Random developer notes:
I think we're following this guy's advice: https://fangpenlin.com/posts/2012/08/26/good-logging-practice-in-python/
When logging and storing metadata, try and differentiate between:
host (things that occur on user computer) and other time (how long something took, sec) and timestamp (unix timestamp)
If you'd like to work on pywren, I recommend doing a local editable pip install from the pywren souce dir via
pip install --editable ./
Our goal is to be able to spin up N workers of an instance type, have them be able to pull tasks off the queue, run them with our environment, etc.
Use SQS for jobs. SQS queue is set in the config file, used at setup. Each machine runs a daemon that pulls from SQS queue, runs things, returns results. Each worker checks its uptime and the queue status and self-terminates after a certain amount of time.
Supervisord notes:
[program:testprogram] command=/usr/bin/python /home/ec2-user/testprogram.py autorestart=true
stand-alone server
- grabs from queue, processes job out-of-band
- if there are no jobs for 5 min and you've been idle for 5 min, terminate
order of cloud-init directives: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/34095839/cloud-init-what-is-the-execution-order-of-cloud-config-directives
We're going to store as many of our logging results in cloudwatch as possible our loggroup will always be pywren-standalone and the stream will be instanceid-$FOO
I am mostly following http://peterdowns.com/posts/first-time-with-pypi.html . I had been using twine but it looks like, with the latest versions of python, twine is unnecessary.
Make sure you create a ~/.pypirc
First register
python setup.py register -r pypitest
Test on pypi-test
python setup.py sdist upload -r pypitest
note that travis has support for auto-releasing this, which we should investigate
Currently we want to pass a log stream prefix to cloudwatch
I (@ericmjonas) am mostly a python2 developer still, so this is how you can set up a python3 environment inside conda to try things out.
conda create -n py35-pywren python=3.5 anaconda
and then
source activate py35-pywren
pip install -e pywren
The runtime is a tremendous challenge
We use a release versioning scheme of 0.1rc0 for dev releases and 0.1 for final releases.
Tag the release. If you are an animal, you can do this via
git tag v0.2
followed bygit push origin --tags
should work. Via magit you can do this via the tags popup. Push the tags to github viaP
from themagit status buffer
Make sure everything is passing on travis
push to pypitest First make sure you are setup
python setup.py register -r pypitest
python setup.py sdist upload -r pypitest
- Kickoff the travis build for this version by deleting and reupdating the tag. I know this is a bit of a hack, but it works.
# delete the remote tag
git push -f origin :refs/tags/pypitest-build
# delete local
git tag -d pypitest-build
# create tag
git tag pypitest-build
# push
git push origin --tags
Create a github release via the gui
push to pypi
python setup.py register -r pypi
python setup.py sdist upload -r pypi