Run all actions of a command.
npx masson -c <conf> <command>
Run a command with module and node filtering.
npx masson -c <conf> <command> -n 'master-*' -m './lib/check-*'
When no arguments is provided, all actions are scheduled for execution. It is possible gain control on which actions are executed with the following filters.
The action name. Use a path notation when the action is a child of others actions, for example./bin/masson check -a '/my-service/start-*'
The module name used by an action. Mode are ESM module names, for example@my-company/my-packages/actions/start-*
The node name, domain or FQDN where the action is executed.
Filters may be combined toguether and used multiple times, for example ./bin/masson -a '**/*-start-*' -h 'master-*' -h 'worker-*'