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Syntax extensions %cd and %op


OCANNL, and arrayjit specifically, is built around a fixed number of numeric operations, declared in arrayjit/ We assign lexical operators to the binary operations, inventing novel operators if needed. For example, Rectified Linear Unit Relu operation, which computes f(x) = max(0,x), is called relu, while the ReLU-Gate Relu_gate operation, which computes f(x,y) = if x > 0.0 then y else 0.0, gets the operator -?/ in addition to name relu_gate. These built-in numeric operations are used to construct assignments (Assignments.t packaged as Assignments.comp). The syntax %cd is needed to build assignments concisely, and the assignment operators always start with = (unlike in C where they end with =). On the other hand, while the syntax %op helps build tensors (Tensor.t), they can be expressed concisely in pure OCaml. Unlike for assignments, the building blocks for tensor expressions are easy to extend. The meaningful basic ones are provided in lib/

In OCANNL, we call a tensor that is prohibited from propagating gradients, does not have a gradient node nor backprop code, a non-differentiable tensor. Accordingly we can call the "plain" tensors with a gradient node differentiable tensors. Expressions in the %cd syntax will sometimes build new non-differentiable tensors as components of assignments (they will never build new differentiable tensors). The syntax extensions make the following assumption:

  • %cd assumes that any extension point will be in the scope of a module NTDSL that provides at least the functionality of Operation.NTDSL.
  • %op assumes that any extension point will be in the scope of a module TDSL that provides at least the functionality of Operation.TDSL.

Functions inside Operation.NTDSL use ~grad_spec:Prohibit_grad when calling into Tensor, making the resulting tensors non-differentiable. Functions inside Operation.TDSL use ~grad_spec:If_needed, which will make the tensors non-differentiable when the gradient is not needed -- except for TDSL.param, which internally sets ~grad_spec:Require_grad.

The extension points open NTDSL.O, resp. TDSL.O, for the scope of the extension point, to expose the corresponding operators.

Primitive operations

To accomodate stylistic preferences, OCANNL supports both curried and uncurried syntaxes for primitive operation application. Binary operators are associated with infix operators, in addition to having alphabetic identifiers. This stems from the following restriction: in the %cd syntax, the assignment is always an infix operator, and it needs to pick the accumulation operation.

The unary primitive operations:

Identifier Default projection Constructor in Arrayjit.Ops
id pointwise Identity
relu pointwise Relu
sat01 pointwise Satur01
exp pointwise Exp
log pointwise Log
exp2 pointwise Exp2
log2 pointwise Log2
sin pointwise Sin
cos pointwise Cos
sqrt pointwise Sqrt
recip pointwise Recip
recip_sqrt pointwise Recip_sqrt
neg pointwise Neg
tanh pointwise Tanh_approx
not pointwise Not

The binary primitive operations:

Identifier Infix operator Default projection Constructor in Arrayjit.Ops Assignments
fst -@> pointwise Arg1 none
snd -/> pointwise Arg2 =:
add + pointwise Add =+, =:+
sub - pointwise Sub =-, =:-
mul * none Mul =*, =:*
div / none Div =/, =:/
pow ** pointwise ToPowOf =**, =:**
relu_gate -?/ pointwise Relu_gate =?/, =:?/
sat01_gate -?^ pointwise Satur01_gate =?^, =:?^
lt < pointwise Cmplt none
eq <> pointwise Cmpeq none
or_ || pointwise Or =||, =:||
and_ && pointwise And =&&, =:&&
mod_ % pointwise Mod none
max @^ pointwise Max =@^, =:@^
min ^^ pointwise Min =^^, =:^^

The ternary primitive operations:

Identifier Default projection Constructor in Arrayjit.Ops
where pointwise Where
fma compose-accumulate FMA

The interpretation functions also state the semantics:

let interpret_unop op v =
  let open Float in
  match op with
  | Identity -> v
  | Relu when v >= 0. -> v
  | Relu -> 0.
  | Satur01 when v <= 0. -> 0.
  | Satur01 when v >= 1. -> 1.
  | Satur01 -> v
  | Exp -> exp v
  | Log -> log v
  | Exp2 -> 2. ** v
  | Log2 -> log v / log 2.
  | Sin -> sin v
  | Cos -> cos v
  | Sqrt -> sqrt v
  | Recip -> 1. / v
  | Recip_sqrt -> 1. / sqrt v
  | Neg -> ~-.v
  | Tanh_approx -> tanh v
  | Not -> if v = 0. then 1. else 0.

let interpret_binop op v1 v2 =
  let open Float in
  match op with
  | Arg1 -> v1
  | Arg2 -> v2
  | Add -> v1 + v2
  | Sub -> v1 - v2
  | Mul -> v1 * v2
  | Div -> v1 / v2
  | ToPowOf when is_integer v2 -> int_pow v1 @@ to_int v2
  | ToPowOf -> v1 ** v2
  | Relu_gate -> if v1 > 0.0 then v2 else 0.0
  | Satur01_gate -> if v1 > 0.0 && v1 < 1.0 then v2 else 0.0
  | Max -> max v1 v2
  | Min -> min v1 v2
  | Mod -> v1 % v2
  | Cmplt -> if v1 < v2 then 1. else 0.
  | Cmpeq -> if v1 = v2 then 1. else 0.
  | Or -> if v1 <> 0. || v2 <> 0. then 1. else 0.
  | And -> if v1 <> 0. && v2 <> 0. then 1. else 0.

let interpret_ternop op v1 v2 v3 =
  let open Float in
  match op with Where -> if v1 <> 0. then v2 else v3 | FMA -> (v1 * v2) + v3

The syntax for %op

The %op syntax is simpler than the %cd syntax since it relies more on regular OCaml expressions. For example, we can write without syntax extensions:

  let hid_dim = 8 in
  let w = Tensor.param "w" in
  let b = Tensor.param ~output_dims:[ hid_dim ] "b" in
  let layer x = TDSL.O.( relu(w * x + b) ) in

Since TDSL.O is opened for the scope of an extension point %op:

  let hid_dim = 8 in
  let w = Tensor.param "w" in
  let b = Tensor.param ~output_dims:[ hid_dim ] "b" in
  let%op layer x = relu(w * x + b) in

Using inline declarations, this becomes more concise:

  let hid_dim = 8 in
  let%op mlp_layer x = relu("w" * x + "b" hid_dim) in

When there is a function directly under the %op extension point, like in the example above, or directly under a function taking a ~config parameter, the function parameter must be a tensor. That's because %op uses this tensor's (value's) label to enrich the label of the resulting tensor.

When the declaration is followed by a literal float, the float provides the initial value to initialize the tensor. Otherwise, the tensor value cells are initialized randomly with uniform distribution.

The syntax for %cd

The basic building blocks of the %cd syntax are individual assignments, separated by semicolons. The assignments, represented via Assignments.Accum_binop and Assignments.Accum_unop, are in full generality accumulating:

type Assignments.t =
  | Accum_binop of {
      initialize_neutral : bool;
      accum : Ops.binop;
      op : Ops.binop;
      lhs : Tnode.t;
      rhs1 : buffer;
      rhs2 : buffer;
      projections : Indexing.projections Lazy.t;
  | Accum_unop of {
      initialize_neutral : bool;
      accum : Ops.binop;
      op : Ops.unop;
      lhs : Tnode.t;
      rhs : buffer;
      projections : Indexing.projections Lazy.t;

For example the binary case in pseudocode: if initialize_neutral then lhs = 0; lhs = lhs accum (rhs1 op rhs2) (assuming the neutral element of accum is 0). The representation also has a field projections which determines which loops should be run and how the tensor nodes should be indexed to perform the computation.

The basic %cd syntax for assignments has the form: <lhs> <asgn-op> <primitive-op-application[rhs1, rhs2?, rhs3?]>. See Primitive operations for the syntax of primitive operation application, where <rhs1>, <rhs2> (for binary and ternary ops), <rhs3> (for ternary ops) are subexpressions. <asgn-op> starts with =, followed by : only if initialize_neutral is true, then followed by the operator syntax variant of a binary primitive operation. The fields <lhs>, <rhs1>, <rhs2>, <rhs3> will often be either special-purpose identifiers (e.g. t, t1, t2, t3, g, g1, g2, g3) or identifiers bound to tensors. <rhs1>, <rsh2>, <rsh3> will also often be (non-differentiable) tensor expressions. The notation <tensor>.grad stands for the gradient node of the given tensor. For more about "slot fillers", and to learn about the operators *+ and ++, see the section further features of the syntax extension %cd.

How is the projections field determined? projections can be given explicitly as a labeled argument ~projections. If they aren't but %cd realizes there is a ~projections parameter in scope, it uses it -- see lib/ where this option is used to define tensor operations. If instead of ~projections a ~logic labeled argument is given, the string passed is used to determine projections. ~logic:"." means a pointwise operation. ~logic:"@" means an "output axes of rhs2 match input axes of rhs1" operation (matrix multiplication is a special case). ~logic:"T" means transpose of input and output axes. The string passed to ~logic can also use OCANNL's generalization of the einsum notation, allowing arbitrary permutations and reductions of axes. If no information is given, the default depends on the primitive operation, but it is almost always a pointwise operation.

Here we see an example of tensor multiplication -- extending matrix multiplication to arbitrary number of axes -- multiplying a by b to get c. In =:+, = is required to separate the assigned-to part from the computation, : clears-out c before the computation, + selects addition to accumulate the results.

c =:+ a * b ~logic:"@"

Compare the following two ways of updating a parameter p:

p =+ learning_rate * p.grad ~logic:"."


p =+ learning_rate *. p.grad

In the first case, we have a binary assignment calculated pointwise. The resulting representation is Accum_binop where accum is Add and op is Mul (multiplication). In the second case, *. is not recognized as one of the built-in operators. This leaves the expression learning_rate *. p.grad un-transformed. Since (*.) is bound in NTDSL.O to pointwise tensor multiplication, this creates an intermediate tensor, that is then added onto p. The resulting representation is Accum_unop where accum is Add and op is Identity. Both variants end up with the same result, and even with the same computation, because the second variant's computation will get optimized (unless configured not to).

Advanced note: when a ~projections parameter is in scope but no assignment-specific ~projections argument is given -- the typical case in lib/ -- the actual projections field for an assignment is computed by transforming the projections parameter according to hints regarding how tensor nodes relate to the given projections. Specifically, the identifiers rhs1, t1, v1, g1 are "slot RHS1" of the projections, rhs2, t2, v2, g2 are "slot RHS2", lhs,, t, v, g are "slot LHS".

Numeric and N-dimensional array literals

Both %cd and %op extensions use a shared syntax for N-dimensional array literals. %cd uses NTDSL.number and NTDSL.ndarray functions, while %op uses TDSL.number and TDSL.ndarray functions. (This is just for consistency: TDSL.ndarray invokes Tensor.ndarray ~grad_spec:If_needed, which will figure out the gradient is not needed and will make the tensor non-differentiable.)

Numbers are a special case: an array of (output) dimension 1.

N-dimensional array literals combine the list, tuple and array syntaxes to strictly distinguish between output, input and batch axes:

  • The tuple syntax translates to an input axis.
  • The list syntax translates to an output axis.
  • The array syntax translates to a batch axis.

For example, [ (1, 2, 3); (4, 5, 6) ] is a mathematical matrix converting 3D vectors into 2D vectors.

OCANNL supports dimension labels. The syntax for number allows prefixing a number by a character that stands for the dimension label of the resulting output dimension 1. These labels can then propagate to specify labels of other dimensions in other tensors, via shape inference. Example: let%op y = ("hey" * 'q' 2.0) + 'p' 1.0 in ...

Wildcard bindings

When an extension is over a wildcard (ignore result) binding: let%cd _ = ... and let%op _ = ..., the generated code is wrapped in Tensor.with_unchanged_roots, to prevent it from upsetting rootness checks. The use-case for writing %op and %cd notations with ignored result is to generate additional shape inference constraints.

Inline declarations

Both %cd and %op syntaxes support inline declarations of tensors. For %op these are differentiable, for %cd non-differentiable tensors. A declaration site uses the string syntax, the content of the string is the is bound to the newly created tensor, and the string itself functions equivalently to using the newly introduced identifier. The scope of the binding is the full scope of the extension point, even if the declaring string appeared in the body of a function that's inside the extension point scope (except for %op there is a special case of ~config labeled argument discussed below). The first element of the label of the created tensor is the string that introduced it.

For %cd, the declaration is (currently) only allowed on the left-hand-side, i.e. in the assigned-to position, of an assignment. If possible, one of the tensors on the right-hand-side is picked to provide additional label information. In particular, tensors that are function parameters inside the scope of the extension point, cannot be picked to provide label information, as they would escape their scope at the point the tensor is created. Example showing two tensor nodes declared inline, both of them include the label of the param p in their labels:

let sgd_one ~learning_rate ?(momentum = 0.0) ?(weight_decay = 0.0) ?(nesterov = false) p =
    "sgd_delta" =: p.grad + (!.weight_decay *. p);
    if Float.(momentum > 0.0) then (
      "sgd_momentum" =: (!.momentum *. sgd_momentum) + sgd_delta;
      if nesterov then sgd_delta =+ !.momentum *. sgd_momentum else sgd_delta =: sgd_momentum);
    p =- learning_rate *. sgd_delta]

For %op, the declaration is allowed anywhere. If there is a ~config function parameter used inside the extension scope, for example as fun ~config ... -> ... or a more specific example let%op mlp ~config x = ..., the scope of an inline-declared tensor is no longer the full scope of the extension point. Instead, the tensor is defined right underneath the introduction of the ~config parameter: fun ~config -> let <definitions of the inline-declared tensors> in .... The config value passed to the generated code must be a record with at least a field label : string list. The inline-declared tensor that's defined under a ~config parameter is defined as TDSL.param ~more_label:config.label ... Example showing two param tensors declared inline, including config.label in their labels:

type mlp_layer_config = { label : string list; hid_dim : int }

let%op mlp_layer ~config x = relu ("w" * x + "b" config.hid_dim)

Using OCANNL's generalized einsum notation

As we mentioned above, in the %cd syntax you can set up an arbitrary assignment with projections derived from a generalized einsum specification, by passing the specification as a string with the ~logic label. However, both the %cd and %op syntaxes support built-in operators that take an einsum specification: *+ binding to NTDSL.einsum resp. TDSL.einsum, and ++ binding to NTDSL.einsum1 resp. TDSL.einsum1. *+ is a "ternary" operator, binary wrt. tensor arguments, and ++ is a binary operator, unary postfix wrt. tensor arguments. The einsum specification string should directly follow *+ and ++.

Both *+ and ++ use addition for the accumulation operation; *+ uses multiplication. You can verify that looking at the Operation.einsum and Operation.einsum1 definitions. You can find examples of *+ and ++ behavior in the test suite A frequent use-case for ++ is to sum out all axes of a tensor:

  let%op scalar_loss = (margin_loss ++ "...|... => 0") /. !..batch_size in

where (!..) converts an integer into a constant tensor.

Syntax of the generalized einsum notation

The specification syntax has two modes:

  • if there is a comma anywhere in a spec, it is the multichar mode: axis identifiers are comma-separated and can have multiple characters;
  • otherwise, it is the single-char mode: each alphanumeric character corresponds to an axis.

The syntax of a generalized einsum spec has two variants:

  • unary: "<rhs> shape spec => <lhs> shape spec", specifies a unary assignment <lhs> <asgn-op> <rhs> (see syntax for %cd),
  • binary: "<rhs1> shape spec ; <rhs2> shape spec => <lhs> shape spec", specifies a binary assignment <lhs> <asgn-op> <rhs1> <op> <rhs2> (see syntax for %cd).

Recall that a tensor shape is composed of three rows, i.e. sequences of axes: batch, input and output axes. Correspondingly, a shape spec in the notation can be:

  • the output row at the end of the spec, or just the output row,
  • the input row to the left of ->, if given,
  • the batch row to the left of |, if given.

The notation for a row is composed of sequences of row specs, and an optional row variable spec. A row variable tracks broadcasting. The syntax of a row:

  • a sequence of axis specs: specifies the rightmost axes, with untracked broadcasting "to the left",
  • a row variable spec followed a sequence of axis specs for the rightmost axes,
  • leftmost axes specs, followed by a row variable, followed by rightmost axes specs.

The syntax of a row variable:

  • ..variable_id..: variable_id stands for the row variable identifier,
  • ellipsis ... is context dependent: in the batch row it means ..batch.., in the input row ..input.., in the output row ..output...

The syntax of an axis spec:

  • depending on the mode, either a alphabetic character or an alphanumeric identifier provides an axis variable,
  • the underscore _ is a placeholder to align other axes, but does not specify anything for the given axis (it is not a variable),
  • a number specifies the particular dimension within the axis.


  • ...|...->... => 0, ...|... => 0 and ... => 0 are equivalent: reduce all axes of the argument into a single number. Useful e.g. for reducing losses to a single number.
  • ...|...->... => ...|...->...: fully pointwise unary operation.
  • ...|...->... ; ...|...->... => ...|...->...: fully pointwise binary operation.
  • ...|...->... => ...->... and ...->... => ...->... are equivalent: reduce the batch axes into the result.
  • 2...|...->... => ...|...->...: slice the tensor at dimension 2 of the leftmost batch axis. Note that the tensor operation @| implements slicing at the leftmost batch axis for arbitrary dimension.
  • ...|... => ...|...2: expand the tensor by putting the argument at leftmost output dimension 2 of the result (and reduce input axes if any). rhs ++ "...|... => ...|...2" will fill the other cells of the new tensor with zeroes; [%cd lhs =:* rhs ~logic:"...|... => ...|...2"] will fill the other cells of lhs with ones since it's the neutral element of the assignment (reduction) operator.
  • ijk => kji: reverse the three rightmost output axes, reduce any other axes.
  • ijk => ki: as above but also reduce the second-leftmost output axis.
  • ..v..|ijk => ..v..kji: reverse the three rightmost output axes, reduce any other output and input axes, pointwise for batch axes, pairing the batch axes with the leftmost output axes of the result.
  • 2..v..|... => ..v..: slice the tensor at dimension 2 of the leftmost batch axis, reduce all its input and output axes, preserve its other batch axes as output axes.

Further features of the syntax extension %cd

Referencing arrays: tensor value, tensor gradient, merge buffer of a tensor node

The %cd syntax uses record-style notation to point to:

  • the value tensor node of a tensor <tensor>.value,
  • the gradient tensor node of a tensor <tensor>.grad,
  • the merge buffer of a tensor node <tensor-node>.merge; <tensor>.merge is a shorthand for <tensor>.value.merge.

The accessor .value can (almost?) always be dropped: by default, tensors in the %cd syntax refer to their value nodes.

For example, in a data-parallel computation, gradients of the same param p can be merged across devices using the code p.grad =+ p.grad.merge, combined with an explicit device-to-device transfer.

Block comments

The %cd syntax uses the prefix operator (~~) in a semicolon sequence to introduce block comments:

type Assignments.t =
  | Block_comment of string * t

Schematic example: ~~("space" "separated" "comment" "tensor p debug_name:" p; <scope of the comment>). The content of the comment uses application syntax, must be composed of strings, <tensor>, <tensor>.value (equivalent to <tensor>), <tensor>.grad components, where <tensor> is any tensor expression or tensor identifier.

Further features of the syntax extension %op

Name from binding

When an extension point is applied to a let-binding, e.g. let%op mlp_layer ~config x = relu ("w" * x + "b" config.hid_dim), it uses the name of the binding (mlp_layer in the example) for the label of the primary tensor created by the extension, if any. This is why the resulting layer tensor in the example has its label starting with "mlp_layer". If the extension is over a semicolon-separated sequence of expressions, the primary tensor can only be in the last component of the sequence, other syntax constructs are handled analogously.

Label from function argument

The resulting (primary) tensor's label will also have incorporated the label of the input argument, if any. In our example, the resulting mlp_layer tensor will also include the label of the actually applied x.

Note that we do not include config.label, even if config is available, because the actually applied input argument will typically have more specific information.

Configuring inline declarations: inline output dimensions, initial values

In the %op syntax, when a tuple follows an inline declaration of a tensor (i.e. a string literal), the tuple is passed to specify the output axes in the tensor definition (via the ~output_dims argument).

When it is an integer, an identifier, or a record field dereference following an inline declaration, this expression specifies the single output axis in the tensor definition. You can see an example above in this document: let%op mlp_layer ~config x = relu ("w" * x + "b" config.hid_dim).

If it is a list expression following an inline declaration, the expression is parsed as an N-dimensional array constant, and used to initialize the value tensor node of the defined tensor. A very simple example from micrograd_demo: Micrograd README basic example:

  let%op c = "a" [ -4 ] + "b" [ 2 ] in

Lifting of the applications of config arguments: if an error, refactor your code

If you recall, inline declared param tensors get lifted out of functions except for the function fun ~config ->, where they get defined. Our example let%op mlp_layer ~config x = relu ("w" * x + "b" config.hid_dim) translates as:

let mlp_layer ~config =
  let w = Tensor.param "w" and b = Tensor.param ~output_dims:[ config.hid_dim ] in
  fun x -> TDSL.O.(w * x + b)

For this to work properly, when employing such network blocks, their params also need to be introduced at the right moment. Therefore, the %op syntax ensures that this example:

type tlp_config = { label : string list; dim1 : int; dim2 : int; dim3 : int }

let%op three_layer_perceptron ~config x =
  mlp_layer ~config:{ label = [ "L3" ]; hid_dim = config.dim3 }
    (mlp_layer ~config:{ label = [ "L2" ]; hid_dim = config.dim2 }
       (mlp_layer ~config:{ label = [ "L1" ]; hid_dim = config.dim1 } x))

gets expanded to:

type tlp_config = { label : string list; dim1 : int; dim2 : int; dim3 : int }

let three_layer_perceptron ~config =
  let config_block__1 = mlp_layer ~config:{ label = [ "L3" ]; hid_dim = config.dim3 }
  and config_block__2 = mlp_layer ~config:{ label = [ "L2" ]; hid_dim = config.dim2 }
  and config_block__3 = mlp_layer ~config:{ label = [ "L1" ]; hid_dim = config.dim1 } in
  fun x -> config_block__1 (config_block__2 (config_block__3 x))

However, this raises a concern for more complex situations. Consider this code that fails to compile:

type mlp_config = { label : string list; hid_dims : int list }

let%op mlp ~config x =
  List.foldi config.hid_dims ~init:x ~f:(fun i x hid_dim ->
      mlp_layer ~config:{ label = [ "L" ^ Int.to_string i ]; hid_dim } x)

The attempted lifting breaks because of the escaping variables i and hid_dim. This reminds us to rewrite the example, ensuring the proper introduction of params:

type mlp_config = { label : string list; hid_dims : int list }

let mlp ~config =
  let layers =
    List.mapi config.hid_dims ~f:(fun i hid_dim ->
        mlp_layer ~config:{ label = [ "L" ^ Int.to_string i ]; hid_dim })
  fun x -> List.fold layers ~init:x ~f:(fun x layer -> layer x)

Unfortunately, we need to be mindful to introduce params at the right times.

Implementation details

The hard-coded to-the-power-of operator

OCANNL has a built-in numerical binary operation to-power-of: Ops.ToPowOf. As part of assignments, the corresponding operator is **. Here is the full definition of the to-power-of tensor operation from Operation:

let rec pointpow ?(label : string list = []) ~grad_spec p t1 : Tensor.t =
  let module NTDSL = struct
    include Initial_NTDSL

    module O = struct
      include NDO_without_pow

      let ( **. ) ?label base exp = pointpow ?label ~grad_spec:Tensor.Prohibit_grad exp base
  end in
  let p_t = NTDSL.number p in
  let%cd op_asn ~v ~t1 ~t2 ~projections = v =: v1 ** v2 ~projections in
  let%cd grad_asn =
    if Tensor.is_prohibit_grad grad_spec then fun ~v:_ ~g:_ ~t1:_ ~t2:_ ~projections:_ -> Asgns.Noop
    else if Float.equal p 2.0 then fun ~v:_ ~g ~t1 ~t2:_ ~projections -> g1 =+ p_t *. t1 * g
    else if Float.equal p 1.0 then fun ~v:_ ~g ~t1 ~t2:_ ~projections -> g1 =+ g
    else fun ~v:_ ~g ~t1 ~t2:_ ~projections -> g1 =+ p_t *. (t1 **. (p -. 1.)) * g
  Tensor.binop ~label:("**." :: label) ~compose_op:Pointwise_bin ~op_asn ~grad_asn ~grad_spec t1 p_t

On the Tensor level, this is implemented as a binary tensor operation, but it is exposed as a unary tensor operation! To avoid the complexities of propagating gradient into the exponent, Operation.pointpow is implemented as a function of only one tensor, the exponent is a number. We hard-code the pointwise-power-of operator NTDSL.O.( **. ), resp. TDSL.O.( **. ), in the %cd and %op syntaxes, to pass the numeric value to pointpow (the second argument of **.) without converting it to a tensor first.

Intricacies of the syntax extension %cd

The syntax %cd translator needs to accomplish more than a context-free conversion of a concise notation to an Assignments.comp data-type. In particular:

  • It needs to keep track if ~projections is in scope, and it needs to collect the information about an assignment to properly transofm the projections from the scope into the projections valid for the particular assignment.
  • Whenever the parsed notation uses tensors whose value nodes have not been computed yet, the translator needs to include the "forward" code of the tensors among the generated assignments. Typically this is required for embedded tensor expressions, which create new tensors. The translator puts the forward code in sequence just prior to the assignment that made use of the created tensor. The translator includes the forward code of tensors that are "forward roots" at the time the assigments are constructed (using Tensor.is_fwd_root).
  • For inline declarations of tensors, the translator needs to pick the right other tensor, if any, to enrich the label information of the created tensor. Mechanisms:
    • Prefer tensors from identifiers (or field dereferences), since labels of tensor expressions (creating new tensors) will typically be overly verbose.
    • Filter out escaping variables (identifiers coming from nested function parameters).
    • When one inline declaration uses another inline declaration on its right-hand-side, recall the other declaration's label-enriching-tensor and use it directly.
  • The argument slots in Assignments.Accum_binop and Assignments.Accum_unop can be either regular tensor nodes, or merge buffers of tensor nodes. The translator needs to determine that.
  • When a tensor expression is used to create a new tensor, the translator lifts the expression into a let-binding, to be able to refer to the (same) tensor more than once. The created tensor is referred to at least twice: at its use site, and to include its forward code among the assignments.

Embedded nodes

In fact, the syntax %cd produces Assignments.comp values:

type comp = {
  asgns : t;
  embedded_nodes : Set.M(Tnode).t;

The tensor nodes that are in asgns but not in embedded_nodes, and are on-device, must already be present in contexts with which the computation is linked. Such non-embedded nodes can be seen as inputs to the computation -- except that for backprop code of a tensor, they are actually the outputs! Embedded nodes are closely related to rootness -- when a node has not been used in the code of another tensor, it is a root (a forward root for value nodes and a backprop root for grad nodes). embedded_nodes were roots the first time they were used in asgns.