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Error handling on the grid

galerykaeser edited this page May 26, 2021 · 2 revisions

Process Hierarchy and Safety Measures

Level 1: Main Search Script (Login Node)

  • Generates state successors
  • Submits slurm array jobs to evaluate successors (default array length up to 200)
  • Polls array job status with sacct
  • Parses evaluation results and continues search
Possible Errors Safety Measures
Job submission with sbatch is not successful If enforce_order flag is not set, continue with next successor batch; else, abort search by returning the current state
Slurm task is in a state other than PENDING, RUNNING or COMPLETED when polled If enforce_order flag is not set, ignore failed tasks; else, only consider tasks before the first failed one
Evaluation result file is not present (something went wrong in the execution of the evaluation script on the compute node) After waiting for the file for a maximum of 60 s (checking every 3 s), the corresponding task is ignored (without enforce_order) or the search is aborted by returning the current state (with enforce_order)

Level 2: Bash Script for Single Slurm Task (Compute Node)

  • Limits memory of child processes with ulimit (setting the soft limit to 98 % of the product of the slurm parameters cpus-per-task and mem-per-cpu)
  • Executes the evaluation script (similar to: ./ --evaluate /path/to/state-dump) inside a sub-shell and redirects the stdout and stderr outputs to log files
Possible Errors Safety Measures
Space character in /path/to/state causes error in execution of the evaluation script Check script path for spaces in the beginning of the grid search

Level 3: Evaluation Script Executed in a Sub-Shell of the Bash Script

  • Parses the corresponding state from its dump and runs the evaluation defined by the user (generally by executing the Run instances in the state and processing the parsed output streams in a meaningful way)
Possible Errors Safety Measures
Evaluation consumes too much memory Memory limit set in the bash script with ulimit causes the evaluation script in the sub-shell to terminate on a memory error
Evaluation takes too much time Run classes (that are meant to define the program executions to be evaluated) have a mandatory argument time_limit that is set in each run when its command is started as a subprocess (using resource.setrlimit from Python); therefore, the subprocess of the run will always terminate latest after its time limit expired

Level 4: Run executed as subprocess of the evaluation

  • Any program whose execution the user wants to analyze, e.g., ./ domain.pddl problem.pddl --search astar(lmcut())
  • Time and memory constraints are already handled by levels 2 and 3
Possible Errors Safety Measures
Any error that can occur during the execution of the run Not needed, as any behavior of the program is captured via the produced outputs and returncode, which are then parsed and processed as part of the evaluation
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