Releases: adafruit/Adafruit_CircuitPython_LSM6DS
4.2.2 - Added Typing Information
To use in CircuitPython, simply install the Adafruit CircuitPython Bundle.
To use in CPython, pip3 install adafruit-circuitpython-lsm6ds
Read the docs for info on how to use it.
4.2.1 - Updated pylint version, linted
To use in CircuitPython, simply install the Adafruit CircuitPython Bundle.
To use in CPython, pip3 install adafruit-circuitpython-lsm6ds
Read the docs for info on how to use it.
4.2.0 - Added temperature property
To use in CircuitPython, simply install the Adafruit CircuitPython bundle.
To use in CPython, pip3 install adafruit-circuitpython-lsm6ds
Read the docs for info on how to use it.
4.1.5 - Improved documentation
To use in CircuitPython, simply install the Adafruit CircuitPython bundle.
To use in CPython, pip3 install adafruit-circuitpython-lsm6ds
Read the docs for info on how to use it.
4.1.4 - Fixed temperature format
To use in CircuitPython, simply install the Adafruit CircuitPython bundle.
To use in CPython, pip3 install adafruit-circuitpython-lsm6ds
Read the docs for info on how to use it.
4.1.3 - Ignored imports in pylintrc, ran black
To use in CircuitPython, simply install the Adafruit CircuitPython bundle.
To use in CPython, pip3 install adafruit-circuitpython-lsm6ds
Read the docs for info on how to use it.
4.1.2 - Moved pylint from build.yml to .pre-commit-config.yml
To use in CircuitPython, simply install the Adafruit CircuitPython bundle.
To use in CPython, pip3 install adafruit-circuitpython-lsm6ds
Read the docs for info on how to use it.
4.1.1 - Fix PyPi Installing
Thank you @walchko for pointing out this issue and submitting the fix.
To use in CircuitPython, simply install the Adafruit CircuitPython bundle.
To use in CPython, pip3 install adafruit-circuitpython-lsm6ds
Read the docs for info on how to use it.
Added support for LSM6DSO32
To use in CircuitPython, simply install the Adafruit CircuitPython bundle.
To use in CPython, pip3 install adafruit-circuitpython-lsm6ds
Read the docs for info on how to use it.
4.0.1 - Fixed discord invite link
To use in CircuitPython, simply install the Adafruit CircuitPython bundle.
To use in CPython, pip3 install adafruit-circuitpython-lsm6ds
Read the docs for info on how to use it.