description |
The first native liquid staking BNB product on BSC, featuring fully automated, on-chain de-centralized operations. |
The first native liquid staking BNB product on BSC, launched on 9 Feb 2023.
Featuring fully automated, on-chain de-centralized operations, utilizing the new native staking system contract on BSC, implemented via BEP-153.
The use of the native staking system contract means that all operations between BSC and BC are performed on-chain, providing a transparent and secure process.
This Vault is a Liquidizer Vault and a reserve of BNB is kept on BSC to enable immediate withdrawals. When reserves run low, an undelegation is triggered on BC to automatically top them up, subject to the 7-day unbonding period.
First delegation:
Deposit on BSC -> Delegate on BC -> Delegate ACK on BSC
Reward address on BC: bnb19ws83p95z4f4tf2u0l03ehp03aa3ckrfjly09q
Note: reward accumulates on BC and gets sent back to BSC when it reaches > ~1 BNB.
Delegate address on BC: bnb1q0v3ej7fq603nl2vglram26egy5xmwt6q6gsgn
Note: Explorer does not show delegations on delegate address page, but you can verify them from the validators' pages - reward address -> staking tab -> any validator -> delegators tab -> scroll and search for delegate address
First staking reward:
Reward received on BSC -> Reward claimed on BSC
First undelegation:
Undelegate on BSC -> Undelegate on BC -> Undelegate ACK on BSC -> Undelegate claimed on BSC
Note: when BNB reserves in the Vault are low, Harvest will trigger an undelegation to top up the reserves.
Read contract on BscScan, verify using methods getTotalDelegated, getDelegated:
For delegator address, use the Vault address: 0x09A18250f99118f40a5D992D537E24b8BD9880F3
For validator address, convert validator's BC address from bech32 to hex.