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FOS Sample code


This project contains FOS sample training and scoring samples.

All the following samples assume a locally running fos server with the default configuration. Please checkout fos-core readme on how to create and start a fos server bundle

Training a WEKA classifier

You can check the full code: TrainingSample.

The first step is to create a FOS manager. The manager provides an API to manage and train models. You can create a manager by calling the create method on the FOSManagerAdapter. The method has two parameters:

  1. FOS server host. Since we're assuming a locally running server localhost is fine.
  2. FOS RMI port
    FOSManagerAdapter manager = FOSManagerAdapter.create("localhost", 5959);

The second step is to create a model configuration. This is done by suppling a list of model attributes:

   List<Attribute> attributes = ImmutableList.of(
            new NumericAttribute("sepalLength"),
            new NumericAttribute("sepalWidth"),
            new NumericAttribute("petalLength"),
            new NumericAttribute("petalWidth"),
            new CategoricalAttribute("class",

And setting a couple configuration options:

  1. Classifier attributes index - Property WekaModelConfig.CLASS_INDEX
  2. Weka implementation to use - Property WekaModelConfig.CLASSIFIER_IMPL
    Map<String, String> properties = ImmutableMap.of(
                                          WekaModelConfig.CLASS_INDEX, "4",
                                          WekaModelConfig.CLASSIFIER_IMPL, J48.class.getName());

Now we're ready to create a model configuration:

    ModelConfig modelConfig = new ModelConfig(attributes, properties);

Train and create a model. The trainAndAddFile receives a ModelConfig and a CSV file with the training instances.

        File trainFile = new File("");

        UUID uuid = manager.trainAndAddFile(modelConfig, trainFile.getAbsolutePath());

        System.out.println("Trained model UUID = " + uuid);

Running [] should display the generated model identifier.

Trained model UUID = f80e7881-e267-4d2b-9262-d58c8adcdae2

Keep note of this model UUID. You'll need it for the next sample.

So, behind the scenes, FOS trained and persisted a weka model with the specified configuration. If you're curious you may now check the fos-server/models folder. It should contain .model file with the trained model and a .header file with the model configuration:

   "storeModel" : true,
   "attributes" : [
         "name" : "sepalLength",
         "@type" : ".NumericAttribute"
         "name" : "sepalWidth",
         "@type" : ".NumericAttribute"
         "name" : "petalLength",
         "@type" : ".NumericAttribute"
         "name" : "petalWidth",
         "@type" : ".NumericAttribute"
         "categoricalInstances" : [
         "unknownReplacement" : "__UNKOWN__",
         "name" : "class",
         "@type" : ".CategoricalAttribute"
   "properties" : {
      "classifierimpl" : "weka.classifiers.trees.J48",
      "model" : "/home/miguel/fos-server/models/f80e7881-e267-4d2b-9262-d58c8adcdae22854550933383138387.model",
      "id" : "f80e7881-e267-4d2b-9262-d58c8adcdae2",
      "classIndex" : "4"

Scoring with a Weka classifier

This sample assumes that you've sucessfully trained a model as specified in the previous step.

Now that we have a trained model, we can move on to the scoring sample.

First we have to pass the previously trained model UUID:

public static void main( String[] args ) throws RemoteException, NotBoundException, FOSException {
        if (args.length != 1) {
            System.err.println("Please supply the model UUID to score");
        UUID modelId = UUID.fromString(args[0]);

Then we obtain a reference to the manager:

        FOSManagerAdapter manager = FOSManagerAdapter.create("localhost", 5959);

Add a couple sample scoring instances. These were randomly from the iris dataset - one for each flower type:

        List<Object[]> scorables = Arrays.asList(new Object[][] {
                {5.8,4.0,1.2,0.2, null}, // 1: Iris-setosa
                {6.9,3.1,4.9,1.5, null}, // 2: Iris-versicolor
                {6.0,2.2,5.0,1.5, null}  // 3: Iris-virginica

The next step is to obtain a reference to the Scorer instance that will performing the scoring.

        Scorer scorer = manager.getScorer();

Now we can score the sample instances and print the predicted score for each instance:

        System.out.println("Probability for ");
        System.out.println("Instance ID |  setosa  |versicolor| virginica");

        int instanceid = 1;
        for(double[] score : scorer.score(modelId, scorables)) {
            System.out.println(String.format("Instance %1$d  | %2$f | %3$f | %4$f",

Running the sample should produce the following output

Probability for 
Instance ID |  setosa  |versicolor| virginica
Instance 1  | 1.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000
Instance 2  | 0.000000 | 0.979167 | 0.020833
Instance 3  | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 1.000000

As we can see, the algorithm predicted the flower type with a high decree of certainty. After all we're scoring the same instances that were part of the original training 😏