The transport uses Doctrine DBAL library and SQL like server as a broker. It creates a table there. Pushes and pops messages to\from that table.
Limitations It works only in auto ack mode hence If consumer crashes the message is lost.
- Installation
- Init database
- Create context
- Send message to topic
- Send message to queue
- Consume message
$ composer require enqueue/dbal
- With config (a connection is created internally):
use Enqueue\Dbal\DbalConnectionFactory;
$factory = new DbalConnectionFactory('mysql://user:pass@localhost:3306/mqdev');
// connects to localhost
$factory = new DbalConnectionFactory('mysql:');
$psrContext = $factory->createContext();
- With existing connection:
use Enqueue\Dbal\ManagerRegistryConnectionFactory;
use Doctrine\Common\Persistence\ManagerRegistry;
/** @var ManagerRegistry $registry */
$factory = new ManagerRegistryConnectionFactory($registry, [
'connection_name' => 'default',
$psrContext = $factory->createContext();
// if you have enqueue/enqueue library installed you can use a factory to build context from DSN
$psrContext = (new \Enqueue\ConnectionFactoryFactory())->create('mysql:')->createContext();
At first time you have to create a table where your message will live. There is a handy methods for this createDataBaseTable
on the context.
Please pay attention to that the database has to be created manually.
/** @var \Enqueue\Dbal\DbalContext $psrContext */
/** @var \Enqueue\Dbal\DbalContext $psrContext */
$fooTopic = $psrContext->createTopic('aTopic');
$message = $psrContext->createMessage('Hello world!');
$psrContext->createProducer()->send($fooTopic, $message);
/** @var \Enqueue\Dbal\DbalContext $psrContext */
$fooQueue = $psrContext->createQueue('aQueue');
$message = $psrContext->createMessage('Hello world!');
$psrContext->createProducer()->send($fooQueue, $message);
/** @var \Enqueue\Dbal\DbalContext $psrContext */
$fooQueue = $psrContext->createQueue('aQueue');
$consumer = $psrContext->createConsumer($fooQueue);
$message = $consumer->receive();
// process a message