A REST API for a Book Store. The API should allow user to perform the following actions: Create, Read, Update, and Delete books in our database. Register, login and authenticate users and CRUD operations.
Steps to set-up the project:
- install nodejs on your system.
- create your project folder.
- open the project folder in a code editor like VS Code.
- open terminal there.
- run the command 'npm init' in the terminal
- install mongoose by running 'npm install mongoose'
- signup on Mongoose Atlas (you can signup for free too)
- set up the environment on mongoose atlas
- go to database -> create new cluster -> go to the 'connect' of new cluster
- get the "connection string" from there add it to mongoose.connect("") in 'app.js';
- install the following packages a) express b) jsonwebtoken c) http d) body-parser e) bcryptjs f) nodemon g) path
- run 'nodemon index.js' in the terminal