- spark - binary distribution
- Spark Version: SPARK_VERSION
- Git Hash: GIT_HASH
- conf/log4j.properties - WARN used for default level, Snappy warnings silenced
- data - example and lab data
- graphx - graphx lab data
- movielens - MLlib lab data
- wiki_parquet - SparkSQL lab data
- examples-data - examples directory from Spark src
- join - example files for joins
- sbt - a fresh copy of sbt (v. 0.13.5)
- sbt-launcher-lib.bash - modified to understand non-default location of bin scripts
- sbt.bat - modified to understand non-default location of bin scripts [Windows]
- conf/sbtopts - modified to point to embeded ivy cache
- conf/sbtconfig.txt - modified to point to embeded ivy cache for [Windows]
- ivy/cache - a pre-populated cache, pointed to via conf/sbtopts
- bin - removed and all files moved into sbt's home directory so users can run sbt/sbt similair to working with spark's source code
- simple-app - a simple example app to build (based on the Spark quick start docs)
- streaming - a simple streaming application used for the SparkCamp streaming labs
- machine-learning - the simple application used for the SparkCamp machine learning labs
- website - the website contents for SparkCamp labs.
% cd simple-app
% ../sbt/sbt package
% ../spark/bin/spark-submit \
--class "SimpleApp" \
--master local[*] \
% cd website
To view the site, run jekyll - see the README.md in the website directory for more details on installing.
% jekyll serve
Now, view in your browser.