The background is a deep purple - #43244e. The static elements fade up to a bright yellow - #eae039
The spritesheet is 8x8; the first two rows are 16 different colours of tetronimo
brick. The colours follow the tetronimo_t
enum sequence.
The third row is box edges - Left, Top, Right, Bottom, BL, TL, TR, BR.
The fontsheet is 8x8; the first 4 rows are a-z, 0-5. The second 4 rows are 6-9, A-Z, @ and space. All glyphs are left-aligned, and font.txt defines the kerning with of each letter as a 64 byte comma separated list of bit widths.
abcdefgh ijklmnop qrstuvwx yz012345 6789ABCD EFGHIJKL MNOPQRST UVWXYZ@