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Module 00 - Lab Environment Setup

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📢 Introduction

In order to follow along with the lab exercises, you need to provision a set of common resources and then provision an Azure Data Factory for each resource. Finally, sample data needs to be staged.

# Jump To
1 Prerequisites
2 Lab Environment Setup
3 Data Factory Setup (Per Participant)
4 Optional SAP Test Environment Setup
5 Stage Sample Data

🤔 Prerequisites

  1. An Azure account with an active subscription.

    The subscription must have the following resource providers registered.

    • Microsoft.Authorization
    • Microsoft.DataFactory
    • Microsoft.EventHub
    • Microsoft.KeyVault
    • Microsoft.Storage
    • Microsoft.Sql
    • Microsoft.Synapse
    • Microsoft.Insights
    • Warning If you are using an Azure Pass promo code, the following resource providers - Microsoft.Storage, Microsoft.EventHub, and Microsoft.Synapse are not registered by default. Follow the instructions on how to register a resource provider before proceeding with the lab environment deployment below.
  2. A resource group for the lab environment, which is recommended to be in a non-production subscription.

  3. A Data Factory will be created for each project particpant. To enable user-specific security assigments, capture the Azure Active Directory user Object ID for all training participants.

    Active Directory Users Active Directory Princpal ID

⚙️ Lab Environment Setup

The below instructions require resource group owner role and will take 10 minutes to complete with the appropriate access.

Warning Deployed assets will include allow Azure and allow all firewall rules for training purposes only. Use a testing environment for training. Consult appropriate networking and security teams before production implementation.

  1. Right-click or Ctrl + click the button below to open the Azure Portal in a new window.

    Deploy to Azure

    The below Azure resources will be included in the deployment:

    • Azure SQL Server and Database
    • Azure Synapse workspace and Synapse Dedicated Pool
    • 2 Azure Storage accounts (1 for the Synapse workspace and 1 for data files)
    • Azure Key Vault
    • Role assignment granting the Synapse workspace permission to the Storage Account for data files
  2. Beneath the Resource group field, click Create new and provide a unique name (e.g. adfmdflab-rg), select a valid location (e.g. West US 3), and then click Review + create.

    Deploy Template

  3. Once the validation has passed, click Create.

    Create Resources

  4. The deployment may take up to 10 minutes to complete. Once you see the message Your deployment is complete, click Go to resource group.

    Deployment Complete

  5. If successful, you should see the resource group resources, similar to the screenshot below.

    Resource Group

⚙️ Data Factory Setup (Per Participant)

The below instructions require resource group owner role and will take approximately 5 minutes to complete with the appropriate access. These steps should be repeated for each lab participant.

  1. Right-click or Ctrl + click the button below to open the Azure Portal in a new window.

    Deploy to Azure

    The below Azure resources will be included in the deployment:

    • Azure Data Factory
    • Role assignment granting the participant resource group contributor access and Storage Blob Data Contributor access
    • Role assignment granting the Azure Data Factory resource group contributor and Storage Blob Data Contributor access
  2. Complete the below parameters and click Review + create.

    Parameter Description
    Subscription The subscription name where the lab environment should be created.
    Resource Group The resource group name where the lab environment should be created.
    Region The region used for the lab environment resources.
    Principal Id The AAD user Object Id, as shown in the Prerequisites
    Customer User Designation A six character or less designation that is used to differentiate one Data Factory from another. It is recommended to use the project participants initials.
    Dfmdf_data_adls_name The name of the Storage Account within the lab environment for data files (starts with dfmdf and ends with adls).

    Deploy Factory Template

  3. Once the validation has passed, click Create.

  4. The deployment may take up to 10 minutes to complete. Once you see the message Your deployment is complete, click Go to resource group.

⚙️ Optional SAP Test Environment Setup

The below instructions require subscription-level owner role and will take 3-4 hours to complete with the appropriate access. Only complete this section if module 13 is part of the Lab. This is a one time setup.

  1. Get an SAP user number (SUSER) and password to be used to access the instances in SAP CAL. SAP CAL is a 30-day trial SAP system after which a valid license needs to be deployed. Generally, SUSERs are managed by a local SAP Basis Team.

  2. Go to the GitHub repository "MCW-SAP-plus-extend-and-innovate-with-Data-and-AI" or click the link in the next step 😄.

  3. Navigate to ./Hands-on lab/Before the HOL – SAP plus extend and innovate with Data and file and complete only the below sections to ensure you have an SAP test environment ready for the event.

    • Task 3: Deploy the Azure Resources (Skip step 3 as a dedicated pool and storage account are already part of the lab environment.)
    • Task 4: Prepare sales data in SAP

⚙️ Stage Sample Data

Sample data is used throughout the modules. Sample data is listed by module below. Follow the instructions to stage it before the event.

Stage Module 3 Two Ways to do a Basic Copy Sample Data

The pipelines in this module use a 5 MB file named NYCTripSmall.parquet. This file needs to be in the Azure Storage Account created for this lab.

  1. Download this file from ../data_to_be_staged/adls/inbound/nyx_taxi_sample/NYCTripSmall.parquet.

  2. From the Azure Resource Group overview page, find and click the Azure Storage Account lab resource named dfmdf< Random string for your lab environment resources >adls to open the storage account.

    Open ADLS

  3. Within the Azure Storage Account, open the Containers page from within the Data storage section of the left pane. Then, click the + Container button and add an inbound container if it does not already exist.

    Create inbound Container

  4. Click the container name to open the container. Then, click + Add Directory. Add a directory Name nyx_taxi_sample and click Save to create the directory.

    Create nyx tax dir

  5. Click the directory name to open the directoy. Then, click the Upload button and drag and drop the NYCTripSmall.parquet file you downloaded in step 1 into the Upload blob drag and drop area. Finally, click Upload.

    Upload nyx taxi data

  6. Within the Azure Storage Account, open the Containers page from within the Data storage section of the left pane. Then, click the + Container button and add an publish container.

    Create publish Container

  7. Click the publish container name to open the container. Then, click + Add Directory. Add a directory named nyx_taxi_sample_pipeline and click Save and add a second directory named nyx_taxi_sample_dataflow and click Save.

    Create publish directories

Stage Module 7 Medallion Architecture: Bronze Layer Sample Data

The pipelines in this module use 2 Excel files under 50 KB file named Employees.xlsx and Regions.xlsx. This files needs to be in the Azure Storage Account created for this lab.

  1. Download the below files from this GitHub repository.
  1. From the Azure Resource Group overview page, find and click the Azure Storage Account lab resource named dfmdf< Random string for your lab environment resources >adls to open the storage account.

    Open ADLS

  2. Within the Azure Storage Account, open the Containers page from within the Data storage section of the left pane. Then, click the + Container button and add the 3 containers below if they does not already exist.

    • inbound
    • publish
    • source

    Create source container

  3. Click the container name to open the container. Then, click + Add Directory. Add a directory Name employees and click Save to create the directory.

  4. To add a directory, click the container name, then, click + Add Directory and Save. Ensure the following directories exist:

    • source/employees
    • inbound/employees_bronze
    • inbound/employees_silver
    • inbound/employees_silver_errors
    • publish/employees_gold_general
    • publish/employees_gold_confidential
    • publish/employees_gold_errors
    • publish/employees_project_a
  5. Navigate to the source/employees directory. Then, click the Upload button and drag and drop the Employees.xlsx and Regions.xlsx files you downloaded in step 1 into the Upload blob drag and drop area. Finally, click Upload.

    Upload employee data

🎉 Summary

By successfully deploying the lab template, you have the Azure resources and data needed to follow along with the learning exercises.

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