid service name: php, apache, or mysql',
+ ]),
if (count($violations)) {
throw new ValidatorException($violations->get(0)->getMessage());
diff --git a/src/Command/Ide/IdeShareCommand.php b/src/Command/Ide/IdeShareCommand.php
index f01240c89..5ebc67658 100644
--- a/src/Command/Ide/IdeShareCommand.php
+++ b/src/Command/Ide/IdeShareCommand.php
@@ -57,8 +57,8 @@ private function getShareCodeFilepaths(): array
if (!isset($this->shareCodeFilepaths)) {
$this->shareCodeFilepaths = [
- '/usr/local/share/ide/.sharecode',
- '/home/ide/.sharecode',
+ '/usr/local/share/ide/.sharecode',
+ '/home/ide/.sharecode',
return $this->shareCodeFilepaths;
diff --git a/src/Command/Ide/Wizard/IdeWizardCreateSshKeyCommand.php b/src/Command/Ide/Wizard/IdeWizardCreateSshKeyCommand.php
index f8383b732..f6bbb2f0c 100644
--- a/src/Command/Ide/Wizard/IdeWizardCreateSshKeyCommand.php
+++ b/src/Command/Ide/Wizard/IdeWizardCreateSshKeyCommand.php
@@ -37,9 +37,9 @@ protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int
// Add SSH key to git repository.
- "add ssh key to git",
+ "add ssh key to git",
// Add SSH key to non-production environments.
- "add ssh key to non-prod",
+ "add ssh key to non-prod",
diff --git a/src/Command/Pull/PullCommandBase.php b/src/Command/Pull/PullCommandBase.php
index 84b93117a..f12954456 100644
--- a/src/Command/Pull/PullCommandBase.php
+++ b/src/Command/Pull/PullCommandBase.php
@@ -100,10 +100,10 @@ public static function getBackupPath(object $environment, DatabaseResponse $data
$dbMachineName = 'db' . $database->id;
$filename = implode('-', [
- $environment->name,
- $database->name,
- $dbMachineName,
- $backupResponse->completedAt,
+ $environment->name,
+ $database->name,
+ $dbMachineName,
+ $backupResponse->completedAt,
]) . '.sql.gz';
return Path::join(sys_get_temp_dir(), $filename);
@@ -182,9 +182,9 @@ private function pullCodeFromCloud(EnvironmentResponse $chosenEnvironment, Closu
// @todo Validate that an Acquia remote is configured for this repository.
- 'git',
- 'fetch',
- '--all',
+ 'git',
+ 'fetch',
+ '--all',
], $outputCallback, $this->dir, false);
$this->checkoutBranchFromEnv($chosenEnvironment, $outputCallback);
@@ -196,9 +196,9 @@ private function checkoutBranchFromEnv(EnvironmentResponse $environment, Closure
- 'git',
- 'checkout',
- $environment->vcs->path,
+ 'git',
+ 'checkout',
+ $environment->vcs->path,
], $outputCallback, $this->dir, false);
@@ -234,8 +234,8 @@ private function downloadDatabaseBackup(
$acquiaCloudClient = $this->cloudApiClientService->getClient();
$acquiaCloudClient->addOption('sink', $localFilepath);
$acquiaCloudClient->addOption('curl.options', [
- 'CURLOPT_FILE' => $localFilepath,
+ 'CURLOPT_FILE' => $localFilepath,
@@ -352,21 +352,21 @@ private function connectToLocalDatabase(string $dbHost, string $dbUser, string $
$command = [
- 'mysql',
- '--host',
- $dbHost,
- '--user',
- $dbUser,
- $dbName,
+ 'mysql',
+ '--host',
+ $dbHost,
+ '--user',
+ $dbUser,
+ $dbName,
$process = $this->localMachineHelper->execute($command, $outputCallback, null, false, null, ['MYSQL_PWD' => $dbPassword]);
if (!$process->isSuccessful()) {
throw new AcquiaCliException('Unable to connect to local database using credentials mysql://{user}:{password}@{host}/{database}. {message}', [
- 'database' => $dbName,
- 'host' => $dbHost,
- 'message' => $process->getErrorOutput(),
- 'password' => $dbPassword,
- 'user' => $dbUser,
+ 'database' => $dbName,
+ 'host' => $dbHost,
+ 'message' => $process->getErrorOutput(),
+ 'password' => $dbPassword,
+ 'user' => $dbUser,
@@ -378,15 +378,15 @@ private function dropDbTables(string $dbHost, string $dbUser, string $dbName, st
$command = [
- 'mysql',
- '--host',
- $dbHost,
- '--user',
- $dbUser,
- $dbName,
- '--silent',
- '-e',
+ 'mysql',
+ '--host',
+ $dbHost,
+ '--user',
+ $dbUser,
+ $dbName,
+ '--silent',
+ '-e',
$process = $this->localMachineHelper->execute($command, $outputCallback, null, false, null, ['MYSQL_PWD' => $dbPassword]);
$tables = $this->listTablesQuoted($process->getOutput());
@@ -395,14 +395,14 @@ private function dropDbTables(string $dbHost, string $dbUser, string $dbName, st
$tempnam = $this->localMachineHelper->getFilesystem()->tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'acli_drop_table_', '.sql');
$this->localMachineHelper->getFilesystem()->dumpFile($tempnam, $sql);
$command = [
- 'mysql',
- '--host',
- $dbHost,
- '--user',
- $dbUser,
- $dbName,
- '-e',
- 'source ' . $tempnam,
+ 'mysql',
+ '--host',
+ $dbHost,
+ '--user',
+ $dbUser,
+ $dbName,
+ '-e',
+ 'source ' . $tempnam,
$process = $this->localMachineHelper->execute($command, $outputCallback, null, false, null, ['MYSQL_PWD' => $dbPassword]);
if (!$process->isSuccessful()) {
@@ -489,10 +489,10 @@ private function cloneFromCloud(EnvironmentResponse $chosenEnvironment, Closure
$command = [
- 'git',
- 'clone',
- $chosenEnvironment->vcs->url,
- $this->dir,
+ 'git',
+ 'clone',
+ $chosenEnvironment->vcs->url,
+ $this->dir,
$process = $this->localMachineHelper->execute($command, $outputCallback, null, ($this->output->getVerbosity() > OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_NORMAL), null, ['GIT_SSH_COMMAND' => 'ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no']);
$this->checkoutBranchFromEnv($chosenEnvironment, $outputCallback);
@@ -567,9 +567,9 @@ private function printDatabaseBackupInfo(
$dateFormatted = date("D M j G:i:s T Y", strtotime($backupResponse->completedAt));
$webLink = "https://cloud.acquia.com/a/environments/{$sourceEnvironment->uuid}/databases";
$messages = [
- "Using a database backup that is $hoursInterval hours old. Backup #$backupResponse->id was created at {$dateFormatted}.",
- "You can view your backups here: $webLink",
- "To generate a new backup, re-run this command with the --on-demand option.",
+ "Using a database backup that is $hoursInterval hours old. Backup #$backupResponse->id was created at {$dateFormatted}.",
+ "You can view your backups here: $webLink",
+ "To generate a new backup, re-run this command with the --on-demand option.",
if ($hoursInterval > 24) {
diff --git a/src/Command/Push/PushArtifactCommand.php b/src/Command/Push/PushArtifactCommand.php
index de9ccbdf6..9477ef84b 100644
--- a/src/Command/Push/PushArtifactCommand.php
+++ b/src/Command/Push/PushArtifactCommand.php
@@ -101,12 +101,12 @@ protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int
$destinationGitUrlsString = implode(',', $destinationGitUrls);
$refType = $this->input->getOption('destination-git-tag') ? 'tag' : 'branch';
- "Acquia CLI will:",
- "- git clone $sourceGitBranch from $destinationGitUrls[0]",
- "- Compile the contents of $this->dir into an artifact in a temporary directory",
- "- Copy the artifact files into the checked out copy of $sourceGitBranch",
- "- Commit changes and push the $destinationGitRef $refType to the following git remote(s):",
- " $destinationGitUrlsString",
+ "Acquia CLI will:",
+ "- git clone $sourceGitBranch from $destinationGitUrls[0]",
+ "- Compile the contents of $this->dir into an artifact in a temporary directory",
+ "- Copy the artifact files into the checked out copy of $sourceGitBranch",
+ "- Commit changes and push the $destinationGitRef $refType to the following git remote(s):",
+ " $destinationGitUrlsString",
$this->checklist->addItem('Preparing artifact directory');
@@ -180,37 +180,37 @@ private function cloneSourceBranch(Closure $outputCallback, string $artifactDir,
$outputCallback('out', "Initializing Git in $artifactDir");
$process = $this->localMachineHelper->execute([
- 'git',
- 'clone',
- '--depth=1',
- $vcsUrl,
- $artifactDir,
+ 'git',
+ 'clone',
+ '--depth=1',
+ $vcsUrl,
+ $artifactDir,
], $outputCallback, null, ($this->output->getVerbosity() > OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_NORMAL));
if (!$process->isSuccessful()) {
throw new AcquiaCliException('Failed to clone repository from the Cloud Platform: {message}', ['message' => $process->getErrorOutput()]);
$process = $this->localMachineHelper->execute([
- 'git',
- 'fetch',
- '--depth=1',
- '--update-head-ok',
- $vcsUrl,
- $vcsPath . ':' . $vcsPath,
+ 'git',
+ 'fetch',
+ '--depth=1',
+ '--update-head-ok',
+ $vcsUrl,
+ $vcsPath . ':' . $vcsPath,
], $outputCallback, $artifactDir, ($this->output->getVerbosity() > OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_NORMAL));
if (!$process->isSuccessful()) {
// Remote branch does not exist. Just create it locally. This will create
// the new branch off of the current commit.
$process = $this->localMachineHelper->execute([
- 'git',
- 'checkout',
- '-b',
- $vcsPath,
+ 'git',
+ 'checkout',
+ '-b',
+ $vcsPath,
], $outputCallback, $artifactDir, ($this->output->getVerbosity() > OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_NORMAL));
} else {
$process = $this->localMachineHelper->execute([
- 'git',
- 'checkout',
- $vcsPath,
+ 'git',
+ 'checkout',
+ $vcsPath,
], $outputCallback, $artifactDir, ($this->output->getVerbosity() > OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_NORMAL));
if (!$process->isSuccessful()) {
@@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ private function sanitizeArtifact(Closure $outputCallback, string $artifactDir):
- "$artifactDir/vendor",
+ "$artifactDir/vendor",
$drushDir = "$artifactDir/drush";
@@ -295,15 +295,15 @@ private function sanitizeArtifact(Closure $outputCallback, string $artifactDir):
$outputCallback('out', 'Finding other common text files');
$filenames = [
$textFileFinder = $this->localMachineHelper->getFinder()
@@ -361,10 +361,10 @@ private function pushArtifact(Closure $outputCallback, string $artifactDir, arra
foreach ($vcsUrls as $vcsUrl) {
$outputCallback('out', "Pushing changes to Acquia Git ($vcsUrl)");
$args = [
- 'git',
- 'push',
- $vcsUrl,
- $destGitBranch,
+ 'git',
+ 'push',
+ $vcsUrl,
+ $destGitBranch,
$process = $this->localMachineHelper->execute($args, $outputCallback, $artifactDir, ($this->output->getVerbosity() > OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_NORMAL));
if (!$process->isSuccessful()) {
@@ -385,7 +385,7 @@ private function vendorDirs(): array
$this->vendorDirs = [
- 'vendor',
+ 'vendor',
if (file_exists($this->composerJsonPath)) {
$composerJson = json_decode($this->localMachineHelper->readFile($this->composerJsonPath), true, 512, JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR);
@@ -424,8 +424,8 @@ private function scaffoldFiles(string $artifactDir): array
private function validateSourceCode(): void
$requiredPaths = [
- $this->composerJsonPath,
- $this->docrootPath,
+ $this->composerJsonPath,
+ $this->docrootPath,
foreach ($requiredPaths as $requiredPath) {
if (!file_exists($requiredPath)) {
@@ -483,9 +483,9 @@ private function createTag(mixed $tagName, Closure $outputCallback, string $arti
$process = $this->localMachineHelper->execute([
- 'git',
- 'tag',
- $tagName,
+ 'git',
+ 'tag',
+ $tagName,
], $outputCallback, $artifactDir, ($this->output->getVerbosity() > OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_NORMAL));
if (!$process->isSuccessful()) {
throw new AcquiaCliException('Failed to create Git tag: {message}', ['message' => $process->getErrorOutput()]);
diff --git a/src/Command/Push/PushDatabaseCommand.php b/src/Command/Push/PushDatabaseCommand.php
index dd9ee417c..0bfd6609d 100644
--- a/src/Command/Push/PushDatabaseCommand.php
+++ b/src/Command/Push/PushDatabaseCommand.php
@@ -67,11 +67,11 @@ private function uploadDatabaseDump(
$this->logger->debug("Uploading database dump to $remoteFilepath on remote machine");
$command = [
- 'rsync',
- '-tDvPhe',
- 'ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no',
- $localFilepath,
- $environment->sshUrl . ':' . $remoteFilepath,
+ 'rsync',
+ '-tDvPhe',
+ 'ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no',
+ $localFilepath,
+ $environment->sshUrl . ':' . $remoteFilepath,
$process = $this->localMachineHelper->execute($command, $outputCallback, null, ($this->output->getVerbosity() > OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_NORMAL));
if (!$process->isSuccessful()) {
diff --git a/src/Command/Remote/AliasesDownloadCommand.php b/src/Command/Remote/AliasesDownloadCommand.php
index 89f7a0978..da296796c 100644
--- a/src/Command/Remote/AliasesDownloadCommand.php
+++ b/src/Command/Remote/AliasesDownloadCommand.php
@@ -66,8 +66,8 @@ protected function promptChooseDrushAliasVersion(): string
$this->io->writeln('Drush changed how aliases are defined in Drush 9. Drush 8 aliases are PHP-based and stored in your home directory, while Drush 9+ aliases are YAML-based and stored with your project.');
$question = 'Choose your preferred alias compatibility:';
$choices = [
- '8' => 'Drush 8 / Drupal 7 (PHP)',
- '9' => 'Drush 9+ / Drupal 8+ (YAML)',
+ '8' => 'Drush 8 / Drupal 7 (PHP)',
+ '9' => 'Drush 9+ / Drupal 8+ (YAML)',
return (string) array_search($this->io->choice($question, $choices, '9'), $choices, true);
diff --git a/src/Command/Remote/DrushCommand.php b/src/Command/Remote/DrushCommand.php
index dad6feb32..0b8c0bad8 100644
--- a/src/Command/Remote/DrushCommand.php
+++ b/src/Command/Remote/DrushCommand.php
@@ -40,9 +40,9 @@ protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): ?int
array_unshift($drushArguments, "--uri=http://$environment->default_domain");
$drushCommandArguments = [
- "cd /var/www/html/$alias/docroot; ",
- 'drush',
- implode(' ', $drushArguments),
+ "cd /var/www/html/$alias/docroot; ",
+ 'drush',
+ implode(' ', $drushArguments),
return $this->sshHelper->executeCommand($environment->sshUrl, $drushCommandArguments)->getExitCode();
diff --git a/src/Command/Remote/SshCommand.php b/src/Command/Remote/SshCommand.php
index 22ba6bee6..cd5841d36 100644
--- a/src/Command/Remote/SshCommand.php
+++ b/src/Command/Remote/SshCommand.php
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): ?int
throw new AcquiaCliException('Cannot determine environment SSH URL. Check that you have SSH permissions on this environment.');
$sshCommand = [
- 'cd /var/www/html/' . $alias,
+ 'cd /var/www/html/' . $alias,
$arguments = $input->getArguments();
if (empty($arguments['ssh_command'])) {
diff --git a/src/Command/Self/ListCommand.php b/src/Command/Self/ListCommand.php
index 224302db6..b8a8c940b 100644
--- a/src/Command/Self/ListCommand.php
+++ b/src/Command/Self/ListCommand.php
@@ -24,10 +24,10 @@ protected function configure(): void
- new InputArgument('namespace', InputArgument::OPTIONAL, 'The namespace name', null, fn () => array_keys((new ApplicationDescription($this->getApplication()))->getNamespaces())),
- new InputOption('raw', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'To output raw command list'),
- new InputOption('format', null, InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'The output format (txt, xml, json, or md)', 'txt', fn () => (new DescriptorHelper())->getFormats()),
- new InputOption('short', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'To skip describing commands\' arguments'),
+ new InputArgument('namespace', InputArgument::OPTIONAL, 'The namespace name', null, fn () => array_keys((new ApplicationDescription($this->getApplication()))->getNamespaces())),
+ new InputOption('raw', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'To output raw command list'),
+ new InputOption('format', null, InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'The output format (txt, xml, json, or md)', 'txt', fn () => (new DescriptorHelper())->getFormats()),
+ new InputOption('short', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'To skip describing commands\' arguments'),
->setDescription('List commands')
@@ -69,9 +69,9 @@ protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int
$helper = new DescriptorHelper();
$helper->describe($output, $this->getApplication(), [
- 'format' => $input->getOption('format'),
- 'namespace' => $input->getArgument('namespace'),
- 'raw_text' => $input->getOption('raw'),
+ 'format' => $input->getOption('format'),
+ 'namespace' => $input->getArgument('namespace'),
+ 'raw_text' => $input->getOption('raw'),
return Command::SUCCESS;
diff --git a/src/Command/Self/MakeDocsCommand.php b/src/Command/Self/MakeDocsCommand.php
index ad9896a5b..b888f642a 100644
--- a/src/Command/Self/MakeDocsCommand.php
+++ b/src/Command/Self/MakeDocsCommand.php
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int
if (!$input->getOption('dump')) {
$helper->describe($output, $this->getApplication(), [
- 'format' => $input->getOption('format'),
+ 'format' => $input->getOption('format'),
return Command::SUCCESS;
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int
$buffer = new BufferedOutput();
$helper->describe($buffer, $this->getApplication(), [
- 'format' => 'json',
+ 'format' => 'json',
$commands = json_decode($buffer->fetch(), true);
$index = [];
@@ -47,10 +47,10 @@ protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int
$filename = $command['name'] . '.json';
$index[] = [
- 'command' => $command['name'],
- 'help' => $command['help'],
- 'path' => $filename,
- 'usage' => $command['usage'][0],
+ 'command' => $command['name'],
+ 'help' => $command['help'],
+ 'path' => $filename,
+ 'usage' => $command['usage'][0],
file_put_contents("$docs_dir/$filename", json_encode($command));
diff --git a/src/Command/Ssh/SshKeyCommandBase.php b/src/Command/Ssh/SshKeyCommandBase.php
index 656ca01b9..55a3a71b3 100644
--- a/src/Command/Ssh/SshKeyCommandBase.php
+++ b/src/Command/Ssh/SshKeyCommandBase.php
@@ -71,8 +71,8 @@ protected function normalizePublicSshKey(string $publicKey): string
protected function sshKeyIsAddedToKeychain(): bool
$process = $this->localMachineHelper->execute([
- 'ssh-add',
- '-L',
+ 'ssh-add',
+ '-L',
], null, null, false);
if ($process->isSuccessful()) {
@@ -232,15 +232,15 @@ private function doCreateSshKey(string $filename, string $password): string
$process = $this->localMachineHelper->execute([
- 'ssh-keygen',
- '-t',
- 'rsa',
- '-b',
- '4096',
- '-f',
- $filepath,
- '-N',
- $password,
+ 'ssh-keygen',
+ '-t',
+ 'rsa',
+ '-b',
+ '4096',
+ '-f',
+ $filepath,
+ '-N',
+ $password,
], null, null, false);
if (!$process->isSuccessful()) {
throw new AcquiaCliException($process->getOutput() . $process->getErrorOutput());
@@ -265,9 +265,9 @@ static function (mixed $value) {
private function validateFilename(string $filename): string
$violations = Validation::createValidator()->validate($filename, [
- new Length(['min' => 5]),
- new NotBlank(),
- new Regex(['pattern' => '/^\S*$/', 'message' => 'The value may not contain spaces']),
+ new Length(['min' => 5]),
+ new NotBlank(),
+ new Regex(['pattern' => '/^\S*$/', 'message' => 'The value may not contain spaces']),
if (count($violations)) {
throw new ValidatorException($violations->get(0)->getMessage());
@@ -291,8 +291,8 @@ static function (mixed $value) {
private function validatePassword(string $password): string
$violations = Validation::createValidator()->validate($password, [
- new Length(['min' => 5]),
- new NotBlank(),
+ new Length(['min' => 5]),
+ new NotBlank(),
if (count($violations)) {
throw new ValidatorException($violations->get(0)->getMessage());
diff --git a/src/Command/Ssh/SshKeyInfoCommand.php b/src/Command/Ssh/SshKeyInfoCommand.php
index 1c5a1f1a2..67bd204cf 100644
--- a/src/Command/Ssh/SshKeyInfoCommand.php
+++ b/src/Command/Ssh/SshKeyInfoCommand.php
@@ -67,10 +67,10 @@ private function determineSshKey(mixed $acquiaCloudClient): array
$keys[$fingerprint]['fingerprint'] = $fingerprint;
$keys[$fingerprint]['public_key'] = $key->public_key;
$keys[$fingerprint]['cloud'] = [
- 'created_at' => $key->created_at,
- 'fingerprint' => $key->fingerprint,
- 'label' => $key->label,
- 'uuid' => $key->uuid,
+ 'created_at' => $key->created_at,
+ 'fingerprint' => $key->fingerprint,
+ 'label' => $key->label,
+ 'uuid' => $key->uuid,
foreach ($localKeys as $key) {
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ private function determineSshKey(mixed $acquiaCloudClient): array
$keys[$fingerprint]['fingerprint'] = $fingerprint;
$keys[$fingerprint]['public_key'] = $key->getContents();
$keys[$fingerprint]['local'] = [
- 'filename' => $key->getFilename(),
+ 'filename' => $key->getFilename(),
if ($fingerprint = $this->input->getOption('fingerprint')) {
diff --git a/src/Command/Ssh/SshKeyListCommand.php b/src/Command/Ssh/SshKeyListCommand.php
index 3f711a408..c70cf1001 100644
--- a/src/Command/Ssh/SshKeyListCommand.php
+++ b/src/Command/Ssh/SshKeyListCommand.php
@@ -29,9 +29,9 @@ protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int
if (trim($localFile->getContents()) === trim($cloudKey->public_key)) {
$hash = self::getFingerprint($cloudKey->public_key);
- $cloudKey->label,
- $localFile->getFilename(),
- $hash,
+ $cloudKey->label,
+ $localFile->getFilename(),
+ $hash,
unset($cloudKeys[$index], $localKeys[$localIndex]);
@@ -45,9 +45,9 @@ protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int
foreach ($cloudKeys as $cloudKey) {
$hash = self::getFingerprint($cloudKey->public_key);
- $cloudKey->label,
- 'none',
- $hash,
+ $cloudKey->label,
+ 'none',
+ $hash,
@@ -57,9 +57,9 @@ protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int
foreach ($localKeys as $localFile) {
$hash = self::getFingerprint($localFile->getContents());
- 'none',
- $localFile->getFilename(),
- $hash,
+ 'none',
+ $localFile->getFilename(),
+ $hash,
diff --git a/src/Command/WizardCommandBase.php b/src/Command/WizardCommandBase.php
index ccf773f16..2156da3a1 100644
--- a/src/Command/WizardCommandBase.php
+++ b/src/Command/WizardCommandBase.php
@@ -36,8 +36,8 @@ protected function initialize(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): v
protected function deleteLocalSshKey(): void
- $this->publicSshKeyFilepath,
- $this->privateSshKeyFilepath,
+ $this->publicSshKeyFilepath,
+ $this->privateSshKeyFilepath,
diff --git a/src/Exception/AcquiaCliException.php b/src/Exception/AcquiaCliException.php
index 28912e050..515d1d659 100644
--- a/src/Exception/AcquiaCliException.php
+++ b/src/Exception/AcquiaCliException.php
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@ public function __construct(
int $code = 0
) {
$eventProperties = [
- 'code' => $code,
- 'message' => $rawMessage,
+ 'code' => $code,
+ 'message' => $rawMessage,
Amplitude::getInstance()->queueEvent('Threw exception', $eventProperties);
diff --git a/src/Helpers/LocalMachineHelper.php b/src/Helpers/LocalMachineHelper.php
index 5a48dcabd..696cbb433 100644
--- a/src/Helpers/LocalMachineHelper.php
+++ b/src/Helpers/LocalMachineHelper.php
@@ -137,8 +137,8 @@ private function executeProcess(Process $process, callable $callback = null, ?bo
$this->logger->notice('Command: {command} [Exit: {exit}]', [
- 'command' => $process->getCommandLine(),
- 'exit' => $process->getExitCode(),
+ 'command' => $process->getCommandLine(),
+ 'exit' => $process->getExitCode(),
return $process;
@@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ public static function getConfigDir(): string
public static function getProjectDir(): ?string
$possibleProjectRoots = [
- getcwd(),
+ getcwd(),
// Check for PWD - some local environments will not have this key.
if (getenv('PWD') && !in_array(getenv('PWD'), $possibleProjectRoots, true)) {
diff --git a/src/Helpers/SshCommandTrait.php b/src/Helpers/SshCommandTrait.php
index 98f7bbdbb..dd05f30f4 100644
--- a/src/Helpers/SshCommandTrait.php
+++ b/src/Helpers/SshCommandTrait.php
@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@ private function deleteSshKeyFromCloud(mixed $output, mixed $cloudKey = null): i
$answer = $this->io->confirm("Do you also want to delete the corresponding local key files {$localFile->getRealPath()} and $privateKeyPath ?", false);
if ($answer) {
- $localFile->getRealPath(),
- $privateKeyPath,
+ $localFile->getRealPath(),
+ $privateKeyPath,
$this->io->success("Deleted $publicKeyPath and $privateKeyPath");
return 0;
diff --git a/src/Helpers/SshHelper.php b/src/Helpers/SshHelper.php
index a62582448..e1471e597 100644
--- a/src/Helpers/SshHelper.php
+++ b/src/Helpers/SshHelper.php
@@ -40,9 +40,9 @@ public function executeCommand(string $sshUrl, array $commandArgs, bool $printOu
$process = $this->sendCommand($sshUrl, $commandArgs, $printOutput, $timeout);
$this->logger->debug('Command: {command} [Exit: {exit}]', [
- 'command' => $commandSummary,
- 'env' => $sshUrl,
- 'exit' => $process->getExitCode(),
+ 'command' => $commandSummary,
+ 'env' => $sshUrl,
+ 'exit' => $process->getExitCode(),
if (!$process->isSuccessful() && $process->getExitCode() === 255) {
@@ -107,12 +107,12 @@ private function getCommandSummary(array $commandArgs): string
private function getConnectionArgs(string $url): array
return [
- 'ssh',
- $url,
- '-t',
- '-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no',
- '-o AddressFamily inet',
- '-o LogLevel=ERROR',
+ 'ssh',
+ $url,
+ '-t',
+ '-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no',
+ '-o AddressFamily inet',
+ '-o LogLevel=ERROR',
diff --git a/src/Helpers/TelemetryHelper.php b/src/Helpers/TelemetryHelper.php
index aef7016e2..aab4aa901 100644
--- a/src/Helpers/TelemetryHelper.php
+++ b/src/Helpers/TelemetryHelper.php
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ public function initializeBugsnag(): void
$userId = $this->getUserId();
if (isset($userId)) {
- 'id' => $userId,
+ 'id' => $userId,
$context = $report->getContext();
@@ -143,14 +143,14 @@ public static function normalizeAhEnv(string $ah_env): string
private function getTelemetryUserData(): array
$data = [
- 'ah_app_uuid' => getenv('AH_APPLICATION_UUID'),
- 'ah_env' => $this->normalizeAhEnv(AcquiaDrupalEnvironmentDetector::getAhEnv()),
- 'ah_group' => AcquiaDrupalEnvironmentDetector::getAhGroup(),
- 'ah_non_production' => getenv('AH_NON_PRODUCTION'),
- 'ah_realm' => getenv('AH_REALM'),
- 'CI' => getenv('CI'),
- 'env_provider' => $this->getEnvironmentProvider(),
- 'php_version' => PHP_MAJOR_VERSION . '.' . PHP_MINOR_VERSION,
+ 'ah_app_uuid' => getenv('AH_APPLICATION_UUID'),
+ 'ah_env' => $this->normalizeAhEnv(AcquiaDrupalEnvironmentDetector::getAhEnv()),
+ 'ah_group' => AcquiaDrupalEnvironmentDetector::getAhGroup(),
+ 'ah_non_production' => getenv('AH_NON_PRODUCTION'),
+ 'ah_realm' => getenv('AH_REALM'),
+ 'CI' => getenv('CI'),
+ 'env_provider' => $this->getEnvironmentProvider(),
+ 'php_version' => PHP_MAJOR_VERSION . '.' . PHP_MINOR_VERSION,
try {
$user = $this->getUserData();
@@ -224,8 +224,8 @@ private function getDefaultUserData(): array
// @todo Cache this!
$account = new Account($this->cloudApiClientService->getClient());
return [
- 'is_acquian' => str_ends_with($account->get()->mail, 'acquia.com'),
- 'uuid' => $account->get()->uuid,
+ 'is_acquian' => str_ends_with($account->get()->mail, 'acquia.com'),
+ 'uuid' => $account->get()->uuid,
@@ -241,28 +241,28 @@ public static function getProviders(): array
// Define the environment variables associated with each provider.
// phpcs:ignore SlevomatCodingStandard.Arrays.AlphabeticallySortedByKeys.IncorrectKeyOrder
return [
- 'lando' => ['LANDO'],
- 'ddev' => ['IS_DDEV_PROJECT'],
+ 'lando' => ['LANDO'],
+ 'ddev' => ['IS_DDEV_PROJECT'],
// Check Lando and DDEV first because the hijack AH_SITE_ENVIRONMENT.
- 'acquia' => ['AH_SITE_ENVIRONMENT'],
- 'bamboo' => ['BAMBOO_BUILDNUMBER'],
- 'beanstalk' => ['BEANSTALK_ENVIRONMENT'],
- 'bitbucket' => ['BITBUCKET_BUILD_NUMBER'],
- 'bitrise' => ['BITRISE_IO'],
- 'buddy' => ['BUDDY_WORKSPACE_ID'],
- 'circleci' => ['CIRCLECI'],
- 'codebuild' => ['CODEBUILD_BUILD_ID'],
- 'docksal' => ['DOCKSAL_VERSION'],
- 'drone' => ['DRONE'],
- 'github' => ['GITHUB_ACTIONS'],
- 'gitlab' => ['GITLAB_CI'],
- 'heroku' => ['HEROKU_TEST_RUN_ID'],
- 'jenkins' => ['JENKINS_URL'],
- 'pantheon' => ['PANTHEON_ENVIRONMENT'],
- 'pipelines' => ['PIPELINE_ENV'],
- 'platformsh' => ['PLATFORM_ENVIRONMENT'],
- 'teamcity' => ['TEAMCITY_VERSION'],
- 'travis' => ['TRAVIS'],
+ 'acquia' => ['AH_SITE_ENVIRONMENT'],
+ 'bamboo' => ['BAMBOO_BUILDNUMBER'],
+ 'beanstalk' => ['BEANSTALK_ENVIRONMENT'],
+ 'bitbucket' => ['BITBUCKET_BUILD_NUMBER'],
+ 'bitrise' => ['BITRISE_IO'],
+ 'buddy' => ['BUDDY_WORKSPACE_ID'],
+ 'circleci' => ['CIRCLECI'],
+ 'codebuild' => ['CODEBUILD_BUILD_ID'],
+ 'docksal' => ['DOCKSAL_VERSION'],
+ 'drone' => ['DRONE'],
+ 'github' => ['GITHUB_ACTIONS'],
+ 'gitlab' => ['GITLAB_CI'],
+ 'heroku' => ['HEROKU_TEST_RUN_ID'],
+ 'jenkins' => ['JENKINS_URL'],
+ 'pantheon' => ['PANTHEON_ENVIRONMENT'],
+ 'pipelines' => ['PIPELINE_ENV'],
+ 'platformsh' => ['PLATFORM_ENVIRONMENT'],
+ 'teamcity' => ['TEAMCITY_VERSION'],
+ 'travis' => ['TRAVIS'],
diff --git a/src/Kernel.php b/src/Kernel.php
index 77970db95..053bfa68b 100644
--- a/src/Kernel.php
+++ b/src/Kernel.php
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ protected function registerExtensionConfiguration(mixed $loader): void
$finder = new Finder();
$extensions = $finder->files()
- __DIR__ . '/../../',
+ __DIR__ . '/../../',
@@ -70,8 +70,8 @@ protected function getContainerLoader(ContainerInterface $container): Delegating
$locator = new FileLocator([$this->getProjectDir()]);
$resolver = new LoaderResolver([
- new YamlFileLoader($container, $locator),
- new DirectoryLoader($container, $locator),
+ new YamlFileLoader($container, $locator),
+ new DirectoryLoader($container, $locator),
return new DelegatingLoader($resolver);
@@ -98,11 +98,11 @@ public function process(ContainerBuilder $containerBuilder): void
if ($definition->hasTag('kernel.event_listener')) {
foreach ($definition->getTag('kernel.event_listener') as $tag) {
$dispatcherDefinition->addMethodCall('addListener', [
- $tag['event'],
- [
- new ServiceClosureArgument(new Reference($definition->getClass())),
- $tag['method'],
- ],
+ $tag['event'],
+ [
+ new ServiceClosureArgument(new Reference($definition->getClass())),
+ $tag['method'],
+ ],
@@ -118,12 +118,12 @@ public function process(ContainerBuilder $containerBuilder): void
$appDefinition->addMethodCall('add', [
- new Reference($definition->getClass()),
+ new Reference($definition->getClass()),
$appDefinition->addMethodCall('setDispatcher', [
- $dispatcherDefinition,
+ $dispatcherDefinition,
diff --git a/src/Output/Spinner/Spinner.php b/src/Output/Spinner/Spinner.php
index b3ab9ccb6..1817ae244 100644
--- a/src/Output/Spinner/Spinner.php
+++ b/src/Output/Spinner/Spinner.php
@@ -15,66 +15,66 @@ class Spinner
private const CHARS = ['⠏', '⠛', '⠹', '⢸', '⣰', '⣤', '⣆', '⡇'];
private const COLORS = [
- 196,
- 196,
- 202,
- 202,
- 208,
- 208,
- 214,
- 214,
- 220,
- 220,
- 226,
- 226,
- 190,
- 190,
- 154,
- 154,
- 118,
- 118,
- 82,
- 82,
- 46,
- 46,
- 47,
- 47,
- 48,
- 48,
- 49,
- 49,
- 50,
- 50,
- 51,
- 51,
- 45,
- 45,
- 39,
- 39,
- 33,
- 33,
- 27,
- 27,
- 56,
- 56,
- 57,
- 57,
- 93,
- 93,
- 129,
- 129,
- 165,
- 165,
- 201,
- 201,
- 200,
- 200,
- 199,
- 199,
- 198,
- 198,
- 197,
- 197,
+ 196,
+ 196,
+ 202,
+ 202,
+ 208,
+ 208,
+ 214,
+ 214,
+ 220,
+ 220,
+ 226,
+ 226,
+ 190,
+ 190,
+ 154,
+ 154,
+ 118,
+ 118,
+ 82,
+ 82,
+ 46,
+ 46,
+ 47,
+ 47,
+ 48,
+ 48,
+ 49,
+ 49,
+ 50,
+ 50,
+ 51,
+ 51,
+ 45,
+ 45,
+ 39,
+ 39,
+ 33,
+ 33,
+ 27,
+ 27,
+ 56,
+ 56,
+ 57,
+ 57,
+ 93,
+ 93,
+ 129,
+ 129,
+ 165,
+ 165,
+ 201,
+ 201,
+ 200,
+ 200,
+ 199,
+ 199,
+ 198,
+ 198,
+ 197,
+ 197,
private int $currentCharIdx = 0;
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/src/AcsfApi/AcsfServiceTest.php b/tests/phpunit/src/AcsfApi/AcsfServiceTest.php
index 4e381ef6b..1640c8b3a 100644
--- a/tests/phpunit/src/AcsfApi/AcsfServiceTest.php
+++ b/tests/phpunit/src/AcsfApi/AcsfServiceTest.php
@@ -24,22 +24,22 @@ protected function setUp(): void
public function providerTestIsMachineAuthenticated(): array
return [
- [
- ['ACSF_USERNAME' => 'key', 'ACSF_KEY' => 'secret'],
- true,
- ],
- [
- ['ACSF_USERNAME' => 'key', 'ACSF_KEY' => 'secret'],
- true,
- ],
- [
- ['ACSF_USERNAME' => null, 'ACSF_KEY' => null],
- false,
- ],
- [
- ['ACSF_USERNAME' => 'key', 'ACSF_KEY' => null],
- false,
- ],
+ [
+ ['ACSF_USERNAME' => 'key', 'ACSF_KEY' => 'secret'],
+ true,
+ ],
+ [
+ ['ACSF_USERNAME' => 'key', 'ACSF_KEY' => 'secret'],
+ true,
+ ],
+ [
+ ['ACSF_USERNAME' => null, 'ACSF_KEY' => null],
+ false,
+ ],
+ [
+ ['ACSF_USERNAME' => 'key', 'ACSF_KEY' => null],
+ false,
+ ],
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/src/Application/ComposerScriptsListenerTest.php b/tests/phpunit/src/Application/ComposerScriptsListenerTest.php
index 22acc722a..b2565157e 100644
--- a/tests/phpunit/src/Application/ComposerScriptsListenerTest.php
+++ b/tests/phpunit/src/Application/ComposerScriptsListenerTest.php
@@ -25,11 +25,11 @@ class ComposerScriptsListenerTest extends ApplicationTestBase
public function testPreScripts(): void
$json = [
- 'scripts' => [
- 'pre-acli-hello-world' => [
- 'echo "good morning world"',
- ],
- ],
+ 'scripts' => [
+ 'pre-acli-hello-world' => [
+ 'echo "good morning world"',
+ ],
+ ],
Path::join($this->projectDir, 'composer.json'),
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ public function testPreScripts(): void
- 'command' => 'hello-world',
+ 'command' => 'hello-world',
$buffer = $this->runApp();
self::assertStringContainsString('pre-acli-hello-world', $buffer);
@@ -49,11 +49,11 @@ public function testPreScripts(): void
public function testPostScripts(): void
$json = [
- 'scripts' => [
- 'post-acli-hello-world' => [
- 'echo "goodbye world"',
- ],
- ],
+ 'scripts' => [
+ 'post-acli-hello-world' => [
+ 'echo "goodbye world"',
+ ],
+ ],
Path::join($this->projectDir, 'composer.json'),
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ public function testPostScripts(): void
- 'command' => 'hello-world',
+ 'command' => 'hello-world',
$buffer = $this->runApp();
self::assertStringContainsString('post-acli-hello-world', $buffer);
@@ -70,19 +70,19 @@ public function testPostScripts(): void
public function testNoScripts(): void
$json = [
- 'scripts' => [
- 'pre-acli-pull-code' => [
- 'echo "goodbye world"',
- ],
- ],
+ 'scripts' => [
+ 'pre-acli-pull-code' => [
+ 'echo "goodbye world"',
+ ],
+ ],
Path::join($this->projectDir, 'composer.json'),
json_encode($json, JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR)
- '--no-scripts' => true,
- 'command' => 'pull:code',
+ '--no-scripts' => true,
+ 'command' => 'pull:code',
$buffer = $this->runApp();
self::assertStringNotContainsString('pre-acli-pull-code', $buffer);
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/src/Application/ExceptionApplicationTest.php b/tests/phpunit/src/Application/ExceptionApplicationTest.php
index 69300a58a..a37f9e674 100644
--- a/tests/phpunit/src/Application/ExceptionApplicationTest.php
+++ b/tests/phpunit/src/Application/ExceptionApplicationTest.php
@@ -23,8 +23,8 @@ class ExceptionApplicationTest extends ApplicationTestBase
public function testInvalidApiCredentials(): void
- 'applicationUuid' => '2ed281d4-9dec-4cc3-ac63-691c3ba002c2',
- 'command' => 'aliases',
+ 'applicationUuid' => '2ed281d4-9dec-4cc3-ac63-691c3ba002c2',
+ 'command' => 'aliases',
$buffer = $this->runApp();
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/src/Application/HelpApplicationTest.php b/tests/phpunit/src/Application/HelpApplicationTest.php
index f40dec53f..cdbab643f 100644
--- a/tests/phpunit/src/Application/HelpApplicationTest.php
+++ b/tests/phpunit/src/Application/HelpApplicationTest.php
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@ class HelpApplicationTest extends ApplicationTestBase
public function testApplicationAliasHelp(): void
- 'command' => 'help',
- 'command_name' => 'app:link',
+ 'command' => 'help',
+ 'command_name' => 'app:link',
$buffer = $this->runApp();
$this->assertStringContainsString('The Cloud Platform application UUID or alias (i.e. an application name optionally prefixed with the realm)', $buffer);
@@ -41,8 +41,8 @@ public function testApplicationAliasHelp(): void
public function testEnvironmentAliasHelp(): void
- 'command' => 'help',
- 'command_name' => 'log:tail',
+ 'command' => 'help',
+ 'command_name' => 'log:tail',
$buffer = $this->runApp();
$this->assertStringContainsString('The Cloud Platform environment ID or alias (i.e. an application and environment name optionally prefixed with the realm)', $buffer);
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/src/Application/KernelTest.php b/tests/phpunit/src/Application/KernelTest.php
index 3963f24f5..0faec8699 100644
--- a/tests/phpunit/src/Application/KernelTest.php
+++ b/tests/phpunit/src/Application/KernelTest.php
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ class KernelTest extends ApplicationTestBase
public function testRun(): void
- 'command' => 'list',
+ 'command' => 'list',
$buffer = $this->runApp();
// A bit dumb that we need to break these up, but the available commands vary based on whether a browser is available or the session is interactive.
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/src/CloudApi/AccessTokenConnectorTest.php b/tests/phpunit/src/CloudApi/AccessTokenConnectorTest.php
index 560e9c7e4..866f07ea8 100644
--- a/tests/phpunit/src/CloudApi/AccessTokenConnectorTest.php
+++ b/tests/phpunit/src/CloudApi/AccessTokenConnectorTest.php
@@ -55,10 +55,10 @@ public function testAccessToken(): void
self::assertEquals(self::$accessToken, $this->cloudCredentials->getCloudAccessToken());
$connectorFactory = new ConnectorFactory(
- 'accessToken' => $this->cloudCredentials->getCloudAccessToken(),
- 'accessTokenExpiry' => $this->cloudCredentials->getCloudAccessTokenExpiry(),
- 'key' => null,
- 'secret' => null,
+ 'accessToken' => $this->cloudCredentials->getCloudAccessToken(),
+ 'accessTokenExpiry' => $this->cloudCredentials->getCloudAccessTokenExpiry(),
+ 'key' => null,
+ 'secret' => null,
$connector = $connectorFactory->createConnector();
@@ -83,8 +83,8 @@ public function testTokenFile(): void
$accessTokenExpiry = time() + 300;
$directory = [
- 'expiry' => (string) $accessTokenExpiry . "\n",
- 'token' => self::$accessToken . "\n",
+ 'expiry' => (string) $accessTokenExpiry . "\n",
+ 'token' => self::$accessToken . "\n",
$vfs = vfsStream::setup('root', null, $directory);
$tokenFile = Path::join($vfs->url(), 'token');
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ public function testMissingTokenFile(): void
$accessTokenExpiry = time() + 300;
$directory = [
- 'expiry' => (string) $accessTokenExpiry,
+ 'expiry' => (string) $accessTokenExpiry,
$vfs = vfsStream::setup('root', null, $directory);
$tokenFile = Path::join($vfs->url(), 'token');
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ public function testMissingTokenFile(): void
public function testMissingExpiryFile(): void
$directory = [
- 'token' => self::$accessToken,
+ 'token' => self::$accessToken,
$vfs = vfsStream::setup('root', null, $directory);
$tokenFile = Path::join($vfs->url(), 'token');
@@ -137,10 +137,10 @@ public function testConnector(): void
self::assertEquals(self::$accessToken, $this->cloudCredentials->getCloudAccessToken());
$connectorFactory = new ConnectorFactory(
- 'accessToken' => $this->cloudCredentials->getCloudAccessToken(),
- 'accessTokenExpiry' => $this->cloudCredentials->getCloudAccessTokenExpiry(),
- 'key' => $this->cloudCredentials->getCloudKey(),
- 'secret' => $this->cloudCredentials->getCloudSecret(),
+ 'accessToken' => $this->cloudCredentials->getCloudAccessToken(),
+ 'accessTokenExpiry' => $this->cloudCredentials->getCloudAccessTokenExpiry(),
+ 'key' => $this->cloudCredentials->getCloudKey(),
+ 'secret' => $this->cloudCredentials->getCloudSecret(),
$connector = $connectorFactory->createConnector();
@@ -152,10 +152,10 @@ public function testExpiredAccessToken(): void
$connectorFactory = new ConnectorFactory(
- 'accessToken' => $this->cloudCredentials->getCloudAccessToken(),
- 'accessTokenExpiry' => $this->cloudCredentials->getCloudAccessTokenExpiry(),
- 'key' => null,
- 'secret' => null,
+ 'accessToken' => $this->cloudCredentials->getCloudAccessToken(),
+ 'accessTokenExpiry' => $this->cloudCredentials->getCloudAccessTokenExpiry(),
+ 'key' => null,
+ 'secret' => null,
$connector = $connectorFactory->createConnector();
@@ -167,9 +167,9 @@ public function testConnectorConfig(): void
$connectorFactory = new ConnectorFactory(
- 'accessToken' => null,
- 'key' => $this->cloudCredentials->getCloudKey(),
- 'secret' => $this->cloudCredentials->getCloudSecret(),
+ 'accessToken' => null,
+ 'key' => $this->cloudCredentials->getCloudKey(),
+ 'secret' => $this->cloudCredentials->getCloudSecret(),
$clientService = new ClientService($connectorFactory, $this->application, $this->cloudCredentials);
@@ -186,9 +186,9 @@ public function testIdeHeader(): void
$connectorFactory = new ConnectorFactory(
- 'accessToken' => null,
- 'key' => $this->cloudCredentials->getCloudKey(),
- 'secret' => $this->cloudCredentials->getCloudSecret(),
+ 'accessToken' => null,
+ 'key' => $this->cloudCredentials->getCloudKey(),
+ 'secret' => $this->cloudCredentials->getCloudSecret(),
$clientService = new ClientService($connectorFactory, $this->application, $this->cloudCredentials);
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/src/CloudApi/AcsfClientServiceTest.php b/tests/phpunit/src/CloudApi/AcsfClientServiceTest.php
index b66b814da..087cb3e91 100644
--- a/tests/phpunit/src/CloudApi/AcsfClientServiceTest.php
+++ b/tests/phpunit/src/CloudApi/AcsfClientServiceTest.php
@@ -23,14 +23,14 @@ class AcsfClientServiceTest extends TestBase
public function providerTestIsMachineAuthenticated(): array
return [
- [
- ['ACLI_ACCESS_TOKEN' => null, 'ACLI_KEY' => null, 'ACLI_SECRET' => null],
- false,
- ],
- [
- ['ACLI_ACCESS_TOKEN' => null, 'ACLI_KEY' => 'key', 'ACLI_SECRET' => null],
- false,
- ],
+ [
+ ['ACLI_ACCESS_TOKEN' => null, 'ACLI_KEY' => null, 'ACLI_SECRET' => null],
+ false,
+ ],
+ [
+ ['ACLI_ACCESS_TOKEN' => null, 'ACLI_KEY' => 'key', 'ACLI_SECRET' => null],
+ false,
+ ],
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/src/CloudApi/ClientServiceTest.php b/tests/phpunit/src/CloudApi/ClientServiceTest.php
index 4ecac1dfa..fbf31875a 100644
--- a/tests/phpunit/src/CloudApi/ClientServiceTest.php
+++ b/tests/phpunit/src/CloudApi/ClientServiceTest.php
@@ -18,22 +18,22 @@ class ClientServiceTest extends TestBase
public function providerTestIsMachineAuthenticated(): array
return [
- [
- ['ACLI_ACCESS_TOKEN' => 'token', 'ACLI_KEY' => 'key', 'ACLI_SECRET' => 'secret'],
- true,
- ],
- [
- ['ACLI_ACCESS_TOKEN' => null, 'ACLI_KEY' => 'key', 'ACLI_SECRET' => 'secret'],
- true,
- ],
- [
- ['ACLI_ACCESS_TOKEN' => null, 'ACLI_KEY' => null, 'ACLI_SECRET' => null],
- false,
- ],
- [
- ['ACLI_ACCESS_TOKEN' => null, 'ACLI_KEY' => 'key', 'ACLI_SECRET' => null],
- false,
- ],
+ [
+ ['ACLI_ACCESS_TOKEN' => 'token', 'ACLI_KEY' => 'key', 'ACLI_SECRET' => 'secret'],
+ true,
+ ],
+ [
+ ['ACLI_ACCESS_TOKEN' => null, 'ACLI_KEY' => 'key', 'ACLI_SECRET' => 'secret'],
+ true,
+ ],
+ [
+ ['ACLI_ACCESS_TOKEN' => null, 'ACLI_KEY' => null, 'ACLI_SECRET' => null],
+ false,
+ ],
+ [
+ ['ACLI_ACCESS_TOKEN' => null, 'ACLI_KEY' => 'key', 'ACLI_SECRET' => null],
+ false,
+ ],
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/src/CommandTestBase.php b/tests/phpunit/src/CommandTestBase.php
index 1a7a36ea5..15a7a868e 100644
--- a/tests/phpunit/src/CommandTestBase.php
+++ b/tests/phpunit/src/CommandTestBase.php
@@ -212,13 +212,13 @@ protected static function inputChooseEnvironment(): array
return [
// Would you like Acquia CLI to search for a Cloud application that matches your local git config?
- 'n',
+ 'n',
// Select a Cloud Platform application:
// Would you like to link the project at ... ?
- 'n',
+ 'n',
// Choose an Acquia environment:
@@ -557,18 +557,18 @@ protected function getApiCommandByName(string $name): ApiBaseCommand|null
protected function getMockedGitLabProject(mixed $projectId): array
return [
- 'default_branch' => 'master',
- 'description' => '',
- 'http_url_to_repo' => 'https://code.cloudservices.acquia.io/matthew.grasmick/codestudiodemo.git',
- 'id' => $projectId,
- 'name' => 'codestudiodemo',
- 'name_with_namespace' => 'Matthew Grasmick / codestudiodemo',
- 'path' => 'codestudiodemo',
- 'path_with_namespace' => 'matthew.grasmick/codestudiodemo',
- 'topics' => [
- 0 => 'Acquia Cloud Application',
- ],
- 'web_url' => 'https://code.cloudservices.acquia.io/matthew.grasmick/codestudiodemo',
+ 'default_branch' => 'master',
+ 'description' => '',
+ 'http_url_to_repo' => 'https://code.cloudservices.acquia.io/matthew.grasmick/codestudiodemo.git',
+ 'id' => $projectId,
+ 'name' => 'codestudiodemo',
+ 'name_with_namespace' => 'Matthew Grasmick / codestudiodemo',
+ 'path' => 'codestudiodemo',
+ 'path_with_namespace' => 'matthew.grasmick/codestudiodemo',
+ 'topics' => [
+ 0 => 'Acquia Cloud Application',
+ ],
+ 'web_url' => 'https://code.cloudservices.acquia.io/matthew.grasmick/codestudiodemo',
@@ -589,11 +589,11 @@ protected function mockGitlabGetToken(mixed $localMachineHelper, string $gitlabT
$process = $this->mockProcess($success);
- 'glab',
- 'config',
- 'get',
- 'token',
- '--host=' . $gitlabHost,
+ 'glab',
+ 'config',
+ 'get',
+ 'token',
+ '--host=' . $gitlabHost,
], null, null, false)->willReturn($process->reveal());
@@ -602,10 +602,10 @@ protected function mockGitlabGetHost(mixed $localMachineHelper, string $gitlabHo
$process = $this->mockProcess();
- 'glab',
- 'config',
- 'get',
- 'host',
+ 'glab',
+ 'config',
+ 'get',
+ 'host',
], null, null, false)->willReturn($process->reveal());
@@ -613,45 +613,45 @@ protected function mockGitLabUsersMe(ObjectProphecy|\Gitlab\Client $gitlabClient
$users = $this->prophet->prophesize(Users::class);
$me = [
- 'avatar_url' => 'https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/5ee7b8ad954bf7156e6eb57a45d60dec?s=80&d=identicon',
- 'bio' => '',
- 'bot' => false,
- 'can_create_group' => true,
- 'can_create_project' => true,
- 'color_scheme_id' => 1,
- 'commit_email' => 'matthew.grasmick@acquia.com',
- 'confirmed_at' => '2021-12-21T02:26:51.898Z',
- 'created_at' => '2021-12-21T02:26:52.240Z',
- 'current_sign_in_at' => '2022-01-22T01:40:55.418Z',
- 'email' => 'matthew.grasmick@acquia.com',
- 'external' => false,
- 'followers' => 0,
- 'following' => 0,
- 'id' => 20,
- 'identities' => [],
- 'is_admin' => true,
- 'job_title' => '',
- 'last_activity_on' => '2022-01-22',
- 'last_sign_in_at' => '2022-01-21T23:00:49.035Z',
- 'linkedin' => '',
- 'local_time' => '2:00 AM',
- 'location' => null,
- 'name' => 'Matthew Grasmick',
- 'note' => '',
- 'organization' => null,
- 'private_profile' => false,
- 'projects_limit' => 100000,
- 'pronouns' => null,
- 'public_email' => '',
- 'skype' => '',
- 'state' => 'active',
- 'theme_id' => 1,
- 'twitter' => '',
- 'two_factor_enabled' => false,
- 'username' => 'matthew.grasmick',
- 'website_url' => '',
- 'web_url' => 'https://code.dev.cloudservices.acquia.io/matthew.grasmick',
- 'work_information' => null,
+ 'avatar_url' => 'https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/5ee7b8ad954bf7156e6eb57a45d60dec?s=80&d=identicon',
+ 'bio' => '',
+ 'bot' => false,
+ 'can_create_group' => true,
+ 'can_create_project' => true,
+ 'color_scheme_id' => 1,
+ 'commit_email' => 'matthew.grasmick@acquia.com',
+ 'confirmed_at' => '2021-12-21T02:26:51.898Z',
+ 'created_at' => '2021-12-21T02:26:52.240Z',
+ 'current_sign_in_at' => '2022-01-22T01:40:55.418Z',
+ 'email' => 'matthew.grasmick@acquia.com',
+ 'external' => false,
+ 'followers' => 0,
+ 'following' => 0,
+ 'id' => 20,
+ 'identities' => [],
+ 'is_admin' => true,
+ 'job_title' => '',
+ 'last_activity_on' => '2022-01-22',
+ 'last_sign_in_at' => '2022-01-21T23:00:49.035Z',
+ 'linkedin' => '',
+ 'local_time' => '2:00 AM',
+ 'location' => null,
+ 'name' => 'Matthew Grasmick',
+ 'note' => '',
+ 'organization' => null,
+ 'private_profile' => false,
+ 'projects_limit' => 100000,
+ 'pronouns' => null,
+ 'public_email' => '',
+ 'skype' => '',
+ 'state' => 'active',
+ 'theme_id' => 1,
+ 'twitter' => '',
+ 'two_factor_enabled' => false,
+ 'username' => 'matthew.grasmick',
+ 'website_url' => '',
+ 'web_url' => 'https://code.dev.cloudservices.acquia.io/matthew.grasmick',
+ 'work_information' => null,
@@ -690,29 +690,29 @@ protected function mockGetGitLabProjects(mixed $applicationUuid, mixed $gitlabPr
protected function getMockGitLabVariables(): array
return [
- 0 => [
- 'environment_scope' => '*',
- 'masked' => true,
- 'protected' => false,
- 'value' => 'a47ac10b-58cc-4372-a567-0e02b2c3d470',
- 'variable_type' => 'env_var',
- ],
- 1 => [
- 'environment_scope' => '*',
- 'masked' => true,
- 'protected' => false,
- 'value' => '17feaf34-5d04-402b-9a67-15d5161d24e1',
- 'variable_type' => 'env_var',
- ],
- 2 => [
- 'masked' => false,
- 'protected' => false,
- 'value' => 'X1u\/PIQXtYaoeui.4RJSJpGZjwmWYmfl5AUQkAebYE=',
- 'variable_type' => 'env_var',
- ],
+ 0 => [
+ 'environment_scope' => '*',
+ 'masked' => true,
+ 'protected' => false,
+ 'value' => 'a47ac10b-58cc-4372-a567-0e02b2c3d470',
+ 'variable_type' => 'env_var',
+ ],
+ 1 => [
+ 'environment_scope' => '*',
+ 'masked' => true,
+ 'protected' => false,
+ 'value' => '17feaf34-5d04-402b-9a67-15d5161d24e1',
+ 'variable_type' => 'env_var',
+ ],
+ 2 => [
+ 'masked' => false,
+ 'protected' => false,
+ 'value' => 'X1u\/PIQXtYaoeui.4RJSJpGZjwmWYmfl5AUQkAebYE=',
+ 'variable_type' => 'env_var',
+ ],
@@ -726,8 +726,8 @@ final public static function assertStringContainsStringIgnoringLineEndings(strin
$haystack = strtr(
- "\r" => "\n",
- "\r\n" => "\n",
+ "\r" => "\n",
+ "\r\n" => "\n",
static::assertThat($haystack, new StringContains($needle, false), $message);
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Acsf/AcsfApiCommandTest.php b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Acsf/AcsfApiCommandTest.php
index 428ed6b02..6790e484e 100644
--- a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Acsf/AcsfApiCommandTest.php
+++ b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Acsf/AcsfApiCommandTest.php
@@ -42,10 +42,10 @@ public function testAcsfCommandExecutionForHttpPostWithMultipleDataTypes(): void
$this->clientProphecy->addOption('json', ["uids" => ["1", "2", "3"]])->shouldBeCalled();
$this->command = $this->getApiCommandByName('acsf:groups:add-members');
- 'uids' => '1,2,3',
+ 'uids' => '1,2,3',
], [
// group_id.
- '1',
+ '1',
// Assert.
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ public function testAcsfCommandExecutionBool(): void
$this->command = $this->getApiCommandByName('acsf:updates:pause');
$this->executeCommand([], [
// Pause.
- '1',
+ '1',
// Assert.
@@ -90,12 +90,12 @@ public function testAcsfCommandExecutionForHttpGet(): void
public function providerTestAcsfCommandExecutionForHttpGetMultiple(): array
return [
- ['get', '/api/v1/audit', '/api/v1/audit', 'acsf:info:audit-events-find', [], []],
- ['post', '/api/v1/sites', '/api/v1/sites', 'acsf:sites:create', ['site_name' => 'foobar', '--stack_id' => '1', 'group_ids' => ['91,81']], ['site_name' => 'foobar', 'stack_id' => '1', 'group_ids' => [91, 81]]],
- ['post', '/api/v1/sites', '/api/v1/sites', 'acsf:sites:create', ['site_name' => 'foobar', '--stack_id' => '1', 'group_ids' => ['91','81']], ['site_name' => 'foobar', 'stack_id' => '1', 'group_ids' => [91, 81]]],
- ['post', '/api/v1/sites/{site_id}/backup', '/api/v1/sites/1/backup', 'acsf:sites:backup', ['--label' => 'foo', 'site_id' => '1'], ['label' => 'foo']],
- ['post', '/api/v1/groups/{group_id}/members', '/api/v1/groups/2/members', 'acsf:groups:add-members', ['group_id' => '2', 'uids' => '1'], ['group_id' => 'foo', 'uids' => 1]],
- ['post', '/api/v1/groups/{group_id}/members', '/api/v1/groups/2/members', 'acsf:groups:add-members', ['group_id' => '2', 'uids' => '1,3'], ['group_id' => 'foo', 'uids' => [1, 3]]],
+ ['get', '/api/v1/audit', '/api/v1/audit', 'acsf:info:audit-events-find', [], []],
+ ['post', '/api/v1/sites', '/api/v1/sites', 'acsf:sites:create', ['site_name' => 'foobar', '--stack_id' => '1', 'group_ids' => ['91,81']], ['site_name' => 'foobar', 'stack_id' => '1', 'group_ids' => [91, 81]]],
+ ['post', '/api/v1/sites', '/api/v1/sites', 'acsf:sites:create', ['site_name' => 'foobar', '--stack_id' => '1', 'group_ids' => ['91','81']], ['site_name' => 'foobar', 'stack_id' => '1', 'group_ids' => [91, 81]]],
+ ['post', '/api/v1/sites/{site_id}/backup', '/api/v1/sites/1/backup', 'acsf:sites:backup', ['--label' => 'foo', 'site_id' => '1'], ['label' => 'foo']],
+ ['post', '/api/v1/groups/{group_id}/members', '/api/v1/groups/2/members', 'acsf:groups:add-members', ['group_id' => '2', 'uids' => '1'], ['group_id' => 'foo', 'uids' => 1]],
+ ['post', '/api/v1/groups/{group_id}/members', '/api/v1/groups/2/members', 'acsf:groups:add-members', ['group_id' => '2', 'uids' => '1,3'], ['group_id' => 'foo', 'uids' => [1, 3]]],
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ public function testAcsfUnauthenticatedFailure(): void
$inputs = [
// Would you like to share anonymous performance usage and data?
- 'n',
+ 'n',
$this->expectExceptionMessage('This machine is not yet authenticated with Site Factory.');
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Acsf/AcsfAuthLoginCommandTest.php b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Acsf/AcsfAuthLoginCommandTest.php
index bab52a8ac..b5e777d50 100644
--- a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Acsf/AcsfAuthLoginCommandTest.php
+++ b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Acsf/AcsfAuthLoginCommandTest.php
@@ -28,63 +28,63 @@ public function providerTestAuthLoginCommand(): array
return [
// Data set 0.
- [
+ [
// $machineIsAuthenticated
- false,
+ false,
// $inputs
- [
+ [
// Would you like to share anonymous performance usage and data? (yes/no) [yes].
- 'yes',
+ 'yes',
// Enter the full URL of the factory.
- $this->acsfCurrentFactoryUrl,
+ $this->acsfCurrentFactoryUrl,
// Enter a value for username.
- $this->acsfUsername,
+ $this->acsfUsername,
// Enter a value for key.
- $this->acsfKey,
- ],
- // No arguments, all interactive.
- [],
- // Output to assert.
- 'Saved credentials',
- ],
- // Data set 1.
- [
- // $machineIsAuthenticated
- false,
- // $inputs
- [],
- // Arguments.
- [
- // Enter the full URL of the factory.
- '--factory-url' => $this->acsfCurrentFactoryUrl,
- // Enter a value for key.
- '--key' => $this->acsfKey,
- // Enter a value for username.
- '--username' => $this->acsfUsername,
- ],
- // Output to assert.
- 'Saved credentials',
- // $config.
- $this->getAcsfCredentialsFileContents(),
- ],
- // Data set 2.
- [
- // $machineIsAuthenticated
- true,
- // $inputs
- [
- // Choose a factory to log in to.
- $this->acsfCurrentFactoryUrl,
- // Choose which user to log in as.
- $this->acsfUsername,
- ],
- // Arguments.
- [],
- // Output to assert.
- "Acquia CLI is now logged in to $this->acsfCurrentFactoryUrl as $this->acsfUsername",
- // $config.
- $this->getAcsfCredentialsFileContents(),
- ],
+ $this->acsfKey,
+ ],
+ // No arguments, all interactive.
+ [],
+ // Output to assert.
+ 'Saved credentials',
+ ],
+ // Data set 1.
+ [
+ // $machineIsAuthenticated
+ false,
+ // $inputs
+ [],
+ // Arguments.
+ [
+ // Enter the full URL of the factory.
+ '--factory-url' => $this->acsfCurrentFactoryUrl,
+ // Enter a value for key.
+ '--key' => $this->acsfKey,
+ // Enter a value for username.
+ '--username' => $this->acsfUsername,
+ ],
+ // Output to assert.
+ 'Saved credentials',
+ // $config.
+ $this->getAcsfCredentialsFileContents(),
+ ],
+ // Data set 2.
+ [
+ // $machineIsAuthenticated
+ true,
+ // $inputs
+ [
+ // Choose a factory to log in to.
+ $this->acsfCurrentFactoryUrl,
+ // Choose which user to log in as.
+ $this->acsfUsername,
+ ],
+ // Arguments.
+ [],
+ // Output to assert.
+ "Acquia CLI is now logged in to $this->acsfCurrentFactoryUrl as $this->acsfUsername",
+ // $config.
+ $this->getAcsfCredentialsFileContents(),
+ ],
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Acsf/AcsfAuthLogoutCommandTest.php b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Acsf/AcsfAuthLogoutCommandTest.php
index ca790931a..560b6c18f 100644
--- a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Acsf/AcsfAuthLogoutCommandTest.php
+++ b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Acsf/AcsfAuthLogoutCommandTest.php
@@ -28,24 +28,24 @@ public function providerTestAuthLogoutCommand(): array
return [
// Data set 0.
- [
+ [
// $machineIsAuthenticated
- false,
+ false,
// $inputs
- [],
- ],
- // Data set 1.
- [
- // $machineIsAuthenticated
- true,
- // $inputs
- [
- // Choose a Factory to logout of.
- 0,
- ],
- // $config.
- $this->getAcsfCredentialsFileContents(),
- ],
+ [],
+ ],
+ // Data set 1.
+ [
+ // $machineIsAuthenticated
+ true,
+ // $inputs
+ [
+ // Choose a Factory to logout of.
+ 0,
+ ],
+ // $config.
+ $this->getAcsfCredentialsFileContents(),
+ ],
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Acsf/AcsfCommandTestBase.php b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Acsf/AcsfCommandTestBase.php
index 826d227c4..98dd15d10 100644
--- a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Acsf/AcsfCommandTestBase.php
+++ b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Acsf/AcsfCommandTestBase.php
@@ -31,20 +31,20 @@ abstract class AcsfCommandTestBase extends CommandTestBase
protected function getAcsfCredentialsFileContents(): array
return [
- 'acsf_active_factory' => $this->acsfCurrentFactoryUrl,
- 'acsf_factories' => [
- $this->acsfCurrentFactoryUrl => [
- 'active_user' => $this->acsfActiveUser,
- 'url' => $this->acsfCurrentFactoryUrl,
- 'users' => [
- $this->acsfUsername => [
- 'key' => $this->acsfKey,
- 'username' => $this->acsfUsername,
- ],
- ],
- ],
- ],
- DataStoreContract::SEND_TELEMETRY => false,
+ 'acsf_active_factory' => $this->acsfCurrentFactoryUrl,
+ 'acsf_factories' => [
+ $this->acsfCurrentFactoryUrl => [
+ 'active_user' => $this->acsfActiveUser,
+ 'url' => $this->acsfCurrentFactoryUrl,
+ 'users' => [
+ $this->acsfUsername => [
+ 'key' => $this->acsfKey,
+ 'username' => $this->acsfUsername,
+ ],
+ ],
+ ],
+ ],
+ DataStoreContract::SEND_TELEMETRY => false,
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Api/ApiCommandTest.php b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Api/ApiCommandTest.php
index 7bf45b3bf..557e2ff01 100644
--- a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Api/ApiCommandTest.php
+++ b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Api/ApiCommandTest.php
@@ -37,8 +37,8 @@ public function testArgumentsInteraction(): void
$this->command = $this->getApiCommandByName('api:environments:log-download');
$this->executeCommand([], [
- '289576-53785bca-1946-4adc-a022-e50d24686c20',
- 'apache-access',
+ '289576-53785bca-1946-4adc-a022-e50d24686c20',
+ 'apache-access',
$output = $this->getDisplay();
$this->assertStringContainsString('Enter a value for environmentId', $output);
@@ -53,9 +53,9 @@ public function testArgumentsInteractionValidation(): void
$this->command = $this->getApiCommandByName('api:environments:variable-update');
try {
$this->executeCommand([], [
- '289576-53785bca-1946-4adc-a022-e50d24686c20',
+ '289576-53785bca-1946-4adc-a022-e50d24686c20',
} catch (MissingInputException) {
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ public function testArgumentsInteractionValidationFormat(): void
$this->command = $this->getApiCommandByName('api:notifications:find');
try {
$this->executeCommand([], [
- 'test',
+ 'test',
} catch (MissingInputException) {
@@ -93,11 +93,11 @@ public function testApiCommandErrorResponse(): void
$this->executeCommand(['applicationUuid' => $invalidUuid], [
// Would you like Acquia CLI to search for a Cloud application that matches your local git config?
- 'n',
+ 'n',
// Select a Cloud Platform application:
- '0',
+ '0',
// Would you like to link the Cloud application Sample application to this repository?
- 'n',
+ 'n',
// Assert.
@@ -135,8 +135,8 @@ public function testObjectParam(): void
$this->mockRequest('putEnvironmentCloudActions', '24-a47ac10b-58cc-4372-a567-0e02b2c3d470');
$this->command = $this->getApiCommandByName('api:environments:cloud-actions-update');
- 'cloud-actions' => '{"fb4aa87a-8be2-42c6-bdf0-ef9d09a3de70":true}',
- 'environmentId' => '24-a47ac10b-58cc-4372-a567-0e02b2c3d470',
+ 'cloud-actions' => '{"fb4aa87a-8be2-42c6-bdf0-ef9d09a3de70":true}',
+ 'environmentId' => '24-a47ac10b-58cc-4372-a567-0e02b2c3d470',
$output = $this->getDisplay();
$this->assertStringContainsString('Cloud Actions have been updated.', $output);
@@ -150,11 +150,11 @@ public function testInferApplicationUuidArgument(): void
$this->command = $this->getApiCommandByName('api:applications:find');
$this->executeCommand([], [
// Would you like Acquia CLI to search for a Cloud application that matches your local git config?
- 'n',
+ 'n',
// Select a Cloud Platform application:
- '0',
+ '0',
// Would you like to link the Cloud application Sample application to this repository?
- 'n',
+ 'n',
// Assert.
@@ -170,8 +170,8 @@ public function testInferApplicationUuidArgument(): void
public function providerTestConvertApplicationAliasToUuidArgument(): array
return [
- [false],
- [true],
+ [false],
+ [true],
@@ -202,11 +202,11 @@ public function testConvertApplicationAliasToUuidArgument(bool $support): void
$this->executeCommand(['applicationUuid' => $alias], [
// Would you like Acquia CLI to search for a Cloud application that matches your local git config?
- 'n',
+ 'n',
// Select a Cloud Platform application:
// Would you like to link the Cloud application Sample application to this repository?
- 'n',
+ 'n',
// Assert.
@@ -279,11 +279,11 @@ public function testConvertEnvironmentAliasToUuidArgument(): void
$this->executeCommand(['environmentId' => $alias], [
// Would you like Acquia CLI to search for a Cloud application that matches your local git config?
- 'n',
+ 'n',
// Select a Cloud Platform application:
- '0',
+ '0',
// Would you like to link the Cloud application Sample application to this repository?
- 'n',
+ 'n',
// Assert.
@@ -363,12 +363,12 @@ public function providerTestApiCommandDefinitionParameters(): array
$apiAccountsSshKeysListUsage = '--from="-7d" --to="-1d" --sort="field1,-field2" --limit="10" --offset="10"';
return [
- ['0', 'api:accounts:ssh-keys-list', 'get', $apiAccountsSshKeysListUsage],
- ['1', 'api:accounts:ssh-keys-list', 'get', $apiAccountsSshKeysListUsage],
- ['1', 'api:accounts:ssh-keys-list', 'get', $apiAccountsSshKeysListUsage],
- ['1', 'api:environments:domain-clear-caches', 'post', '12-d314739e-296f-11e9-b210-d663bd873d93 example.com'],
- ['1', 'api:applications:find', 'get', 'da1c0a8e-ff69-45db-88fc-acd6d2affbb7'],
- ['1', 'api:applications:find', 'get', 'myapp'],
+ ['0', 'api:accounts:ssh-keys-list', 'get', $apiAccountsSshKeysListUsage],
+ ['1', 'api:accounts:ssh-keys-list', 'get', $apiAccountsSshKeysListUsage],
+ ['1', 'api:accounts:ssh-keys-list', 'get', $apiAccountsSshKeysListUsage],
+ ['1', 'api:environments:domain-clear-caches', 'post', '12-d314739e-296f-11e9-b210-d663bd873d93 example.com'],
+ ['1', 'api:applications:find', 'get', 'da1c0a8e-ff69-45db-88fc-acd6d2affbb7'],
+ ['1', 'api:applications:find', 'get', 'myapp'],
@@ -415,8 +415,8 @@ public function testModifiedParameterDescriptions(): void
public function providerTestApiCommandDefinitionRequestBody(): array
return [
- ['api:accounts:ssh-key-create', 'post', 'api:accounts:ssh-key-create "mykey" "ssh-rsa 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 example@example.com"'],
- ['api:environments:file-copy', 'post', '12-d314739e-296f-11e9-b210-d663bd873d93 --source="14-0c7e79ab-1c4a-424e-8446-76ae8be7e851"'],
+ ['api:accounts:ssh-key-create', 'post', 'api:accounts:ssh-key-create "mykey" "ssh-rsa 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 example@example.com"'],
+ ['api:environments:file-copy', 'post', '12-d314739e-296f-11e9-b210-d663bd873d93 --source="14-0c7e79ab-1c4a-424e-8446-76ae8be7e851"'],
@@ -465,8 +465,8 @@ public function testOrganizationMemberDeleteByUserUuid(): void
$this->command = $this->getApiCommandByName('api:organizations:member-delete');
- 'organizationUuid' => $orgId,
- 'userUuid' => $memberUuid,
+ 'organizationUuid' => $orgId,
+ 'userUuid' => $memberUuid,
@@ -493,8 +493,8 @@ public function testOrganizationMemberDeleteByUserEmail(): void
$this->command = $this->getApiCommandByName('api:organizations:member-delete');
- 'organizationUuid' => $orgId,
- 'userUuid' => $memberMail,
+ 'organizationUuid' => $orgId,
+ 'userUuid' => $memberMail,
@@ -521,8 +521,8 @@ public function testOrganizationMemberDeleteInvalidEmail(): void
$this->expectExceptionMessage('No matching user found in this organization');
- 'organizationUuid' => $orgId,
- 'userUuid' => $memberUuid,
+ 'organizationUuid' => $orgId,
+ 'userUuid' => $memberUuid,
@@ -543,8 +543,8 @@ public function testOrganizationMemberDeleteNoMembers(): void
$this->expectExceptionMessage('Organization has no members');
- 'organizationUuid' => $orgId,
- 'userUuid' => $memberUuid,
+ 'organizationUuid' => $orgId,
+ 'userUuid' => $memberUuid,
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/App/AppVcsInfoTest.php b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/App/AppVcsInfoTest.php
index 97f3b7a47..e057fc58e 100644
--- a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/App/AppVcsInfoTest.php
+++ b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/App/AppVcsInfoTest.php
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ public function testNoEnvAvailableCommand(): void
- 'applicationUuid' => 'a47ac10b-58cc-4372-a567-0e02b2c3d470',
+ 'applicationUuid' => 'a47ac10b-58cc-4372-a567-0e02b2c3d470',
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ public function testNoVcsAvailableCommand(): void
$this->expectExceptionMessage('No branch or tag is available with this application.');
- 'applicationUuid' => 'a47ac10b-58cc-4372-a567-0e02b2c3d470',
+ 'applicationUuid' => 'a47ac10b-58cc-4372-a567-0e02b2c3d470',
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ public function testShowVcsListCommand(): void
- 'applicationUuid' => 'a47ac10b-58cc-4372-a567-0e02b2c3d470',
+ 'applicationUuid' => 'a47ac10b-58cc-4372-a567-0e02b2c3d470',
@@ -128,8 +128,8 @@ public function testNoDeployedVcs(): void
$this->expectExceptionMessage('No branch or tag is deployed on any of the environment of this application.');
- 'applicationUuid' => 'a47ac10b-58cc-4372-a567-0e02b2c3d470',
- '--deployed',
+ 'applicationUuid' => 'a47ac10b-58cc-4372-a567-0e02b2c3d470',
+ '--deployed',
@@ -147,8 +147,8 @@ public function testListOnlyDeployedVcs(): void
- 'applicationUuid' => 'a47ac10b-58cc-4372-a567-0e02b2c3d470',
- '--deployed',
+ 'applicationUuid' => 'a47ac10b-58cc-4372-a567-0e02b2c3d470',
+ '--deployed',
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/App/From/AbandonmentRecommendationTest.php b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/App/From/AbandonmentRecommendationTest.php
index 78c9e9092..c7bed4ba6 100644
--- a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/App/From/AbandonmentRecommendationTest.php
+++ b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/App/From/AbandonmentRecommendationTest.php
@@ -21,12 +21,12 @@ protected function setUp(): void
// @see \Acquia\Cli\Tests\Commands\App\From\DefinedRecommendationTest::getTestConfigurations()
// phpcs:disable SlevomatCodingStandard.Arrays.AlphabeticallySortedByKeys
$this->sut = DefinedRecommendation::createFromDefinition([
- 'package' => null,
- 'note' => 'Example: The module bar is no longer required because its functionality has been incorporated into Drupal core.',
- 'replaces' => [
- 'name' => 'bar',
- ],
- 'vetted' => true,
+ 'package' => null,
+ 'note' => 'Example: The module bar is no longer required because its functionality has been incorporated into Drupal core.',
+ 'replaces' => [
+ 'name' => 'bar',
+ ],
+ 'vetted' => true,
// phpcs:enable
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/App/From/ConfigurationTest.php b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/App/From/ConfigurationTest.php
index b7d6071ea..128b6ca55 100644
--- a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/App/From/ConfigurationTest.php
+++ b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/App/From/ConfigurationTest.php
@@ -37,8 +37,8 @@ public function test(string $configuration, Exception $expected_exception): void
public function getTestConfigurations(): array
return [
- 'bad JSON in configuration file' => ['{,}', new JsonException('Syntax error', JSON_ERROR_SYNTAX)],
- 'empty configuration file' => [json_encode((object) []), new DomainException('Missing required key: rootPackageDefinition')],
+ 'bad JSON in configuration file' => ['{,}', new JsonException('Syntax error', JSON_ERROR_SYNTAX)],
+ 'empty configuration file' => [json_encode((object) []), new DomainException('Missing required key: rootPackageDefinition')],
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/App/From/DefinedRecommendationTest.php b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/App/From/DefinedRecommendationTest.php
index 7f4c1511b..36e09b5ac 100755
--- a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/App/From/DefinedRecommendationTest.php
+++ b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/App/From/DefinedRecommendationTest.php
@@ -51,127 +51,127 @@ public function getTestConfigurations(): array
// phpcs:disable SlevomatCodingStandard.Arrays.AlphabeticallySortedByKeys
return [
- 'config is not array' => [42, new NoRecommendation()],
- 'empty array' => [[], new NoRecommendation()],
- 'missing required key' => [
- ['package' => '', 'constraint' => ''],
- new NoRecommendation(),
- ],
- 'key value does not match schema' => [
- ['package' => 42, 'constraint' => '', 'replaces' => ['name' => '']],
- new NoRecommendation(),
- ],
- 'nested key value does not match schema' => [
- ['package' => '', 'constraint' => '', 'replaces' => ['name' => 42]],
- new NoRecommendation(),
- ],
- 'invalid patches key' => [
- [
- 'package' => 'foo',
- 'constraint' => '^1.42',
- 'patches' => [
- 0 => 'https://example.com',
- ],
- 'replaces' => [
- 'name' => 'foo',
- ],
- ],
- new NoRecommendation(),
- ],
- 'invalid patches key value' => [
- [
- 'package' => 'foo',
- 'constraint' => '^1.42',
- 'patches' => [
- 'A patch description' => true,
- ],
- 'replaces' => [
- 'name' => 'foo',
- ],
- ],
- new NoRecommendation(),
- ],
- 'missing replaces key, not universal by default' => [
- [
- 'package' => 'foo',
- 'constraint' => '^1.42',
- ],
- new NoRecommendation(),
- ],
- 'missing replaces key, explicitly not universal' => [
- [
- 'universal' => false,
- 'package' => 'foo',
- 'constraint' => '^1.42',
- ],
- new NoRecommendation(),
- ],
- 'valid config; does not apply' => [
- [
- 'package' => 'foo',
- 'constraint' => '^1.42',
- 'replaces' => [
- 'name' => 'foo',
- ],
- ],
- new TestRecommendation(false, 'foo', '^1.42'),
- ],
- 'valid config; does apply; missing replaces key but universal is true' => [
- [
- 'universal' => true,
- 'package' => 'foo',
- 'constraint' => '^1.42',
- ],
- new TestRecommendation(true, 'foo', '^1.42'),
- ],
- 'valid config; does apply; no patches key' => [
- [
- 'package' => 'foo',
- 'constraint' => '^1.42',
- 'replaces' => [
- 'name' => 'bar',
- ],
- ],
- new TestRecommendation(true, 'foo', '^1.42'),
- ],
- 'valid config; does apply; empty patches value' => [
- [
- 'package' => 'foo',
- 'constraint' => '^1.42',
- 'patches' => [],
- 'replaces' => [
- 'name' => 'bar',
- ],
- ],
- new TestRecommendation(true, 'foo', '^1.42'),
- ],
- 'valid config; does apply; has patches' => [
- [
- 'package' => 'foo',
- 'constraint' => '^1.42',
- 'patches' => [
- 'A patch description' => 'https://example.com/example.patch',
- ],
- 'install' => ['foo'],
- 'replaces' => [
- 'name' => 'bar',
- ],
- ],
- new TestRecommendation(true, 'foo', '^1.42', ['foo'], false, [
- 'A patch description' => 'https://example.com/example.patch',
- ]),
- ],
- 'valid config; does apply; has null package property' => [
- [
- 'package' => null,
- 'note' => 'Example: The module bar is no longer required because its functionality has been incorporated into Drupal core.',
- 'replaces' => [
- 'name' => 'bar',
- ],
- 'vetted' => true,
- ],
- new TestRecommendation(true, TestRecommendation::ABANDON),
- ],
+ 'config is not array' => [42, new NoRecommendation()],
+ 'empty array' => [[], new NoRecommendation()],
+ 'missing required key' => [
+ ['package' => '', 'constraint' => ''],
+ new NoRecommendation(),
+ ],
+ 'key value does not match schema' => [
+ ['package' => 42, 'constraint' => '', 'replaces' => ['name' => '']],
+ new NoRecommendation(),
+ ],
+ 'nested key value does not match schema' => [
+ ['package' => '', 'constraint' => '', 'replaces' => ['name' => 42]],
+ new NoRecommendation(),
+ ],
+ 'invalid patches key' => [
+ [
+ 'package' => 'foo',
+ 'constraint' => '^1.42',
+ 'patches' => [
+ 0 => 'https://example.com',
+ ],
+ 'replaces' => [
+ 'name' => 'foo',
+ ],
+ ],
+ new NoRecommendation(),
+ ],
+ 'invalid patches key value' => [
+ [
+ 'package' => 'foo',
+ 'constraint' => '^1.42',
+ 'patches' => [
+ 'A patch description' => true,
+ ],
+ 'replaces' => [
+ 'name' => 'foo',
+ ],
+ ],
+ new NoRecommendation(),
+ ],
+ 'missing replaces key, not universal by default' => [
+ [
+ 'package' => 'foo',
+ 'constraint' => '^1.42',
+ ],
+ new NoRecommendation(),
+ ],
+ 'missing replaces key, explicitly not universal' => [
+ [
+ 'universal' => false,
+ 'package' => 'foo',
+ 'constraint' => '^1.42',
+ ],
+ new NoRecommendation(),
+ ],
+ 'valid config; does not apply' => [
+ [
+ 'package' => 'foo',
+ 'constraint' => '^1.42',
+ 'replaces' => [
+ 'name' => 'foo',
+ ],
+ ],
+ new TestRecommendation(false, 'foo', '^1.42'),
+ ],
+ 'valid config; does apply; missing replaces key but universal is true' => [
+ [
+ 'universal' => true,
+ 'package' => 'foo',
+ 'constraint' => '^1.42',
+ ],
+ new TestRecommendation(true, 'foo', '^1.42'),
+ ],
+ 'valid config; does apply; no patches key' => [
+ [
+ 'package' => 'foo',
+ 'constraint' => '^1.42',
+ 'replaces' => [
+ 'name' => 'bar',
+ ],
+ ],
+ new TestRecommendation(true, 'foo', '^1.42'),
+ ],
+ 'valid config; does apply; empty patches value' => [
+ [
+ 'package' => 'foo',
+ 'constraint' => '^1.42',
+ 'patches' => [],
+ 'replaces' => [
+ 'name' => 'bar',
+ ],
+ ],
+ new TestRecommendation(true, 'foo', '^1.42'),
+ ],
+ 'valid config; does apply; has patches' => [
+ [
+ 'package' => 'foo',
+ 'constraint' => '^1.42',
+ 'patches' => [
+ 'A patch description' => 'https://example.com/example.patch',
+ ],
+ 'install' => ['foo'],
+ 'replaces' => [
+ 'name' => 'bar',
+ ],
+ ],
+ new TestRecommendation(true, 'foo', '^1.42', ['foo'], false, [
+ 'A patch description' => 'https://example.com/example.patch',
+ ]),
+ ],
+ 'valid config; does apply; has null package property' => [
+ [
+ 'package' => null,
+ 'note' => 'Example: The module bar is no longer required because its functionality has been incorporated into Drupal core.',
+ 'replaces' => [
+ 'name' => 'bar',
+ ],
+ 'vetted' => true,
+ ],
+ new TestRecommendation(true, TestRecommendation::ABANDON),
+ ],
// phpcs:enable
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/App/From/ProjectBuilderTest.php b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/App/From/ProjectBuilderTest.php
index f9d1c8f2a..244611f39 100644
--- a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/App/From/ProjectBuilderTest.php
+++ b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/App/From/ProjectBuilderTest.php
@@ -35,29 +35,29 @@ public function getTestResources(): array
// phpcs:disable SlevomatCodingStandard.Arrays.AlphabeticallySortedByKeys
$test_cases = [
- 'simplest case, sanity check' => [
- json_encode([
- 'sourceModules' => [],
- 'filePaths' => [
- 'public' => 'sites/default/files',
- 'private' => null,
- ],
- 'rootPackageDefinition' => [],
- ]),
- json_encode([
- 'data' => [],
- ]),
- [
- 'installModules' => [],
- 'filePaths' => [
- 'public' => 'sites/default/files',
- 'private' => null,
- ],
- 'sourceModules' => [],
- 'recommendations' => [],
- 'rootPackageDefinition' => [],
- ],
- ],
+ 'simplest case, sanity check' => [
+ json_encode([
+ 'sourceModules' => [],
+ 'filePaths' => [
+ 'public' => 'sites/default/files',
+ 'private' => null,
+ ],
+ 'rootPackageDefinition' => [],
+ ]),
+ json_encode([
+ 'data' => [],
+ ]),
+ [
+ 'installModules' => [],
+ 'filePaths' => [
+ 'public' => 'sites/default/files',
+ 'private' => null,
+ ],
+ 'sourceModules' => [],
+ 'recommendations' => [],
+ 'rootPackageDefinition' => [],
+ ],
+ ],
// phpcs:enable
return array_map(function (array $data) {
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/App/From/RecommendationsTest.php b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/App/From/RecommendationsTest.php
index 54e6007ca..e60d65c5a 100644
--- a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/App/From/RecommendationsTest.php
+++ b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/App/From/RecommendationsTest.php
@@ -52,40 +52,40 @@ public function getTestConfigurations(): array
// phpcs:disable SlevomatCodingStandard.Arrays.AlphabeticallySortedByKeys
return [
- 'bad JSON in configuration file' => [
- '{,}',
- ],
- 'empty configuration file' => [
- json_encode((object) []),
- ],
- 'unexpected recommendations value' => [
- json_encode(['data' => true]),
- ],
- 'empty recommendations key' => [
- json_encode(['data' => []]),
- ],
- 'populated recommendations key with invalid item' => [
- json_encode(['recommendations' => [[]]]),
- ],
- 'populated recommendations key with valid item' => [
- json_encode([
- 'data' => [
- [
- 'package' => 'foo',
- 'constraint' => '^1.42',
- 'replaces' => [
- 'name' => 'foo',
- ],
- ],
- ],
- ]),
- new TestRecommendation(true, 'foo', '^1.42'),
- ],
+ 'bad JSON in configuration file' => [
+ '{,}',
+ ],
+ 'empty configuration file' => [
+ json_encode((object) []),
+ ],
+ 'unexpected recommendations value' => [
+ json_encode(['data' => true]),
+ ],
+ 'empty recommendations key' => [
+ json_encode(['data' => []]),
+ ],
+ 'populated recommendations key with invalid item' => [
+ json_encode(['recommendations' => [[]]]),
+ ],
+ 'populated recommendations key with valid item' => [
+ json_encode([
+ 'data' => [
+ [
+ 'package' => 'foo',
+ 'constraint' => '^1.42',
+ 'replaces' => [
+ 'name' => 'foo',
+ ],
+ ],
+ ],
+ ]),
+ new TestRecommendation(true, 'foo', '^1.42'),
+ ],
// phpcs:enable
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/App/LinkCommandTest.php b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/App/LinkCommandTest.php
index 85a26744c..83ecfb901 100644
--- a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/App/LinkCommandTest.php
+++ b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/App/LinkCommandTest.php
@@ -26,9 +26,9 @@ public function testLinkCommand(): void
$inputs = [
// Would you like Acquia CLI to search for a Cloud application that matches your local git config?
- 'n',
+ 'n',
// Select a Cloud Platform application.
- 0,
+ 0,
$this->executeCommand([], $inputs);
$output = $this->getDisplay();
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/App/LogTailCommandTest.php b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/App/LogTailCommandTest.php
index 6bd3d3a1e..dd9b3fd60 100644
--- a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/App/LogTailCommandTest.php
+++ b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/App/LogTailCommandTest.php
@@ -25,8 +25,8 @@ class LogTailCommandTest extends CommandTestBase
public function providerLogTailCommand(): array
return [
- [0],
- [null],
+ [0],
+ [null],
@@ -64,15 +64,15 @@ public function testLogTailCommand(?int $stream): void
$this->executeCommand([], [
// Would you like Acquia CLI to search for a Cloud application that matches your local git config?
- 'n',
+ 'n',
// Select the application.
- 0,
+ 0,
// Would you like to link the project at ... ?
- 'y',
+ 'y',
// Select environment.
- 0,
+ 0,
// Select log.
- $stream,
+ $stream,
// Assert.
@@ -114,15 +114,15 @@ public function testLogTailNode(): void
$this->expectExceptionMessage('No compatible environments found');
$this->executeCommand([], [
// Would you like Acquia CLI to search for a Cloud application that matches your local git config?
- 'n',
+ 'n',
// Select the application.
- 0,
+ 0,
// Would you like to link the project at ... ?
- 'y',
+ 'y',
// Select environment.
- 0,
+ 0,
// Select log.
- 0,
+ 0,
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/App/NewCommandTest.php b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/App/NewCommandTest.php
index 90b502fda..fe3499925 100644
--- a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/App/NewCommandTest.php
+++ b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/App/NewCommandTest.php
@@ -35,8 +35,8 @@ protected function createCommand(): CommandBase
public function provideTestNewDrupalCommand(): array
return [
- [['acquia_drupal_recommended' => 'acquia/drupal-recommended-project']],
- [['acquia_drupal_recommended' => 'acquia/drupal-recommended-project', 'test-dir']],
+ [['acquia_drupal_recommended' => 'acquia/drupal-recommended-project']],
+ [['acquia_drupal_recommended' => 'acquia/drupal-recommended-project', 'test-dir']],
@@ -46,8 +46,8 @@ public function provideTestNewDrupalCommand(): array
public function provideTestNewNextJsAppCommand(): array
return [
- [['acquia_next_acms' => 'acquia/next-acms']],
- [['acquia_next_acms' => 'acquia/next-acms'], 'test-dir'],
+ [['acquia_next_acms' => 'acquia/next-acms']],
+ [['acquia_next_acms' => 'acquia/next-acms'], 'test-dir'],
@@ -76,10 +76,10 @@ public function testNewDrupalCommand(array $package, string $directory = 'drupal
$inputs = [
// Choose a starting project.
- $project,
+ $project,
- 'directory' => $directory,
+ 'directory' => $directory,
], $inputs);
$output = $this->getDisplay();
@@ -116,10 +116,10 @@ public function testNewNextJSAppCommand(array $package, string $directory = 'nex
$inputs = [
// Choose a starting project.
- $project,
+ $project,
- 'directory' => $directory,
+ 'directory' => $directory,
], $inputs);
$output = $this->getDisplay();
@@ -137,11 +137,11 @@ protected function mockExecuteComposerCreate(
string $project
): void {
$command = [
- 'composer',
- 'create-project',
- $project,
- $projectDir,
- '--no-interaction',
+ 'composer',
+ 'create-project',
+ $project,
+ $projectDir,
+ '--no-interaction',
@@ -155,11 +155,11 @@ protected function mockExecuteNpxCreate(
ObjectProphecy $process,
): void {
$command = [
- 'npx',
- 'create-next-app',
- '-e',
- 'https://github.com/acquia/next-acms/tree/main/starters/basic-starter',
- $projectDir,
+ 'npx',
+ 'create-next-app',
+ '-e',
+ 'https://github.com/acquia/next-acms/tree/main/starters/basic-starter',
+ $projectDir,
@@ -173,9 +173,9 @@ protected function mockExecuteGitInit(
ObjectProphecy $process
): void {
$command = [
- 'git',
- 'init',
- '--initial-branch=main',
+ 'git',
+ 'init',
+ '--initial-branch=main',
->execute($command, null, $projectDir)
@@ -189,9 +189,9 @@ protected function mockExecuteGitAdd(
ObjectProphecy $process
): void {
$command = [
- 'git',
- 'add',
- '-A',
+ 'git',
+ 'add',
+ '-A',
->execute($command, null, $projectDir)
@@ -205,11 +205,11 @@ protected function mockExecuteGitCommit(
ObjectProphecy $process
): void {
$command = [
- 'git',
- 'commit',
- '--message',
- 'Initial commit.',
- '--quiet',
+ 'git',
+ 'commit',
+ '--message',
+ 'Initial commit.',
+ '--quiet',
->execute($command, null, $projectDir)
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/App/NewFromDrupal7CommandTest.php b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/App/NewFromDrupal7CommandTest.php
index 77ce1750e..0b6385441 100644
--- a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/App/NewFromDrupal7CommandTest.php
+++ b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/App/NewFromDrupal7CommandTest.php
@@ -45,9 +45,9 @@ public function provideTestNewFromDrupal7Command(): array
$cases = [];
foreach ($case_directories as $case_directory) {
$cases[basename($case_directory)] = [
- "$case_directory/extensions.json",
- "$repo_root/config/from_d7_recommendations.json",
- "$case_directory/expected.json",
+ "$case_directory/extensions.json",
+ "$repo_root/config/from_d7_recommendations.json",
+ "$case_directory/expected.json",
return $cases;
@@ -108,9 +108,9 @@ public function testNewFromDrupal7Command(string $extensions_json, string $recom
$this->mockExecuteGitCommit($localMachineHelper, $race_condition_proof_tmpdir, $process);
- '--directory' => $race_condition_proof_tmpdir,
- '--recommendations' => $recommendations_json,
- '--stored-analysis' => $extensions_json,
+ '--directory' => $race_condition_proof_tmpdir,
+ '--recommendations' => $recommendations_json,
+ '--stored-analysis' => $extensions_json,
$output = $this->getDisplay();
@@ -138,11 +138,11 @@ protected function mockExecuteComposerCreate(
ObjectProphecy $process
): void {
$command = [
- 'composer',
- 'install',
- '--working-dir',
- $projectDir,
- '--no-interaction',
+ 'composer',
+ 'install',
+ '--working-dir',
+ $projectDir,
+ '--no-interaction',
@@ -156,10 +156,10 @@ protected function mockExecuteGitInit(
ObjectProphecy $process
): void {
$command = [
- 'git',
- 'init',
- '--initial-branch=main',
- '--quiet',
+ 'git',
+ 'init',
+ '--initial-branch=main',
+ '--quiet',
->execute($command, null, $projectDir)
@@ -173,9 +173,9 @@ protected function mockExecuteGitAdd(
ObjectProphecy $process
): void {
$command = [
- 'git',
- 'add',
- '-A',
+ 'git',
+ 'add',
+ '-A',
->execute($command, null, $projectDir)
@@ -189,11 +189,11 @@ protected function mockExecuteGitCommit(
ObjectProphecy $process
): void {
$command = [
- 'git',
- 'commit',
- '--message',
- "Generated by Acquia CLI's app:new:from:drupal7.",
- '--quiet',
+ 'git',
+ 'commit',
+ '--message',
+ "Generated by Acquia CLI's app:new:from:drupal7.",
+ '--quiet',
->execute($command, null, $projectDir)
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/App/TaskWaitCommandTest.php b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/App/TaskWaitCommandTest.php
index 0549a951f..3b1942c4e 100644
--- a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/App/TaskWaitCommandTest.php
+++ b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/App/TaskWaitCommandTest.php
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ public function testTaskWaitCommand(string $notification): void
$notificationUuid = '1bd3487e-71d1-4fca-a2d9-5f969b3d35c1';
$this->mockRequest('getNotificationByUuid', $notificationUuid);
- 'notification-uuid' => $notification,
+ 'notification-uuid' => $notification,
$output = $this->getDisplay();
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ function ($response): void {
- 'notification-uuid' => $notificationUuid,
+ 'notification-uuid' => $notificationUuid,
self::assertStringContainsString(' [ERROR] The task with notification uuid 1bd3487e-71d1-4fca-a2d9-5f969b3d35c1 failed', $this->getDisplay());
@@ -68,14 +68,14 @@ function ($response): void {
public function providerTestTaskWaitCommand(): array
return [
- [
- '1bd3487e-71d1-4fca-a2d9-5f969b3d35c1',
- ],
- [
- 'https://cloud.acquia.com/api/notifications/1bd3487e-71d1-4fca-a2d9-5f969b3d35c1',
- ],
- [
- <<<'EOT'
+ [
+ '1bd3487e-71d1-4fca-a2d9-5f969b3d35c1',
+ ],
+ [
+ 'https://cloud.acquia.com/api/notifications/1bd3487e-71d1-4fca-a2d9-5f969b3d35c1',
+ ],
+ [
+ <<<'EOT'
"message": "Caches are being cleared.",
"_links": {
@@ -88,10 +88,10 @@ public function providerTestTaskWaitCommand(): array
- ],
- [
- '"1bd3487e-71d1-4fca-a2d9-5f969b3d35c1"',
- ],
+ ],
+ [
+ '"1bd3487e-71d1-4fca-a2d9-5f969b3d35c1"',
+ ],
@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ public function testTaskWaitCommandWithInvalidJson(string $notification): void
- 'notification-uuid' => $notification,
+ 'notification-uuid' => $notification,
@@ -130,8 +130,8 @@ public function testTaskWaitCommandWithInvalidJson(string $notification): void
public function providerTestTaskWaitCommandWithInvalidJson(): array
return [
- [
- <<<'EOT'
+ [
+ <<<'EOT'
"message": "Caches are being cleared.",
"_links": {
@@ -147,9 +147,9 @@ public function providerTestTaskWaitCommandWithInvalidJson(): array
- ],
- [
- <<<'EOT'
+ ],
+ [
+ <<<'EOT'
"message": "Caches are being cleared.",
"_links": {
@@ -159,10 +159,10 @@ public function providerTestTaskWaitCommandWithInvalidJson(): array
- ],
- [
- '"11bd3487e-71d1-4fca-a2d9-5f969b3d35c1"',
- ],
+ ],
+ [
+ '"11bd3487e-71d1-4fca-a2d9-5f969b3d35c1"',
+ ],
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Archive/ArchiveExporterCommandTest.php b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Archive/ArchiveExporterCommandTest.php
index 2cd9b3791..373342fca 100644
--- a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Archive/ArchiveExporterCommandTest.php
+++ b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Archive/ArchiveExporterCommandTest.php
@@ -48,10 +48,10 @@ public function testArchiveExport(): void
$inputs = [
// ... Do you want to continue? (yes/no) [yes]
- 'y',
+ 'y',
- 'destination-dir' => $destinationDir,
+ 'destination-dir' => $destinationDir,
], $inputs);
$output = $this->getDisplay();
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Auth/AuthLoginCommandTest.php b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Auth/AuthLoginCommandTest.php
index 32ae7560d..0a1c9c2a7 100644
--- a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Auth/AuthLoginCommandTest.php
+++ b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Auth/AuthLoginCommandTest.php
@@ -62,18 +62,18 @@ public function providerTestAuthLoginInvalidInputCommand(): Generator
- [],
- ['--key' => 'no spaces are allowed' , '--secret' => $this->secret],
+ [],
+ ['--key' => 'no spaces are allowed' , '--secret' => $this->secret],
- [],
- ['--key' => 'shorty' , '--secret' => $this->secret],
+ [],
+ ['--key' => 'shorty' , '--secret' => $this->secret],
- [],
- ['--key' => ' ', '--secret' => $this->secret],
+ [],
+ ['--key' => ' ', '--secret' => $this->secret],
@@ -95,14 +95,14 @@ public function testAuthLoginInvalidDatastore(): void
$data = [
- 'acli_key' => 'key2',
- 'keys' => [
- 'key1' => [
- 'label' => 'foo',
- 'secret' => 'foo',
- 'uuid' => 'foo',
- ],
- ],
+ 'acli_key' => 'key2',
+ 'keys' => [
+ 'key1' => [
+ 'label' => 'foo',
+ 'secret' => 'foo',
+ 'uuid' => 'foo',
+ ],
+ ],
$this->fs->dumpFile($this->cloudConfigFilepath, json_encode($data));
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Auth/AuthLogoutCommandTest.php b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Auth/AuthLogoutCommandTest.php
index c63b13e59..309330607 100644
--- a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Auth/AuthLogoutCommandTest.php
+++ b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Auth/AuthLogoutCommandTest.php
@@ -34,14 +34,14 @@ public function testAuthLogoutInvalidDatastore(): void
$data = [
- 'acli_key' => 'key2',
- 'keys' => [
- 'key1' => [
- 'label' => 'foo',
- 'secret' => 'foo',
- 'uuid' => 'foo',
- ],
- ],
+ 'acli_key' => 'key2',
+ 'keys' => [
+ 'key1' => [
+ 'label' => 'foo',
+ 'secret' => 'foo',
+ 'uuid' => 'foo',
+ ],
+ ],
$this->fs->dumpFile($this->cloudConfigFilepath, json_encode($data));
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/ClearCacheCommandTest.php b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/ClearCacheCommandTest.php
index 535d648da..f972c8ae9 100644
--- a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/ClearCacheCommandTest.php
+++ b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/ClearCacheCommandTest.php
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ public function testAliasesAreCached(): void
$args = ['applicationUuid' => $alias];
$inputs = [
// Would you like to link the Cloud application Sample application to this repository?
- 'n',
+ 'n',
$this->executeCommand($args, $inputs);
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/CodeStudio/CodeStudioPhpVersionCommandTest.php b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/CodeStudio/CodeStudioPhpVersionCommandTest.php
index 8634a089f..6b825fe33 100644
--- a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/CodeStudio/CodeStudioPhpVersionCommandTest.php
+++ b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/CodeStudio/CodeStudioPhpVersionCommandTest.php
@@ -33,10 +33,10 @@ protected function createCommand(): CommandBase
public function providerTestPhpVersionFailure(): array
return [
- ['', ValidatorException::class],
- ['8', ValidatorException::class],
- ['8 1', ValidatorException::class],
- ['ABC', ValidatorException::class],
+ ['', ValidatorException::class],
+ ['8', ValidatorException::class],
+ ['8 1', ValidatorException::class],
+ ['ABC', ValidatorException::class],
@@ -49,8 +49,8 @@ public function testPhpVersionFailure(mixed $phpVersion): void
- 'applicationUuid' => self::$applicationUuid,
- 'php-version' => $phpVersion,
+ 'applicationUuid' => self::$applicationUuid,
+ 'php-version' => $phpVersion,
@@ -72,10 +72,10 @@ public function testCiCdNotEnabled(): void
- '--gitlab-host-name' => $this->gitLabHost,
- '--gitlab-token' => $this->gitLabToken,
- 'applicationUuid' => self::$applicationUuid,
- 'php-version' => '8.1',
+ '--gitlab-host-name' => $this->gitLabHost,
+ '--gitlab-token' => $this->gitLabToken,
+ 'applicationUuid' => self::$applicationUuid,
+ 'php-version' => '8.1',
$output = $this->getDisplay();
@@ -105,10 +105,10 @@ public function testPhpVersionAddFail(): void
- '--gitlab-host-name' => $this->gitLabHost,
- '--gitlab-token' => $this->gitLabToken,
- 'applicationUuid' => self::$applicationUuid,
- 'php-version' => '8.1',
+ '--gitlab-host-name' => $this->gitLabHost,
+ '--gitlab-token' => $this->gitLabToken,
+ 'applicationUuid' => self::$applicationUuid,
+ 'php-version' => '8.1',
$output = $this->getDisplay();
@@ -138,10 +138,10 @@ public function testPhpVersionAdd(): void
- '--gitlab-host-name' => $this->gitLabHost,
- '--gitlab-token' => $this->gitLabToken,
- 'applicationUuid' => self::$applicationUuid,
- 'php-version' => '8.1',
+ '--gitlab-host-name' => $this->gitLabHost,
+ '--gitlab-token' => $this->gitLabToken,
+ 'applicationUuid' => self::$applicationUuid,
+ 'php-version' => '8.1',
$output = $this->getDisplay();
@@ -166,12 +166,12 @@ public function testPhpVersionUpdateFail(): void
$variables = $this->getMockGitLabVariables();
$variables[] = [
- 'environment_scope' => '*',
- 'key' => 'PHP_VERSION',
- 'masked' => false,
- 'protected' => false,
- 'value' => '8.1',
- 'variable_type' => 'env_var',
+ 'environment_scope' => '*',
+ 'key' => 'PHP_VERSION',
+ 'masked' => false,
+ 'protected' => false,
+ 'value' => '8.1',
+ 'variable_type' => 'env_var',
$projects->updateVariable($this->gitLabProjectId, Argument::type('string'), Argument::type('string'))
@@ -180,10 +180,10 @@ public function testPhpVersionUpdateFail(): void
- '--gitlab-host-name' => $this->gitLabHost,
- '--gitlab-token' => $this->gitLabToken,
- 'applicationUuid' => self::$applicationUuid,
- 'php-version' => '8.1',
+ '--gitlab-host-name' => $this->gitLabHost,
+ '--gitlab-token' => $this->gitLabToken,
+ 'applicationUuid' => self::$applicationUuid,
+ 'php-version' => '8.1',
$output = $this->getDisplay();
@@ -208,12 +208,12 @@ public function testPhpVersionUpdate(): void
$variables = $this->getMockGitLabVariables();
$variables[] = [
- 'environment_scope' => '*',
- 'key' => 'PHP_VERSION',
- 'masked' => false,
- 'protected' => false,
- 'value' => '8.1',
- 'variable_type' => 'env_var',
+ 'environment_scope' => '*',
+ 'key' => 'PHP_VERSION',
+ 'masked' => false,
+ 'protected' => false,
+ 'value' => '8.1',
+ 'variable_type' => 'env_var',
$projects->updateVariable($this->gitLabProjectId, Argument::type('string'), Argument::type('string'));
@@ -222,10 +222,10 @@ public function testPhpVersionUpdate(): void
- '--gitlab-host-name' => $this->gitLabHost,
- '--gitlab-token' => $this->gitLabToken,
- 'applicationUuid' => self::$applicationUuid,
- 'php-version' => '8.1',
+ '--gitlab-host-name' => $this->gitLabHost,
+ '--gitlab-token' => $this->gitLabToken,
+ 'applicationUuid' => self::$applicationUuid,
+ 'php-version' => '8.1',
$output = $this->getDisplay();
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/CodeStudio/CodeStudioPipelinesMigrateCommandTest.php b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/CodeStudio/CodeStudioPipelinesMigrateCommandTest.php
index f04927bb5..e37f022a1 100644
--- a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/CodeStudio/CodeStudioPipelinesMigrateCommandTest.php
+++ b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/CodeStudio/CodeStudioPipelinesMigrateCommandTest.php
@@ -53,24 +53,24 @@ protected function createCommand(): CommandBase
public function providerTestCommand(): array
return [
- [
+ [
// One project.
- [$this->getMockedGitLabProject($this->gitLabProjectId)],
+ [$this->getMockedGitLabProject($this->gitLabProjectId)],
// Inputs.
- [
+ [
// Would you like Acquia CLI to search for a Cloud application that matches your local git config?
- 'n',
+ 'n',
// @todo
- '0',
+ '0',
// Do you want to continue?
- 'y',
- ],
- // Args.
- [
- '--key' => $this->key,
- '--secret' => $this->secret,
- ],
- ],
+ 'y',
+ ],
+ // Args.
+ [
+ '--key' => $this->key,
+ '--secret' => $this->secret,
+ ],
+ ],
@@ -97,48 +97,48 @@ public function testCommand(mixed $mockedGitlabProjects, mixed $inputs, mixed $a
$projects = $this->mockGetGitLabProjects($this::$applicationUuid, $this->gitLabProjectId, $mockedGitlabProjects);
$gitlabCicdVariables = [
- [
- 'masked' => true,
- 'protected' => false,
- 'value' => null,
- 'variable_type' => 'env_var',
- ],
- [
- 'masked' => true,
- 'protected' => false,
- 'value' => null,
- 'variable_type' => 'env_var',
- ],
- [
- 'masked' => true,
- 'protected' => false,
- 'value' => null,
- 'variable_type' => 'env_var',
- ],
- [
- 'masked' => true,
- 'protected' => false,
- 'value' => null,
- 'variable_type' => 'env_var',
- ],
- [
- 'masked' => true,
- 'protected' => false,
- 'value' => null,
- 'variable_type' => 'env_var',
- ],
- [
- 'key' => 'PHP_VERSION',
- 'masked' => false,
- 'protected' => false,
- 'value' => null,
- 'variable_type' => 'env_var',
- ],
+ [
+ 'masked' => true,
+ 'protected' => false,
+ 'value' => null,
+ 'variable_type' => 'env_var',
+ ],
+ [
+ 'masked' => true,
+ 'protected' => false,
+ 'value' => null,
+ 'variable_type' => 'env_var',
+ ],
+ [
+ 'masked' => true,
+ 'protected' => false,
+ 'value' => null,
+ 'variable_type' => 'env_var',
+ ],
+ [
+ 'masked' => true,
+ 'protected' => false,
+ 'value' => null,
+ 'variable_type' => 'env_var',
+ ],
+ [
+ 'masked' => true,
+ 'protected' => false,
+ 'value' => null,
+ 'variable_type' => 'env_var',
+ ],
+ [
+ 'key' => 'PHP_VERSION',
+ 'masked' => false,
+ 'protected' => false,
+ 'value' => null,
+ 'variable_type' => 'env_var',
+ ],
$projects->update($this->gitLabProjectId, Argument::type('array'));
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/CodeStudio/CodeStudioWizardCommandTest.php b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/CodeStudio/CodeStudioWizardCommandTest.php
index 531a80f0e..52265c6e5 100644
--- a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/CodeStudio/CodeStudioWizardCommandTest.php
+++ b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/CodeStudio/CodeStudioWizardCommandTest.php
@@ -58,230 +58,230 @@ protected function createCommand(): CommandBase
public function providerTestCommand(): array
return [
- [
+ [
// One project.
- [$this->getMockedGitLabProject($this->gitLabProjectId)],
+ [$this->getMockedGitLabProject($this->gitLabProjectId)],
// Inputs.
- [
+ [
// Do you want to continue?
- 'y',
+ 'y',
// Would you like to perform a one time push of code from Acquia Cloud to Code Studio now? (yes/no) [yes]:
- 'y',
- ],
- // Args.
- [
- '--key' => $this->key,
- '--secret' => $this->secret,
- ],
- ],
- // Two projects.
- [
- [$this->getMockedGitLabProject($this->gitLabProjectId), $this->getMockedGitLabProject($this->gitLabProjectId)],
- // Inputs.
- [
- // Found multiple projects that could match the Sample application 1 application. Choose which one to configure.
- '0',
- // Do you want to continue?
- 'y',
- // Would you like to perform a one time push of code from Acquia Cloud to Code Studio now? (yes/no) [yes]:
- 'y',
- ],
- // Args.
- [
- '--key' => $this->key,
- '--secret' => $this->secret,
- ],
- ],
- [
- // No projects.
- [],
- // Inputs.
- [
- // 'Would you like to create a new Code Studio project?
- 'y',
- // Select a project type Drupal_project.
- '0',
- // Select PHP version 8.1.
- '0',
- // Do you want to continue?
- 'y',
- // Would you like to perform a one time push of code from Acquia Cloud to Code Studio now? (yes/no) [yes]:
- 'y',
- ],
- // Args.
- [
- '--key' => $this->key,
- '--secret' => $this->secret,
- ],
- ],
- [
- // No projects.
- [],
- // Inputs.
- [
- // 'Would you like to create a new Code Studio project?
- 'y',
- // Select a project type Drupal_project.
- '0',
- // Select PHP version 8.2.
- '1',
- // Do you want to continue?
- 'y',
- // Would you like to perform a one time push of code from Acquia Cloud to Code Studio now? (yes/no) [yes]:
- 'y',
- ],
- // Args.
- [
- '--key' => $this->key,
- '--secret' => $this->secret,
- ],
- ],
- [
- // No projects.
- [],
- // Inputs.
- [
- // 'Would you like to create a new Code Studio project?
- 'y',
- // Select a project type Node_project.
- '1',
- // Select NODE version 18.17.1.
- '0',
- // Do you want to continue?
- 'y',
- // Would you like to perform a one time push of code from Acquia Cloud to Code Studio now? (yes/no) [yes]:
- 'y',
- ],
- // Args.
- [
- '--key' => $this->key,
- '--secret' => $this->secret,
- ],
- ],
- [
- // No projects.
- [],
- // Inputs.
- [
- // 'Would you like to create a new Code Studio project?
- 'y',
- // Select a project type Node_project.
- '1',
- // Select NODE version 20.5.1.
- '1',
- // Do you want to continue?
- 'y',
- // Would you like to perform a one time push of code from Acquia Cloud to Code Studio now? (yes/no) [yes]:
- 'y',
- ],
- // Args.
- [
- '--key' => $this->key,
- '--secret' => $this->secret,
- ],
- ],
- [
- // No projects.
- [],
- // Inputs.
- [
- // 'Would you like to create a new Code Studio project?
- 'n',
- // Choose project.
- '0',
- // Do you want to continue?
- 'y',
- ],
- // Args.
- [
- '--key' => $this->key,
- '--secret' => $this->secret,
- ],
- ],
- [
- // No projects.
- [],
- // Inputs.
- [
- // 'Would you like to create a new Code Studio project?
- 'y',
- // Enter Cloud Key.
- $this->key,
- // Enter Cloud secret,.
- $this->secret,
- // Select a project type Drupal_project.
- '0',
- // Select PHP version 8.1.
- '0',
- // Do you want to continue?
- 'y',
- ],
- // Args.
- [],
- ],
- [
- // No projects.
- [],
- // Inputs.
- [
- // 'Would you like to create a new Code Studio project?
- 'y',
- // Enter Cloud Key.
- $this->key,
- // Enter Cloud secret,.
- $this->secret,
- // Select a project type Node_project.
- '1',
- // Select NODE version 18.17.1.
- '0',
- // Do you want to continue?
- 'y',
- ],
- // Args.
- [],
- ],
- [
- // No projects.
- [],
- // Inputs.
- [
- // 'Would you like to create a new Code Studio project?
- 'y',
- // Enter Cloud Key.
- $this->key,
- // Enter Cloud secret,.
- $this->secret,
- // Select a project type Drupal_project.
- '0',
- // Select PHP version 8.2.
- '1',
- // Do you want to continue?
- 'y',
- ],
- // Args.
- [],
- ],
- [
- // No projects.
- [],
- // Inputs.
- [
- // 'Would you like to create a new Code Studio project?
- 'y',
- // Enter Cloud Key.
- $this->key,
- // Enter Cloud secret,.
- $this->secret,
- // Select a project type Node_project.
- '1',
- // Select NODE version 20.5.1.
- '1',
- // Do you want to continue?
- 'y',
- ],
- // Args.
- [],
- ],
+ 'y',
+ ],
+ // Args.
+ [
+ '--key' => $this->key,
+ '--secret' => $this->secret,
+ ],
+ ],
+ // Two projects.
+ [
+ [$this->getMockedGitLabProject($this->gitLabProjectId), $this->getMockedGitLabProject($this->gitLabProjectId)],
+ // Inputs.
+ [
+ // Found multiple projects that could match the Sample application 1 application. Choose which one to configure.
+ '0',
+ // Do you want to continue?
+ 'y',
+ // Would you like to perform a one time push of code from Acquia Cloud to Code Studio now? (yes/no) [yes]:
+ 'y',
+ ],
+ // Args.
+ [
+ '--key' => $this->key,
+ '--secret' => $this->secret,
+ ],
+ ],
+ [
+ // No projects.
+ [],
+ // Inputs.
+ [
+ // 'Would you like to create a new Code Studio project?
+ 'y',
+ // Select a project type Drupal_project.
+ '0',
+ // Select PHP version 8.1.
+ '0',
+ // Do you want to continue?
+ 'y',
+ // Would you like to perform a one time push of code from Acquia Cloud to Code Studio now? (yes/no) [yes]:
+ 'y',
+ ],
+ // Args.
+ [
+ '--key' => $this->key,
+ '--secret' => $this->secret,
+ ],
+ ],
+ [
+ // No projects.
+ [],
+ // Inputs.
+ [
+ // 'Would you like to create a new Code Studio project?
+ 'y',
+ // Select a project type Drupal_project.
+ '0',
+ // Select PHP version 8.2.
+ '1',
+ // Do you want to continue?
+ 'y',
+ // Would you like to perform a one time push of code from Acquia Cloud to Code Studio now? (yes/no) [yes]:
+ 'y',
+ ],
+ // Args.
+ [
+ '--key' => $this->key,
+ '--secret' => $this->secret,
+ ],
+ ],
+ [
+ // No projects.
+ [],
+ // Inputs.
+ [
+ // 'Would you like to create a new Code Studio project?
+ 'y',
+ // Select a project type Node_project.
+ '1',
+ // Select NODE version 18.17.1.
+ '0',
+ // Do you want to continue?
+ 'y',
+ // Would you like to perform a one time push of code from Acquia Cloud to Code Studio now? (yes/no) [yes]:
+ 'y',
+ ],
+ // Args.
+ [
+ '--key' => $this->key,
+ '--secret' => $this->secret,
+ ],
+ ],
+ [
+ // No projects.
+ [],
+ // Inputs.
+ [
+ // 'Would you like to create a new Code Studio project?
+ 'y',
+ // Select a project type Node_project.
+ '1',
+ // Select NODE version 20.5.1.
+ '1',
+ // Do you want to continue?
+ 'y',
+ // Would you like to perform a one time push of code from Acquia Cloud to Code Studio now? (yes/no) [yes]:
+ 'y',
+ ],
+ // Args.
+ [
+ '--key' => $this->key,
+ '--secret' => $this->secret,
+ ],
+ ],
+ [
+ // No projects.
+ [],
+ // Inputs.
+ [
+ // 'Would you like to create a new Code Studio project?
+ 'n',
+ // Choose project.
+ '0',
+ // Do you want to continue?
+ 'y',
+ ],
+ // Args.
+ [
+ '--key' => $this->key,
+ '--secret' => $this->secret,
+ ],
+ ],
+ [
+ // No projects.
+ [],
+ // Inputs.
+ [
+ // 'Would you like to create a new Code Studio project?
+ 'y',
+ // Enter Cloud Key.
+ $this->key,
+ // Enter Cloud secret,.
+ $this->secret,
+ // Select a project type Drupal_project.
+ '0',
+ // Select PHP version 8.1.
+ '0',
+ // Do you want to continue?
+ 'y',
+ ],
+ // Args.
+ [],
+ ],
+ [
+ // No projects.
+ [],
+ // Inputs.
+ [
+ // 'Would you like to create a new Code Studio project?
+ 'y',
+ // Enter Cloud Key.
+ $this->key,
+ // Enter Cloud secret,.
+ $this->secret,
+ // Select a project type Node_project.
+ '1',
+ // Select NODE version 18.17.1.
+ '0',
+ // Do you want to continue?
+ 'y',
+ ],
+ // Args.
+ [],
+ ],
+ [
+ // No projects.
+ [],
+ // Inputs.
+ [
+ // 'Would you like to create a new Code Studio project?
+ 'y',
+ // Enter Cloud Key.
+ $this->key,
+ // Enter Cloud secret,.
+ $this->secret,
+ // Select a project type Drupal_project.
+ '0',
+ // Select PHP version 8.2.
+ '1',
+ // Do you want to continue?
+ 'y',
+ ],
+ // Args.
+ [],
+ ],
+ [
+ // No projects.
+ [],
+ // Inputs.
+ [
+ // 'Would you like to create a new Code Studio project?
+ 'y',
+ // Enter Cloud Key.
+ $this->key,
+ // Enter Cloud secret,.
+ $this->secret,
+ // Select a project type Node_project.
+ '1',
+ // Select NODE version 20.5.1.
+ '1',
+ // Do you want to continue?
+ 'y',
+ ],
+ // Args.
+ [],
+ ],
@@ -301,21 +301,21 @@ public function testCommand(array $mockedGitlabProjects, array $inputs, array $a
$projects = $this->mockGetGitLabProjects($this::$applicationUuid, $this->gitLabProjectId, $mockedGitlabProjects);
$parameters = [
- 'container_registry_access_level' => 'disabled',
- 'default_branch' => 'main',
- 'description' => 'Source repository for Acquia Cloud Platform application a47ac10b-58cc-4372-a567-0e02b2c3d470',
- 'initialize_with_readme' => true,
- 'namespace_id' => 47,
- 'topics' => 'Acquia Cloud Application',
+ 'container_registry_access_level' => 'disabled',
+ 'default_branch' => 'main',
+ 'description' => 'Source repository for Acquia Cloud Platform application a47ac10b-58cc-4372-a567-0e02b2c3d470',
+ 'initialize_with_readme' => true,
+ 'namespace_id' => 47,
+ 'topics' => 'Acquia Cloud Application',
$projects->create('Sample-application-1', $parameters)->willReturn($this->getMockedGitLabProject($this->gitLabProjectId));
$parameters = [
- 'container_registry_access_level' => 'disabled',
- 'default_branch' => 'main',
- 'description' => 'Source repository for Acquia Cloud Platform application a47ac10b-58cc-4372-a567-0e02b2c3d470',
- 'initialize_with_readme' => true,
- 'topics' => 'Acquia Cloud Application',
+ 'container_registry_access_level' => 'disabled',
+ 'default_branch' => 'main',
+ 'description' => 'Source repository for Acquia Cloud Platform application a47ac10b-58cc-4372-a567-0e02b2c3d470',
+ 'initialize_with_readme' => true,
+ 'topics' => 'Acquia Cloud Application',
$projects->update($this->gitLabProjectId, $parameters)->shouldBeCalled();
@@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ public function testCommand(array $mockedGitlabProjects, array $inputs, array $a
if ($inputs[0] === 'y' && ($inputs[1] === '1' || (array_key_exists(3, $inputs) && $inputs[3] === '1'))) {
$parameters = [
- 'ci_config_path' => 'gitlab-ci/Auto-DevOps.acquia.gitlab-ci.yml@acquia/node-template',
+ 'ci_config_path' => 'gitlab-ci/Auto-DevOps.acquia.gitlab-ci.yml@acquia/node-template',
$projects->update($this->gitLabProjectId, $parameters)->shouldBeCalled();
} else {
@@ -335,18 +335,18 @@ public function testCommand(array $mockedGitlabProjects, array $inputs, array $a
$pipeline = ['id' => 1];
$parameters = [
// Every Thursday at midnight.
- 'cron' => '0 0 * * 4',
- 'description' => 'Code Studio Automatic Updates',
- 'ref' => 'master',
+ 'cron' => '0 0 * * 4',
+ 'description' => 'Code Studio Automatic Updates',
+ 'ref' => 'master',
$schedules->create($this->gitLabProjectId, $parameters)->willReturn($pipeline);
$schedules->addVariable($this->gitLabProjectId, $pipeline['id'], [
- 'value' => 'true',
+ 'value' => 'true',
$schedules->addVariable($this->gitLabProjectId, $pipeline['id'], [
- 'value' => 'true',
+ 'value' => 'true',
@@ -393,8 +393,8 @@ public function testInvalidGitLabCredentials(): void
$this->expectExceptionMessage('Unable to authenticate with Code Studio');
- '--key' => $this->key,
- '--secret' => $this->secret,
+ '--key' => $this->key,
+ '--secret' => $this->secret,
@@ -411,28 +411,28 @@ public function testMissingGitLabCredentials(): void
$this->expectExceptionMessage('Could not determine GitLab token');
- '--key' => $this->key,
- '--secret' => $this->secret,
+ '--key' => $this->key,
+ '--secret' => $this->secret,
protected function mockGitLabProjectsTokens(ObjectProphecy $projects): void
$tokens = [
- 0 => [
- 'access_level' => 40,
- 'active' => true,
- 'created_at' => '2021-12-28T20:08:21.629Z',
- 'expires_at' => new DateTime('+365 days'),
- 'id' => $this->gitLabTokenId,
- 'name' => 'acquia-codestudio',
- 'revoked' => false,
- 'scopes' => [
- 0 => 'api',
- 1 => 'write_repository',
- ],
- 'user_id' => 154,
- ],
+ 0 => [
+ 'access_level' => 40,
+ 'active' => true,
+ 'created_at' => '2021-12-28T20:08:21.629Z',
+ 'expires_at' => new DateTime('+365 days'),
+ 'id' => $this->gitLabTokenId,
+ 'name' => 'acquia-codestudio',
+ 'revoked' => false,
+ 'scopes' => [
+ 0 => 'api',
+ 1 => 'write_repository',
+ ],
+ 'user_id' => 154,
+ ],
$projects->deleteProjectAccessToken($this->gitLabProjectId, $this->gitLabTokenId)->shouldBeCalled();
@@ -446,10 +446,10 @@ protected function mockGetCurrentBranchName(mixed $localMachineHelper): void
$process = $this->mockProcess();
- 'git',
- 'rev-parse',
- '--abbrev-ref',
- 'HEAD',
+ 'git',
+ 'rev-parse',
+ '--abbrev-ref',
+ 'HEAD',
], null, null, false)->willReturn($process->reveal());
@@ -457,60 +457,60 @@ protected function mockGitLabGroups(ObjectProphecy $gitlabClient): void
$groups = $this->prophet->prophesize(Groups::class);
- 0 => [
- 'auto_devops_enabled' => null,
- 'avatar_url' => null,
- 'created_at' => '2021-11-16T18:54:31.275Z',
- 'default_branch_protection' => 2,
- 'description' => '',
- 'emails_disabled' => null,
- 'full_name' => 'awesome-demo',
- 'full_path' => 'awesome-demo',
- 'id' => 47,
- 'ldap_access' => null,
- 'ldap_cn' => null,
- 'lfs_enabled' => true,
- 'marked_for_deletion_on' => null,
- 'mentions_disabled' => null,
- 'name' => 'awesome-demo',
- 'parent_id' => null,
- 'path' => 'awesome-demo',
- 'project_creation_level' => 'developer',
- 'request_access_enabled' => true,
- 'require_two_factor_authentication' => false,
- 'share_with_group_lock' => false,
- 'subgroup_creation_level' => 'maintainer',
- 'two_factor_grace_period' => 48,
- 'visibility' => 'private',
- 'web_url' => 'https://code.cloudservices.acquia.io/groups/awesome-demo',
- ],
- 1 => [
- 'auto_devops_enabled' => null,
- 'avatar_url' => null,
- 'created_at' => '2021-12-14T18:49:50.724Z',
- 'default_branch_protection' => 2,
- 'description' => '',
- 'emails_disabled' => null,
- 'full_name' => 'Nestle',
- 'full_path' => 'nestle',
- 'id' => 68,
- 'ldap_access' => null,
- 'ldap_cn' => null,
- 'lfs_enabled' => true,
- 'marked_for_deletion_on' => null,
- 'mentions_disabled' => null,
- 'name' => 'Nestle',
- 'parent_id' => null,
- 'path' => 'nestle',
- 'project_creation_level' => 'developer',
- 'request_access_enabled' => true,
- 'require_two_factor_authentication' => false,
- 'share_with_group_lock' => false,
- 'subgroup_creation_level' => 'maintainer',
- 'two_factor_grace_period' => 48,
- 'visibility' => 'private',
- 'web_url' => 'https://code.cloudservices.acquia.io/groups/nestle',
- ],
+ 0 => [
+ 'auto_devops_enabled' => null,
+ 'avatar_url' => null,
+ 'created_at' => '2021-11-16T18:54:31.275Z',
+ 'default_branch_protection' => 2,
+ 'description' => '',
+ 'emails_disabled' => null,
+ 'full_name' => 'awesome-demo',
+ 'full_path' => 'awesome-demo',
+ 'id' => 47,
+ 'ldap_access' => null,
+ 'ldap_cn' => null,
+ 'lfs_enabled' => true,
+ 'marked_for_deletion_on' => null,
+ 'mentions_disabled' => null,
+ 'name' => 'awesome-demo',
+ 'parent_id' => null,
+ 'path' => 'awesome-demo',
+ 'project_creation_level' => 'developer',
+ 'request_access_enabled' => true,
+ 'require_two_factor_authentication' => false,
+ 'share_with_group_lock' => false,
+ 'subgroup_creation_level' => 'maintainer',
+ 'two_factor_grace_period' => 48,
+ 'visibility' => 'private',
+ 'web_url' => 'https://code.cloudservices.acquia.io/groups/awesome-demo',
+ ],
+ 1 => [
+ 'auto_devops_enabled' => null,
+ 'avatar_url' => null,
+ 'created_at' => '2021-12-14T18:49:50.724Z',
+ 'default_branch_protection' => 2,
+ 'description' => '',
+ 'emails_disabled' => null,
+ 'full_name' => 'Nestle',
+ 'full_path' => 'nestle',
+ 'id' => 68,
+ 'ldap_access' => null,
+ 'ldap_cn' => null,
+ 'lfs_enabled' => true,
+ 'marked_for_deletion_on' => null,
+ 'mentions_disabled' => null,
+ 'name' => 'Nestle',
+ 'parent_id' => null,
+ 'path' => 'nestle',
+ 'project_creation_level' => 'developer',
+ 'request_access_enabled' => true,
+ 'require_two_factor_authentication' => false,
+ 'share_with_group_lock' => false,
+ 'subgroup_creation_level' => 'maintainer',
+ 'two_factor_grace_period' => 48,
+ 'visibility' => 'private',
+ 'web_url' => 'https://code.cloudservices.acquia.io/groups/nestle',
+ ],
@@ -519,20 +519,20 @@ protected function mockGitLabNamespaces(ObjectProphecy $gitlabClient): void
$namespaces = $this->prophet->prophesize(ProjectNamespaces::class);
- 'avatar_url' => 'https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/5ee7b8ad954bf7156e6eb57a45d60dec?s=80&d=identicon',
- 'billable_members_count' => 1,
- 'full_path' => 'matthew.grasmick',
- 'id' => 48,
- 'kind' => 'user',
- 'max_seats_used' => 0,
- 'name' => 'Matthew Grasmick',
- 'parent_id' => null,
- 'path' => 'matthew.grasmick',
- 'plan' => 'default',
- 'seats_in_use' => 0,
- 'trial' => false,
- 'trial_ends_on' => null,
- 'web_url' => 'https://code.cloudservices.acquia.io/matthew.grasmick',
+ 'avatar_url' => 'https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/5ee7b8ad954bf7156e6eb57a45d60dec?s=80&d=identicon',
+ 'billable_members_count' => 1,
+ 'full_path' => 'matthew.grasmick',
+ 'id' => 48,
+ 'kind' => 'user',
+ 'max_seats_used' => 0,
+ 'name' => 'Matthew Grasmick',
+ 'parent_id' => null,
+ 'path' => 'matthew.grasmick',
+ 'plan' => 'default',
+ 'seats_in_use' => 0,
+ 'trial' => false,
+ 'trial_ends_on' => null,
+ 'web_url' => 'https://code.cloudservices.acquia.io/matthew.grasmick',
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/CommandBaseTest.php b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/CommandBaseTest.php
index 49e0d7853..2dfee6b90 100644
--- a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/CommandBaseTest.php
+++ b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/CommandBaseTest.php
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ public function testUnauthenticatedFailure(): void
$inputs = [
// Would you like to share anonymous performance usage and data?
- 'n',
+ 'n',
$this->expectExceptionMessage('This machine is not yet authenticated with the Cloud Platform.');
@@ -53,8 +53,8 @@ public function testCloudAppFromLocalConfig(): void
public function providerTestCloudAppUuidArg(): array
return [
- ['a47ac10b-58cc-4372-a567-0e02b2c3d470'],
- ['165c887b-7633-4f64-799d-a5d4669c768e'],
+ ['a47ac10b-58cc-4372-a567-0e02b2c3d470'],
+ ['165c887b-7633-4f64-799d-a5d4669c768e'],
@@ -74,8 +74,8 @@ public function testCloudAppUuidArg(string $uuid): void
public function providerTestInvalidCloudAppUuidArg(): array
return [
- ['a47ac10b-58cc-4372-a567-0e02b2c3d4', 'This value should have exactly 36 characters.'],
- ['a47ac10b-58cc-4372-a567-0e02b2c3d47z', 'This is not a valid UUID.'],
+ ['a47ac10b-58cc-4372-a567-0e02b2c3d4', 'This value should have exactly 36 characters.'],
+ ['a47ac10b-58cc-4372-a567-0e02b2c3d47z', 'This is not a valid UUID.'],
@@ -95,9 +95,9 @@ public function testInvalidCloudAppUuidArg(string $uuid, string $message): void
public function providerTestInvalidCloudEnvironmentAlias(): array
return [
- ['bl.a', 'This value is too short. It should have 5 characters or more.'],
- ['blarg', 'You must enter either an environment ID or alias. Environment aliases must match the pattern [app-name].[env]'],
- ['12345', 'You must enter either an environment ID or alias. Environment aliases must match the pattern [app-name].[env]'],
+ ['bl.a', 'This value is too short. It should have 5 characters or more.'],
+ ['blarg', 'You must enter either an environment ID or alias. Environment aliases must match the pattern [app-name].[env]'],
+ ['12345', 'You must enter either an environment ID or alias. Environment aliases must match the pattern [app-name].[env]'],
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/DocsCommandTest.php b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/DocsCommandTest.php
index b69936a1a..7158cd283 100644
--- a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/DocsCommandTest.php
+++ b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/DocsCommandTest.php
@@ -39,78 +39,78 @@ public function testDocsCommand(int $input, string $expectedOutput): void
public function providerTestDocsCommand(): array
return [
- [
- 0,
- '[0 ] Acquia CLI',
- ],
- [
- 1,
- '[1 ] Acquia CMS',
- ],
- [
- 2,
- '[2 ] Acquia DAM Classic',
- ],
- [
- 3,
- '[3 ] Acquia Migrate Accelerate',
- ],
- [
- 4,
- '[4 ] BLT',
- ],
- [
- 5,
- '[5 ] Campaign Factory',
- ],
- [
- 6,
- '[6 ] Campaign Studio',
- ],
- [
- 7,
- '[7 ] Cloud IDE',
- ],
- [
- 8,
- '[8 ] Cloud Platform',
- ],
- [
- 9,
- '[9 ] Code Studio',
- ],
- [
- 10,
- '[10] Content Hub',
- ],
- [
- 11,
- '[11] Customer Data Platform',
- ],
- [
- 12,
- '[12] Edge',
- ],
- [
- 13,
- '[13] Personalization',
- ],
- [
- 14,
- '[14] Search',
- ],
- [
- 15,
- '[15] Shield',
- ],
- [
- 16,
- '[16] Site Factory',
- ],
- [
- 17,
- '[17] Site Studio',
- ],
+ [
+ 0,
+ '[0 ] Acquia CLI',
+ ],
+ [
+ 1,
+ '[1 ] Acquia CMS',
+ ],
+ [
+ 2,
+ '[2 ] Acquia DAM Classic',
+ ],
+ [
+ 3,
+ '[3 ] Acquia Migrate Accelerate',
+ ],
+ [
+ 4,
+ '[4 ] BLT',
+ ],
+ [
+ 5,
+ '[5 ] Campaign Factory',
+ ],
+ [
+ 6,
+ '[6 ] Campaign Studio',
+ ],
+ [
+ 7,
+ '[7 ] Cloud IDE',
+ ],
+ [
+ 8,
+ '[8 ] Cloud Platform',
+ ],
+ [
+ 9,
+ '[9 ] Code Studio',
+ ],
+ [
+ 10,
+ '[10] Content Hub',
+ ],
+ [
+ 11,
+ '[11] Customer Data Platform',
+ ],
+ [
+ 12,
+ '[12] Edge',
+ ],
+ [
+ 13,
+ '[13] Personalization',
+ ],
+ [
+ 14,
+ '[14] Search',
+ ],
+ [
+ 15,
+ '[15] Shield',
+ ],
+ [
+ 16,
+ '[16] Site Factory',
+ ],
+ [
+ 17,
+ '[17] Site Studio',
+ ],
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Email/ConfigurePlatformEmailCommandTest.php b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Email/ConfigurePlatformEmailCommandTest.php
index d935b4596..663cb6963 100644
--- a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Email/ConfigurePlatformEmailCommandTest.php
+++ b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Email/ConfigurePlatformEmailCommandTest.php
@@ -91,98 +91,98 @@ public function providerTestConfigurePlatformEmail(): array
return [
- [
- 'test.com',
- 'zone',
- [
+ [
+ 'test.com',
+ 'zone',
+ [
// What's the domain name you'd like to register?
- 'test.com',
+ 'test.com',
// Select a Cloud Platform subscription.
- '0',
+ '0',
// Would you like your DNS records in BIND Zone File, JSON, or YAML format?
- '0',
+ '0',
// Have you finished providing the DNS records to your DNS provider?
- 'y',
+ 'y',
// What are the environments you'd like to enable email for? You may enter multiple separated by a comma.
- '0',
- ],
- // Status code.
- 0,
- // Expected text.
- ["You're all set to start using Platform Email!"],
- // Domain registration responses.
- "200",
- ],
- [
- 'test.com',
- 'yaml',
- [
- // What's the domain name you'd like to register?
- 'test.com',
- // Select a Cloud Platform subscription.
- '0',
- // Would you like your DNS records in BIND Zone File, JSON, or YAML format?
- '1',
- // Have you finished providing the DNS records to your DNS provider?
- 'n',
- ],
- // Status code.
- 1,
- // Expected text.
- ["Make sure to give these records to your DNS provider"],
- // Domain registration responses.
- "404",
- ],
- [
- 'test.com',
- 'json',
- [
- // What's the domain name you'd like to register?
- 'test.com',
- // Select a Cloud Platform subscription.
- '0',
- // Would you like your DNS records in BIND Zone File, JSON, or YAML format?
- '2',
- // Have you finished providing the DNS records to your DNS provider?
- 'y',
- // Would you like to retry verification?
- 'n',
- ],
- // Status code.
- 1,
- // Expected text.
- ["Verification pending...", "Check your DNS records with your DNS provider"],
- // Domain registration responses.
- "202",
- ],
- [
- 'test.com',
- 'zone',
- [
- // What's the domain name you'd like to register?
- 'test.com',
- // Select a Cloud Platform subscription.
- '0',
- // Would you like your DNS records in BIND Zone File, JSON, or YAML format?
- '0',
- // Have you finished providing the DNS records to your DNS provider?
- 'y',
- // Would you like to refresh?
- 'y',
- // Would you like to re-check domain verification?
- 'n',
- ],
- // Status code.
- 1,
- // Expected text.
- ["Refreshing...", "Check your DNS records with your DNS provider"],
- // Domain registration responses.
- "404",
- ],
+ '0',
+ ],
+ // Status code.
+ 0,
+ // Expected text.
+ ["You're all set to start using Platform Email!"],
+ // Domain registration responses.
+ "200",
+ ],
+ [
+ 'test.com',
+ 'yaml',
+ [
+ // What's the domain name you'd like to register?
+ 'test.com',
+ // Select a Cloud Platform subscription.
+ '0',
+ // Would you like your DNS records in BIND Zone File, JSON, or YAML format?
+ '1',
+ // Have you finished providing the DNS records to your DNS provider?
+ 'n',
+ ],
+ // Status code.
+ 1,
+ // Expected text.
+ ["Make sure to give these records to your DNS provider"],
+ // Domain registration responses.
+ "404",
+ ],
+ [
+ 'test.com',
+ 'json',
+ [
+ // What's the domain name you'd like to register?
+ 'test.com',
+ // Select a Cloud Platform subscription.
+ '0',
+ // Would you like your DNS records in BIND Zone File, JSON, or YAML format?
+ '2',
+ // Have you finished providing the DNS records to your DNS provider?
+ 'y',
+ // Would you like to retry verification?
+ 'n',
+ ],
+ // Status code.
+ 1,
+ // Expected text.
+ ["Verification pending...", "Check your DNS records with your DNS provider"],
+ // Domain registration responses.
+ "202",
+ ],
+ [
+ 'test.com',
+ 'zone',
+ [
+ // What's the domain name you'd like to register?
+ 'test.com',
+ // Select a Cloud Platform subscription.
+ '0',
+ // Would you like your DNS records in BIND Zone File, JSON, or YAML format?
+ '0',
+ // Have you finished providing the DNS records to your DNS provider?
+ 'y',
+ // Would you like to refresh?
+ 'y',
+ // Would you like to re-check domain verification?
+ 'n',
+ ],
+ // Status code.
+ 1,
+ // Expected text.
+ ["Refreshing...", "Check your DNS records with your DNS provider"],
+ // Domain registration responses.
+ "404",
+ ],
@@ -192,52 +192,52 @@ public function providerTestConfigurePlatformEmail(): array
public function providerTestConfigurePlatformEmailEnableEnv(): array
return [
- [
- 'example.com',
- [
- // What's the domain name you'd like to register?
- 'example.com',
- // Select a Cloud Platform subscription.
- '0',
- // Would you like your DNS records in BIND Zone File, JSON, or YAML format?
- '0',
- // Have you finished providing the DNS records to your DNS provider?
- 'y',
- // What are the environments you'd like to enable email for? You may enter multiple separated by a comma.
- '0',
- ],
- // Status code.
- 0,
- // Enablement response code.
- '409',
- // Spec key for enablement response code.
- 'Already enabled',
- // Expected text.
- ['already enabled', "You're all set to start using Platform Email!"],
- ],
- [
- 'example.com',
- [
+ [
+ 'example.com',
+ [
// What's the domain name you'd like to register?
- 'example.com',
+ 'example.com',
// Select a Cloud Platform subscription.
- '0',
+ '0',
// Would you like your DNS records in BIND Zone File, JSON, or YAML format?
- '0',
+ '0',
// Have you finished providing the DNS records to your DNS provider?
- 'y',
+ 'y',
// What are the environments you'd like to enable email for? You may enter multiple separated by a comma.
- '0',
- ],
- // Status code.
- 1,
- // Enablement response code.
- '403',
- // Spec key for enablement response code.
- 'No permission',
- // Expected text.
- ['You do not have permission', 'Something went wrong'],
- ],
+ '0',
+ ],
+ // Status code.
+ 0,
+ // Enablement response code.
+ '409',
+ // Spec key for enablement response code.
+ 'Already enabled',
+ // Expected text.
+ ['already enabled', "You're all set to start using Platform Email!"],
+ ],
+ [
+ 'example.com',
+ [
+ // What's the domain name you'd like to register?
+ 'example.com',
+ // Select a Cloud Platform subscription.
+ '0',
+ // Would you like your DNS records in BIND Zone File, JSON, or YAML format?
+ '0',
+ // Have you finished providing the DNS records to your DNS provider?
+ 'y',
+ // What are the environments you'd like to enable email for? You may enter multiple separated by a comma.
+ '0',
+ ],
+ // Status code.
+ 1,
+ // Enablement response code.
+ '403',
+ // Spec key for enablement response code.
+ 'No permission',
+ // Expected text.
+ ['You do not have permission', 'Something went wrong'],
+ ],
@@ -256,9 +256,9 @@ public function testConfigurePlatformEmail(mixed $baseDomain, mixed $fileDumpFor
$postDomainsResponse = $this->getMockResponseFromSpec('/subscriptions/{subscriptionUuid}/domains', 'post', '200');
$this->clientProphecy->request('post', "/subscriptions/{$subscriptionsResponse->_embedded->items[0]->uuid}/domains", [
- 'form_params' => [
- 'domain' => $baseDomain,
- ],
+ 'form_params' => [
+ 'domain' => $baseDomain,
+ ],
$getDomainsResponse = $this->getMockResponseFromSpec('/subscriptions/{subscriptionUuid}/domains', 'get', '200');
@@ -305,19 +305,19 @@ public function testConfigurePlatformEmailWithMultipleAppsAndEnvs(): void
$inputs = [
// What's the domain name you'd like to register?
- 'test.com',
+ 'test.com',
// Select a Cloud Platform subscription.
- '0',
+ '0',
// Would you like your DNS records in BIND Zone File, JSON, or YAML format?
- '0',
+ '0',
// Have you finished providing the DNS records to your DNS provider?
- 'y',
+ 'y',
// What are the applications you'd like to associate this domain with? You may enter multiple separated by a comma.
- '0,1',
+ '0,1',
// What are the environments you'd like to enable email for? You may enter multiple separated by a comma. - Application 0.
- '0,1',
+ '0,1',
// What are the environments you'd like to enable email for? You may enter multiple separated by a comma. - Application 1.
- '0',
+ '0',
$localMachineHelper = $this->mockLocalMachineHelper();
$mockFileSystem = $this->mockGetFilesystem($localMachineHelper);
@@ -329,9 +329,9 @@ public function testConfigurePlatformEmailWithMultipleAppsAndEnvs(): void
$postDomainsResponse = $this->getMockResponseFromSpec('/subscriptions/{subscriptionUuid}/domains', 'post', '200');
$this->clientProphecy->request('post', "/subscriptions/{$subscriptionsResponse->_embedded->items[0]->uuid}/domains", [
- 'form_params' => [
- 'domain' => 'test.com',
- ],
+ 'form_params' => [
+ 'domain' => 'test.com',
+ ],
$getDomainsResponse = $this->getMockResponseFromSpec('/subscriptions/{subscriptionUuid}/domains', 'get', '200');
@@ -387,13 +387,13 @@ public function testConfigurePlatformEmailNoApps(): void
$baseDomain = 'test.com';
$inputs = [
// What's the domain name you'd like to register?
- $baseDomain,
+ $baseDomain,
// Select a Cloud Platform subscription.
- '0',
+ '0',
// Would you like your DNS records in BIND Zone File, JSON, or YAML format?
- '0',
+ '0',
// Have you finished providing the DNS records to your DNS provider?
- 'y',
+ 'y',
$subscriptionsResponse = $this->getMockResponseFromSpec('/subscriptions', 'get', '200');
@@ -403,9 +403,9 @@ public function testConfigurePlatformEmailNoApps(): void
$postDomainsResponse = $this->getMockResponseFromSpec('/subscriptions/{subscriptionUuid}/domains', 'post', '200');
$this->clientProphecy->request('post', "/subscriptions/{$subscriptionsResponse->_embedded->items[0]->uuid}/domains", [
- 'form_params' => [
- 'domain' => $baseDomain,
- ],
+ 'form_params' => [
+ 'domain' => $baseDomain,
+ ],
$getDomainsResponse = $this->getMockResponseFromSpec('/subscriptions/{subscriptionUuid}/domains', 'get', '200');
@@ -439,13 +439,13 @@ public function testConfigurePlatformEmailWithNoDomainMatch(): void
$baseDomain = 'test.com';
$inputs = [
// What's the domain name you'd like to register?
- $baseDomain,
+ $baseDomain,
// Select a Cloud Platform subscription.
- '0',
+ '0',
// Would you like your DNS records in BIND Zone File, JSON, or YAML format?
- '0',
+ '0',
// Have you finished providing the DNS records to your DNS provider?
- 'y',
+ 'y',
$subscriptionsResponse = $this->getMockResponseFromSpec('/subscriptions', 'get', '200');
@@ -455,9 +455,9 @@ public function testConfigurePlatformEmailWithNoDomainMatch(): void
$postDomainsResponse = $this->getMockResponseFromSpec('/subscriptions/{subscriptionUuid}/domains', 'post', '200');
$this->clientProphecy->request('post', "/subscriptions/{$subscriptionsResponse->_embedded->items[0]->uuid}/domains", [
- 'form_params' => [
- 'domain' => $baseDomain,
- ],
+ 'form_params' => [
+ 'domain' => $baseDomain,
+ ],
$getDomainsResponse = $this->getMockResponseFromSpec('/subscriptions/{subscriptionUuid}/domains', 'get', '200');
@@ -474,13 +474,13 @@ public function testConfigurePlatformEmailWithErrorRetrievingDomainHealth(): voi
$baseDomain = 'test.com';
$inputs = [
// What's the domain name you'd like to register?
- $baseDomain,
+ $baseDomain,
// Select a Cloud Platform subscription.
- '0',
+ '0',
// Would you like your DNS records in BIND Zone File, JSON, or YAML format?
- '0',
+ '0',
// Have you finished providing the DNS records to your DNS provider?
- 'y',
+ 'y',
$subscriptionsResponse = $this->getMockResponseFromSpec('/subscriptions', 'get', '200');
@@ -490,9 +490,9 @@ public function testConfigurePlatformEmailWithErrorRetrievingDomainHealth(): voi
$postDomainsResponse = $this->getMockResponseFromSpec('/subscriptions/{subscriptionUuid}/domains', 'post', '200');
$this->clientProphecy->request('post', "/subscriptions/{$subscriptionsResponse->_embedded->items[0]->uuid}/domains", [
- 'form_params' => [
- 'domain' => $baseDomain,
- ],
+ 'form_params' => [
+ 'domain' => $baseDomain,
+ ],
$getDomainsResponse = $this->getMockResponseFromSpec('/subscriptions/{subscriptionUuid}/domains', 'get', '200');
@@ -517,15 +517,15 @@ public function testConfigurePlatformEmailJsonOutput(): void
$inputs = [
// What's the domain name you'd like to register?
- 'test.com',
+ 'test.com',
// Select a Cloud Platform subscription.
- '0',
+ '0',
// Would you like your DNS records in BIND Zone File, JSON, or YAML format?
- '2',
+ '2',
// Have you finished providing the DNS records to your DNS provider?
- 'y',
+ 'y',
// What are the environments you'd like to enable email for? You may enter multiple separated by a comma.
- '0',
+ '0',
$subscriptionsResponse = $this->getMockResponseFromSpec('/subscriptions', 'get', '200');
$this->clientProphecy->request('get', '/subscriptions')
@@ -533,9 +533,9 @@ public function testConfigurePlatformEmailJsonOutput(): void
$postDomainsResponse = $this->getMockResponseFromSpec('/subscriptions/{subscriptionUuid}/domains', 'post', '200');
$this->clientProphecy->request('post', "/subscriptions/{$subscriptionsResponse->_embedded->items[0]->uuid}/domains", [
- 'form_params' => [
- 'domain' => 'test.com',
- ],
+ 'form_params' => [
+ 'domain' => 'test.com',
+ ],
$getDomainsResponse = $this->getMockResponseFromSpec('/subscriptions/{subscriptionUuid}/domains', 'get', '200');
@@ -585,9 +585,9 @@ public function testConfigurePlatformEmailWithAlreadyEnabledEnvs(mixed $baseDoma
$postDomainsResponse = $this->getMockResponseFromSpec('/subscriptions/{subscriptionUuid}/domains', 'post', '200');
$this->clientProphecy->request('post', "/subscriptions/{$subscriptionsResponse->_embedded->items[0]->uuid}/domains", [
- 'form_params' => [
- 'domain' => $baseDomain,
- ],
+ 'form_params' => [
+ 'domain' => $baseDomain,
+ ],
$getDomainsResponse = $this->getMockResponseFromSpec('/subscriptions/{subscriptionUuid}/domains', 'get', '200');
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Email/EmailInfoForSubscriptionCommandTest.php b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Email/EmailInfoForSubscriptionCommandTest.php
index 0214457a6..8540928e9 100644
--- a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Email/EmailInfoForSubscriptionCommandTest.php
+++ b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Email/EmailInfoForSubscriptionCommandTest.php
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ public function testEmailInfoForSubscription(): void
$inputs = [
// Select a Cloud Platform subscription.
- 0,
+ 0,
$subscriptions = $this->mockRequest('getSubscriptions');
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ public function testEmailInfoForSubscriptionNoApps(): void
$inputs = [
// Select a Cloud Platform subscription.
- 0,
+ 0,
$subscriptions = $this->mockRequest('getSubscriptions');
@@ -100,9 +100,9 @@ public function testEmailInfoForSubscriptionWith101Apps(): void
$inputs = [
// Select a Cloud Platform subscription.
- 0,
+ 0,
// Do you wish to continue?
- 'no',
+ 'no',
$subscriptions = $this->mockRequest('getSubscriptions');
@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ public function testEmailInfoForSubscriptionNoDomains(): void
$inputs = [
// Select a Cloud Platform subscription.
- 0,
+ 0,
$subscriptions = $this->mockRequest('getSubscriptions');
@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ public function testEmailInfoForSubscriptionNoAppDomains(): void
$inputs = [
// Select a Cloud Platform subscription.
- 0,
+ 0,
$subscriptions = $this->mockRequest('getSubscriptions');
@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ public function testEmailInfoForSubscriptionNoSubscriptions(): void
$inputs = [
// Select a Cloud Platform subscription.
- 0,
+ 0,
$this->clientProphecy->request('get', '/subscriptions')
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Env/EnvCertCreateCommandTest.php b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Env/EnvCertCreateCommandTest.php
index 89dc4ab63..2e644a169 100644
--- a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Env/EnvCertCreateCommandTest.php
+++ b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Env/EnvCertCreateCommandTest.php
@@ -36,14 +36,14 @@ public function testCreateCert(): void
$options = [
- 'json' => [
- 'ca_certificates' => null,
- 'certificate' => $certContents,
- 'csr_id' => $csrId,
- 'label' => $label,
- 'legacy' => false,
- 'private_key' => $keyContents,
- ],
+ 'json' => [
+ 'ca_certificates' => null,
+ 'certificate' => $certContents,
+ 'csr_id' => $csrId,
+ 'label' => $label,
+ 'legacy' => false,
+ 'private_key' => $keyContents,
+ ],
$this->clientProphecy->request('post', "/environments/{$environments[1]->id}/ssl/certificates", $options)
->willReturn($sslResponse->{'Site is being imported'}->value)
@@ -52,20 +52,20 @@ public function testCreateCert(): void
- '--csr-id' => $csrId,
- '--label' => $label,
- '--legacy' => false,
- 'certificate' => $certName,
- 'private-key' => $keyName,
+ '--csr-id' => $csrId,
+ '--label' => $label,
+ '--legacy' => false,
+ 'certificate' => $certName,
+ 'private-key' => $keyName,
// Would you like Acquia CLI to search for a Cloud application that matches your local git config?'.
- 'n',
+ 'n',
// Select a Cloud Platform application: [Sample application 1]:
- 0,
- 'n',
- 1,
- '',
+ 0,
+ 'n',
+ 1,
+ '',
@@ -96,14 +96,14 @@ public function testCreateCertNode(): void
$options = [
- 'json' => [
- 'ca_certificates' => null,
- 'certificate' => $certContents,
- 'csr_id' => $csrId,
- 'label' => $label,
- 'legacy' => false,
- 'private_key' => $keyContents,
- ],
+ 'json' => [
+ 'ca_certificates' => null,
+ 'certificate' => $certContents,
+ 'csr_id' => $csrId,
+ 'label' => $label,
+ 'legacy' => false,
+ 'private_key' => $keyContents,
+ ],
$this->clientProphecy->request('post', "/environments/{$environments[0]->id}/ssl/certificates", $options)
->willReturn($sslResponse->{'Site is being imported'}->value)
@@ -112,17 +112,17 @@ public function testCreateCertNode(): void
- '--csr-id' => $csrId,
- '--label' => $label,
- '--legacy' => false,
- 'certificate' => $certName,
- 'private-key' => $keyName,
+ '--csr-id' => $csrId,
+ '--label' => $label,
+ '--legacy' => false,
+ 'certificate' => $certName,
+ 'private-key' => $keyName,
// Would you like Acquia CLI to search for a Cloud application that matches your local git config?'.
- 'n',
+ 'n',
// Select a Cloud Platform application: [Sample application 1]:
- 0,
+ 0,
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Env/EnvCopyCronCommandTest.php b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Env/EnvCopyCronCommandTest.php
index 6bee7ed66..4f36f6d06 100644
--- a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Env/EnvCopyCronCommandTest.php
+++ b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Env/EnvCopyCronCommandTest.php
@@ -44,11 +44,11 @@ public function testCopyCronTasksCommandTest(): void
$dest = '32-a47ac10b-58cc-4372-a567-0e02b2c3d470';
- 'dest_env' => $dest,
- 'source_env' => $source,
+ 'dest_env' => $dest,
+ 'source_env' => $source,
- 'y',
+ 'y',
@@ -63,8 +63,8 @@ public function testCopyCronTasksCommandTest(): void
public function testCopyCronTasksCommandTestFail(): void
- 'dest_env' => 'app.test',
- 'source_env' => 'app.test',
+ 'dest_env' => 'app.test',
+ 'source_env' => 'app.test',
$output = $this->getDisplay();
$this->assertStringContainsString('The source and destination environments can not be same', $output);
@@ -87,11 +87,11 @@ public function testNoCronJobOnSource(): void
$dest = '32-a47ac10b-58cc-4372-a567-0e02b2c3d470';
- 'dest_env' => $dest,
- 'source_env' => $source,
+ 'dest_env' => $dest,
+ 'source_env' => $source,
- 'y',
+ 'y',
@@ -125,11 +125,11 @@ public function testExceptionOnCronJobCopy(): void
$dest = '32-a47ac10b-58cc-4372-a567-0e02b2c3d470';
- 'dest_env' => $dest,
- 'source_env' => $source,
+ 'dest_env' => $dest,
+ 'source_env' => $source,
- 'y',
+ 'y',
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Env/EnvCreateCommandTest.php b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Env/EnvCreateCommandTest.php
index f7e3cdd87..d7fc310f4 100644
--- a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Env/EnvCreateCommandTest.php
+++ b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Env/EnvCreateCommandTest.php
@@ -94,11 +94,11 @@ public function providerTestCreateCde(): array
$branch = $this->getBranch();
return [
// No args, only interactive input.
- [[null, null], ['n', 0, 0]],
+ [[null, null], ['n', 0, 0]],
// Branch as arg.
- [[$branch, null], ['n', 0]],
+ [[$branch, null], ['n', 0]],
// Branch and app id as args.
- [[$branch, $application], []],
+ [[$branch, $application], []],
@@ -112,9 +112,9 @@ public function testCreateCde(mixed $args, mixed $input): void
- 'applicationUuid' => $args[1],
- 'branch' => $args[0],
- 'label' => self::$validLabel,
+ 'applicationUuid' => $args[1],
+ 'branch' => $args[0],
+ 'label' => self::$validLabel,
@@ -136,9 +136,9 @@ public function testCreateCdeNonUniqueLabel(): void
$this->expectExceptionMessage('An environment named Dev already exists.');
- 'applicationUuid' => $this->getApplication(),
- 'branch' => $this->getBranch(),
- 'label' => $label,
+ 'applicationUuid' => $this->getApplication(),
+ 'branch' => $this->getBranch(),
+ 'label' => $label,
@@ -154,9 +154,9 @@ public function testCreateCdeInvalidTag(): void
$this->expectExceptionMessage('There is no branch or tag with the name bogus on the remote VCS.');
- 'applicationUuid' => $this->getApplication(),
- 'branch' => 'bogus',
- 'label' => self::$validLabel,
+ 'applicationUuid' => $this->getApplication(),
+ 'branch' => 'bogus',
+ 'label' => self::$validLabel,
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Env/EnvDeleteCommandTest.php b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Env/EnvDeleteCommandTest.php
index b51c46d0b..2bb6a0aa3 100644
--- a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Env/EnvDeleteCommandTest.php
+++ b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Env/EnvDeleteCommandTest.php
@@ -27,8 +27,8 @@ public function providerTestDeleteCde(): array
$environmentResponse = $this->getMockEnvironmentsResponse();
$environment = $environmentResponse->_embedded->items[0];
return [
- [$environment->id],
- [null],
+ [$environment->id],
+ [null],
@@ -76,13 +76,13 @@ public function testDeleteCde(mixed $environmentId): void
- 'environmentId' => $environmentId,
+ 'environmentId' => $environmentId,
// Would you like Acquia CLI to search for a Cloud application that matches your local git config?'.
- 'n',
+ 'n',
// Select a Cloud Platform application: [Sample application 1]:
- 0,
+ 0,
$output = $this->getDisplay();
@@ -106,9 +106,9 @@ public function testNoExistingCDEEnvironment(): void
// Would you like Acquia CLI to search for a Cloud application that matches your local git config?'.
- 'n',
+ 'n',
// Select a Cloud Platform application: [Sample application 1]:
- 0,
+ 0,
@@ -145,9 +145,9 @@ public function testNoEnvironmentArgumentPassed(): void
// Would you like Acquia CLI to search for a Cloud application that matches your local git config?'.
- 'n',
+ 'n',
// Select a Cloud Platform application: [Sample application 1]:
- 0,
+ 0,
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Env/EnvMirrorCommandTest.php b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Env/EnvMirrorCommandTest.php
index 4577e7d8e..975ccd8f7 100644
--- a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Env/EnvMirrorCommandTest.php
+++ b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Env/EnvMirrorCommandTest.php
@@ -30,9 +30,9 @@ public function testEnvironmentMirror(): void
- 'form_params' => [
- 'branch' => $environmentResponse->vcs->path,
- ],
+ 'form_params' => [
+ 'branch' => $environmentResponse->vcs->path,
+ ],
@@ -51,10 +51,10 @@ public function testEnvironmentMirror(): void
$response->links = $response->{'_links'};
$this->clientProphecy->request('post', "/environments/{$environmentResponse->id}/databases", [
- 'json' => [
- 'name' => $databasesResponse->_embedded->items[0]->name,
- 'source' => $environmentResponse->id,
- ],
+ 'json' => [
+ 'name' => $databasesResponse->_embedded->items[0]->name,
+ 'source' => $environmentResponse->id,
+ ],
@@ -64,9 +64,9 @@ public function testEnvironmentMirror(): void
$response->links = $response->{'_links'};
$this->clientProphecy->request('post', "/environments/{$environmentResponse->id}/files", [
- 'json' => [
- 'source' => $environmentResponse->id,
- ],
+ 'json' => [
+ 'source' => $environmentResponse->id,
+ ],
@@ -79,12 +79,12 @@ public function testEnvironmentMirror(): void
- 'destination-environment' => $environmentResponse->id,
- 'source-environment' => $environmentResponse->id,
+ 'destination-environment' => $environmentResponse->id,
+ 'source-environment' => $environmentResponse->id,
// Are you sure that you want to overwrite everything ...
- 'y',
+ 'y',
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Ide/IdeCreateCommandTest.php b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Ide/IdeCreateCommandTest.php
index df555137e..34834f783 100644
--- a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Ide/IdeCreateCommandTest.php
+++ b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Ide/IdeCreateCommandTest.php
@@ -62,11 +62,11 @@ public function testCreate(): void
$inputs = [
// Would you like Acquia CLI to search for a Cloud application that matches your local git config?
// Would you like to link the project at ... ?
- 'n',
- 0,
+ 'n',
+ 0,
// Enter a label for your Cloud IDE:
- 'Example IDE',
+ 'Example IDE',
$this->executeCommand([], $inputs);
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Ide/IdeDeleteCommandTest.php b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Ide/IdeDeleteCommandTest.php
index 59c186bd1..0dcc9ca30 100644
--- a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Ide/IdeDeleteCommandTest.php
+++ b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Ide/IdeDeleteCommandTest.php
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ public function setUp(OutputInterface $output = null): void
- $this->injectCommand(SshKeyDeleteCommand::class),
+ $this->injectCommand(SshKeyDeleteCommand::class),
@@ -44,15 +44,15 @@ public function testIdeDeleteCommand(): void
$inputs = [
// Would you like Acquia CLI to search for a Cloud application that matches your local git config?
- 'n',
+ 'n',
// Select the application for which you'd like to create a new IDE.
- 0,
+ 0,
// Would you like to link the project at ... ?
- 'y',
+ 'y',
// Select the IDE you'd like to delete:
- 0,
+ 0,
// Are you sure you want to delete ExampleIDE?
- 'y',
+ 'y',
$this->executeCommand([], $inputs);
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ public function testIdeDeleteByUuid(): void
$inputs = [
// Would you like to delete the SSH key associated with this IDE from your Cloud Platform account?
- 'y',
+ 'y',
$this->executeCommand(['--uuid' => IdeHelper::$remoteIdeUuid], $inputs);
@@ -89,15 +89,15 @@ public function testIdeDeleteNeverMind(): void
$this->mockRequest('getApplicationIdes', $applications[0]->uuid);
$inputs = [
// Would you like Acquia CLI to search for a Cloud application that matches your local git config?
- 'n',
+ 'n',
// Select the application for which you'd like to create a new IDE.
- 0,
+ 0,
// Would you like to link the project at ... ?
- 'y',
+ 'y',
// Select the IDE you'd like to delete:
- 0,
+ 0,
// Are you sure you want to delete ExampleIDE?
- 'n',
+ 'n',
$this->executeCommand([], $inputs);
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Ide/IdeHelper.php b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Ide/IdeHelper.php
index f5f9773a7..41aa6423b 100644
--- a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Ide/IdeHelper.php
+++ b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Ide/IdeHelper.php
@@ -27,10 +27,10 @@ public static function unsetCloudIdeEnvVars(): void
public static function getEnvVars(): array
return [
- 'ACQUIA_USER_UUID' => '4acf8956-45df-3cf4-5106-065b62cf1ac8',
- 'REMOTEIDE_LABEL' => self::$remoteIdeLabel,
- 'REMOTEIDE_UUID' => self::$remoteIdeUuid,
+ 'ACQUIA_USER_UUID' => '4acf8956-45df-3cf4-5106-065b62cf1ac8',
+ 'REMOTEIDE_LABEL' => self::$remoteIdeLabel,
+ 'REMOTEIDE_UUID' => self::$remoteIdeUuid,
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Ide/IdeInfoCommandTest.php b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Ide/IdeInfoCommandTest.php
index 6fca529b1..6f9ba1f89 100644
--- a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Ide/IdeInfoCommandTest.php
+++ b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Ide/IdeInfoCommandTest.php
@@ -29,13 +29,13 @@ public function testIdeInfoCommand(): void
$this->mockRequest('getIde', $ides[0]->uuid);
$inputs = [
// Would you like Acquia CLI to search for a Cloud application that matches your local git config?
- 'n',
+ 'n',
// Select the application.
- 0,
+ 0,
// Would you like to link the project at ... ?
- 'y',
+ 'y',
// Select an IDE ...
- 0,
+ 0,
$this->executeCommand([], $inputs);
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Ide/IdeListCommandMineTest.php b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Ide/IdeListCommandMineTest.php
index 4aebefff6..a9a658167 100644
--- a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Ide/IdeListCommandMineTest.php
+++ b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Ide/IdeListCommandMineTest.php
@@ -34,11 +34,11 @@ public function testIdeListMineCommand(): void
$inputs = [
// Would you like Acquia CLI to search for a Cloud application that matches your local git config?
- 'n',
+ 'n',
// Select the application.
- 0,
+ 0,
// Would you like to link the project at ... ?
- 'y',
+ 'y',
$this->executeCommand([], $inputs);
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Ide/IdeListCommandTest.php b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Ide/IdeListCommandTest.php
index 9e975cb3b..95b9475c4 100644
--- a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Ide/IdeListCommandTest.php
+++ b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Ide/IdeListCommandTest.php
@@ -28,11 +28,11 @@ public function testIdeListCommand(): void
$this->mockRequest('getApplicationIdes', $application->uuid);
$inputs = [
// Would you like Acquia CLI to search for a Cloud application that matches your local git config?
- 'n',
+ 'n',
// Select the application.
// Would you like to link the project at ... ?
- 'y',
+ 'y',
$this->executeCommand([], $inputs);
@@ -65,11 +65,11 @@ public function testIdeListEmptyCommand(): void
$inputs = [
// Would you like Acquia CLI to search for a Cloud application that matches your local git config?
- 'n',
+ 'n',
// Select the application.
// Would you like to link the project at ... ?
- 'y',
+ 'y',
$this->executeCommand([], $inputs);
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Ide/IdeOpenCommandTest.php b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Ide/IdeOpenCommandTest.php
index fdad33d2c..2864d1f1d 100644
--- a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Ide/IdeOpenCommandTest.php
+++ b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Ide/IdeOpenCommandTest.php
@@ -32,13 +32,13 @@ public function testIdeOpenCommand(): void
$inputs = [
// Would you like Acquia CLI to search for a Cloud application that matches your local git config?
- 'n',
+ 'n',
// Select a Cloud Platform application:
- 0,
+ 0,
// Would you like to link the project at ... ?
- 'y',
+ 'y',
// Select the IDE you'd like to open:
- 0,
+ 0,
$this->executeCommand([], $inputs);
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Ide/IdePhpVersionCommandTest.php b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Ide/IdePhpVersionCommandTest.php
index e9f258b3b..30439e738 100644
--- a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Ide/IdePhpVersionCommandTest.php
+++ b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Ide/IdePhpVersionCommandTest.php
@@ -32,9 +32,9 @@ protected function createCommand(): CommandBase
public function providerTestIdePhpVersionCommand(): array
return [
- ['7.4'],
- ['8.0'],
- ['8.1'],
+ ['7.4'],
+ ['8.0'],
+ ['8.1'],
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ public function testIdePhpVersionCommand(string $version): void
- 'version' => $version,
+ 'version' => $version,
], []);
@@ -65,10 +65,10 @@ public function testIdePhpVersionCommand(string $version): void
public function providerTestIdePhpVersionCommandFailure(): array
return [
- ['6.3', AcquiaCliException::class],
- ['6', ValidatorException::class],
- ['7', ValidatorException::class],
- ['7.', ValidatorException::class],
+ ['6.3', AcquiaCliException::class],
+ ['6', ValidatorException::class],
+ ['7', ValidatorException::class],
+ ['7.', ValidatorException::class],
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ public function testIdePhpVersionCommandFailure(string $version, string $excepti
- 'version' => $version,
+ 'version' => $version,
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ public function testIdePhpVersionCommandOutsideIde(): void
$this->expectExceptionMessage('This command can only be run inside of an Acquia Cloud IDE');
- 'version' => '7.3',
+ 'version' => '7.3',
@@ -99,9 +99,9 @@ protected function mockRestartPhp(ObjectProphecy|LocalMachineHelper $localMachin
- 'supervisorctl',
- 'restart',
- 'php-fpm',
+ 'supervisorctl',
+ 'restart',
+ 'php-fpm',
], null, null, false)->willReturn($process->reveal())->shouldBeCalled();
return $process;
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Ide/IdeXdebugToggleCommandTest.php b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Ide/IdeXdebugToggleCommandTest.php
index 89da557cb..83363d27b 100644
--- a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Ide/IdeXdebugToggleCommandTest.php
+++ b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Ide/IdeXdebugToggleCommandTest.php
@@ -30,9 +30,9 @@ public function setUpXdebug(string $phpVersion): void
$localMachineHelper = $this->mockLocalMachineHelper();
- 'supervisorctl',
- 'restart',
- 'php-fpm',
+ 'supervisorctl',
+ 'restart',
+ 'php-fpm',
], null, null, false)
@@ -49,9 +49,9 @@ protected function createCommand(): CommandBase
public function providerTestXdebugCommandEnable(): array
return [
- ['7.4'],
- ['8.0'],
- ['8.1'],
+ ['7.4'],
+ ['8.0'],
+ ['8.1'],
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/InferApplicationTest.php b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/InferApplicationTest.php
index 0743818e8..afb39f52b 100644
--- a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/InferApplicationTest.php
+++ b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/InferApplicationTest.php
@@ -41,9 +41,9 @@ public function testInfer(): void
$this->executeCommand([], [
// Would you like Acquia CLI to search for a Cloud application that matches your local git config?
- 'y',
+ 'y',
// Would you like to link the project at ...
- 'y',
+ 'y',
$output = $this->getDisplay();
@@ -76,11 +76,11 @@ public function testInferFailure(): void
$this->executeCommand([], [
// Would you like Acquia CLI to search for a Cloud application that matches your local git config?
- 'y',
+ 'y',
// Select a Cloud Platform application:
- 0,
+ 0,
// Would you like to link the project at ...
- 'y',
+ 'y',
$output = $this->getDisplay();
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ public function testInferInvalidGitConfig(): void
$this->executeCommand([], [
- 'y',
+ 'y',
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Pull/PullCodeCommandTest.php b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Pull/PullCodeCommandTest.php
index 2726ccf6d..fb396a67a 100644
--- a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Pull/PullCodeCommandTest.php
+++ b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Pull/PullCodeCommandTest.php
@@ -57,17 +57,17 @@ public function testCloneRepo(): void
$inputs = [
// Would you like to clone a project into the current directory?
- 'y',
+ 'y',
// Select a Cloud Platform application:
// Would you like to link the project at ... ?
- 'n',
+ 'n',
// Choose an Acquia environment:
- '--dir' => $dir,
- '--no-scripts' => true,
+ '--dir' => $dir,
+ '--no-scripts' => true,
], $inputs);
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ public function testPullCode(): void
$this->mockExecuteGitStatus(false, $localMachineHelper, $this->projectDir);
- '--no-scripts' => true,
+ '--no-scripts' => true,
], self::inputChooseEnvironment());
$output = $this->getDisplay();
@@ -220,9 +220,9 @@ public function testWithVendorDir(): void
public function providerTestMatchPhpVersion(): array
return [
- ['7.1'],
- ['7.2'],
- [''],
+ ['7.1'],
+ ['7.2'],
+ [''],
@@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ public function testMatchPhpVersion(string $phpVersion): void
- $this->injectCommand(IdePhpVersionCommand::class),
+ $this->injectCommand(IdePhpVersionCommand::class),
$this->command = $this->createCommand();
$dir = '/home/ide/project';
@@ -260,15 +260,15 @@ public function testMatchPhpVersion(string $phpVersion): void
- '--dir' => $dir,
- '--no-scripts' => true,
+ '--dir' => $dir,
+ '--no-scripts' => true,
// @todo Execute ONLY match php aspect, not the code pull.
- 'environmentId' => $environmentResponse->id,
+ 'environmentId' => $environmentResponse->id,
], [
// Choose an Acquia environment:
// Would you like to change the PHP version on this IDE to match the PHP version on ... ?
- 'n',
+ 'n',
$output = $this->getDisplay();
@@ -288,10 +288,10 @@ protected function mockExecuteGitClone(
mixed $dir
): void {
$command = [
- 'git',
- 'clone',
- $environmentsResponse->vcs->url,
- $dir,
+ 'git',
+ 'clone',
+ $environmentsResponse->vcs->url,
+ $dir,
$localMachineHelper->execute($command, Argument::type('callable'), null, true, null, ['GIT_SSH_COMMAND' => 'ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no'])
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Pull/PullCommandTest.php b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Pull/PullCommandTest.php
index cf04096d1..7e22962c7 100644
--- a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Pull/PullCommandTest.php
+++ b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Pull/PullCommandTest.php
@@ -67,17 +67,17 @@ public function testPull(): void
$this->mockExecuteMySqlImport($localMachineHelper, true, true, 'my_db', 'my_dbdev', 'drupal');
- '--no-scripts' => true,
+ '--no-scripts' => true,
], [
// Would you like Acquia CLI to search for a Cloud application that matches your local git config?
- 'n',
+ 'n',
// Select a Cloud Platform application:
// Would you like to link the project at ... ?
- 'n',
+ 'n',
// Choose an Acquia environment:
$output = $this->getDisplay();
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ public function testMissingLocalRepo(): void
$this->expectExceptionMessage('Execute this command from within a Drupal project directory or an empty directory');
$inputs = [
// Would you like to clone a project into the current directory?
- 'n',
+ 'n',
$this->executeCommand([], $inputs);
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Pull/PullCommandTestBase.php b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Pull/PullCommandTestBase.php
index 5a38c923c..0dc9022f6 100644
--- a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Pull/PullCommandTestBase.php
+++ b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Pull/PullCommandTestBase.php
@@ -57,11 +57,11 @@ protected function mockExecuteDrushStatus(
->willReturn(json_encode(['db-status' => 'Connected']));
- 'drush',
- 'status',
- '--fields=db-status,drush-version',
- '--format=json',
- '--no-interaction',
+ 'drush',
+ 'status',
+ '--fields=db-status,drush-version',
+ '--format=json',
+ '--no-interaction',
], Argument::any(), $dir, false)
@@ -73,11 +73,11 @@ protected function mockExecuteDrushCacheRebuild(
): void {
- 'drush',
- 'cache:rebuild',
- '--yes',
- '--no-interaction',
- '--verbose',
+ 'drush',
+ 'cache:rebuild',
+ '--yes',
+ '--no-interaction',
+ '--verbose',
], Argument::type('callable'), $this->projectDir, false)
@@ -89,11 +89,11 @@ protected function mockExecuteDrushSqlSanitize(
): void {
- 'drush',
- 'sql:sanitize',
- '--yes',
- '--no-interaction',
- '--verbose',
+ 'drush',
+ 'sql:sanitize',
+ '--yes',
+ '--no-interaction',
+ '--verbose',
], Argument::type('callable'), $this->projectDir, false)
@@ -114,9 +114,9 @@ protected function mockExecuteComposerInstall(
): void {
- 'composer',
- 'install',
- '--no-interaction',
+ 'composer',
+ 'install',
+ '--no-interaction',
], Argument::type('callable'), $this->projectDir, false, null)
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ protected function mockDrupalSettingsRefresh(
): void {
- '/ide/drupal-setup.sh',
+ '/ide/drupal-setup.sh',
@@ -150,9 +150,9 @@ protected function mockGetLocalCommitHash(
- 'git',
- 'rev-parse',
- 'HEAD',
+ 'git',
+ 'rev-parse',
+ 'HEAD',
], null, $cwd, false)->willReturn($process->reveal())->shouldBeCalled();
@@ -181,9 +181,9 @@ protected function mockExecuteGitFetchAndCheckout(
string $vcsPath
): void {
- 'git',
- 'fetch',
- '--all',
+ 'git',
+ 'fetch',
+ '--all',
], Argument::type('callable'), $cwd, false)
@@ -193,9 +193,9 @@ protected function mockExecuteGitFetchAndCheckout(
protected function mockExecuteGitCheckout(ObjectProphecy $localMachineHelper, string $vcsPath, string $cwd, ObjectProphecy $process): void
- 'git',
- 'checkout',
- $vcsPath,
+ 'git',
+ 'checkout',
+ $vcsPath,
], Argument::type('callable'), $cwd, false)
@@ -210,11 +210,11 @@ protected function mockExecuteRsync(
$process = $this->mockProcess();
$command = [
- 'rsync',
- '-avPhze',
- 'ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no',
- $environment->ssh_url . ':' . $sourceDir,
- $destinationDir,
+ 'rsync',
+ '-avPhze',
+ 'ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no',
+ $environment->ssh_url . ':' . $sourceDir,
+ $destinationDir,
$localMachineHelper->execute($command, Argument::type('callable'), null, true)
@@ -229,12 +229,12 @@ protected function mockExecuteMySqlConnect(
$process = $this->mockProcess($success);
- 'mysql',
- '--host',
- $this->dbHost,
- '--user',
- 'drupal',
- 'drupal',
+ 'mysql',
+ '--host',
+ $this->dbHost,
+ '--user',
+ 'drupal',
+ 'drupal',
], Argument::type('callable'), null, false, null, ['MYSQL_PWD' => 'drupal'])
@@ -248,15 +248,15 @@ protected function mockExecuteMySqlListTables(
$process = $this->mockProcess();
$command = [
- 'mysql',
- '--host',
- 'localhost',
- '--user',
- 'drupal',
- $dbName,
- '--silent',
- '-e',
+ 'mysql',
+ '--host',
+ 'localhost',
+ '--user',
+ 'drupal',
+ $dbName,
+ '--silent',
+ '-e',
->execute($command, Argument::type('callable'), null, false, null, ['MYSQL_PWD' => $this->dbPassword])
@@ -339,8 +339,8 @@ public function mockGetBackup(mixed $environment): void
$backups = new BackupsResponse(
$this->mockRequest('getEnvironmentsDatabaseBackups', [
- $environment->id,
- 'my_db',
+ $environment->id,
+ 'my_db',
], null, null, $tamper)
$this->mockDownloadBackup($databases[0], $environment, $backups[0]);
@@ -370,16 +370,16 @@ protected function mockDownloadBackup(object $database, object $environment, obj
$dbMachineName = 'db' . $database->id;
$filename = implode('-', [
- $environment->name,
- $database->name,
- $dbMachineName,
- $backup->completedAt,
+ $environment->name,
+ $database->name,
+ $dbMachineName,
+ $backup->completedAt,
]) . '.sql.gz';
$localFilepath = Path::join(sys_get_temp_dir(), $filename);
$this->clientProphecy->addOption('sink', $localFilepath)->shouldBeCalled();
$this->clientProphecy->addOption('curl.options', [
- 'CURLOPT_FILE' => $localFilepath,
+ 'CURLOPT_FILE' => $localFilepath,
$this->clientProphecy->addOption('progress', Argument::type('Closure'))->shouldBeCalled();
$this->clientProphecy->addOption('on_stats', Argument::type('Closure'))->shouldBeCalled();
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Pull/PullDatabaseCommandTest.php b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Pull/PullDatabaseCommandTest.php
index 0a6ede37d..5b9705c6c 100644
--- a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Pull/PullDatabaseCommandTest.php
+++ b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Pull/PullDatabaseCommandTest.php
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ public function testPullDatabases(): void
$this->mockExecuteDrushSqlSanitize($localMachineHelper, $process);
- '--no-scripts' => false,
+ '--no-scripts' => false,
], self::inputChooseEnvironment());
$output = $this->getDisplay();
@@ -103,16 +103,16 @@ public function testPullProdDatabase(): void
- '--no-scripts' => true,
+ '--no-scripts' => true,
], [
// Would you like Acquia CLI to search for a Cloud application that matches your local git config?
- 'n',
+ 'n',
// Select a Cloud Platform application:
// Would you like to link the project at ... ?
- 'n',
+ 'n',
// Choose an Acquia environment:
- 1,
+ 1,
$output = $this->getDisplay();
@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ public function testPullDatabasesLocalConnectionFailure(): void
$this->expectExceptionMessage('Unable to connect');
- '--no-scripts' => true,
+ '--no-scripts' => true,
], self::inputChooseEnvironment());
@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ public function testPullDatabaseNoPv(): void
- '--no-scripts' => true,
+ '--no-scripts' => true,
], self::inputChooseEnvironment());
$output = $this->getDisplay();
@@ -167,21 +167,21 @@ public function testPullMultipleDatabases(): void
$this->setupPullDatabase(true, true, false, true, true);
$inputs = [
// Would you like Acquia CLI to search for a Cloud application that matches your local git config?
- 'n',
+ 'n',
// Select a Cloud Platform application:
- 0,
+ 0,
// Would you like to link the project at ... ?
- 'n',
+ 'n',
// Choose a Cloud Platform environment [Dev, dev (vcs: master)]:
- 0,
+ 0,
// Choose a site [jxr5000596dev (oracletest1.dev-profserv2.acsitefactory.com)]:
- 0,
+ 0,
// Choose databases. You may choose multiple. Use commas to separate choices. [profserv2 (default)]:
- '10,27',
+ '10,27',
- '--multiple-dbs' => true,
- '--no-scripts' => true,
+ '--multiple-dbs' => true,
+ '--no-scripts' => true,
], $inputs);
@@ -191,8 +191,8 @@ public function testPullDatabasesOnDemand(): void
$inputs = self::inputChooseEnvironment();
- '--no-scripts' => true,
- '--on-demand' => true,
+ '--no-scripts' => true,
+ '--on-demand' => true,
], $inputs);
$output = $this->getDisplay();
@@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ public function testPullDatabasesNoExistingBackup(): void
$inputs = self::inputChooseEnvironment();
- '--no-scripts' => true,
+ '--no-scripts' => true,
], $inputs);
$output = $this->getDisplay();
@@ -231,8 +231,8 @@ public function testPullDatabasesSiteArgument(): void
$inputs = self::inputChooseEnvironment();
- '--no-scripts' => true,
- 'site' => 'jxr5000596dev',
+ '--no-scripts' => true,
+ 'site' => 'jxr5000596dev',
], $inputs);
$output = $this->getDisplay();
@@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ public function testPullDatabaseWithMySqlDropError(): void
$this->expectExceptionMessage('Unable to drop tables from database');
- '--no-scripts' => true,
+ '--no-scripts' => true,
], self::inputChooseEnvironment());
@@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ public function testPullDatabaseWithMySqlImportError(): void
$this->expectExceptionMessage('Unable to import local database');
- '--no-scripts' => true,
+ '--no-scripts' => true,
], self::inputChooseEnvironment());
@@ -388,16 +388,16 @@ public function testPullNode(): void
$this->expectExceptionMessage('No compatible environments found');
- '--no-scripts' => true,
+ '--no-scripts' => true,
], [
// Would you like Acquia CLI to search for a Cloud application that matches your local git config?
- 'n',
+ 'n',
// Select a Cloud Platform application:
// Would you like to link the project at ... ?
- 'n',
+ 'n',
// Choose an Acquia environment:
- 1,
+ 1,
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Pull/PullFilesCommandTest.php b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Pull/PullFilesCommandTest.php
index f1acadef2..eab9c305b 100644
--- a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Pull/PullFilesCommandTest.php
+++ b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Pull/PullFilesCommandTest.php
@@ -47,15 +47,15 @@ public function testRefreshAcsfFiles(): void
$inputs = [
// Would you like Acquia CLI to search for a Cloud application that matches your local git config?
- 'n',
+ 'n',
// Select a Cloud Platform application:
- 0,
+ 0,
// Would you like to link the project at ... ?
- 'n',
+ 'n',
// Choose an Acquia environment:
- 0,
+ 0,
// Choose site from which to copy files:
- 0,
+ 0,
$this->executeCommand([], $inputs);
@@ -86,15 +86,15 @@ public function testRefreshCloudFiles(): void
$inputs = [
// Would you like Acquia CLI to search for a Cloud application that matches your local git config?
- 'n',
+ 'n',
// Select a Cloud Platform application:
- 0,
+ 0,
// Would you like to link the project at ... ?
- 'n',
+ 'n',
// Choose an Acquia environment:
- 0,
+ 0,
// Choose site from which to copy files:
- 0,
+ 0,
$this->executeCommand([], $inputs);
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Pull/PullScriptsCommandTest.php b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Pull/PullScriptsCommandTest.php
index ccd4602a2..1e0bcaef2 100644
--- a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Pull/PullScriptsCommandTest.php
+++ b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Pull/PullScriptsCommandTest.php
@@ -36,17 +36,17 @@ public function testRefreshScripts(): void
$inputs = [
// Would you like Acquia CLI to search for a Cloud application that matches your local git config?
- 'n',
+ 'n',
// Select a Cloud Platform application:
- 0,
+ 0,
// Would you like to link the project at ... ?
- 'n',
+ 'n',
// Choose an Acquia environment:
- 0,
+ 0,
- '--dir' => $this->projectDir,
+ '--dir' => $this->projectDir,
], $inputs);
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Push/PushArtifactCommandTest.php b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Push/PushArtifactCommandTest.php
index 4b2b62ded..ada794d0f 100644
--- a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Push/PushArtifactCommandTest.php
+++ b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Push/PushArtifactCommandTest.php
@@ -36,8 +36,8 @@ public function testNoAuthenticationRequired(): void
public function providerTestPushArtifact(): array
return [
- [OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_NORMAL, false],
- [OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_VERY_VERBOSE, true],
+ [OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_NORMAL, false],
+ [OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_VERY_VERBOSE, true],
@@ -53,13 +53,13 @@ public function testPushArtifact(int $verbosity, bool $printOutput): void
$this->setUpPushArtifact($localMachineHelper, $environments[0]->vcs->path, [$environments[0]->vcs->url], 'master:master', true, true, true, $printOutput);
$inputs = [
// Would you like Acquia CLI to search for a Cloud application that matches your local git config?
- 'n',
+ 'n',
// Select a Cloud Platform application:
- 0,
+ 0,
// Would you like to link the project at ... ?
- 'y',
+ 'y',
// Choose an Acquia environment:
- 0,
+ 0,
$this->executeCommand([], $inputs, $verbosity);
@@ -101,15 +101,15 @@ public function testPushTagArtifact(): void
$this->mockGitTag($localMachineHelper, $gitTag, $artifactDir);
$inputs = [
// Would you like Acquia CLI to search for a Cloud application that matches your local git config?
- 'n',
+ 'n',
// Select a Cloud Platform application:
- 0,
+ 0,
// Would you like to link the project at ... ?
- 'n',
+ 'n',
- '--destination-git-tag' => $gitTag,
- '--source-git-tag' => '1.2.0',
+ '--destination-git-tag' => $gitTag,
+ '--source-git-tag' => '1.2.0',
], $inputs);
$output = $this->getDisplay();
@@ -126,13 +126,13 @@ public function testPushArtifactWithAcquiaCliFile(): void
$this->mockRequest('getApplicationByUuid', $applications[0]->uuid);
$this->mockRequest('getApplicationEnvironments', $applications[0]->uuid);
$this->datastoreAcli->set('push.artifact.destination-git-urls', [
- 'https://github.com/example1/cli.git',
- 'https://github.com/example2/cli.git',
+ 'https://github.com/example1/cli.git',
+ 'https://github.com/example2/cli.git',
$localMachineHelper = $this->mockLocalMachineHelper();
$this->setUpPushArtifact($localMachineHelper, 'master', $this->datastoreAcli->get('push.artifact.destination-git-urls'));
- '--destination-git-branch' => 'master',
+ '--destination-git-branch' => 'master',
$output = $this->getDisplay();
@@ -147,14 +147,14 @@ public function testPushArtifactWithArgs(): void
$this->mockRequest('getApplicationByUuid', $applications[0]->uuid);
$this->mockRequest('getApplicationEnvironments', $applications[0]->uuid);
$destinationGitUrls = [
- 'https://github.com/example1/cli.git',
- 'https://github.com/example2/cli.git',
+ 'https://github.com/example1/cli.git',
+ 'https://github.com/example2/cli.git',
$localMachineHelper = $this->mockLocalMachineHelper();
$this->setUpPushArtifact($localMachineHelper, 'master', $destinationGitUrls);
- '--destination-git-branch' => 'master',
- '--destination-git-urls' => $destinationGitUrls,
+ '--destination-git-branch' => 'master',
+ '--destination-git-urls' => $destinationGitUrls,
$output = $this->getDisplay();
@@ -172,13 +172,13 @@ public function testPushArtifactNoPush(): void
$this->setUpPushArtifact($localMachineHelper, $environments[0]->vcs->path, [$environments[0]->vcs->url], 'master:master', true, true, false);
$inputs = [
// Would you like Acquia CLI to search for a Cloud application that matches your local git config?
- 'n',
+ 'n',
// Select a Cloud Platform application:
- 0,
+ 0,
// Would you like to link the project at ... ?
- 'y',
+ 'y',
// Choose an Acquia environment:
- 0,
+ 0,
$this->executeCommand(['--no-push' => true], $inputs);
@@ -198,13 +198,13 @@ public function testPushArtifactNoCommit(): void
$this->setUpPushArtifact($localMachineHelper, $environments[0]->vcs->path, [$environments[0]->vcs->url], 'master:master', true, false, false);
$inputs = [
// Would you like Acquia CLI to search for a Cloud application that matches your local git config?
- 'n',
+ 'n',
// Select a Cloud Platform application:
- 0,
+ 0,
// Would you like to link the project at ... ?
- 'y',
+ 'y',
// Choose an Acquia environment:
- 0,
+ 0,
$this->executeCommand(['--no-commit' => true], $inputs);
@@ -221,13 +221,13 @@ public function testPushArtifactNoClone(): void
$this->setUpPushArtifact($localMachineHelper, 'nothing', [], 'something', false, false, false);
$inputs = [
// Would you like Acquia CLI to search for a Cloud application that matches your local git config?
- 'n',
+ 'n',
// Select a Cloud Platform application:
- 0,
+ 0,
// Would you like to link the project at ... ?
- 'y',
+ 'y',
// Choose an Acquia environment:
- 0,
+ 0,
$this->executeCommand(['--no-clone' => true], $inputs);
@@ -318,16 +318,16 @@ protected function mockGitAddCommit(ObjectProphecy $localMachineHelper, string $
protected function mockReadComposerJson(ObjectProphecy $localMachineHelper, string $artifactDir): void
$composerJson = json_encode([
- 'extra' => [
- 'drupal-scaffold' => [
- 'file-mapping' => [
- '[web-root]/index.php' => [],
- ],
- ],
- 'installer-paths' => [
- 'docroot/core' => [],
- ],
- ],
+ 'extra' => [
+ 'drupal-scaffold' => [
+ 'file-mapping' => [
+ '[web-root]/index.php' => [],
+ ],
+ ],
+ 'installer-paths' => [
+ 'docroot/core' => [],
+ ],
+ ],
$localMachineHelper->readFile(Path::join($this->projectDir, 'composer.json'))
@@ -348,9 +348,9 @@ protected function mockGitTag(ObjectProphecy $localMachineHelper, string $gitTag
$process = $this->mockProcess();
- 'git',
- 'tag',
- $gitTag,
+ 'git',
+ 'tag',
+ $gitTag,
], Argument::type('callable'), $artifactDir, true)
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Push/PushDatabaseCommandTest.php b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Push/PushDatabaseCommandTest.php
index 605dbbf70..ec295d15c 100644
--- a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Push/PushDatabaseCommandTest.php
+++ b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Push/PushDatabaseCommandTest.php
@@ -26,8 +26,8 @@ class PushDatabaseCommandTest extends CommandTestBase
public function providerTestPushDatabase(): array
return [
- [OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_NORMAL, false],
- [OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_VERY_VERBOSE, true],
+ [OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_NORMAL, false],
+ [OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_VERY_VERBOSE, true],
@@ -75,17 +75,17 @@ public function testPushDatabase(int $verbosity, bool $printOutput): void
$inputs = [
// Would you like Acquia CLI to search for a Cloud application that matches your local git config?
- 'n',
+ 'n',
// Select a Cloud Platform application:
- 0,
+ 0,
// Would you like to link the project at ... ?
- 'n',
+ 'n',
// Choose a Cloud Platform environment.
- 0,
+ 0,
// Choose a database.
- 0,
+ 0,
// Overwrite the profserv2 database on dev with a copy of the database from the current machine?
- 'y',
+ 'y',
$this->executeCommand([], $inputs, $verbosity);
@@ -109,11 +109,11 @@ protected function mockUploadDatabaseDump(
): void {
$command = [
- 'rsync',
- '-tDvPhe',
- 'ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no',
- sys_get_temp_dir() . '/acli-mysql-dump-drupal.sql.gz',
- 'profserv2.01dev@profserv201dev.ssh.enterprise-g1.acquia-sites.com:/mnt/tmp/profserv2.01dev/acli-mysql-dump-drupal.sql.gz',
+ 'rsync',
+ '-tDvPhe',
+ 'ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no',
+ sys_get_temp_dir() . '/acli-mysql-dump-drupal.sql.gz',
+ 'profserv2.01dev@profserv201dev.ssh.enterprise-g1.acquia-sites.com:/mnt/tmp/profserv2.01dev/acli-mysql-dump-drupal.sql.gz',
$localMachineHelper->execute($command, Argument::type('callable'), null, $printOutput, null)
@@ -143,14 +143,14 @@ protected function mockGetAcsfSitesLMH(ObjectProphecy $localMachineHelper): void
$multisiteConfig = file_get_contents(Path::join($this->realFixtureDir, '/multisite-config.json'));
$cmd = [
- 0 => 'ssh',
- 1 => 'profserv2.01dev@profserv201dev.ssh.enterprise-g1.acquia-sites.com',
- 2 => '-t',
- 3 => '-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no',
- 4 => '-o AddressFamily inet',
- 5 => '-o LogLevel=ERROR',
- 6 => 'cat',
- 7 => '/var/www/site-php/profserv2.01dev/multisite-config.json',
+ 0 => 'ssh',
+ 1 => 'profserv2.01dev@profserv201dev.ssh.enterprise-g1.acquia-sites.com',
+ 2 => '-t',
+ 3 => '-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no',
+ 4 => '-o AddressFamily inet',
+ 5 => '-o LogLevel=ERROR',
+ 6 => 'cat',
+ 7 => '/var/www/site-php/profserv2.01dev/multisite-config.json',
$localMachineHelper->execute($cmd, Argument::type('callable'), null, false, null)->willReturn($acsfMultisiteFetchProcess->reveal())->shouldBeCalled();
@@ -158,13 +158,13 @@ protected function mockGetAcsfSitesLMH(ObjectProphecy $localMachineHelper): void
private function mockImportDatabaseDumpOnRemote(ObjectProphecy|LocalMachineHelper $localMachineHelper, Process|ObjectProphecy $process, bool $printOutput = true): void
$cmd = [
- 0 => 'ssh',
- 1 => 'profserv2.01dev@profserv201dev.ssh.enterprise-g1.acquia-sites.com',
- 2 => '-t',
- 3 => '-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no',
- 4 => '-o AddressFamily inet',
- 5 => '-o LogLevel=ERROR',
- 6 => 'pv /mnt/tmp/profserv2.01dev/acli-mysql-dump-drupal.sql.gz --bytes --rate | gunzip | MYSQL_PWD=password mysql --host=fsdb-74.enterprise-g1.hosting.acquia.com.enterprise-g1.hosting.acquia.com --user=s164 profserv2db14390',
+ 0 => 'ssh',
+ 1 => 'profserv2.01dev@profserv201dev.ssh.enterprise-g1.acquia-sites.com',
+ 2 => '-t',
+ 3 => '-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no',
+ 4 => '-o AddressFamily inet',
+ 5 => '-o LogLevel=ERROR',
+ 6 => 'pv /mnt/tmp/profserv2.01dev/acli-mysql-dump-drupal.sql.gz --bytes --rate | gunzip | MYSQL_PWD=password mysql --host=fsdb-74.enterprise-g1.hosting.acquia.com.enterprise-g1.hosting.acquia.com --user=s164 profserv2db14390',
$localMachineHelper->execute($cmd, Argument::type('callable'), null, $printOutput, null)
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Push/PushFilesCommandTest.php b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Push/PushFilesCommandTest.php
index 6bb9e5d34..f238e8f8a 100644
--- a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Push/PushFilesCommandTest.php
+++ b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Push/PushFilesCommandTest.php
@@ -32,17 +32,17 @@ public function testPushFilesAcsf(): void
$inputs = [
// Would you like Acquia CLI to search for a Cloud application that matches your local git config?
- 'n',
+ 'n',
// Select a Cloud Platform application:
- 0,
+ 0,
// Would you like to link the project at ... ?
- 'n',
+ 'n',
// Choose a Cloud Platform environment.
- 0,
+ 0,
// Choose a site.
- 0,
+ 0,
// Overwrite the public files directory.
- 'y',
+ 'y',
$this->executeCommand([], $inputs);
@@ -71,17 +71,17 @@ public function testPushFilesCloud(): void
$inputs = [
// Would you like Acquia CLI to search for a Cloud application that matches your local git config?
- 'n',
+ 'n',
// Select a Cloud Platform application:
- 0,
+ 0,
// Would you like to link the project at ... ?
- 'n',
+ 'n',
// Choose a Cloud Platform environment.
- 0,
+ 0,
// Choose a site.
- 0,
+ 0,
// Overwrite the public files directory.
- 'y',
+ 'y',
$this->executeCommand([], $inputs);
@@ -108,17 +108,17 @@ public function testPushFilesNoOverwrite(): void
$inputs = [
// Would you like Acquia CLI to search for a Cloud application that matches your local git config?
- 'n',
+ 'n',
// Select a Cloud Platform application:
- 0,
+ 0,
// Would you like to link the project at ... ?
- 'n',
+ 'n',
// Choose a Cloud Platform environment.
- 0,
+ 0,
// Choose a site.
- 0,
+ 0,
// Overwrite the public files directory.
- 'n',
+ 'n',
$this->executeCommand([], $inputs);
@@ -141,11 +141,11 @@ protected function mockExecuteCloudRsync(
$parts = explode('.', $environment->ssh_url);
$sitegroup = reset($parts);
$command = [
- 'rsync',
- '-avPhze',
- 'ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no',
- $this->projectDir . '/docroot/sites/bar/files/',
- $environment->ssh_url . ':/mnt/files/' . $sitegroup . '.' . $environment->name . '/sites/bar/files',
+ 'rsync',
+ '-avPhze',
+ 'ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no',
+ $this->projectDir . '/docroot/sites/bar/files/',
+ $environment->ssh_url . ':/mnt/files/' . $sitegroup . '.' . $environment->name . '/sites/bar/files',
$localMachineHelper->execute($command, Argument::type('callable'), null, true)
@@ -159,11 +159,11 @@ protected function mockExecuteAcsfRsync(
): void {
$command = [
- 'rsync',
- '-avPhze',
- 'ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no',
- $this->projectDir . '/docroot/sites/' . $site . '/files/',
- 'profserv2.01dev@profserv201dev.ssh.enterprise-g1.acquia-sites.com:/mnt/files/profserv2.01dev/sites/g/files/' . $site . '/files',
+ 'rsync',
+ '-avPhze',
+ 'ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no',
+ $this->projectDir . '/docroot/sites/' . $site . '/files/',
+ 'profserv2.01dev@profserv201dev.ssh.enterprise-g1.acquia-sites.com:/mnt/files/profserv2.01dev/sites/g/files/' . $site . '/files',
$localMachineHelper->execute($command, Argument::type('callable'), null, true)
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Remote/AliasesDownloadCommandTest.php b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Remote/AliasesDownloadCommandTest.php
index 62c479b2f..ffccdb5cc 100644
--- a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Remote/AliasesDownloadCommandTest.php
+++ b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Remote/AliasesDownloadCommandTest.php
@@ -38,10 +38,10 @@ public function setUp(): void
public function providerTestRemoteAliasesDownloadCommand(): array
return [
- [['9'], []],
- [['9'], ['--destination-dir' => 'testdir'], 'testdir'],
- [['9'], ['--all' => true], null, true],
- [['8'], []],
+ [['9'], []],
+ [['9'], ['--destination-dir' => 'testdir'], 'testdir'],
+ [['9'], ['--all' => true], null, true],
+ [['8'], []],
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Remote/AliasesListCommandTest.php b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Remote/AliasesListCommandTest.php
index 41fd60534..79358c209 100644
--- a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Remote/AliasesListCommandTest.php
+++ b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Remote/AliasesListCommandTest.php
@@ -26,11 +26,11 @@ public function testRemoteAliasesListCommand(): void
$inputs = [
// Would you like Acquia CLI to search for a Cloud application that matches your local git config?
- 'n',
+ 'n',
// Select a Cloud Platform application:
- '0',
+ '0',
// Would you like to link the project at ...
- 'n',
+ 'n',
$this->executeCommand([], $inputs);
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Remote/DrushCommandTest.php b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Remote/DrushCommandTest.php
index 8eeef3751..7e7614525 100644
--- a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Remote/DrushCommandTest.php
+++ b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Remote/DrushCommandTest.php
@@ -25,18 +25,18 @@ protected function createCommand(): CommandBase
public function providerTestRemoteDrushCommand(): array
return [
- [
- [
- '-vvv' => '',
- 'drush_command' => 'status --fields=db-status',
- ],
- ],
- [
- [
- '-vvv' => '',
- 'drush_command' => 'status --fields=db-status',
- ],
- ],
+ [
+ [
+ '-vvv' => '',
+ 'drush_command' => 'status --fields=db-status',
+ ],
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ '-vvv' => '',
+ 'drush_command' => 'status --fields=db-status',
+ ],
+ ],
@@ -50,15 +50,15 @@ public function testRemoteDrushCommand(array $args): void
[$process, $localMachineHelper] = $this->mockForExecuteCommand();
$sshCommand = [
- 'ssh',
- 'site.dev@sitedev.ssh.hosted.acquia-sites.com',
- '-t',
- '-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no',
- '-o AddressFamily inet',
- '-o LogLevel=ERROR',
- 'cd /var/www/html/site.dev/docroot; ',
- 'drush',
- '--uri=http://sitedev.hosted.acquia-sites.com status --fields=db-status',
+ 'ssh',
+ 'site.dev@sitedev.ssh.hosted.acquia-sites.com',
+ '-t',
+ '-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no',
+ '-o AddressFamily inet',
+ '-o LogLevel=ERROR',
+ 'cd /var/www/html/site.dev/docroot; ',
+ 'drush',
+ '--uri=http://sitedev.hosted.acquia-sites.com status --fields=db-status',
->execute($sshCommand, Argument::type('callable'), null, true, null)
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Remote/SshCommandTest.php b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Remote/SshCommandTest.php
index 6d21e03ec..a6c50048b 100644
--- a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Remote/SshCommandTest.php
+++ b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Remote/SshCommandTest.php
@@ -30,13 +30,13 @@ public function testRemoteAliasesDownloadCommand(): void
[$process, $localMachineHelper] = $this->mockForExecuteCommand();
$sshCommand = [
- 'ssh',
- 'site.dev@sitedev.ssh.hosted.acquia-sites.com',
- '-t',
- '-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no',
- '-o AddressFamily inet',
- '-o LogLevel=ERROR',
- 'cd /var/www/html/devcloud2.dev; exec $SHELL -l',
+ 'ssh',
+ 'site.dev@sitedev.ssh.hosted.acquia-sites.com',
+ '-t',
+ '-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no',
+ '-o AddressFamily inet',
+ '-o LogLevel=ERROR',
+ 'cd /var/www/html/devcloud2.dev; exec $SHELL -l',
->execute($sshCommand, Argument::type('callable'), null, true, null)
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ public function testRemoteAliasesDownloadCommand(): void
$this->command->sshHelper = new SshHelper($this->output, $localMachineHelper->reveal(), $this->logger);
$args = [
- 'alias' => 'devcloud2.dev',
+ 'alias' => 'devcloud2.dev',
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Ssh/SshKeyCreateCommandTest.php b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Ssh/SshKeyCreateCommandTest.php
index 8c856d7a4..b4536da83 100644
--- a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Ssh/SshKeyCreateCommandTest.php
+++ b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Ssh/SshKeyCreateCommandTest.php
@@ -28,40 +28,40 @@ protected function createCommand(): CommandBase
public function providerTestCreate(): array
return [
- [
- true,
+ [
+ true,
// Args.
- [
- '--filename' => $this->filename,
- '--password' => 'acli123',
- ],
- // Inputs.
- [],
- ],
- [
- true,
- // Args.
- [],
- // Inputs.
- [
- // Enter a filename for your new local SSH key:
- $this->filename,
- // Enter a password for your SSH key:
- 'acli123',
- ],
- ],
- [
- false,
- // Args.
- [],
- // Inputs.
- [
- // Enter a filename for your new local SSH key:
- $this->filename,
- // Enter a password for your SSH key:
- 'acli123',
- ],
- ],
+ [
+ '--filename' => $this->filename,
+ '--password' => 'acli123',
+ ],
+ // Inputs.
+ [],
+ ],
+ [
+ true,
+ // Args.
+ [],
+ // Inputs.
+ [
+ // Enter a filename for your new local SSH key:
+ $this->filename,
+ // Enter a password for your SSH key:
+ 'acli123',
+ ],
+ ],
+ [
+ false,
+ // Args.
+ [],
+ // Inputs.
+ [
+ // Enter a filename for your new local SSH key:
+ $this->filename,
+ // Enter a password for your SSH key:
+ 'acli123',
+ ],
+ ],
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Ssh/SshKeyCreateUploadCommandTest.php b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Ssh/SshKeyCreateUploadCommandTest.php
index 8c11bf4c8..14f6aa555 100644
--- a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Ssh/SshKeyCreateUploadCommandTest.php
+++ b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Ssh/SshKeyCreateUploadCommandTest.php
@@ -22,8 +22,8 @@ public function setUp(mixed $output = null): void
- $this->injectCommand(SshKeyCreateCommand::class),
- $this->injectCommand(SshKeyUploadCommand::class),
+ $this->injectCommand(SshKeyCreateCommand::class),
+ $this->injectCommand(SshKeyUploadCommand::class),
@@ -45,10 +45,10 @@ public function testCreateUpload(): void
$this->mockGenerateSshKey($localMachineHelper, $mockRequestArgs['public_key']);
$body = [
- 'json' => [
- 'label' => $mockRequestArgs['label'],
- 'public_key' => $mockRequestArgs['public_key'],
- ],
+ 'json' => [
+ 'label' => $mockRequestArgs['label'],
+ 'public_key' => $mockRequestArgs['public_key'],
+ ],
$this->mockRequest('postAccountSshKeys', null, $body);
$this->mockGetLocalSshKey($localMachineHelper, $fileSystem, $mockRequestArgs['public_key']);
@@ -64,11 +64,11 @@ public function testCreateUpload(): void
$inputs = [
// Enter a filename for your new local SSH key:
- $sshKeyFilename,
+ $sshKeyFilename,
// Enter a password for your SSH key:
- 'acli123',
+ 'acli123',
// Label.
- $mockRequestArgs['label'],
+ $mockRequestArgs['label'],
$this->executeCommand(['--no-wait' => ''], $inputs);
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Ssh/SshKeyDeleteCommandTest.php b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Ssh/SshKeyDeleteCommandTest.php
index 7df5b9621..7be735fd0 100644
--- a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Ssh/SshKeyDeleteCommandTest.php
+++ b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Ssh/SshKeyDeleteCommandTest.php
@@ -25,9 +25,9 @@ public function testDelete(): void
$inputs = [
// Choose key.
// Do you also want to delete the corresponding local key files?
- 'n',
+ 'n',
$this->executeCommand([], $inputs);
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Ssh/SshKeyInfoCommandTest.php b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Ssh/SshKeyInfoCommandTest.php
index 5f8fcf7eb..1289da0c9 100644
--- a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Ssh/SshKeyInfoCommandTest.php
+++ b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Ssh/SshKeyInfoCommandTest.php
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ public function testInfo(): void
$inputs = [
// Choose key.
- '0',
+ '0',
$this->executeCommand([], $inputs);
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Ssh/SshKeyUploadCommandTest.php b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Ssh/SshKeyUploadCommandTest.php
index 7c8726054..4a2f25d22 100644
--- a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Ssh/SshKeyUploadCommandTest.php
+++ b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/Ssh/SshKeyUploadCommandTest.php
@@ -26,39 +26,39 @@ public function providerTestUpload(): array
$sshKeysRequestBody = $this->getMockRequestBodyFromSpec('/account/ssh-keys');
return [
- [
+ [
// Args.
- [],
+ [],
// Inputs.
- [
+ [
// Choose key.
- '0',
+ '0',
// Enter a Cloud Platform label for this SSH key:
- $sshKeysRequestBody['label'],
+ $sshKeysRequestBody['label'],
// Would you like to wait until Cloud Platform is ready? (yes/no)
- 'y',
+ 'y',
// Would you like Acquia CLI to search for a Cloud application that matches your local git config? (yes/no)
- 'n',
- ],
- // Perms.
- true,
- ],
- [
- // Args.
- [
- '--filepath' => 'id_rsa.pub',
- '--label' => $sshKeysRequestBody['label'],
- ],
- // Inputs.
- [
- // Would you like to wait until Cloud Platform is ready? (yes/no)
- 'y',
- // Would you like Acquia CLI to search for a Cloud application that matches your local git config? (yes/no)
- 'n',
- ],
- // Perms.
- false,
- ],
+ 'n',
+ ],
+ // Perms.
+ true,
+ ],
+ [
+ // Args.
+ [
+ '--filepath' => 'id_rsa.pub',
+ '--label' => $sshKeysRequestBody['label'],
+ ],
+ // Inputs.
+ [
+ // Would you like to wait until Cloud Platform is ready? (yes/no)
+ 'y',
+ // Would you like Acquia CLI to search for a Cloud application that matches your local git config? (yes/no)
+ 'n',
+ ],
+ // Perms.
+ false,
+ ],
@@ -69,10 +69,10 @@ public function testUpload(array $args, array $inputs, bool $perms): void
$sshKeysRequestBody = $this->getMockRequestBodyFromSpec('/account/ssh-keys');
$body = [
- 'json' => [
- 'label' => $sshKeysRequestBody['label'],
- 'public_key' => $sshKeysRequestBody['public_key'],
- ],
+ 'json' => [
+ 'label' => $sshKeysRequestBody['label'],
+ 'public_key' => $sshKeysRequestBody['public_key'],
+ ],
$this->mockRequest('postAccountSshKeys', null, $body);
@@ -111,10 +111,10 @@ public function testUploadNode(): void
$sshKeysRequestBody = $this->getMockRequestBodyFromSpec('/account/ssh-keys');
$body = [
- 'json' => [
- 'label' => $sshKeysRequestBody['label'],
- 'public_key' => $sshKeysRequestBody['public_key'],
- ],
+ 'json' => [
+ 'label' => $sshKeysRequestBody['label'],
+ 'public_key' => $sshKeysRequestBody['public_key'],
+ ],
$this->mockRequest('postAccountSshKeys', null, $body);
@@ -144,13 +144,13 @@ public function testUploadNode(): void
// Choose a local SSH key to upload to the Cloud Platform.
$inputs = [
// Choose key.
- '0',
+ '0',
// Enter a Cloud Platform label for this SSH key:
- $sshKeysRequestBody['label'],
+ $sshKeysRequestBody['label'],
// Would you like to wait until Cloud Platform is ready? (yes/no)
- 'y',
+ 'y',
// Would you like Acquia CLI to search for a Cloud application that matches your local git config? (yes/no)
- 'n',
+ 'n',
$this->executeCommand([], $inputs);
@@ -165,9 +165,9 @@ public function testInvalidFilepath(): void
$inputs = [
// Choose key.
- '0',
+ '0',
// Label.
- 'Test',
+ 'Test',
$filepath = Path::join(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'notarealfile');
$args = ['--filepath' => $filepath];
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/TelemetryCommandTest.php b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/TelemetryCommandTest.php
index 3b94f8fe4..6df390c61 100644
--- a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/TelemetryCommandTest.php
+++ b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/TelemetryCommandTest.php
@@ -52,11 +52,11 @@ public function testTelemetryCommand(): void
public function providerTestTelemetryPrompt(): array
return [
- [
+ [
// Would you like to share anonymous performance usage and data?
- ['n'],
- 'Ok, no data will be collected and shared with us.',
- ],
+ ['n'],
+ 'Ok, no data will be collected and shared with us.',
+ ],
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/WizardTestBase.php b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/WizardTestBase.php
index 63f39ecd8..34cab7360 100644
--- a/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/WizardTestBase.php
+++ b/tests/phpunit/src/Commands/WizardTestBase.php
@@ -29,9 +29,9 @@ public function setUp(): void
- $this->injectCommand(SshKeyCreateCommand::class),
- $this->injectCommand(SshKeyDeleteCommand::class),
- $this->injectCommand(SshKeyUploadCommand::class),
+ $this->injectCommand(SshKeyCreateCommand::class),
+ $this->injectCommand(SshKeyDeleteCommand::class),
+ $this->injectCommand(SshKeyUploadCommand::class),
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ protected function tearDown(): void
public static function getEnvVars(): array
return [
- 'ACQUIA_APPLICATION_UUID' => self::$applicationUuid,
+ 'ACQUIA_APPLICATION_UUID' => self::$applicationUuid,
@@ -58,10 +58,10 @@ protected function runTestCreate(): void
$request = $this->getMockRequestBodyFromSpec('/account/ssh-keys');
$body = [
- 'json' => [
- 'label' => 'IDE_ExampleIDE_215824ff272a4a8c9027df32ed1d68a9',
- 'public_key' => $request['public_key'],
- ],
+ 'json' => [
+ 'label' => 'IDE_ExampleIDE_215824ff272a4a8c9027df32ed1d68a9',
+ 'public_key' => $request['public_key'],
+ ],
$this->mockRequest('postAccountSshKeys', null, $body);
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ protected function runTestCreate(): void
// Set properties and execute.
$this->executeCommand([], [
// Would you like to link the project at ... ?
- 'y',
+ 'y',
// Assertions.
@@ -129,10 +129,10 @@ protected function runTestSshKeyAlreadyUploaded(): void
$localMachineHelper = $this->mockLocalMachineHelper();
$body = [
- 'json' => [
- 'label' => 'IDE_ExampleIDE_215824ff272a4a8c9027df32ed1d68a9',
- 'public_key' => $mockRequestArgs['public_key'],
- ],
+ 'json' => [
+ 'label' => 'IDE_ExampleIDE_215824ff272a4a8c9027df32ed1d68a9',
+ 'public_key' => $mockRequestArgs['public_key'],
+ ],
$this->mockRequest('postAccountSshKeys', null, $body);
@@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ protected function runTestSshKeyAlreadyUploaded(): void
protected function getOutputStrings(): array
return [
- "Setting GitLab CI/CD variables for",
+ "Setting GitLab CI/CD variables for",
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/src/Misc/EnvDbCredsTest.php b/tests/phpunit/src/Misc/EnvDbCredsTest.php
index 3bbff0c8b..4444804a7 100644
--- a/tests/phpunit/src/Misc/EnvDbCredsTest.php
+++ b/tests/phpunit/src/Misc/EnvDbCredsTest.php
@@ -41,10 +41,10 @@ public function tearDown(): void
protected function getEnvVars(): array
return [
- 'ACLI_DB_HOST' => $this->dbHost,
- 'ACLI_DB_NAME' => $this->dbName,
- 'ACLI_DB_PASSWORD' => $this->dbPassword,
- 'ACLI_DB_USER' => $this->dbUser,
+ 'ACLI_DB_HOST' => $this->dbHost,
+ 'ACLI_DB_NAME' => $this->dbName,
+ 'ACLI_DB_PASSWORD' => $this->dbPassword,
+ 'ACLI_DB_USER' => $this->dbUser,
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/src/Misc/ExceptionListenerTest.php b/tests/phpunit/src/Misc/ExceptionListenerTest.php
index 95517e376..b38af09d9 100644
--- a/tests/phpunit/src/Misc/ExceptionListenerTest.php
+++ b/tests/phpunit/src/Misc/ExceptionListenerTest.php
@@ -49,66 +49,66 @@ public function testHelp(Throwable $error, string|array $helpText): void
public function providerTestHelp(): array
return [
- [
- new IdentityProviderException('invalid_client', 0, ''),
- 'Run acli auth:login> to reset your API credentials.',
- ],
- [
- new RuntimeException('Not enough arguments (missing: "environmentId").'),
- self::$siteAliasHelp,
- ],
- [
- new RuntimeException('Not enough arguments (missing: "environmentUuid").'),
- self::$siteAliasHelp,
- ],
- [
- new AcquiaCliException('No applications match the alias {applicationAlias}'),
- self::$appAliasHelp,
- ],
- [
- new AcquiaCliException('Multiple applications match the alias {applicationAlias}'),
- self::$appAliasHelp,
- ],
- [
- new AcquiaCliException('{environmentId} must be a valid UUID or site alias.'),
- self::$siteAliasHelp,
- ],
- [
- new AcquiaCliException('{environmentUuid} must be a valid UUID or site alias.'),
- self::$siteAliasHelp,
- ],
- [
- new AcquiaCliException('Access token file not found at {file}'),
- 'Get help for this error at https://docs.acquia.com/ide/known-issues/#the-automated-cloud-platform-api-authentication-might-fail',
- ],
- [
- new AcquiaCliException('Access token expiry file not found at {file}'),
- 'Get help for this error at https://docs.acquia.com/ide/known-issues/#the-automated-cloud-platform-api-authentication-might-fail',
- ],
- [
- new AcquiaCliException('This machine is not yet authenticated with the Cloud Platform.'),
- 'Run `acli auth:login` to re-authenticated with the Cloud Platform.',
- ],
- [
- new AcquiaCliException('This machine is not yet authenticated with Site Factory.'),
- 'Run `acli auth:acsf-login` to re-authenticate with Site Factory.',
- ],
- [
- new AcquiaCliException('Could not extract aliases to {destination}'),
- 'Check that you have write access to the directory',
- ],
- [
- new ApiErrorException((object) ['error' => '', 'message' => "There are no available Cloud IDEs for this application.\n"]),
- 'Delete an existing IDE via acli ide:delete> or contact your Account Manager or Acquia Sales to purchase additional IDEs.',
- ],
- [
- new ApiErrorException((object) ['error' => '', 'message' => 'This resource requires additional authentication.']),
- ['This is likely because you have Federated Authentication required for your organization.', 'Run `acli login` to authenticate via API token and then try again.'],
- ],
- [
- new ApiErrorException((object) ['error' => 'asdf', 'message' => 'fdsa']),
- 'You can learn more about Cloud Platform API at https://docs.acquia.com/cloud-platform/develop/api/',
- ],
+ [
+ new IdentityProviderException('invalid_client', 0, ''),
+ 'Run acli auth:login> to reset your API credentials.',
+ ],
+ [
+ new RuntimeException('Not enough arguments (missing: "environmentId").'),
+ self::$siteAliasHelp,
+ ],
+ [
+ new RuntimeException('Not enough arguments (missing: "environmentUuid").'),
+ self::$siteAliasHelp,
+ ],
+ [
+ new AcquiaCliException('No applications match the alias {applicationAlias}'),
+ self::$appAliasHelp,
+ ],
+ [
+ new AcquiaCliException('Multiple applications match the alias {applicationAlias}'),
+ self::$appAliasHelp,
+ ],
+ [
+ new AcquiaCliException('{environmentId} must be a valid UUID or site alias.'),
+ self::$siteAliasHelp,
+ ],
+ [
+ new AcquiaCliException('{environmentUuid} must be a valid UUID or site alias.'),
+ self::$siteAliasHelp,
+ ],
+ [
+ new AcquiaCliException('Access token file not found at {file}'),
+ 'Get help for this error at https://docs.acquia.com/ide/known-issues/#the-automated-cloud-platform-api-authentication-might-fail',
+ ],
+ [
+ new AcquiaCliException('Access token expiry file not found at {file}'),
+ 'Get help for this error at https://docs.acquia.com/ide/known-issues/#the-automated-cloud-platform-api-authentication-might-fail',
+ ],
+ [
+ new AcquiaCliException('This machine is not yet authenticated with the Cloud Platform.'),
+ 'Run `acli auth:login` to re-authenticated with the Cloud Platform.',
+ ],
+ [
+ new AcquiaCliException('This machine is not yet authenticated with Site Factory.'),
+ 'Run `acli auth:acsf-login` to re-authenticate with Site Factory.',
+ ],
+ [
+ new AcquiaCliException('Could not extract aliases to {destination}'),
+ 'Check that you have write access to the directory',
+ ],
+ [
+ new ApiErrorException((object) ['error' => '', 'message' => "There are no available Cloud IDEs for this application.\n"]),
+ 'Delete an existing IDE via acli ide:delete> or contact your Account Manager or Acquia Sales to purchase additional IDEs.',
+ ],
+ [
+ new ApiErrorException((object) ['error' => '', 'message' => 'This resource requires additional authentication.']),
+ ['This is likely because you have Federated Authentication required for your organization.', 'Run `acli login` to authenticate via API token and then try again.'],
+ ],
+ [
+ new ApiErrorException((object) ['error' => 'asdf', 'message' => 'fdsa']),
+ 'You can learn more about Cloud Platform API at https://docs.acquia.com/cloud-platform/develop/api/',
+ ],
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/src/Misc/LocalMachineHelperTest.php b/tests/phpunit/src/Misc/LocalMachineHelperTest.php
index a9ac9b51d..18d97bb50 100644
--- a/tests/phpunit/src/Misc/LocalMachineHelperTest.php
+++ b/tests/phpunit/src/Misc/LocalMachineHelperTest.php
@@ -26,9 +26,9 @@ public function testStartBrowser(): void
public function providerTestExecuteFromCmd(): array
return [
- [false, null, null],
- [false, false, false],
- [true, false, false],
+ [false, null, null],
+ [false, false, false],
+ [true, false, false],
@@ -70,11 +70,11 @@ public function testCommandExists(): void
public function testHomeDirWindowsCmd(): void
- 'HOMEPATH' => 'something',
+ 'HOMEPATH' => 'something',
- 'HOME',
+ 'HOME',
$home = LocalMachineHelper::getHomeDir();
$this->assertEquals('something', $home);
@@ -83,8 +83,8 @@ public function testHomeDirWindowsCmd(): void
public function testHomeDirWindowsMsys2(): void
- 'HOMEPATH' => 'something',
- 'MSYSTEM' => 'MSYS2',
+ 'HOMEPATH' => 'something',
+ 'MSYSTEM' => 'MSYS2',
$home = LocalMachineHelper::getHomeDir();
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/src/Misc/TelemetryHelperTest.php b/tests/phpunit/src/Misc/TelemetryHelperTest.php
index 709ba842b..7e4c2d57d 100644
--- a/tests/phpunit/src/Misc/TelemetryHelperTest.php
+++ b/tests/phpunit/src/Misc/TelemetryHelperTest.php
@@ -80,14 +80,14 @@ public function testGetEnvironmentProviderWithoutAnyEnvSet(): void
public function providerTestAhEnvNormalization(): array
return [
- ['prod', 'prod'],
- ['01live', 'prod'],
- ['stage', 'stage'],
- ['stg', 'stage'],
- ['dev1', 'dev'],
- ['ode1', 'ode'],
- ['ide', 'ide'],
- ['fake', 'fake'],
+ ['prod', 'prod'],
+ ['01live', 'prod'],
+ ['stage', 'stage'],
+ ['stg', 'stage'],
+ ['dev1', 'dev'],
+ ['ode1', 'ode'],
+ ['ide', 'ide'],
+ ['fake', 'fake'],
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/src/TestBase.php b/tests/phpunit/src/TestBase.php
index efe15ed6c..a51ec15d2 100644
--- a/tests/phpunit/src/TestBase.php
+++ b/tests/phpunit/src/TestBase.php
@@ -162,8 +162,8 @@ public function setupFsFixture(): void
protected function setUp(): void
- 'COLUMNS' => '85',
- 'HOME' => '/home/test',
+ 'COLUMNS' => '85',
+ 'HOME' => '/home/test',
$this->output = new BufferedOutput();
$this->input = new ArrayInput([]);
@@ -423,15 +423,15 @@ protected function createMockCloudConfigFile(mixed $defaultValues = []): void
if (!$defaultValues) {
$defaultValues = [
- 'acli_key' => $this->key,
- 'keys' => [
- (string) ($this->key) => [
- 'label' => 'Test Key',
- 'secret' => $this->secret,
- 'uuid' => $this->key,
- ],
- ],
- DataStoreContract::SEND_TELEMETRY => false,
+ 'acli_key' => $this->key,
+ 'keys' => [
+ (string) ($this->key) => [
+ 'label' => 'Test Key',
+ 'secret' => $this->secret,
+ 'uuid' => $this->key,
+ ],
+ ],
+ DataStoreContract::SEND_TELEMETRY => false,
$cloudConfig = array_merge($defaultValues, $this->cloudConfig);
@@ -504,8 +504,8 @@ public function mockApplicationsRequest(int $count = 2, bool $unique = true): ob
public function mockUnauthorizedRequest(): void
$response = [
- 'error' => 'invalid_client',
- 'error_description' => 'Client credentials were not found in the headers or body',
+ 'error' => 'invalid_client',
+ 'error_description' => 'Client credentials were not found in the headers or body',
$this->clientProphecy->request('get', Argument::type('string'))
->willThrow(new IdentityProviderException($response['error'], 0, $response));
@@ -514,8 +514,8 @@ public function mockUnauthorizedRequest(): void
public function mockApiError(): void
$response = (object) [
- 'error' => 'some error',
- 'message' => 'some error',
+ 'error' => 'some error',
+ 'message' => 'some error',
$this->clientProphecy->request('get', Argument::type('string'))
->willThrow(new ApiErrorException($response, $response->message));
@@ -524,8 +524,8 @@ public function mockApiError(): void
public function mockNoAvailableIdes(): void
$response = (object) [
- 'error' => "There are no available Cloud IDEs for this application.\n",
- 'message' => "There are no available Cloud IDEs for this application.\n",
+ 'error' => "There are no available Cloud IDEs for this application.\n",
+ 'message' => "There are no available Cloud IDEs for this application.\n",
$this->clientProphecy->request('get', Argument::type('string'))
->willThrow(new ApiErrorException($response, $response->message));
@@ -558,9 +558,9 @@ protected function mockPermissionsRequest(mixed $applicationResponse, mixed $per
if (!$perms) {
$deletePerms = [
- 'add ssh key to git',
- 'add ssh key to non-prod',
- 'add ssh key to prod',
+ 'add ssh key to git',
+ 'add ssh key to non-prod',
+ 'add ssh key to prod',
foreach ($permissionsResponse->_embedded->items as $index => $item) {
if (in_array($item->name, $deletePerms, true)) {
@@ -663,8 +663,8 @@ protected function mockSshAgentList(ObjectProphecy|LocalMachineHelper $localMach
- 'ssh-add',
- '-L',
+ 'ssh-add',
+ '-L',
], null, null, false)->shouldBeCalled()->willReturn($process->reveal());
@@ -694,9 +694,9 @@ protected function mockStartPhp(ObjectProphecy|LocalMachineHelper $localMachineH
- 'supervisorctl',
- 'start',
- 'php-fpm',
+ 'supervisorctl',
+ 'start',
+ 'php-fpm',
], null, null, false)->willReturn($process->reveal())->shouldBeCalled();
return $process;
@@ -707,9 +707,9 @@ protected function mockStopPhp(ObjectProphecy|LocalMachineHelper $localMachineHe
- 'supervisorctl',
- 'stop',
- 'php-fpm',
+ 'supervisorctl',
+ 'stop',
+ 'php-fpm',
], null, null, false)->willReturn($process->reveal())->shouldBeCalled();
return $process;
@@ -720,9 +720,9 @@ protected function mockRestartPhp(ObjectProphecy|LocalMachineHelper $localMachin
- 'supervisorctl',
- 'restart',
- 'php-fpm',
+ 'supervisorctl',
+ 'restart',
+ 'php-fpm',
], null, null, false)->willReturn($process->reveal())->shouldBeCalled();
return $process;