Backend, Python + FastAPI
Objective: Create a scalable FastAPI application that serves an endpoint to recommend three things to do in a given country during a specific season by consulting the OpenAI API. Additionally, integrate a distributed component for background processing to handle the OpenAI API calls asynchronously, store the results in MongoDB, and signal completion. Use Docker Compose to manage the application components.
- Initialize a new Python project.
- Install FastAPI, MongoDB driver, and any other required libraries.
API Endpoint:
- Design an endpoint with a custom route for travel recommendations.
- This endpoint should accept two query parameters:
: The country for which the recommendations are to be fetched.season
: The season in which the recommendations are desired (e.g., "summer", "winter").- Both parameters are required. The season must validate that one of the four seasons is chosen.
- Use localhost:3000.
- No authentication required for the endpoint/API.
- No encryption, no HTTPS... Keep it simple.
Request Handling:
- When a request is made to the endpoint, generate a unique identifier (UID) for the request.
- Return the UID to the user immediately.
- Offload the processing of the request to a background component.
Background Processing with Distributed Component:
- Integrate one of the following distributed components for background processing:
- Kafka: Use Kafka to send the request as a message to a Kafka topic and consume it with a separate worker.
- Prefect: Use Prefect for orchestrating the background tasks.
- The background component should:
- Receive the request.
- Make the OpenAI API call.
- Process the response.
- Store the recommendations in MongoDB.
- Signal completion of the task.
- Ensure that the FastAPI endpoint can query the status of the background task and retrieve the recommendations once the task is complete.
- Integrate one of the following distributed components for background processing:
Data Storage:
- Store the recommendations in MongoDB with the UID as the key.
- Structure the data to include the country, season, recommendations, and a status field (e.g., pending, completed).
Completion Signaling:
- Once the background task is complete, update the status in MongoDB to indicate that the recommendations are available.
- Implement a mechanism (e.g., Kafka consumer or Prefect future) to notify the API that the task is complete and data can be queried.
Data Retrieval Endpoint:
- Design an endpoint to retrieve the recommendations using the UID.
- This endpoint should:
- Accept the UID as a query parameter.
- Check the status in MongoDB.
- If the status is "completed", return the recommendations.
- If the status is "pending", inform the user that the data is not yet available.
- If the UID is not found, return an appropriate error message.
- Use Docker to containerize the FastAPI application, the chosen background processing component, and MongoDB.
- Create a
file to manage the different services and ensure they work together seamlessly.
Response Example:
- When initiating the request:
{ "uid": "1234567890abcdef" }
- When retrieving the recommendations and the task is completed:
{ "uid": "1234567890abcdef", "country": "Canada", "season": "winter", "recommendations": [ "Go skiing in Whistler.", "Experience the Northern Lights in Yukon.", "Visit the Quebec Winter Carnival." ], "status": "completed" }
- When retrieving the recommendations and the task is still pending:
{ "uid": "1234567890abcdef", "status": "pending", "message": "The recommendations are not yet available. Please try again later." }
- When the UID is not found (make sure to return the appropriate HTTP status code, 404):
{ "error": "UID not found", "message": "The provided UID does not exist. Please check the UID and try again." }
- When initiating the request:
Additional (Optional, not required):
- Use Beanie or another MongoDB ODM for Python to interact with MongoDB.
- Implement error handling and logging throughout the application.
- Write tests for the application to ensure it behaves as expected.
- If you consider yourself full stack, and want to showcase your skills, you can create a simple frontend that calls this API.
- Push your code to a public GitHub repository.
- Include a
with clear instructions on how to run the application, test it, and any other relevant information.
- Functionality: Does the application work as described?
- Code Quality: Is the code organized, clean, and free of bugs?
- API Design: Is the API intuitive and easy to understand?
- Integration: Is the OpenAI GPT API integrated seamlessly, and are errors handled gracefully?
- Scalability: How well is the background processing component integrated and how scalable is the solution?
- Containerization: Is the Docker setup clear, and does it work without issues?
- Documentation: Are the setup and usage instructions clear?
- FastAPI documentation:
- OpenAI GPT API documentation:
- Kafka documentation:
- Prefect documentation:
- Docker Compose documentation:
- MongoDB documentation: