Blueberry is yet another attempt at creating a functioning operating system.
This time, I have adopted the approach of writing highly commented code in an almost narrative style. In my opinion, this improves the understandability of large projects vastly and is severely underrated.
Blueberry is built using GNU Make. It probably will not work outside of a Linux environment. I know for a fact that it works on WSL since that is the primary environment I develop in.
You will need a couple dependencies, excluding tools found in util-linux:
- exfat-utils
- nasm
- a cross compiler targeting
You can either search for prebuilt cross-compiler binaries for your host architecture or follow this guide to build your own.
Here's a description of all the make targets.
: build a flat disk imageclean
: nuke all build filescleanup-disk
: clean up loopback devices and mounts
The system can be booted in QEMU with
qemu-system-i386 -drive file=disk.img,format=raw