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application.conf 설명

conf 디렉터리의 application.conf 를 통해 설정 가능한 기능들

  • 사이트 이름 설정
    • application.siteName="Yona"
  • 어플리케이션 루트 설정
  • 로그인 하지 않은 유저 접근 제한 여부
    • application.allowsAnonymousAccess=true
  • 가입 후 관리자가 승인을 해야만 활동 가능하도록 제한하는 기능
    • signup.require.admin.confirm = true
  • 알림메일 발송 여부
    • notification.bymail.enabled = true
  • 서버 고유 보안키 (어드민 계정 리셋시에 필요함)
  • 언어 표시 우선순위
  • DB 접속설정
  • HTTP 헤더에 표시할 서버 이름
  • HTTPS 설정
  • EMAIL 설정
  • 알리메일 발송 지연시간
  • Yona 페이지에서 링크로 타 사이트로 이동했을때 referer 헤더에서 Yona를 숨기는 기능
    • application.noreferrer = true
  • 프로젝트 목록보기에서 private 프로젝트를 표시해 줄지 여부
    • application.displayPrivateRepositories = false
  • Github 으로 이전(Migration)기능 활성화 여부
    • github.allow.migration = false
  • 최대 단일 첨부파일 사이즈 조정(기본 2Gb)
    • application.maxFileSize = 2147483454
  • 오직 소셜로그인(Github/Gmail)을 통한 가입/로그인만으로 제한 (자체 계정 생성 및 로그인 금지)
    • = true
  • 지원 소셜로그인 제공자 설정 가능
    • = "github, google"

application.conf 기본 설정

# This is the main configuration file for the application.
# ~~~~~

# Site Name
# ~~~~~~~~~
# The name of your website

# Application Context
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# If you want your own application context root, you can set it.
# Don't miss first / (slash) letter!
# application.context = /myroot

# Anonymous access
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# This site allows anonymous access. (default: true)
# If this is false, Yona refuses anonymous access to any page except for the
# ones to be needed for login, login and creating accout.
# NOTE: Even if this is false, anyone can create a account freely. If you don't
# want to allow that, set signup.require.confirm to true.

# If you wants to make the user available to use yona
# after the server administrator approved,uncomment below
# signup.require.admin.confirm = true

# Notification
# ~~~~~
# Notfication email is delivered by default.
# If you want to disable the delivery, set the 'notification.bymail.enabled' to 'false'.
notification.bymail.enabled = true

# Secret key
# ~~~~~
# The secret key is used to secure cryptographics functions.
# If you deploy your application to several instances be sure to use the same key!
# If you want to reset admin account, set this value to default. 
# Default: "VA2v:_I=h9>?FYOH:@ZhW]01P<mWZAKlQ>kk>Bo`mdCiA>pDw64FcBuZdDh<47Ew"

# The application languages
# ~~~~~
application.langs="en-US, ko-KR, ja-JP"

# Global object class
# ~~~~~
# Define the Global object class for this application.
# Default to Global in the root package.

# Database configuration
# ~~~~~
# You can declare as many datasources as you want.
# By convention, the default datasource is named `default`
# H2 Configuration
# db.default.driver=org.h2.Driver
# db.default.url="jdbc:h2:mem:yona;MODE=PostgreSQL;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=-1"
# db.default.url="jdbc:h2:file:./yona;MODE=PostgreSQL;MV_STORE=FALSE;MVCC=FALSE;CACHE_SIZE=131072;AUTO_SERVER=TRUE"
# db.default.user=sa
# db.default.password=sa
# db.default.logStatements=true
# db.default.partitionCount=20
# db.default.maxConnectionsPerPartition=10
# db.default.minConnectionsPerPartition=2
# db.default.acquireIncrement=4
# db.default.acquireRetryAttempts=3
# db.default.acquireRetryDelay=1 seconds
# db.default.connectionTimeout=3 second
# db.default.statementsCacheSize=1000

# MySQL Configuration
# db.default.driver=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
# db.default.url="jdbc:mysql://"
# db.default.user=yona
# db.default.password=""

# MariaDB

# Local
# db.default.url="jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/yona"
# db.default.user=postgres
# db.default.password=password

# You can expose this datasource via JNDI if needed (Useful for JPA)
# db.default.jndiName=DefaultDS

# Ebean configuration
# ~~~~~
# You can declare as many Ebean servers as you want.
# By convention, the default server is named `default`

# Evolutions
# ~~~~~
# You can disable evolutions if needed
# evolutionplugin=disabled

# Logger
# ~~~~~
# You can also configure logback (, by providing a logger.xml file in the conf directory .

# Server
# ~~~~~

# Server name used by servlet, as the value of "Server" field in HTTP response message.

# Components used to construct the URL to this application.
# application.hostname=""
# application.port="8080"

# Application feedback url at top layout menu. You can remove feedback menu by commenting it.""

# Mailer
# ~~~~~~
# You have to configure SMTP to send mails.
# Example settings, it assume that you use gamil smtp =
smtp.port = 465
smtp.ssl = true
smtp.user = yourGmailId
# Be careful!!! Not to leak password
smtp.password = yourGmailPassword
smtp.domain =
#true to use mock mailer for testing, false for using real mail server
smtp.mock = true
# optional, size of mail archive for tests, default: 5
smtp.archive.size = 5

# Mailbox Service
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Mailbox Service fetches and process mails from IMAP server. For example, if
# the service fetches an email to a project, it posts the email as an issue of
# the project.
# If you want to use this feature, your IMAP server has to be configured to
# support the address alias using '+' sign, also known as 'subaddressing' or
# 'detailed addressing'. For example, emails to '[email protected]' have
# to be delivered to '[email protected]'.
# SECURITY WARNING: Yona believes the email address in From header of the
# received email is truthful and use it for authentication without doubt. To
# avoid this problem, your imap server must deny every email whose From header
# is forged.
# Here is an example if you use Gmail.
# Set imap.use to true if you want to use this feature.
imap.use = false =
imap.ssl = true
imap.user = "[email protected]"
# The email address of Yona. Mailbox Service processes an email only if its
# address is as follows.
imap.address = "[email protected]"
# Be careful!!!
imap.password = yourGmailPassword
imap.folder = inbox

# Production configuration

# User uploaded temporary files cleanup schedule (sec, default 24hour: 24*60*60 = 86400)
# application.temporaryfiles.keep-up.time = 86400

# Notification
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Check mails to send every this seconds.
application.notification.bymail.interval = 60s
# Sending a notification mail delays this seconds.
application.notification.bymail.delay = 180s
# Split notification emails by the recipient limit.
# The value is number of maximum recipients per an email and inclusive.
# (default: 0, This means there is no limitation.)
application.notification.bymail.recipientLimit = 100
# Hide recipients of notification email by using bcc. (default: true)
application.notification.bymail.hideAddress = true
# A new event notification can be merged if possible with previous one which is
# not older than this seconds.
application.notification.draft-time = 30s
# Delete notifications which are older than this days.
# If this value is undefined or not positive number, notifications will remain forever.
# application.notification.keep-time = 60

# Software Update
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Check for updates of Yona at this interval if it is grater than 0.
application.update.notification.interval = 6h
# A url to the git repository for Yona releases.
application.update.check.use = true
application.update.repositoryUrl = ""
# A format to construct the url to latest Yona release. "%s" is a format
# specifier for Yona version to download like "0.5.7".
application.update.releaesUrlFormat = ""

# customize play default thread pool size
# see:
play {
  akka {
    event-handlers = ["akka.event.Logging$DefaultLogger", "akka.event.slf4j.Slf4jEventHandler"]
    loglevel = WARNING
    actor {
      default-dispatcher = {
        fork-join-executor {
          parallelism-min = 50
          parallelism-max = 300

# customize akka thread pool size
akka {
  loggers = ["akka.event.Logging$DefaultLogger", "akka.event.slf4j.Slf4jLogger"]
  loglevel = WARNING
  actor {
    default-dispatcher = {
      fork-join-executor {
        # Min number of threads to cap factor-based parallelism number to
        parallelism-min = 8

        # The parallelism factor is used to determine thread pool size using the
        # following formula: ceil(available processors * factor). Resulting size
        # is then bounded by the parallelism-min and parallelism-max values.
        parallelism-factor = 3.0

        # Max number of threads to cap factor-based parallelism number to
        parallelism-max = 64

# No referrer information is to be leaked when following the link from yona pages. If you don't want, set it false
application.noreferrer = true

# Display private repositories in the list
application.displayPrivateRepositories = false

# Github Migration
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# User can migrate their own projects to github
github.allow.migration = false = "TYPE YOUR GITHUB CILENT ID"
github.client.secret = "TYPE YOUR GITHUB CILENT SECRET"

# Attachment Upload File Size Limit
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# 2,147,483,454 bytes = 2Gb
application.maxFileSize = 2147483454

# Social Login Support
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Social login settings for Yona
# Detail settings are described at conf/play-authenticate/mine.conf

# Prevent using Yona's own login system = true

# Allowed OAuth social login provider
# choice: github, google = "github, google"

include "social-login.conf"