- Backup DB from existing server
npm run backup-db
- Modify backup file:
- If new db user has changed:
- Replace existing db user text, ex: "postgres" to "newusername"
- If you get timescaledb errors:
- Comment out "timescaledb" lines
- Comment out "COPY _timescaledb" lines
- If you have operations with run scripts:
- JSON fields will not accept newlines, tabs, or double quotes, to fix:
- Within "COPY public.directus_operations":
- Replace "\n\t" with empty string, then replace "\n" with empty string
- Replace double quotes " with escaped single quotes ' or backticks `
- Within "COPY public.directus_activity" and "COPY public.directus_revisions":
- Fix unacceptable characters or remove all revisions containing invalid JSON fields
- Within "COPY public.directus_operations":
- JSON fields will not accept newlines, tabs, or double quotes, to fix:
- If new db user has changed:
- Connect to your new database via psql cli
psql -h host -d database -U user
- Import the backup file
\i 'path/to/file.sql'
- Fix any errors you might see
- Verify all tables have expected data
- May need to fix any "Run Scripts" you modified for import
- If you have pg_hba.conf error & self-signed certificate error, add the following to your env config
- Remove DB_SSL="true" if it's there
- Update environment variables to new database connection info and verify Directus admin still loads, along with Flows and Operations.
Successfully moved database from Railway to Supabase with these instructions.