Testing on V2.1/2.2/2.4 was done using the Pivotal Cloud Foundry on the AWS Cloud Quick Start. Though not tested, older PCF versions may work.
- Download the latest tile from the releases page
- Login to Ops Manager and import the tile
- Complete configuration in the
AWS Service Broker Configuration
section. Take note of the following fields:Broker ID
- An ID to use for partitioning broker data in DynamoDb. if multiple brokers are used in the same AWS account, this value must be unique per broker. This is a customer selected string.AWS Access Key ID
andAWS Secret Access
(REQUIRED) - Specify the credentials for the user created in the prerequisites section of this guide. If you are using an ec2 instance role attached to the broker hosts, leave these fields blank.Target AWS Account ID
andTarget IAM Role Name
- if you would like to provision into a different account, or use a different role for provisioning, populate these with the account and role details. The role specified must allow the broker user/role to assume itAWS Region
- this is the default region for the broker to deploy services into, and must match the region that the DynamoDB table created in the prerequisisites section of this guide was created in (this will be decoupled in an upcoming update).Amazon S3 Bucket
- specifyawsservicebroker
Amazon S3 Key Prefix
- specifytemplates/latest/
Amazon S3 Region
- specifyus-east-1
Amazon S3 Key Suffix
- specify-main.yaml
Amazon DynamoDB table name
- specify the name of the table created in the prerequisites section of this guide, default isawssb