We have a list of known issues. If you have a problem that you don't see on that list, please send a bug report via the Support and Feedback Form.
You will find our list of approved issues on JIRA.
We regret that we cannot accept pull requests for issues we haven't already logged, with the exception of documentation or spelling corrections.
Consult our Developer Documentation on how to set up a local development environment so you can work on the Archive code.
Please read the checklist on our pull request template for the steps you need to perform to make sure we can accept your pull request.
When we review your pull request, we will make comments on GitHub. Please make sure you read these carefully and apply the suggestions!
Due to our workload, it may take several weeks before an approved pull request is merged, so be patient - we will get to it!
Once your pull request is merged, it will be deployed to our internal Staging server and our manual QA team will check it. We may ask you to make further changes and submit a new pull request if we find any problems that will affect our users' ability to benefit from your changes.
Once we have checked that all is well, your contribution will be deployed to Archive of Our Own and you will be credited in the AO3 Release Notes! Make sure you tell us your preferred name and pronoun in the pull request.
If you would like to donate more of your time and expertise in a multi-national, inclusive, fandom-oriented development team, you might enjoy becoming an official OTW volunteer.
Read more about volunteering with the OTW.
Drop us an email if you have any questions.