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284 lines (235 loc) · 19.2 KB

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284 lines (235 loc) · 19.2 KB

DALEX 2.5.1

  • adding the support for calculating kernel SHAP values via predict_parts() function

DALEX 2.5.0

  • breaking change: change the name of loss_yardstick() to get_loss_yardstick() and loss_default() to get_loss_default()
  • add loss_one_minus_accuracy() and get_loss_one_minus_accuracy() (#535)

DALEX 2.4.3

  • added implementation of aSHAP (aggregated SHAP) and waterfall plot (#519)
  • adding a new system for default color schemes (#541)
  • added cross_entropy as model performance measure to multilabel settings #542

DALEX 2.4.2

  • removed the yardstick dependency
  • new vignette added 'How to use DALEX with the yardstick package?'
  • new datasets from World Happiness Report: happiness_test and happiness_train (#513)
  • new datasets from COVID morality: covid_summer and covid_spring (#513)

DALEX 2.4.1

  • changed URLs in the DESCRIPTION as requested in (#484)
  • Fix model_info documentation (#498)
  • Support for yardstic metrics (#495)

DALEX 2.4.0

  • Changed default in explain(colorize=) according to (#473)
  • Added explain/yhat support for partykit (#438)
  • explain() warns if target has more than two values for classification (#418)

DALEX 2.3.0

  • The plot.model_performance_roc, loss_one_minus_auc and model_performance_auc functions are rewritten to handle repeated predictions (#442)

DALEX 2.2.2

  • The plot function works for list of explanations (if possible) (#424)

DALEX 2.2.1

  • Order of explainer labels in different plots is the same. To get to this point, orders in plot.model_performance(..., geom = "histogram" & "boxplot") are reversed (#400)
  • Fixed multiclass explainer when data has one column (#405)


  • Now explainer handles R functions (#396)
  • predict_parts function handles the N argument natively (#394)

DALEX 2.1.1

  • All encouters of nieghbour(s) (EN-spelling) were replaced with neighbor(s) (US-spelling) for the consistency and backword compatibility.
  • Fixed bug when predict_diagnostics raised error if neighbor value was higer than nrow(explainer$data).

DALEX 2.1.0

  • Added new parameter (predict_function_target_column) to explain function that allows specifying positive class in binary classification tasks (#250).
  • Fixed model_diagnostics() returning an error when data is matrix (#355)

DALEX 2.0.1

  • Fixed R package not working with Python Explainer (#318)
  • Fixed model_diagnostics() returning an error when y_hat or residuals is of array class (#319)
  • Fixed grid lines in theme_drwhy on Windows
  • Fixed logical values in y rising unnecessery warnings for classification task (#336)


  • plot.predict_diagnostics now passess ellipsis to plot.ceteris_paribus_explainer
  • This version requires iBreakDown v1.3.1 and ingredients v1.3.1
  • Fixed plot.predict_parts and plot.model_profile (#277).
  • Fixed plot.model_profile for multiple profiles (#237).
  • External tests for not suggested packages added to gh-actions (#237).
  • Extended and refreshed documentation (#237).
  • All dontrun statements changed to donttest according to CRAN policy.
  • Added value for s parameter in yhat.glmnet and
  • Fixed model_diagnostics passing wrong arguments to residual_function.
  • Fixed aesthetic for hist geometry in plot.model_performance using wrong arugments.
  • model_performance will not work if model_info$type is NULL.
  • Corrected description of N in model_parts (#287).
  • New warning messages for y parameter in explain function.
  • Solved bug in yhat.ranger causing predicts_parts not to plot correctly when task is multiclass.
  • variable_effect is now deprecated


  • fixed typo in predict_parts_oscillations_emp
  • rewrite tests

DALEX 1.3.1

  • added predict_parts class to objects and plot.predict_parts function
  • added model_parts class to objects and plot.model_parts function
  • plot parameters added to the documentation
  • Now in the predict_profile function one can specify how grid points shall be calculated, see variable_splits_type (#267).
  • The predict_part function has two new options for type: oscillations_uni and oscillations_emp (#267).
  • The plot.model_performance function has a new geom="prc" for Precision Recall curve (#273).

DALEX 1.3.0

  • DALEX now fully supports multiclass classification.
  • explain() will use new residual function (1 - true class probability) if multiclass classification is detected.
  • model_performance() now support measures for multiclass classification.
  • Remove ggpubr from suggests.
  • lossFunction argument is now deprecated in plot.model_performance(). Use the loss_function argument.
  • model_profile color changed to colors_discrete_drwhy(1) which impacts the color of the line in plot.model_profile
  • loss_name attribute added to loss functions. It will be passed to plot function for objects created with model_parts.

DALEX 1.2.1

  • fixed tests and WARNINGs on CRAN
  • model_profile for Accumulated Local rofiles by default use centering (center = TRUE)
  • deprecate n_sample argument in model_parts (now it's N) (#175)

DALEX 1.2.0

  • ingredients and iBreakDown are now imported by DALEX


  • updated title for plot.model_performance (#160).
  • in explain removed check related to duplicated target variable (#164).


  • variable_profile calls ingredients::ceteris_paribus (#131).
  • variable_response and feature_response moved to variable_effect and now it calls ingredients::partial_dependency (#131).
  • prediction_breakdown moved to variable_attribution and now it calls iBreakDown::break_down (#131).
  • updated variable_importance, not it calls the ingredients::variable_importance (#131).
  • updated model_performance (#130).
  • added yhat for lrm models from rms package
  • theme_drwhy has now left aligned title and subtitle.
  • residuals_distribution calculates now diagnostic plots based on residuals (#143).
  • model_performance calculates several metrics for classification and regression models (#146).
  • plot.model_performance now supports ROC charts, LIFT charts, Cummulative Gain charts, histograms, boxplots and ecdf
  • residuals_distributon is now individual_diagnostics and produces objects of the class individual_diagnostics_explainers
  • plot.individual_diagnostics_explainers now plots objects of the class individual_diagnostics_explainers
  • yhat for caret models now returns matrix instead of data.frame
  • model_diagnostics new function that plots residuals againes selected variable
  • names of functions are changed to be compliant with latest version of the XAI pyramide

DALEX 0.4.9

  • updated titanic_imputed (#113).
  • added weights to the explainer. Note that not all explanations know how to handle weights (#118).
  • yhat() and model_info() now support models created with gbm package.

DALEX 0.4.8

  • new argument colorize in the explain() as requested in (#112).
  • new generic function model_info(). It will extract basic irnformation like model package nam version and task type. (#109, #110)
  • new functions update_data() and update_label(). (#114))

DALEX 0.4.7

  • new dataset titanic_imputed as requested in (#104).
  • the explain() function now detects if target variable y is present in the data as requested in (#103).
  • the DALEX GitHub repository is transfered from pbiecek/DALEX to ModelOriented/DALEX.

DALEX 0.4.6

  • Examples updated. Now they use only datasets available from DALEX.
  • yhat.H2ORegressionModel and yhat.H2OBinomialModel moved to (DALEXtra) and merged into explain_h2o() function.
  • yhat.WrappedModelmoved to (DALEXtra) and merged as explain_mlr() function.
  • Wrapper for scikit-learn models restored in (DALEXtra) package.
  • loss_one_minus_auc function added to loss_functions.R. It uses 1-auc to compute loss. Function created by Alicja Gosiewska.
  • Extension for DALEX avaiable at (DALEXtra)

DALEX 0.4.5

  • the explain() function is more verbose. With verbose = TRUE (default) it prints detailed information about elements of an explainer (#95).

DALEX 0.4.4

  • new color schemes: colors_breakdown_drwhy(), colors_discrete_drwhy() and colors_diverging_drwhy().
  • in this version the scikitlearn_model() is removed as it is not working with python 2.7

DALEX 0.4.3

  • New support for scikit-learn models via scikitlearn_model()

DALEX 0.4.2

  • New yhat functions for mlr, h2o and caret packages (added by Szymon).

DALEX 0.4.1

  • plot.variable_importance_explainer() has now desc_sorting argument. If FALSE then variable importance will be sorted in an increasing order (#41).

DALEX 0.4.0

  • ingredients and iBreakDown are added to additional features (#72).
  • feature_response() and variable_response() are marked as Deprecated. It is suggested to use ingredients::partial_dependency(), ingredients::accumulated_dependency() instead (#74).
  • variable_importance() is marked as Deprecated. It is suggested to use ingredients::feature_importance() instead (#75).
  • prediction_breakdown() is marked as Deprecated. It is suggested to use iBreakDown::break_down() or iBreakDown::shap() instead (#76).

DALEX 0.3.1

  • updated filenames


  • pdp, factorMerger and ALEPlot are going to Suggested. (#60). In next releases they will be deprecated.
  • added predict function that calls the predict_function hidden in the explainer object. (#58).

DALEX 0.2.9

  • the titanic dataset is copied from stablelearner package. Some features are transformed (some NA replaced with 0, more numeric features).

DALEX 0.2.8

  • DALEX is being prepared for tighter integration with iBreakDown and ingredients.
  • temporally there is a duplicated single_variable and single_feature
  • Added new theme_drwhy().
  • New arguments in the plot.variable_importance_explainer(). Namely bar_width with widths of bars and show_baseline if baseline shall be included in these plots.
  • New skin in the plot.variable_response_explainer().
  • New skin in the plot.prediction_breakdown_explainer().

DALEX 0.2.7

  • Test datasets are now named apartments_test and HR_test
  • For binary classification we return just a second column. NOTE: this may cause some unexpected problems with code dependend on defaults for DALEX 0.2.6.

DALEX 0.2.6

  • New versions of yhat for ranger and svm models.

DALEX 0.2.5

  • Residual distribution plots for model performance are now more legible when multiple models are plotted. The styling of plot and axis titles have also been improved (@kevinykuo).
  • The defaults of single_prediction() are now consistent with breakDown::broken(). Specifically, baseline is now 0 by default instead of "Intercept". The user can also specify the baseline and other arguments by passing them to single_prediction (@kevinykuo, #39). WARNING: Change in the default value of baseline.
  • New yhat.* functions help to handle additional parameters to different predict() functions.
  • Updated CITATION info

DALEX 0.2.4

  • New dataset HR and HRTest. Target variable is a factor with three levels. Is used in examples for classification.
  • The plot.model_performance() has now show_outliers parameter. Set it to anything >0 and observations with largest residuals will be presented in the plot. (#34)

DALEX 0.2.3

  • Small fixes in variable_response() to better support of gbm models (c8393120ffb05e2f3c70b0143c4e92dc91f6c823).
  • Better title for plot_model_performance() (e5e61d0398459b78ea38ccc980c4040fd853f449).
  • Tested with breakDown v 0.1.6.

DALEX 0.2.2

  • The single_variable() / variable_response() function uses predict_function from explainer (#17)

DALEX 0.2.1

  • The explain() function converts tibbles to data.frame when specified as data argument (#15)
  • The default generic explain.default() should help when explain() from dplyr is loaded after DALEX (#16)

DALEX 0.2.0

  • New names for some functions: model_performance(), variable_importance(), variable_response(), outlier_detection(), prediction_breakdown(). Old names are now deprecated but still working. (#12)
  • A new dataset apartments - will be used in examples
  • variable_importance() allows work on full dataset if n_sample is negative
  • plot_model_performance() uses ecdf or boxplots (depending on geom parameter).

DALEX 0.1.8

  • Function single_variable() supports factor variables as well (with the use of factorMerger package). Remember to use type='factor' when playing with factors. (#10)
  • Change in the function explain(). Old version has an argument predict.function, now it's predict_function. New name is more consistent with other arguments. (#7)
  • New vigniette for xgboost model (#11)

DALEX 0.1.1

  • Support for global model structure explainers with variable_dropout() function


  • DALEX package is now public
  • explain() function implemented
  • single_prediction() function implemented
  • single_variable() function implemented