scalaxb is an XML data-binding tool for Scala that supports W3C XML Schema (xsd) as the input file.
This is still at pre-ALPHA state, and many things don't work. I'd really appreciate if you could run it against your favorite xsd file and let me know the result.
scalaxb is tested only under Scala 2.8. You can install it using sbaz:
$ sudo sbaz install scalaxb
or build from source:
$ git clone git:// scalaxb
$ cd scalaxb
$ sbt sbaz
See the file called INSTALL for details.
$ scalaxb [options] <schema_file>...
-d <directory> | --outdir <directory>
generated files will go into <directory>
-p <package> | --package <package>
specifies the target package
-p:<namespaceURI>=<package> | --package:<namespaceURI>=<package>
specifies the target package for <namespaceURI>
-v | --verbose
be extra verbose
input schema to be converted
Further info is available at
Suppose you have address.xsd:
<schema targetNamespace=""
<complexType name="Address">
<element name="name" type="string"/>
<element name="street" type="string"/>
<element name="city" type="string"/>
You then run the following:
$ scalaxb address.xsd
You get address.scala that contains case classes that can convert XML documents conforming to the address.xsd into a case class object, and turn it back again into XML document:
case class Address(name: String,
street: String,
city: String) extends org.scalaxb.rt.DataModel {
def toXML(namespace: String, elementLabel: String): scala.xml.Node = {
var scope: scala.xml.NamespaceBinding = scala.xml.TopScope
scope = scala.xml.NamespaceBinding("xsi", "", scope)
scope = scala.xml.NamespaceBinding("ipo", "", scope)
scope = scala.xml.NamespaceBinding(null, "", scope)
val node = toXML(namespace, elementLabel, scope)
node match {
case elem: scala.xml.Elem => elem % new scala.xml.PrefixedAttribute("xsi", "type",
"ipo:Address", elem.attributes)
case _ => node
def toXML(namespace: String, elementLabel: String, scope: scala.xml.NamespaceBinding): scala.xml.Node = {
val prefix = scope.getPrefix(namespace)
var attribute: scala.xml.MetaData = scala.xml.Null
scala.xml.Elem(prefix, elementLabel,
attribute, scope,
Seq(scala.xml.Elem(prefix, "name", scala.xml.Null, scope, scala.xml.Text(name.toString)),
scala.xml.Elem(prefix, "street", scala.xml.Null, scope, scala.xml.Text(street.toString)),
scala.xml.Elem(prefix, "city", scala.xml.Null, scope, scala.xml.Text(city.toString))).flatten: _*)
object Address {
def fromXML(node: scala.xml.Node): Address =
Address((node \ "name").text,
(node \ "street").text,
(node \ "city").text)
You can send bug reports to Issues, send me a message, or email.
It's the MIT License. See the file called LICENSE.
- eed3si9n at gmail dot com
- @eed3si9n