What's Changed
- add time font and center by @SteveHNH in #61
- Boost icon in the bottom right by @justinorringer in #62
- player names WIP by @SteveHNH in #31
- Timeout Scoreboard and Reset Button WIP by @casey-williams-rh in #58
- No longer get empty health bar by @justinorringer in #63
- Removing old scoreboard by @justinorringer in #65
- Fix issue resolving player when killed by falling box by @SteveHNH in #66
- add configurable max shots to ammo by @SteveHNH in #67
- Fixing authority +++ by @justinorringer in #68
- fix max ammo bug by @SteveHNH in #69
- Multiplayer magic syncs crates by @justinorringer in #70
- add a bazooka by @SteveHNH in #71
- bazooka consumable by @SteveHNH in #72
- Add bazooka Audio by @casey-williams-rh in #73
- fix bazooka spawns by @SteveHNH in #74
- Restart the music on continue by @justinorringer in #75
- Play not start by @justinorringer in #76
- fix bazooka collision by @SteveHNH in #77
- fix stretching the screen by @SteveHNH in #78
Full Changelog: v0.1alpha...v0.1.1alpha