⚫️Endless Rabbit⚫️
Endless Rabbit is an exciting endless runner game developed entirely using Swift, SwiftUI, and SceneKit. In this game, you control a cute bunny character and navigate through a procedurally generated environment, avoiding obstacles and collecting carrots to achieve the highest score possible. Features
🥕Engaging gameplay with intuitive swipe controls to move the bunny left or right
🥕Randomly generated carrot collectibles and tree obstacles for endless replayability
🥕Smooth character animations and dynamic camera movement for an immersive experience
🥕Delightful sound effects and background music to enhance the gaming atmosphere
🥕Sleek and polished user interface designed with SwiftUI
🥕Integration of SceneKit for creating 3D game elements and physics-based interactions
🥕Game state management for seamless transitions between start screen, game screen, and game over screen
🥕Score tracking and display to keep players motivated and engaged
✅Download the project zip folder✅
⚫️Game Controls⚫️
🥕Swipe left on the screen to move the bunny character to the left lane.
🥕Swipe right on the screen to move the bunny character to the right lane.
🥕Collect carrots to increase your score.
🥕Avoid colliding with tree obstacles, as they will end the game.
⚫️File Structure⚫️
The project is organized into the following main files:
🥕AppDelegate.swift: Manages the application's lifecycle and sets up the initial window and root view controller.
🥕GameViewController.swift: Handles the game view, user interactions, and communicates with the game scene.
🥕ContentView.swift: Contains the main content view of the app, managing game states and transitions between screens.
🥕GameScene.swift: Represents the main game scene, handling game logic, object spawning, collisions, and score tracking.
🥕EndlessRunnerApp.swift: Serves as the entry point of the application, defining the app's main scene and launch screen. 🥕CarrotNode.swift: Defines the carrot collectible node and its properties. 🥕TreeNode.swift: Defines the tree obstacle node and its properties