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File metadata and controls

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R-CMD-check Project Status: Active – The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed. cran version

R Utility Functions for the 99%

An assortment of helper functions for managing data (e.g., rotating values in matrices by a user-defined angle, switching from row- to column-indexing), dates (e.g., intuiting year from messy date strings), handling missing values (e.g., removing elements/rows across multiple vectors or matrices if any have an NA), text (e.g., flushing reports to the console in real-time); and combining data frames with different schema (copying, filling, or concatenating columns or applying functions before combining).


As of version 1.1.2, omnibus is on CRAN! You can install the latest version on CRAN using:


... or the development version with:

remotes::install_github('adamlilith/omnibus', dependencies = TRUE)

You may need to install the remotes package first.

Data manipulation

  • appendLists(): Merge lists, appending elements with the same name.
  • bracket(): Find values that bracket a given number.
  • combineDf(): Combine data frames with different schema.
  • compareFloat(): Compare two values to within floating-point precision.
  • convertUnits(): Convert length or areal units.
  • conversionFactors(): Data frame of conversion factors for length or areal units.
  • corner(): Corner of a matrix or data frame.
  • cull(): Force vectors or matrices/data frames to have the same length or number of rows.
  • expandUnits(): Convert unit abbreviations to proper unit names.
  • insert(): Insert values into a vector.
  • insertCol and insertRow(): Insert column(s)/row(s) in a matrix or data frame.
  • maxRuns(): Maximum number of continuous "runs" of values meeting a particular condition.
  • mergeLists(): Merge lists, with precedence for elements of one list over another if they have the same names.
  • mirror(): Flip an object left-right (or up-down).
  • mmode(): Modal value(s).
  • notIn() and %notin%: Opposite of %in%.
  • renameCol(): Rename a column.
  • renumSeq(): Renumber a sequence.
  • rotateMatrix(): Rotate a matrix.
  • roundTo(): Rounds a value to the nearest target value.
  • rowColIndexing(): Convert between row and column indexing of a matrix.
  • side(): Left/right side of a data frame or matrix.
  • stretchMinMax(): Rescale values to a given range.
  • unlistRecursive(): For any object in a list that is also a list, unlist it.
  • unragMatrix(): Turn a "ragged" matrix into a "ragged" vector.


  • domLeap(): Data frame of days of each month in a leap year.
  • domNonLeap(): Data frame of days of each month in a non-leap year.
  • doyLeap(): Data frame of days of year in a leap year.
  • doyNonLeap(): Data frame of days of year in a non-leap year.
  • isLeapYear(): Is a year a leap year?
  • yearFromDate(): Attempt to find the year across dates with non-standard formats.


  • pairDist(): Pairwise Euclidean distance between two sets of points.
  • quadArea(): Area of a quadrilateral.

Handling NAs

  • %<na%, %<=na%, %==na%, %!=na%, %>na%, and %>=na%: Comparative operations (>, >=, ==, !=, <, <=) but returns FALSE for NA cases (versus NA).
  • isTRUENA and isFALSENA(): Logical operators robust to NA.
  • naCompare(): Comparative operations (>, >=, ==, !=, <, <=) but returns FALSE for NA cases (versus NA).
  • naOmitMulti(): Remove elements of multiple vectors if at least one element is NA or rows of matrices/data frames if at least one row has an NA.
  • naRows(): Indices of rows with at least one NA.

Data properties

  • countDecDigits(): Count number of digits after a decimal.
  • is.wholeNumber(): Is a numeric value a whole number, to within floating-point precision?
  • longRun(): Longest run of a given sequence in a vector.
  • roundedSigDigits(): Infers the number of significant digits represented by a decimal representation of a division operation or digits place to which an integer was rounded.
  • which.pmax and which.pmin(): Combine which.max with pmax and which.min with pmin (vectorized which.max and which.min).


  • dirCreate(): Nicer version of dir.create().
  • eps(): Smallest floating point value your computer can think of.
  • listFiles(): Nicer version of list.files().
  • memUse(): Display largest objects in memory.


  • capIt(): Capitalize first letter of a string.
  • forwardSlash(): Convert backslashes to forward slashes.
  • pmatchSafe(): Partial matching of strings with error checking.
  • prefix(): Add repeating character to a string to ensure it has a user-defined length (e.g., 7 --> 007).
  • rstring(): Make a nearly-guaranteed unique string.
  • say(): Replacement for print('abc'); flush.console().
