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2390 lines (1877 loc) · 107 KB

File metadata and controls

2390 lines (1877 loc) · 107 KB

SCSS Values will be validated and sanitized

From now on, every scss value added by a theme will be validated when changed in the administration interface. The values will be sanitized when they are invalid to a standard value when they are not valid when changed before or via api.

Parameter names of some \Shopware\Core\Framework\Migration\MigrationStep methods will change

This will only have an effect if you are using the named parameter feature of PHP with those methods. If you want to be forward compatible, call the methods without using named parameters.

  • Parameter name column of \Shopware\Core\Framework\Migration\MigrationStep::dropColumnIfExists will change to columnName
  • Parameter name column of \Shopware\Core\Framework\Migration\MigrationStep::dropForeignKeyIfExists will change to foreignKeyName
  • Parameter name index of \Shopware\Core\Framework\Migration\MigrationStep::dropIndexIfExists will change to indexName

Environment Configuration

The web installer now supports configurable command timeouts through the environment variable SHOPWARE_INSTALLER_TIMEOUT. This value should be provided in seconds.

Default Behavior

If the environment variable is not set, the installer will use the default timeout of 900 seconds (15 minutes).

Configuration Examples

# Set timeout to 30 minutes

# Set timeout to 1 hour

Or in the projects' .env.installer file:



The provided timeout value must be:

  • A numeric value
  • Non-negative

If these conditions are not met, the installer will fall back to the default timeout of 900 seconds.

Product review loading moved to core

The logic responsible for loading product reviews was unified and moved to the core.

  • The service \Shopware\Storefront\Page\Product\Review\ProductReviewLoader is deprecated. Use \Shopware\Core\Content\Product\SalesChannel\Review\AbstractProductReviewLoader instead.
  • The event \Shopware\Storefront\Page\Product\Review\ProductReviewsLoadedEvent is deprecated. Use \Shopware\Core\Content\Product\SalesChannel\Review\Event\ProductReviewsLoadedEvent instead.
  • The hook \Shopware\Storefront\Page\Product\Review\ProductReviewsWidgetLoadedHook is deprecated. Use \Shopware\Core\Content\Product\SalesChannel\Review\ProductReviewsWidgetLoadedHook instead.
  • The struct \Shopware\Storefront\Page\Product\Review\ReviewLoaderResult is deprecated. Use \Shopware\Core\Content\Product\SalesChannel\Review\ProductReviewResult instead.

Native types for PHP class properties

A "deprecation" message was added to every PHP class property without a native type. The native types will be added with Shopware If you extend classes with such properties, you will also need to add the type accordingly during the major update.

New skip to content links

The "Skip to content" link for accessibility inside @Storefront/storefront/base.html.twig is now inside a separate include template @Storefront/storefront/component/skip-to-content.html.twig. The new template also has additional links to skip directly to the search field and main navigation. The links can be enabled or disabled by passing boolean variables. By default, only "Skip to main content" is shown:

{% sw_include '@Storefront/storefront/component/skip-to-content.html.twig' with {
    skipToContent: true,
    skipToSearch: true,
    skipToMainNav: true
} %}

Storefront product box accessibility: Replace duplicate links around the product image with stretched link in product name

Affected template: Resources/views/storefront/component/product/card/box-standard.html.twig

Currently, the link to the product detail page is always duplicated in the default product box because the image is wrapped with the same link. This is not ideal for accessibility because the link is read twice when using a screen reader. Therefore, we want to remove the link around the product image that also points to the detail page. To make the image still click-able the Bootstrap helper class stretched-link will be used on the product name link.

When the ACESSIBILITY_TWEAKS flag is active, the product card will no longer contain a link around the product image:

<div class="card product-box box-standard">
    <div class="card-body">
        <div class="product-image-wrapper">
-            <a href="https://shopware.local/Example-Product/SW-01931a101dcc725aa3affc0ff408ee31">
                <img src="https://shopware.local/media/a3/22/75/1731309077/Example-Product_%283%29.webp?ts=1731309077" alt="Example-Product">
-            </a>

        <div class="product-info">
            <a href="https://shopware.local/Example-Product/SW-01931a101dcc725aa3affc0ff408ee31"
+               class="product-name stretched-link"> {# <------ stretched-link is used instead #}

Required foreign key in mapping definition for many-to-many associations

For many-to-many associations it is necessary that the mapping definition contains the foreign key fields. Until now there was a silent error triggered, which is now changed to a proper deprecation message. An exception will be thrown in the next major version.

App servers: New In-App Purchases feature

In-App Purchases are a way to lock certain features behind a paywall within the same extension. This is useful for developers who want to offer a free version of their extension with limited features and a paid version with more features.

We've modified the requests to app servers to include a JWT token for all active In-App Purchases. With GET requests, the in-app-purchases parameter was added. With POST requests, the In-App-Purchases are part of the source object in the request body.

If you use the official Shopware Symfony App bundle or the App PHP SDK, you're app server is already set to go. If you use a custom signing mechanism, you need to adjust your app server to handle the new requests. See an example implementation in PHP here.

See the documentation for In-App Purchases here.

Search server now provides OpenSearch/Elasticsearch shards and replicas

Previously we had an default configuration of three shards and three replicas. With 6.7 we removed this default configuration and now the search server is responsible for providing the correct configuration. This allows that the indices automatically scale based on your nodes available in the cluster.

You can revert to the old behavior by setting the following configuration in your config/packages/shopware.yml:

        number_of_shards: 3
        number_of_replicas: 3

Redis configuration

Now you can define multiple redis connections in the config/packages/shopware.yaml file under the shopware section:

    # ...
                dsn: 'redis://host:port/database_index'
                dsn: 'redis://host:port/database_index'

Connection names should reflect the actual connection purpose/type and be unique, for example ephemeral, persistent. Also they are used as a part of service names in the container, so they should follow the service naming conventions. After defining connections, you can reference them by name in configuration of different subsystems.

Cache invalidation

Replace shopware.cache.invalidation.delay_options.dsn with shopware.cache.invalidation.delay_options.connection in the configuration files:

    # ...
            delay: 1
                storage: redis
                # dsn: 'redis://host:port/database_index' # deprecated
                connection: 'connection_1' # new way

Increment storage

Replace shopware.increment.<increment_name>.config.url with shopware.increment.<increment_name>.config.connection in the configuration files:

    # ...
            type: 'redis'
                # url: 'redis://host:port/database_index' # deprecated
                connection: 'connection_2' # new way

Number ranges

Replace shopware.number_range.config.dsn with shopware.number_range.config.connection in the configuration files:

    # ...
        increment_storage: "redis"
            # dsn: 'redis://host:port/dbindex' # deprecated
            connection: 'connection_2' # new way

Cart storage

Replace with in the configuration files:

    # ...
            type: 'redis'
                #dsn: 'redis://host:port/dbindex' # deprecated
                connection: 'connection_2' # new way

Custom services

If you have custom services that use redis connection, you have next options for the upgrade:

  1. Inject Shopware\Core\Framework\Adapter\Redis\RedisConnectionProvider and use it to get the connection by name:

    <service id="MyCustomService">
        <argument type="service" id="Shopware\Core\Framework\Adapter\Redis\RedisConnectionProvider" />
    class MyCustomService
        public function __construct (
            private RedisConnectionProvider $redisConnectionProvider,
            string $connectionName,
        ) { }
        public function doSomething()
            if ($this->redisConnectionProvider->hasConnection($this->connectionName)) {
                $connection = $this->redisConnectionProvider->getConnection($this->connectionName);
                // use connection
  2. Use Shopware\Core\Framework\Adapter\Redis\RedisConnectionProvider as factory to define custom services:

    <service id="my.custom.redis_connection" class="Redis">
        <factory service="Shopware\Core\Framework\Adapter\Redis\RedisConnectionProvider" method="getConnection" />
    <service id="MyCustomService">
        <argument type="service" id="my.custom.redis_connection" />
    class MyCustomService
        public function __construct (
            private Redis $redisConnection,
        ) { }
        public function doSomething()
            // use connection

    This approach is especially useful if you need multiple services to share the same connection.

  3. Inject connection by name directly:

    <service id="MyCustomService">
        <argument type="service" id="shopware.redis.connection.connection_name" />

    Be cautious with this approach—if you change the Redis connection names in your configuration, it will cause container build errors.

Please beware that redis connections with the same DSNs are shared over the system, so closing the connection in one service will affect all other services that use the same connection.

"adminMenu" Vuex store moved to Pinia

The adminMenu store has been migrated from Vuex to Pinia. The store is now available as a Pinia store and can be accessed via Shopware.Store.get('adminMenu').





If you use a TLS proxy in your setup, you can now start the hot reloading with https without setting certificate files.

Example .env file for a DDEV setup:


Deprecation of obsolete method in DefinitionValidator

The method \Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\DefinitionValidator::getNotices is deprecated and will be removed without replacement. It always returns an empty array, so it has no real purpose.

Shortened filenames with hashes for async JS built files

When building the Storefront JS-files for production using composer run build:js:storefront, the async bundle filenames no longer contain the filepath. Instead, only the filename is used with a chunkhash / dynamic version number. This also helps to identify which files have changed after build. Similar to the main entry file like e.g. cms-extensions.js?1720776107.

JS Filename before change in dist:

└── custom/apps/
    └── ExampleCmsExtensions/src/Resources/app/storefront/dist/storefront/js/
        └── cms-extensions/           
            ├── cms-extensions.js <-- The main entry pint JS-bundle
            └── custom_plugins_CmsExtensions_src_Resources_app_storefront_src_cms-extensions-quickview.js  <-- Complete path in filename

JS Filename after change in dist:

└── custom/apps/
    └── ExampleCmsExtensions/src/Resources/app/storefront/dist/storefront/js/
        └── cms-extensions/           
            ├── cms-extensions.js <-- The main entry pint JS-bundle
            └── cms-extensions-quickview.plugin.423fc1.js <-- Filename and chunkhash

Persistent mode for focusHandler

The window.focusHandler now supports a persistent mode that can be used in case the current focus is lost after a page reload. When using methods saveFocusStatePersistent and resumeFocusStatePersistent the focus element will be saved inside the sessionStorage instead of the window object / memory.

The persistent mode requires a key name for the sessionStorage as well as a unique selector as string. It is not possible to save element references into the sessionStorage. The unique selector will be used to find the DOM element during resumeFocusStatePersistent and re-focus it.

// Save the current focus state
window.focusHandler.saveFocusStatePersistent('special-form', '#unique-id-on-this-page');

// Something happens and the page reloads

// Resume the focus state for the key `special-form`. The unique selector will be retrieved from the `sessionStorage` 

By default, the storage keys are prefixed with sw-last-focus. The above example will save the following to the sessionStorage:

key value
sw-last-focus-special-form #unique-id-on-this-page

Automatic focus for FormAutoSubmitPlugin

The FormAutoSubmitPlugin can now try to re-focus elements after AJAX submits or full page reloads using the window.focusHandler. This works automatically for all form input elements inside an auto submit form that have a [data-focus-id] attribute that is unique.

The automatic focus is activated by default and be modified by the new JS-plugin options:

export default class FormAutoSubmitPlugin extends Plugin {
    static options = {
        autoFocus: true,
        focusHandlerKey: 'form-auto-submit'
<form action="/example/action" data-form-auto-submit="true">
    <!-- FormAutoSubmitPlugin will try to restore previous focus on all elements with da focus-id -->
+        data-focus-id="unique-id"

Improved formating behaviour of the text editor

The text editor in the administration was changed to produce paragraph <p> elements for new lines instead of <div> elements. This leads to a more consistent text formatting. You can still create <div> elements on purpose via using the code editor.

In addition, loose text nodes will be wrapped in a paragraph <p> element on initializing a new line via the enter key. In the past it could happen that when starting to write in an empty text editor, that text is not wrapped in a proper section element. Now this is automatically fixed when you add a first new line to your text. From then on everything is wrapped in paragraph elements and every new line will also create a new paragraph instead of <div> elements.

Change Storefront language and currency dropdown items to buttons

The "top-bar" dropdown items inside views/storefront/layout/header/top-bar.html.twig will use <button> elements instead of hidden <input type="radio"> when the ACCESSIBILITY_TWEAKS flag is 1. This will improve the keyboard navigation because the user can navigate through all options first before submitting the form.

Currently, every radio input change results in a form submit and thus in a page reload. Using button elements is also more aligned with Bootstraps dropdown HTML structure: Bootstrap dropdown documentation

Change Storefront order items and cart line-items from <div> to <ul> and <li>:

  • We want to change several list views that are currently using generic <div> elements to proper <ul> and <li>. This will not only improve the semantics but also the screen reader accessibility.
  • To avoid breaking changes in the HTML and the styling, the change to <ul> and <li> is done behind the ACCESSIBILITY_TWEAKS feature flag.
  • With the next major version the <ul> and <li> will become the default. In the meantime, the <div> elements get role="list" and role="listitem".
  • All <ul> will get a Bootstrap list-unstyled class to avoid the list bullet points and have the same appearance as <div>.
  • The general HTML structure and Twig blocks remain the same.

Affected templates:

  • Account order overview
    • src/Storefront/Resources/views/storefront/page/account/order-history/index.html.twig
    • src/Storefront/Resources/views/storefront/page/account/order-history/order-detail-document-item.html.twig
    • src/Storefront/Resources/views/storefront/page/account/order-history/order-detail-document.html.twig
  • Cart table header (Root element changed to <li>)
    • src/Storefront/Resources/views/storefront/component/checkout/cart-header.html.twig
  • Line-items wrapper (List wrapper element changed to <ul>)
    • src/Storefront/Resources/views/storefront/page/checkout/cart/index.html.twig
    • src/Storefront/Resources/views/storefront/page/checkout/confirm/index.html.twig
    • src/Storefront/Resources/views/storefront/page/checkout/finish/index.html.twig
    • src/Storefront/Resources/views/storefront/page/checkout/address/index.html.twig
    • src/Storefront/Resources/views/storefront/page/account/order-history/order-detail-list.html.twig
    • src/Storefront/Resources/views/storefront/component/checkout/offcanvas-cart.html.twig
  • Line-items (Root element changed to <li>)
    • src/Storefront/Resources/views/storefront/component/line-item/type/product.html.twig
    • src/Storefront/Resources/views/storefront/component/line-item/type/discount.html.twig
    • src/Storefront/Resources/views/storefront/component/line-item/type/generic.html.twig
    • src/Storefront/Resources/views/storefront/component/line-item/type/container.html.twig

Correct order of app-cms blocks via xml files

The order of app CMS blocks is now correctly applied when using XML files to define the blocks. This is achieved by using a position attribute in the JSON generated from the XML file, which reflects the order of the CMS slots within the file. Since it's not possible to determine the correct order of CMS blocks that have already been loaded into the database, this change will only affect newly loaded blocks.

To ensure the correct order is applied, you should consider to reinstall apps that provide app CMS blocks.

Rework Storefront pagination to use anchor links and improve accessibility

We want to change the Storefront pagination component (Resources/views/storefront/component/pagination.html.twig) to use anchor links <a href="#"></a> instead of radio inputs with styled labels. This will improve the accessibility and keyboard operation, as well as the HTML semantics. The pagination with anchor links will also be more aligned with the Bootstrap pagination semantics.

To avoid breaking changes, the updated pagination can only be activated by setting the ACCESSIBILITY_TWEAKS feature flag to 1. With the next major version v6.7.0 the updated pagination will become the default. The pagination will also be more simple because the hidden radio input and the label are no longer there. We only use a single anchor link element instead.

Pagination item markup before:

<li class="page-item">
  <input type="radio" name="p" id="p2" value="2" class="d-none" title="pagination">
  <label class="page-link" for="p2">2</label>

Pagination item markup after:

<li class="page-item">
    <a href="?p=2" class="page-link" data-page="2" data-focus-id="2">2</a>

New ariaHidden option for sw_icon

When rendering an icon using the {% sw_icon %} function, it is now possible to pass an ariaHidden option to hide the icon from the screen reader. This can be helpful if the icon is only decorative or the purpose is already explained in a parent elements aria-label or title.

{# Twig implementation #}
<a href="#" aria-label="Go to first page">
-    {% sw_icon 'arrow-medium-double-left' style { pack: 'solid' } %}
+    {% sw_icon 'arrow-medium-double-left' style { pack: 'solid', ariaHidden: true } %}

<!-- HTML result -->
<a href="#" aria-label="Go to first page">
-    <span class="icon icon-arrow-medium-double-left icon-fluid"><svg></svg></span>
+    <span aria-hidden="true" class="icon icon-arrow-medium-double-left icon-fluid"><svg></svg></span>

Accessibility improvements for listing filters

Additional aria-label and alt texts for screen readers to explain listing filter components

The listing filter components (dropdown buttons, e.g. "Manufacturer") now support additional ariaLabel parameters. Those will render an aria-label attribute for screen readers that explain the filter buttons purpose without altering the appearance of the filter toggle button.

For example: The filter-multi-select.html.twig template now supports an additional ariaLabel parameter.

{% sw_include '@Storefront/storefront/component/listing/filter/filter-multi-select.html.twig' with {
    elements: manufacturersSorted,
    sidebar: sidebar,
    name: 'manufacturer',
    displayName: 'Manufacturer',
+    ariaLabel: 'Filter by manufacturer'
} %}

This will render the aria-label on the filter toggle button. When focusing the button, the screen reader will read "Filter by manufacturer" instead of just "Manufacturer".

    class="filter-panel-item-toggle btn"
+    aria-label="Filter by manufacturer"

Aria-live updates for listing filters

When a listing filter is applied and the products results are updated, the screen reader should announce that the product results have been changed. To achieve this, the filter panel template Resources/views/storefront/component/listing/filter-panel.html.twig now has an aria-live region. The live region will be updated when a listing filter is applied or removed. Whenever a live region is updated, it will be announced by the screen reader.

The live region is not visible for the user and can be switched on or off via the include parameter ariaLiveUpdates of Resources/views/storefront/component/listing/filter-panel.html.twig.

{% sw_include '@Storefront/storefront/component/listing/filter-panel.html.twig' with {
    listing: listing,
    sidebar: sidebar,
+    ariaLiveUpdates: true
} %}
<div class="filter-panel">
    <div class="filter-panel-items-container" role="list" aria-label="Filter">
        <!-- Available filters are shown here. -->

    <div class="filter-panel-active-container">
        <!-- Active filters are shown here. -->

+    <!-- Aria live region to tell the screen reader how many product results are shown after a filter was selected or deselected. -->
+    <div class="filter-panel-aria-live visually-hidden" aria-live="polite" aria-atomic="true">
+        <!-- The live region content is generated by the `ListingPlugin` -->
+        <!-- For example: "Showing 6 products" -->
+    </div>

Storefront focus handler helper

To improve accessibility while navigating via keyboard you can use the window.focusHandler to save and resume focus states. This is helpful if an element opens new content in a modal or offcanvas menu. While the modal is open the users should navigate through the content of the modal. If the modal closes the focus state should resume to the element which opened the modal, so users can continue at the position where they left. The default Shopware plugins ajax-modal, offcanvas and address-editor will use this behaviour by default. If you want to implement this behaviour in your own plugin, you can use the saveFocusState and resumeFocusState methods. Have a look at the class Resources/app/storefront/src/helper/focus-handler.helper.js to see additional options.

New DomAccessHelper methods to find focusable elements

The DomAccessHelper now supports new methods to find DOM elements that can have keyboard focus. Optionally, an element can be provided as a parameter to only search within this given element. By default, the document body will be used.

import DomAccess from 'src/helper/dom-access.helper';

// Find all focusable elements

// Return the first focusable element

// Return the last focusable element

// Only search for focus-able elements inside the given DOM node
const element = document.querySelector('.special-modal-container');

Native typehints of properties

The properties of the following classes will be typed natively in v6.7.0.0. If you have extended from those classes and overwritten the properties, you can already set the correct type.

  • \Shopware\Core\Content\Media\Aggregate\MediaThumbnailSize\MediaThumbnailSizeEntity
  • \Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\Entity
  • \Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\Field\FkField
  • \Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\Field\ReferenceVersionField

Deprecated exceptions

The following exceptions were deprecated and will be removed in v6.7.0.0. You can already catch the replacement exceptions additionally to the deprecated ones.

  • \Shopware\Core\Framework\Api\Exception\UnsupportedEncoderInputException. Also catch \Shopware\Core\Framework\Api\ApiException.
  • \Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\Exception\CanNotFindParentStorageFieldException. Also catch \Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\DataAbstractionLayerException.
  • \Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\Exception\InternalFieldAccessNotAllowedException. Also catch \Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\DataAbstractionLayerException.
  • \Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\Exception\InvalidParentAssociationException. Also catch \Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\DataAbstractionLayerException.
  • \Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\Exception\ParentFieldNotFoundException. Also catch \Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\DataAbstractionLayerException.
  • \Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\Exception\PrimaryKeyNotProvidedException. Also catch \Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\DataAbstractionLayerException.

Deprecated methods

The following methods of the \Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\Entity class were deprecated and will throw different exceptions in v6.7.0.0. You can already catch the replacement exceptions additionally to the deprecated ones.

  • \Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\Entity::__get. Also catch \Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\DataAbstractionLayerException in addition to \Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\Exception\InternalFieldAccessNotAllowedException.
  • \Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\Entity::get. Also catch \Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\DataAbstractionLayerException in addition to \Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\Exception\InternalFieldAccessNotAllowedException.
  • \Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\Entity::checkIfPropertyAccessIsAllowed. Also catch \Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\DataAbstractionLayerException in addition to \Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\Exception\InternalFieldAccessNotAllowedException.
  • \Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\Entity::get. Also catch \Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\Exception\PropertyNotFoundException in addition to \InvalidArgumentException.

Elasticsearch with special chars

  • To apply searching by Elasticsearch with special chars, you would need to update your ES index mapping by running: es:index

New parameter when tokenizing

  • By default, the parameter is set to ['-', '_', '+', '.', '@']. You can add or remove special characters to this parameter by override it in shopware.yaml to allow them when tokenizing string.

Add skip to content link to improve a11y

The base.html.twig template now has a new block base_body_skip_to_content directly after the opening <body> tag. The new block holds a link that allows to skip the focus directly to the <main> content element. This improves a11y because a keyboard or screen-reader user does not have to "skip" through all elements of the page (header, top-bar) and can jump straight to the main content if wanted. The "skip to main content" link will not be visible, unless it has focus.

    <div class="skip-to-content bg-primary-subtle text-primary-emphasis visually-hidden-focusable overflow-hidden">
        <div class="container d-flex justify-content-center">
            <a href="#content-main" class="skip-to-content-link d-inline-flex text-decoration-underline m-1 p-2 fw-bold gap-2">
                Skip to main content

    <main id="content-main">
        <!-- Main content... -->

Thumbnail handling performance can now be improved by using remote thumbnails.

Remote Thumbnail Configuration

To use remote thumbnails, you need to adjust the following parameters in your shopware.yaml:

  1. Set this parameter to true to enable the use of remote thumbnails.

  2. This parameter defines the URL pattern for your remote thumbnails. Replace it with your actual URL pattern.

This pattern supports the following variables:

  • mediaUrl: The base URL of the media file.
  • mediaPath: The path of the media file relative to the mediaUrl.
  • width: The width of the thumbnail.
  • height: The height of the thumbnail.

For example, consider a scenario where you want to generate a thumbnail with a width of 80px. With the pattern set as {mediaUrl}/{mediaPath}?width={width}, the resulting URL would be https://yourshop.example/abc/123/456.jpg?width=80.

Added new ariaLive option to Storefront sliders

By default, all Storefront sliders/carousels (GallerySliderPlugin, BaseSliderPlugin, ProductSliderPlugin) are adding an aria-live region to announce slider updates to a screen reader.

In some cases this can worsen the accessibility, for example when a slider uses "auto slide" functionality. With automatic slide the slider updates can disturb the reading of other contents on the page.

You can now deactivate the aria-live region on the slider plugins with the new option ariaLive (default: true).

Example for GallerySliderPlugin (Also works for BaseSliderPlugin and ProductSliderPlugin)

{% set gallerySliderOptions = {
    slider: {
+        ariaLive: false,
        autoHeight: false,
    thumbnailSlider: {
+        ariaLive: false,
        controls: true,
        responsive: {}
} %}

<div data-gallery-slider-options='{{ gallerySliderOptions|json_encode }}'>

When ariaLive is false it will omit the aria-live region in the generated tiny-slider HTML code:

<div class="tns-outer" id="tns3-ow">
-    <div class="tns-liveregion tns-visually-hidden" aria-live="polite" aria-atomic="true">
-        slide <span class="current">2</span> of 6
-    </div>
    <div id="tns3-mw" class="tns-ovh">
        <!-- Slider contents -->

Rating widget alternative text for improved accessibility

The twig template that renders the rating stars (Resources/views/storefront/component/review/rating.html.twig) now supports an alternative text for screen readers:

{% sw_include '@Storefront/storefront/component/review/rating.html.twig' with {
    points: points,
+    altText: 'translation.key.example'|trans({ '%points%': points, '%maxPoints%': maxPoints })|sw_sanitize,
} %}

Instead of reading the rating star icons as "graphic", the screen reader will read the alternative text, e.g. Average rating of 3 out of 5 stars. By default, the rating.html.twig template will always use the alternative text with translation detail.reviewAvgRatingAltText, unless it is overwritten by the altText include parameter.

The rating.html.twig template will now render the alternative text as shown below:

<div class="product-review-rating">               
    <!-- Review star SVGs are now hidden for the screen reader, alt text is read instead. -->
    <div class="product-review-point" aria-hidden="true"></div>
    <div class="product-review-point" aria-hidden="true"></div>
    <div class="product-review-point" aria-hidden="true"></div>
    <div class="product-review-point" aria-hidden="true"></div>
    <div class="product-review-point" aria-hidden="true"></div>
+    <p class="product-review-rating-alt-text visually-hidden">
+        Average rating of 4 out of 5 stars
+    </p>

Messenger routing overwrite

The overwriting logic for the messenger routing has been moved from framework.messenger.routing to shopware.messenger.routing_overwrite. The old config key is still supported but deprecated and will be removed in the next major release. The new config key considers also the instanceof logic of the default symfony behavior.

We have made these changes for various reasons:

  1. In the old logic, the instanceof logic of Symfony was not taken into account. This means that only exact matches of the class were overwritten.
  2. It is not possible to simply backport this in the same config, as not only the project overwrites are in the old config, but also the standard Shopware routing configs.
            Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\Indexing\EntityIndexingMessage: entity_indexing

            Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\Indexing\EntityIndexingMessage: entity_indexing

Separate plugin generation scaffolding commands

Instead of always generating a complete plugin scaffold with bin/console plugin:create, you can now generate specific parts of the plugin scaffold e.g. bin/console make:plugin:config to generate only the symfony config part of the plugin scaffold.

Transition Vuex states into Pinia Stores

  1. In Pinia, there are no mutations. Place every mutation under actions.
  2. state needs to be an arrow function returning an object: state: () => ({}).
  3. actions and getters no longer need to use the state as an argument. They can access everything with correct type support via this.
  4. Use Shopware.Store.register instead of Shopware.State.registerModule.
  5. Use Shopware.Store.unregister instead of Shopware.State.unregisterModule.
  6. Use Shopware.Store.list instead of Shopware.State.list.
  7. Use Shopware.Store.get instead of Shopware.State.get.

Configure Redis for cart storage

When you are using Redis for cart storage, you should add the following config inside shopware.yaml:

        compress: false
        expire_days: 120
            type: "redis"
                dsn: 'redis://localhost'

Configure Redis for number range storage

When you are using Redis for number range storage, you should add the following config inside shopware.yaml:

        increment_storage: "redis"
            dsn: 'redis://localhost'

Accessibility: No empty nav element in top-bar

There will be no empty <nav> tag anymore on single language and single currency shops so accessibility tools will not be confused by it.

On shops with only one language and one currency the blocks layout_header_top_bar_language or layout_header_top_bar_currency will not be rendered anymore.

If you still need to add content to the <div class="top-bar d-none d-lg-block"> you should extend the new block layout_header_top_bar_inner.

If you add <nav> tags always ensure they are only rendered if they contain navigation links.


We added a new isFullIndexing flag to the EntityIndexingMessage class. When entities will be updated, the flag is marked with false. It will be marked with true via bin/console dal:refresh:index or other APIs which triggers a full re-index. This enhancement allows developers to specify whether a full re-indexing is required or just a single entity was updated inside the stack


class Indexer extends ...
    public function index(EntityIndexingMessage $message) 

We also added a new optional (hidden) parameter bool $recursive to TreeUpdater::batchUpdate. This parameter will be introduced in the next major version. If you extend the TreeUpdater class, you should properly handle the new parameter in your custom implementation. Within the 6.6 release, the parameter is optional and defaults to true. It will be changed to false in the next major version.


class CustomTreeUpdater extends TreeUpdater
    public function batchUpdate(array $updateIds, string $entity, Context $context/*, bool $recursive = false*/): void
        $recursive = func_get_arg(3) ?? true;
        parent::batchUpdate($updateIds, $entity, $context, $recursive);


Usage of normal RSA JWT keys is deprecated. And will be removed with Shopware Please use the new HMAC JWT keys instead using configuration:

              use_app_secret: true

Also make sure that the APP_SECRET environment variable is at least 32 characters long. You can use the bin/console system:generate-app-secret command to generate an valid secret.

Changing this will invalidate all existing tokens and require a re-login for all users and all integrations.

Local app manifest

In app's development, it's usually necessary to have a different configuration or urls in the manifest file. For e.g, on the production app, the manifest file should have the production endpoints and the setup's secret should not be set, in development, we can set a secret and use local environment endpoints.

This change allows you to create a local manifest file that overriding the real's manifest.

All you have to do is create a manifest.local.xml and place it in the root of the app's directory.

Hint: The local manifest file should be ignored on the actual app's repository

Configure Fastly as media proxy

When you are using Fastly as a media proxy, you should configure this inside shopware, to make sure that the media urls are purged correctly. Enabling Fastly as a media proxy can be done by setting the shopware.cdn.fastly configuration (for example with an env variable):

        api_key: '%env(FASTLY_API_KEY)%'

Sync option for CLI theme commands

The theme:compile and theme:change command now accept --sync option to compile themes synchronously. The --sync option is useful for CI/CD pipelines, when at runtime themes should be compiled async, but during the build process you want sync generation.

Configure Fastly as media proxy

When you are using Fastly as a media proxy, you should configure this inside shopware, to make sure that the media urls are purged correctly. Enabling Fastly as a media proxy can be done by setting the shopware.cdn.fastly configuration (for example with an env variable):

        api_key: '%env(FASTLY_API_KEY)%'

New System Requirements and Configuration Changes

New System requirements

We upgraded some system requirements according to this proposal.

Min PHP 8.2

We upgraded the minimum PHP version to 8.2.

Min MariaDB 10.11

We upgraded the minimum MariaDB version to 10.11, the minimum MySQL version is still 8.0.

Min Redis 7.0

We upgraded the minimum Redis version to 7.0.

Min Elasticsearch 7.10

We upgraded the minimum Elasticsearch version to 7.10, there are no changes for OpenSearch compatibility, so there still all versions are supported.

Node.js version change

To build the javascript for the administration or storefront it's now mandatory that your node version is the current LTS version 20 (Iron). If you use devenv or nvm, you need to update your session as our configuration files are configured to use the correct version. Otherwise, you need to update your node installation manually.

Configure queue workers to consume low_priority queue

Explicitly configure your workers to additionally consume messages from the low_priority queue. Up to 6.6 the low_priority queue is automatically added to the workers, even if not specified explicitly.


php bin/console messenger:consume async


php bin/console messenger:consume async low_priority

Note: This is not required if you use the admin_worker, however the admin worker should only be used in local dev or test environments, and never be used in production or production-like environments.

Configure another transport for the "low priority" queue

The transport defaults to use Doctrine. You can use the MESSENGER_TRANSPORT_LOW_PRIORITY_DSN environment variable to change it.





For further details on transports with different priorities, please refer to the Symfony Docs:

Removed dependencies to storage adapters

Removed composer packages league/flysystem-async-aws-s3 and league/flysystem-google-cloud-storage. If your installation uses the AWS S3 or Google Cloud storage adapters, you need to install the corresponding packages separately.

Run the following commands to install the packages:

composer require league/flysystem-async-aws-s3
composer require league/flysystem-google-cloud-storage

Removal of CacheInvalidatorStorage

The delayed cache invalidation storage was configured to use the default cache implementation until 6.6. As this is not ideal for multi-server usage, we deprecated it in 6.5 and removed it now. Delaying of cache invalidations now requires a Redis instance to be configured.

                storage: redis
                dsn: 'redis://localhost'

Since we also have a MySQL implementation available: \Shopware\Core\Framework\Adapter\Cache\InvalidatorStorage\MySQLInvalidatorStorage. Use it via mysql

General Core Breaking Changes

Symfony 7 upgrade

We upgraded to symfony 7, for details check out symfony's upgrade guide

Cache rework preparation

With 6.6 we are marking a lot of HTTP Cache and Reverse Proxy classes as @internal and move them to the core. We are preparing a bigger cache rework in the next releases. The cache rework will be done within the v6.6 version lane and and will be released with 6.7.0 major version. The cache rework will be a breaking change and will be announced in the changelog of 6.7.0. We will provide a migration guide for the cache rework, so that you can prepare your project for the cache rework.

You can find more details about the cache rework in the shopware/shopware discussions

Since the cache is a critical component for systems, we have taken the liberty of marking almost all classes as @internal for the time being. However, we have left the important events and interfaces public so that you can prepare your systems for the changes now. Even though there were a lot of deprecations in this release, 99% of them involved moving the classes to the core domain.

But there is one big change that affects each project and nearly all repositories outside which are using PHPStan.

Kernel bootstrapping

We had to refactor the Kernel bootstrapping and the Kernel itself. When you forked our production template, or you boot the kernel somewhere by your own, you have to change the bootstrapping as follows:

#### Before #####

$kernel = new Kernel(
    environment: $appEnv, 
    debug: $debug, 
    pluginLoader: $pluginLoader

#### After #####

$kernel = KernelFactory::create(
    environment: $appEnv,
    debug: $debug,
    classLoader: $classLoader,
    pluginLoader: $pluginLoader

### In case of static code analysis

KernelFactory::$kernelClass = StaticAnalyzeKernel::class;

/** @var StaticAnalyzeKernel $kernel */
$kernel = KernelFactory::create(
    environment: 'phpstan',
    debug: true,
    classLoader: $classLoader,
    pluginLoader: $pluginLoader

Session access in PHPUnit tests

The way how you can access the session in unit test has changed. The session is no more accessible via the request/response. You have to use the session.factory service to access it or use the SessionTestBehaviour for a shortcut

##### Before


$session = $this->getBrowser()->getRequest()->getSession();

##### After

use Shopware\Core\Framework\Test\TestCaseBase\SessionTestBehaviour;


// shortcut via trait 

// code behind the shortcut

Manipulate the HTTP cache

Since we are moving the cache to the core, you have to change the way you can manipulate the HTTP cache.

  1. In case you decorated or replaced the src/Storefront/Framework/Cache/HttpCacheKeyGenerator.php class, this will not be possible anymore in the upcoming release. You should use the HTTP cache events.
  2. You used one of the HTTP cache events --> They will be moved to the core, so you have to adapt the namespace+name of the event class. The signature is also not 100% the same, so please check the new event classes (public properties, etc.)
#### Before


namespace Foo;

use Shopware\Storefront\Framework\Cache\Event\HttpCacheGenerateKeyEvent;
use Shopware\Storefront\Framework\Cache\Event\HttpCacheHitEvent;
use Shopware\Storefront\Framework\Cache\Event\HttpCacheItemWrittenEvent;
use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface;

class Subscriber implements EventSubscriberInterface
    public static function getSubscribedEvents()
        return [
            HttpCacheHitEvent::class => 'onHit',
            HttpCacheGenerateKeyEvent::class => 'onKey',
            HttpCacheItemWrittenEvent::class => 'onWrite',

#### After

namespace Foo;

use Shopware\Core\Framework\Adapter\Cache\Event\HttpCacheHitEvent;
use Shopware\Core\Framework\Adapter\Cache\Event\HttpCacheKeyEvent;
use Shopware\Core\Framework\Adapter\Cache\Event\HttpCacheStoreEvent;
use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface;

class Subscriber implements EventSubscriberInterface
    public static function getSubscribedEvents()
        return [
            HttpCacheHitEvent::class => 'onHit',
            HttpCacheKeyEvent::class => 'onKey',
            HttpCacheStoreEvent::class => 'onWrite',

Own reverse proxy gateway

If you implement an own reverse proxy gateway, you have to change the namespace of the gateway and the event.

#### Before

class RedisReverseProxyGateway extends \Shopware\Storefront\Framework\Cache\ReverseProxy\AbstractReverseProxyGateway
    // ...

#### After

class RedisReverseProxyGateway extends \Shopware\Core\Framework\Adapter\Cache\ReverseProxy\AbstractReverseProxyGateway
    // ...

HTTP cache warmer

We deprecated all HTTP cache warmer, because they will not be usable with the new HTTP kernel anymore. They are also not suitable for the new cache rework or for systems which have a reverse proxy or a load balancer in front of the Shopware system. Therefore, we marked them as deprecated and will remove them in the next major version. You should use a real website crawler to warm up your desired sites instead, which is much more suitable and realistic for your system.

New stock handling implementation is now the default

The product.stock field is now the primary source for real time product stock values. However, product.availableStock is a direct mirror of product.stock and is updated whenever product.stock is updated via the DAL.

A database migration \Shopware\Core\Migration\V6_6\Migration1691662140MigrateAvailableStock takes care of copying the available_stock field to the stock field.

New configuration values

  • stock.enable_stock_management - Default true. This can be used to completely disable Shopware's stock handling. If disabled, product stock will be not be updated as orders are created and transitioned through the various states.

Removed \Shopware\Core\Content\Product\DataAbstractionLayer\StockUpdater

The listener was replaced with a new listener \Shopware\Core\Content\Product\Stock\OrderStockSubscriber which handles subscribing to the various order events and interfaces with the stock storage \Shopware\Core\Content\Product\Stock\AbstractStockStorage to write the stock alterations.

Removed \Shopware\Core\Content\Product\SalesChannel\Detail\AbstractAvailableCombinationLoader::load() && \Shopware\Core\Content\Product\SalesChannel\Detail\AvailableCombinationLoader::load()

These methods are removed and superseded by loadCombinations which has a different method signature.


public function load(string $productId, Context $context, string $salesChannelId)


public function loadCombinations(string $productId, SalesChannelContext $salesChannelContext): AvailableCombinationResult

The loadCombinations method has been made abstract so it must be implemented. The SalesChannelContext instance, contains the data which was previously in the defined on the load method.

$salesChannelId can be replaced with $salesChannelContext->getSalesChannelId().

$context can be replaced with $salesChannelContext->getContext().

Writing to product.availableStock field is now not possible

The field is write protected. Use the product.stock to write new stock levels.

Reading product stock

The product.stock should be used to read the current stock level. When building new extensions which need to query the stock of a product, use this field. Not the product.availableStock field.

Removed \Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\Event\BeforeDeleteEvent

It is replaced by \Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\Event\EntityWriteEvent with the same API.

You should use \Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\Event\EntityWriteEvent instead, only the class name changed.

Removal of MessageSubscriberInterface for ScheduledTaskHandler

The method getHandledMessages() in abstract class \Shopware\Core\Framework\MessageQueue\ScheduledTask\ScheduledTaskHandler was removed, please use the #[AsMessageHandler] attribute instead.


class MyScheduledTaskHandler extends ScheduledTaskHandler
    public static function getHandledMessages(): iterable
        return [MyMessage::class];
    public function run(): void
        // ...


#[AsMessageHandler(handles: MyMessage::class)]
class MyScheduledTaskHandler extends ScheduledTaskHandler
    public function run(): void
        // ...

Note: Please make sure that your MessageHandlers are already tagged with messenger.message_handler in the services.xml file.

General Administration Breaking Changes

Vue 3 upgrade

We upgraded to Vue 3, for details check out our upgrade guide.

Webpack 5 upgrade

If your plugin uses a custom webpack configuration, you need to update the configuration to the new Webpack 5 API. Please refer to the Webpack 5 migration guide for more information.

Cross-compatibility with older shopware versions is not possible because we upgraded the build system, e.g. admin extensions built for shopware 6.6 with webpack 5 will not work with shopware 6.5 (and webpack 4) or lower. When you want to have a single version of your admin extension, you should consider switching to the meteor-admin-sdk as that lets you control your extensions runtime environment.

Removal of vue-meta:

  • vue-meta will be removed. We use our own implementation which only supports the title inside metaInfo.
  • If you use other properties than title they will no longer work.
  • If your metaInfo option is a object, rewrite it to a function returning an object.

Admin event name changes

Some generic @change or @input event names from admin components were changed to be more specific. See the complete list of changes below:

  • Change sw-text-field event listeners from @input="onInput" to @update:value="onInput"
  • Change sw-boolean-radio-groups event listeners from @change="onChange" to @update:value="onChange"
  • Change sw-bulk-edit-change-type event listeners from @change="onChange" to @update:value="onChange"
  • Change sw-custom-entity-input-field event listeners from @change="onChange" to @update:value="onChange"
  • Change sw-entity-many-to-many-select event listeners from @change="onChange" to @update:entityCollection="onChange"
  • Change sw-entity-multi-id-select event listeners from @change="onChange" to @update:ids="onChange"
  • Change sw-extension-rating-stars event listeners from @rating-changed="onChange" to @update:rating="onChange"
  • Change sw-extension-select-rating event listeners from @change="onChange" to @update:value="onChange"
  • Change sw-file-input event listeners from @change="onChange" to @update:value="onChange"
  • Change sw-gtc-checkbox event listeners from @change="onChange" to @update:value="onChange"
  • Change sw-many-to-many-assignment-card event listeners from @change="onChange" to @update:entityCollection="onChange"
  • Change sw-meteor-single-select event listeners from @change="onChange" to @update:value="onChange"
  • Change sw-multi-select event listeners from @change="onChange" to @update:value="onChange"
  • Change sw-multi-tag-select event listeners from @change="onChange" to @update:value="onChange"
  • Change sw-price-field event listeners from @change="onChange" to @update:price="onChange"
  • Change sw-radio-panel event listeners from @input="onInput" to @update:value="onInput"
  • Change sw-select-field event listeners from @change="onChange" to @update:value="onChange"
  • Change sw-select-number-field event listeners from @change="onChange" to @update:value="onChange"
  • Change sw-single-select event listeners from @change="onChange" to @update:value="onChange"
  • Change sw-tagged-field event listeners from @change="onChange" to @update:value="onChange"
  • Change sw-textarea-field event listeners from @input="onInput" to @update:value="onInput"
  • Change sw-url-field event listeners from @input="onIput" to @update:value="onInput"
  • Change sw-button-process event listeners from @process-finish="onFinish" to @update:processSuccess="onFinish"
  • Change sw-import-export-entity-path-select event listeners from @change="onChange" to @update:value="onChange"
  • Change sw-inherit-wrapper event listeners from @input="onInput" to @update:value="onInput"
  • Change sw-media-breadcrumbs event listeners from @media-folder-change="onChange" to @update:currentFolderId="onChange"
  • Change sw-media-library event listeners from @media-selection-change="onChange" to @update:selection="onChange"
  • Change sw-multi-snippet-drag-and-drop event listeners from @change="onChange" to @update:value="onChange"
  • Change sw-order-customer-address-select event listeners from @change="onChange" to @update:value="onChange"
  • Change sw-order-select-document-type-modal event listeners from @change="onChange" to @update:value="onChange"
  • Change sw-password-field event listeners from @input="onInput" to @update:value="onInput"
  • Change sw-promotion-v2-rule-select event listeners from @change="onChange" to @update:collection="onChange"
  • Change sw-radio-field event listeners from @change="onChange" to @update:value="onChange"

General Storefront Breaking Changes

Storefront async JavaScript and all.js removal

With the upcoming major version v6.6.0 we want to get rid of the all.js in the Storefront and also allow async JavaScript with dynamic imports. Our current webpack compiling for JavaScript alongside the all.js does not consider asynchronous imports.

New distribution of App/Plugin "dist" JavaScript

The merging of your App/Plugin JavaScript into an all.js will no longer take place. Each App/Plugin will get its own JavaScript served by a separate <script> tag instead. Essentially, all JavaScript inside your "dist" folder (ExampleApp/src/Resources/app/storefront/dist/storefront/js) will be distributed into the public/theme directory as it is. Each App/Plugin will get a separate subdirectory which matches the App/Plugin technical name as snake-case, for example public/theme/<theme-hash>/js/example-app/.

This subdirectory will be added automatically during composer build:js:storefront. Please remove outdated generated JS files from the old location from your "dist" folder. Please also include all additional JS files which might have been generated due to dynamic imports in your release:


└── custom/apps/
    └── ExampleApp/src/Resources/app/storefront/dist/storefront/js/
        └── example-app.js


└── custom/apps/
    └── ExampleApp/src/Resources/app/storefront/dist/storefront/js/
        ├── example-app.js         <-- OLD: Please remove
        └── example-app/           <-- NEW: Please include everything in this folder in the release
            ├── example-app.js     
            ├── async-example-1.js 
            └── async-example-2.js 

The distributed version in /public/theme/<theme-hash>/js/ will look like below.

Just to illustrate, you don't need to change anything manually here!


└── public/theme/
    └── 6c7abe8363a0dfdd16929ca76c02aa35/
        ├── css/
        │   └── all.css
        └── js/
            └── all.js  


└── public/theme/
    └── 6c7abe8363a0dfdd16929ca76c02aa35/
        ├── css/
        │   └── all.css
        └── js/
            ├── storefront/
            │   ├── storefront.js (main bundle of "storefront", generates <script>)
            │   ├── cross-selling_plugin.js
            │   └── listing_plugin.js
            └── example-app/
                ├── example-app (main bundle of "my-listing", generates <script>)
                ├── async-example-1.js
                └── async-example-2.js

Re-compile your JavaScript

Because of the changes in the JavaScript compiling process and dynamic imports, it is not possible to have pre-compiled JavaScript (ExampleApp/src/Resources/app/storefront/dist/storefront/js) to be cross-compatible with the current major lane v6.5.0 and v6.6.0 at the same time.

Therefore, we recommend to release a new App/Plugin version which is compatible with v6.6.0 onwards. The JavaScript for the Storefront can be compiled as usual using the script bin/

The App/Plugin entry point for JS main.js and the general way to compile the JS remains the same!

Re-compiling your App/Plugin is a good starting point to ensure compatibility. If your App/Plugin mainly adds new JS-Plugins and does not override existing JS-Plugins, chances are that this is all you need to do in order to be compatible.

Registering async JS-plugins (optional)

To prevent all JS-plugins from being present on every page, we will offer the possibility to fetch the JS-plugins on-demand. This is done by the PluginManager which determines if the selector from register() is present in the current document. Only if this is the case the JS-plugin will be fetched.

The majority of the platform Storefront JS-plugin will be changed to async.

The general API to register JS-plugin remains the same!

If you pass an arrow function with a dynamic import instead of a normal import, your JS-plugin will be async and also generate an additional .js file in your /dist folder.


import ExamplePlugin from './plugins/example.plugin';

window.PluginManager.register('Example', ExamplePlugin, '[data-example]');


window.PluginManager.register('Example', () => import('./plugins/example.plugin'), '[data-example]');

The "After" example above will generate:

└── custom/apps/
    └── ExampleApp/src/Resources/app/storefront/dist/storefront/js/
        └── example-app/           
            ├── example-app.js                 <-- The main app JS-bundle
            └── src_plugins_example_plugin.js  <-- Auto generated by the dynamic import

Override async JS-plugins

If a platform Storefront plugin is async, the override class needs to be async as well.


import MyListingExtensionPlugin from './plugin-extensions/listing/my-listing-extension.plugin';



    () => import('./plugin-extensions/listing/my-listing-extension.plugin'),

Async plugin initialization with PluginManager.initializePlugins()

The method PluginManager.initializePlugins() is now async and will return a Promise because it also downloads all async JS-plugins before their initialization. If you need access to newly created JS-Plugin instances (for example after a dynamic DOM-update with new JS-Plugin selectors), you need to wait for the Promise to resolve.


 * Example scenario:
 * 1. A dynamic DOM update via JavaScript (e.g. Ajax) adds selector "[data-form-ajax-submit]"
 * 2. PluginManager.initializePlugins() intializes Plugin "FormAjaxSubmit" because a new selector is present.
 * 3. You need access to the Plugin instance of "FormAjaxSubmit" directly after PluginManager.initializePlugins().

const FormAjaxSubmitInstance = window.PluginManager.getPluginInstanceFromElement(someElement, 'FormAjaxSubmit');
// ... does something with "FormAjaxSubmitInstance"


 * Example scenario:
 * 1. A dynamic DOM update via JavaScript (e.g. Ajax) adds selector "[data-form-ajax-submit]"
 * 2. PluginManager.initializePlugins() intializes Plugin "FormAjaxSubmit" because a new selector is present.
 * 3. You need access to the Plugin instance of "FormAjaxSubmit" directly after PluginManager.initializePlugins().
window.PluginManager.initializePlugins().then(() => {
    const FormAjaxSubmitInstance = window.PluginManager.getPluginInstanceFromElement(someElement, 'FormAjaxSubmit');
    // ... does something with "FormAjaxSubmitInstance"

If you don't need direct access to newly created JS-plugin instances via getPluginInstanceFromElement(), and you only want to "re-init" all JS-plugins, you do not need to wait for the Promise of initializePlugins() because initializePlugins() already downloads and initializes the JS-plugins.

Avoid import from PluginManager

Because the PluginManager is a singleton class which also assigns itself to the window object, it should be avoided to import the PluginManager. It can lead to unintended side effects.

Use the existing window.PluginManager instead. Note: This already works for older shopware versions and is considered best practice.


import PluginManager from 'src/plugin-system/plugin.manager';




Avoid import from Plugin base class

The import of the Plugin class can lead to code-duplication of the Plugin class in every App/Plugin.

Use window.PluginBaseClass instead. Note: This already works for older shopware versions and is considered best practice.


import Plugin from 'src/plugin-system/plugin.class';

export default class MyPlugin extends Plugin {
    // Plugin code...


export default class MyPlugin extends window.PluginBaseClass {
    // Plugin code...

App System Breaking Changes

Removal of flow-action-1.0.xsd

We removed Shopware\Core\Framework\App\FlowAction\Schema\flow-action-1.0.xsd, use Shopware\Core\Framework\App\Flow\Schema\flow-1.0.xsd instead. Also use the Resources/flow.xml file path instead of Resources/flow-action.xml for your apps flow configuration.

Code Level Breaking Changes

Old Elasticsearch data mapping structure is deprecated, introduce new data mapping structure:

  • For the full reference, please read the adr
  • If you've defined your own Elasticsearch definitions, please prepare for the new structure by update your definition's getMapping and fetch methods:

use Shopware\Elasticsearch\Framework\AbstractElasticsearchDefinition;
use Shopware\Core\Framework\Context;
use Shopware\Elasticsearch\Framework\ElasticsearchFieldBuilder;
use Shopware\Elasticsearch\Framework\ElasticsearchFieldMapper;
use Shopware\Elasticsearch\Framework\ElasticsearchIndexingUtils;

class YourElasticsearchDefinition extends AbstractElasticsearchDefinition
    public function getMapping(Context $context): array
        // use ElasticsearchFieldBuilder::translated to build translated fields mapping
        $languageFields = $this->fieldBuilder->translated(self::getTextFieldConfig());

        $mapping = [
            // Non-translated fields are updated as current
            'productNumber' => [
                'type' => 'keyword',
                'normalizer' => 'sw_lowercase_normalizer',
                'fields' => [
                    'search' => [
                        'type' => 'text',
                    'ngram' => [
                        'type' => 'text',
                        'analyzer' => 'sw_ngram_analyzer',
            // Translated text fields mapping need to be updated with the new structure
            'name' => $languageFields,
            // use ElasticsearchFieldBuilder::customFields to build translated custom fields mapping
            'customFields' => $this->fieldBuilder->customFields($this->getEntityDefinition()->getEntityName(), $context),
            // nested translated fields needs to be updated too using ElasticsearchFieldBuilder::nested
            'manufacturer' => ElasticsearchFieldBuilder::nested([
                'name' => $languageFields,

        return $mapping;

    public function fetch(array $ids, Context $context): array
        // We need to fetch all available content of translated fields in all languages

        return [
            '466f4eadf13a4486b851e747f5d99a4f' => [
                'name' => [
                    '2fbb5fe2e29a4d70aa5854ce7ce3e20b' => 'English foo',
                    '46986b26eadf4bb3929e9fc91821e294' => 'German foo',
                'manufacturer' => [
                    'id' => '5bf0d9be43cb41ccbb5781cec3052d91',
                    '_count' => 1,
                    'name' => [
                        '2fbb5fe2e29a4d70aa5854ce7ce3e20b' => 'English baz',
                        '46986b26eadf4bb3929e9fc91821e294' => 'German baz',
                'productNumber' => 'PRODUCT_NUM',
  • The new structure will be applied since next major, however you can try it out by enabling the flag ES_MULTILINGUAL_INDEX=1

Update your live shops

  • To migrate the existing data to the new indexes following the new structure, you must run bin/console es:index, then the new index mapping will be ready to use after the es indexing process is finished
  • optional: The old indexes is then obsolete and can be removed by running bin/console es:index:cleanup

SalesChannel Analytics association is not autoloaded anymore

If you are relying on the association, please associate the definition directly with the criteria because we will remove autoload from version

Shopware\Core\Checkout\Customer\SalesChannel\AccountService::login is removed

The Shopware\Core\Checkout\Customer\SalesChannel\AccountService::login method will be removed in the next major version. Use AccountService::loginByCredentials or AccountService::loginById instead.

Deprecation of methods floatMatch and arrayMatch in CustomFieldRule


CustomFieldRule::floatMatch($operator, $floatA, $floatB)
CustomFieldRule::arrayMatch($operator, $arrayA, $arrayB)


We introduced new compare method in FloatComparator and ArrayComparator classes.

FloatComparator::compare($floatA, $floatB, $operator)
ArrayComparator::compare($arrayA, $arrayB, $operator)


  • Change model ids to value.
  • Change event update:ids to update:value


  • Change model price to value
  • Change event update:price to update:value

New HttpException::is function

The new HttpException::is function can be used to check if an exception is of a specific error code.

try {
    // do something
} catch (HttpException $exception) {
    if ($exception->is(CategoryException::FOOTER_CATEGORY_NOT_FOUND)) {
        // handle empty footer or service navigation

204 response for empty footer/service navigation

The response code for empty footer or service navigation has been changed from 400 to 204. This is to prevent unnecessary error logging in the browser console and to be more consistent with the response code for different kind of sales channel navigations.

// show example how to handle in javascript a 404 response for footer navigation
this.client.get('/store-api/navigation/footer-navigation/footer-navigation', {
    headers: this.basicHeaders
}).then((response) => {
    if (response.status === 400) {
        // handle empty footer

// after
this.client.get('/store-api/navigation/footer-navigation/footer-navigation', {
    headers: this.basicHeaders
}).then((response) => {
    if (response.status === 204) {
        // handle empty footer

Paging processor now accepts preset limit

The PagingListingProcessor now also considers the preset limit value when processing the request. This means that the limit value from the request will be used if it is set, otherwise the preset limit value, of the provided criteria, will be used. If the criteria does not have a preset limit value, the default limit from the system configuration will be used.

$criteria = new Criteria();

$request = new Request();
$request->query->set('limit', 5);

$processor = new PagingListingProcessor();

$processor->process($criteria, $request);

// $criteria->getLimit() === 5
// $criteria->getLimit() === 10 (if no limit is set in the request)

Introduced in

Main categories are now available in seo url templates

We added the mainCategories association in the \Shopware\Storefront\Framework\Seo\SeoUrlRoute\ProductPageSeoUrlRoute::prepareCriteria method. This association is filtered by the current sales channel id. You can now use the main categories in your seo url templates for product detail pages.

{{ }}

Introduced in

Storefront async JavaScript and all.js removal

With the upcoming major version v6.6.0 we want to get rid of the all.js in the Storefront and also allow async JavaScript with dynamic imports. Our current webpack compiling for JavaScript alongside the all.js does not consider asynchronous imports.

New distribution of App/Plugin "dist" JavaScript

The merging of your App/Plugin JavaScript into an all.js will no longer take place. Each App/Plugin will get its own JavaScript served by a separate <script> tag instead. Essentially, all JavaScript inside your "dist" folder (ExampleApp/src/Resources/app/storefront/dist/storefront/js) will be distributed into the public/theme directory as it is. Each App/Plugin will get a separate subdirectory which matches the App/Plugin technical name as snake-case, for example public/theme/<theme-hash>/js/example-app/.

This subdirectory will be added automatically during composer build:js:storefront. Please remove outdated generated JS files from the old location from your "dist" folder. Please also include all additional JS files which might have been generated due to dynamic imports in your release:


└── custom/apps/
    └── ExampleApp/src/Resources/app/storefront/dist/storefront/js/
        └── example-app.js


└── custom/apps/
    └── ExampleApp/src/Resources/app/storefront/dist/storefront/js/
        ├── example-app.js         <-- OLD: Will be ignored (but should be removed for theme:compile)
        └── example-app/           <-- NEW: Please include everything in this folder in the release
            ├── example-app.js     
            ├── async-example-1.js 
            └── async-example-2.js 

The distributed version in /public/theme/<theme-hash>/js/ will look like below.

Just to illustrate, you don't need to change anything manually here!


└── public/theme/
    └── 6c7abe8363a0dfdd16929ca76c02aa35/
        ├── css/
        │   └── all.css
        └── js/
            └── all.js  


└── public/theme/
    └── 6c7abe8363a0dfdd16929ca76c02aa35/
        ├── css/
        │   └── all.css
        └── js/
            ├── storefront/
            │   ├── storefront.js (main bundle of "storefront", generates <script>)
            │   ├── cross-selling_plugin.js
            │   └── listing_plugin.js
            └── example-app/
                ├── example-app (main bundle of "my-listing", generates <script>)
                ├── async-example-1.js
                └── async-example-2.js

File path pattern for scripts in theme.json file

If the script file does not match the new file path pattern, it will be ignored (during getThemeScripts in Storefront, not during theme:compile).

Example for a Theme called MyOldTheme (theme.json)

"script": [
  "app/storefront/dist/storefront/js/my-old-theme.js", // This file will be ignored (structure before 6.6)
  "app/storefront/dist/storefront/js/my-old-theme/my-old-theme.js", // This file will be used (new structure)

We need to ignore the old files for multiple reasons. The main reason is that the old files are not compatible with the new async JavaScript and dynamic imports. Second it would throw an error for all themes that do not update their theme.json file.

Re-compile your JavaScript

Because of the changes in the JavaScript compiling process and dynamic imports, it is not possible to have pre-compiled JavaScript (ExampleApp/src/Resources/app/storefront/dist/storefront/js) to be cross-compatible with the current major lane v6.5.0 and v6.6.0 at the same time.

Therefore, we recommend to release a new App/Plugin version which is compatible with v6.6.0 onwards. The JavaScript for the Storefront can be compiled as usual using the composer script composer build:js:storefront.

The App/Plugin entry point for JS main.js and the general way to compile the JS remains the same!

Re-compiling your App/Plugin is a good starting point to ensure compatibility. If your App/Plugin mainly adds new JS-Plugins and does not override existing JS-Plugins, chances are that this is all you need to do in order to be compatible.

JavaScript build separation of apps/plugin with webpack MultiCompiler

With 6.6 we use webpack MultiCompiler to build the default storefront as well as apps and plugins. Each app/plugin will generate its own webpack config in the background and will be built in a separate build process to enhance JS-bundle stability.

You can still extend the webpack config of the default storefront with your own config like in 6.5, for example to add a new alias. Due to the build process separation, your modified webpack config will only take effect in your current app/plugin but will no longer effect other apps/plugins.

Let's imagine two apps "App1" and "App2". "App1" is now extending the webpack config with a custom alias. In the example below, your will have access to all "alias" from the default storefront, as well as the additional alias "ExampleAlias" in "App1":

// App 1 webpack config
// custom/apps/App1/Resources/app/storefront/build/webpack.config.js
module.exports = function (params) {
    return {
        resolve: {
            alias: {
                // The alias "ExampleAlias" can only be used within App1
                ExampleAlias: `${params.basePath}/Resources/app/storefront/src/example-dir`,

Now the alias can be used within "App1":

// custom/apps/App1/Resources/app/storefront/src/main.js
import MyComponent from 'ExampleAlias/example-module'; // <-- ✅ Can be resolved

If the alias is used within "App2", you will get an error because the import cannot be resolved:

// custom/apps/App2/Resources/app/storefront/src/main.js
import MyComponent from 'ExampleAlias/example-module'; // <-- ❌ Cannot be resolved

If you need the alias ExampleAlias or another config from "App1", you need to explicitly add the alias to "App2". Apps/plugins should no longer be able to influence each other during the build process for stability reasons. Your App/plugins webpack config only inherits the core webpack config but no other webpack configs.

Registering async JS-plugins (optional)

To prevent all JS-plugins from being present on every page, we will offer the possibility to fetch the JS-plugins on-demand. This is done by the PluginManager which determines if the selector from register() is present in the current document. Only if this is the case the JS-plugin will be fetched.

The majority of the platform Storefront JS-plugin will be changed to async.

The general API to register JS-plugin remains the same!

If you pass an arrow function with a dynamic import instead of a normal import, your JS-plugin will be async and also generate an additional .js file in your /dist folder.


import ExamplePlugin from './plugins/example.plugin';

window.PluginManager.register('Example', ExamplePlugin, '[data-example]');


window.PluginManager.register('Example', () => import('./plugins/example.plugin'), '[data-example]');

The "After" example above will generate:

└── custom/apps/
    └── ExampleApp/src/Resources/app/storefront/dist/storefront/js/
        └── example-app/           
            ├── example-app.js                 <-- The main app JS-bundle
            └── src_plugins_example_plugin.js  <-- Auto generated by the dynamic import

Override async JS-plugins

If a platform Storefront plugin is async, the override class needs to be async as well.


import MyListingExtensionPlugin from './plugin-extensions/listing/my-listing-extension.plugin';



    () => import('./plugin-extensions/listing/my-listing-extension.plugin'),

Async plugin initialization with PluginManager.initializePlugins() and PluginManager.initializePlugin()

  • The method PluginManager.initializePlugins() is now async and will return a Promise because it also downloads all async JS-plugins before their initialization.
  • The method PluginManager.initializePlugin() to initialize a single JS-plugin is now async as well and will download the single plugin if was not downloaded beforehand.

If you need access to newly created JS-Plugin instances (for example after a dynamic DOM-update with new JS-Plugin selectors), you need to wait for the Promise to resolve.


 * Example scenario:
 * 1. A dynamic DOM update via JavaScript (e.g. Ajax) adds selector "[data-form-ajax-submit]"
 * 2. PluginManager.initializePlugins() intializes Plugin "FormAjaxSubmit" because a new selector is present.
 * 3. You need access to the Plugin instance of "FormAjaxSubmit" directly after PluginManager.initializePlugins().

const FormAjaxSubmitInstance = window.PluginManager.getPluginInstanceFromElement(someElement, 'FormAjaxSubmit');
// ... does something with "FormAjaxSubmitInstance"


 * Example scenario:
 * 1. A dynamic DOM update via JavaScript (e.g. Ajax) adds selector "[data-form-ajax-submit]"
 * 2. PluginManager.initializePlugins() intializes Plugin "FormAjaxSubmit" because a new selector is present.
 * 3. You need access to the Plugin instance of "FormAjaxSubmit" directly after PluginManager.initializePlugins().
window.PluginManager.initializePlugins().then(() => {
    const FormAjaxSubmitInstance = window.PluginManager.getPluginInstanceFromElement(someElement, 'FormAjaxSubmit');
    // ... does something with "FormAjaxSubmitInstance"

If you don't need direct access to newly created JS-plugin instances via getPluginInstanceFromElement(), and you only want to "re-init" all JS-plugins, you do not need to wait for the Promise of initializePlugins() or initializePlugin() because initializePlugins() and initializePlugin() already download and initialize the JS-plugins.

Avoid import from PluginManager

Because the PluginManager is a singleton class which also assigns itself to the window object, it should be avoided to import the PluginManager. It can lead to unintended side effects.

Use the existing window.PluginManager instead.


import PluginManager from 'src/plugin-system/plugin.manager';




Avoid import from Plugin base class

The import of the Plugin class can lead to code-duplication of the Plugin class in every App/Plugin.

Use window.PluginBaseClass instead.


import Plugin from 'src/plugin-system/plugin.class';

export default class MyPlugin extends Plugin {
    // Plugin code...


export default class MyPlugin extends window.PluginBaseClass {
    // Plugin code...

Removal of static product detail page templates

The deprecated template src/Storefront/Resources/views/storefront/page/product-detail/index.html.twig was removed and replaced by configurable product detail CMS pages. Please use the template src/Storefront/Resources/views/storefront/page/content/product-detail.html.twig instead.

This also applies to the sub-templates of the product detail page. From now on, CMS components are used instead. The old templates from /page/product-detail will no longer be used when a product detail page is rendered. The default product detail page CMS layout will be used, if no other layout is configured in the administration.

Old New
Resources/views/storefront/page/product-detail/tabs.html.twig Resources/views/storefront/element/cms-element-product-description-reviews.html.twig
Resources/views/storefront/page/product-detail/description.html.twig Resources/views/storefront/component/product/description.html.twig
Resources/views/storefront/page/product-detail/properties.html.twig Resources/views/storefront/component/product/properties.html.twig
Resources/views/storefront/page/product-detail/headline.html.twig Resources/views/storefront/element/cms-element-product-name.html.twig
Resources/views/storefront/page/product-detail/configurator.html.twig Resources/views/storefront/component/buy-widget/configurator.html.twig
Resources/views/storefront/page/product-detail/buy-widget.html.twig Resources/views/storefront/component/buy-widget/buy-widget.html.twig
Resources/views/storefront/page/product-detail/buy-widget-price.html.twig Resources/views/storefront/component/buy-widget/buy-widget-price.html.twig
Resources/views/storefront/page/product-detail/buy-widget-form.html.twig Resources/views/storefront/component/buy-widget/buy-widget-form.html.twig
Resources/views/storefront/page/product-detail/review/review.html.twig Resources/views/storefront/component/review/review.html.twig
Resources/views/storefront/page/product-detail/review/review-form.html.twig Resources/views/storefront/component/review/review-form.html.twig
Resources/views/storefront/page/product-detail/review/review-item.html.twig Resources/views/storefront/component/review/review-item.html.twig
Resources/views/storefront/page/product-detail/review/review-login.html.twig Resources/views/storefront/component/review/review-login.html.twig
Resources/views/storefront/page/product-detail/review/review-widget.html.twig Resources/views/storefront/component/review/review-widget.html.twig
Resources/views/storefront/page/product-detail/cross-selling/tabs.html.twig Resources/views/storefront/element/cms-element-cross-selling.html.twig

Introduced in

New media url generator and path strategy

  • Removed deprecated UrlGeneratorInterface interface, use AbstractMediaUrlGenerator instead to generate the urls for media entities
  • Removed deprecated AbstractPathNameStrategy abstract class, use AbstractMediaPathStrategy instead to implement own strategies

namespace Examples;

use Shopware\Core\Content\Media\Core\Application\AbstractMediaUrlGenerator;use Shopware\Core\Content\Media\Core\Params\UrlParams;use Shopware\Core\Content\Media\MediaCollection;use Shopware\Core\Content\Media\MediaEntity;use Shopware\Core\Content\Media\Pathname\UrlGeneratorInterface;

class BeforeChange
    private UrlGeneratorInterface $urlGenerator;
    public function foo(MediaEntity $media) 
        $relative = $this->urlGenerator->getRelativeMediaUrl($media);
        $absolute = $this->urlGenerator->getAbsoluteMediaUrl($media);
    public function bar(MediaThumbnailEntity $thumbnail) 
        $relative = $this->urlGenerator->getRelativeThumbnailUrl($thumbnail);
        $absolute = $this->urlGenerator->getAbsoluteThumbnailUrl($thumbnail);

class AfterChange
    private AbstractMediaUrlGenerator $generator;
    public function foo(MediaEntity $media) 
        $relative = $media->getPath();

        $urls = $this->generator->generate([UrlParams::fromMedia($media)]);
        $absolute = $urls[0];
    public function bar(MediaThumbnailEntity $thumbnail) 
        // relative is directly stored at the entity
        $relative = $thumbnail->getPath();
        // path generation is no more entity related, you could also use partial entity loading and you can also call it in batch, see below
        $urls = $this->generator->generate([UrlParams::fromMedia($media)]);
        $absolute = $urls[0];
    public function batch(MediaCollection $collection) 
        $params = [];
        foreach ($collection as $media) {
            $params[$media->getId()] = UrlParams::fromMedia();
            foreach ($media->getThumbnails() as $thumbnail) {
                $params[$thumbnail->getId()] = UrlParams::fromThumbnail($thumbnail);
        $urls = $this->generator->generate($paths);

        // urls is a flat list with {id} => {url} for media and also for thumbnails        

New custom fields mapping event

  • Previously the event ElasticsearchProductCustomFieldsMappingEvent is dispatched when create new ES index so you can add your own custom fields mapping.
  • We replaced the event with a new event Shopware\Elasticsearch\Event\ElasticsearchCustomFieldsMappingEvent, this provides a better generic way to add custom fields mapping
class ExampleCustomFieldsMappingEventSubscriber implements EventSubscriberInterface {

    public static function getSubscribedEvents(): array
        return [
            ElasticsearchCustomFieldsMappingEvent::class => 'addCustomFieldsMapping',

    public function addCustomFieldsMapping(ElasticsearchCustomFieldsMappingEvent $event): void 
        if ($event->getEntity() === 'product') {
            $event->setMapping('productCfFoo', CustomFieldTypes::TEXT);

        if ($event->getEntity() === 'category') {
            $event->setMapping('categoryCfFoo', CustomFieldTypes::TEXT);
        // ...

Adding syntax sugar for ES Definition

We added new utility classes to make creating custom ES definition look simpler

In this example, assuming you have a custom ES definition with name & description fields are translatable fields:

<?php declare(strict_types=1);

namespace Shopware\Commercial\AdvancedSearch\Domain\Indexing\ElasticsearchDefinition\Manufacturer;

use Shopware\Core\Framework\Context;
use Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\Dbal\SqlHelper;
use Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\EntityDefinition;
use Shopware\Core\Framework\Uuid\Uuid;
use Shopware\Elasticsearch\Framework\AbstractElasticsearchDefinition;
use Shopware\Elasticsearch\Framework\ElasticsearchFieldBuilder;
use Shopware\Elasticsearch\Framework\ElasticsearchFieldMapper;
use Shopware\Elasticsearch\Framework\ElasticsearchIndexingUtils;

class YourElasticsearchDefinition extends AbstractElasticsearchDefinition
     * @internal
    public function __construct(
        private readonly EntityDefinition $definition,
        private readonly CompletionDefinitionEnrichment $completionDefinitionEnrichment,
        private readonly ElasticsearchFieldBuilder $fieldBuilder
    ) {

    public function getMapping(Context $context): array
        $languageFields = $this->fieldBuilder->translated(self::getTextFieldConfig());

        $properties = [
            'id' => self::KEYWORD_FIELD,
            'name' => $languageFields,
            'description' => $languageFields,

        return [
            '_source' => ['includes' => ['id']],
            'properties' => $properties,

    public function fetch(array $ids, Context $context): array
        $data = $this->fetchData($ids, $context);

        $documents = [];

        foreach ($data as $id => $item) {
            $translations = ElasticsearchIndexingUtils::parseJson($item, 'translation');

            $documents[$id] = [
                'id' => $id,
                'name' => ElasticsearchFieldMapper::translated('name', $translations),
                'description' => ElasticsearchFieldMapper::translated('description', $translations),

        return $documents;


\Shopware\Core\Framework\Log\LoggerFactory will be removed. You can use monolog configuration to achieve the same results. See

Removal of separate Elasticsearch exception classes

Removed the following exception classes:

  • \Shopware\Elasticsearch\Exception\ElasticsearchIndexingException
  • \Shopware\Elasticsearch\Exception\NoIndexedDocumentsException
  • \Shopware\Elasticsearch\Exception\ServerNotAvailableException
  • \Shopware\Elasticsearch\Exception\UnsupportedElasticsearchDefinitionException
  • \Shopware\Elasticsearch\Exception\ElasticsearchIndexingException Use the exception factory class \Shopware\Elasticsearch\ElasticsearchException instead.

availabilityRuleId in \Shopware\Core\Checkout\Shipping\ShippingMethodEntity:

  • Type changed from string to be also nullable and will be natively typed to enforce strict data type checking.

getAvailabilityRuleId in \Shopware\Core\Checkout\Shipping\ShippingMethodEntity:

  • Return type is nullable.

getAvailabilityRuleUuid in \Shopware\Core\Framework\App\Lifecycle\Persister\ShippingMethodPersister:

  • Has been removed without replacement.

Required flag for availability_rule_id in \Shopware\Core\Checkout\Shipping\ShippingMethodDefinition:

  • Has been removed.

ES Definition's buildTermQuery could return BuilderInterface:

  • In 6.5 we only allow return BoolQuery from AbstractElasticsearchDefinition::buildTermQuery method which is not always the case. From next major version, we will allow return BuilderInterface from this method.

Removal of Product Export exception

  • Removed \Shopware\Core\Content\ProductExport\Exception\EmptyExportException use \Shopware\Core\Content\ProductExport\ProductExportException::productExportNotFound instead

Introduced in

Removal of CacheInvalidatorStorage

The delayed cache invalidation storage was until 6.6 the cache implementation. As this is not ideal for multi-server usage, we deprecated it in 6.5 and removed it now. Delaying of cache invalidations now requires a Redis instance to be configured.

                storage: redis
                dsn: 'redis://localhost'

Since we also have a MySQL implementation available: \Shopware\Core\Framework\Adapter\Cache\InvalidatorStorage\MySQLInvalidatorStorage. Use it via mysql

Introduced in

New stock handling implementation is now the default

The product.stock field is now the primary source for real time product stock values. However, product.availableStock is a direct mirror of product.stock and is updated whenever product.stock is updated via the DAL.

A database migration \Shopware\Core\Migration\V6_6\Migration1691662140MigrateAvailableStock takes care of copying the available_stock field to the stock field.

New configuration values

  • stock.enable_stock_management - Default true. This can be used to completely disable Shopware's stock handling. If disabled, product stock will be not be updated as orders are created and transitioned through the various states.

Removed \Shopware\Core\Content\Product\DataAbstractionLayer\StockUpdater

The listener was replaced with a new listener \Shopware\Core\Content\Product\Stock\OrderStockSubscriber which handles subscribing to the various order events and interfaces with the stock storage \Shopware\Core\Content\Product\Stock\AbstractStockStorage to write the stock alterations.

Removed \Shopware\Core\Content\Product\SalesChannel\Detail\AbstractAvailableCombinationLoader::load() && \Shopware\Core\Content\Product\SalesChannel\Detail\AvailableCombinationLoader::load()

These methods are removed and superseded by loadCombinations which has a different method signature.


public function load(string $productId, Context $context, string $salesChannelId)


public function loadCombinations(string $productId, SalesChannelContext $salesChannelContext): AvailableCombinationResult

The loadCombinations method has been made abstract so it must be implemented. The SalesChannelContext instance, contains the data which was previously in the defined on the load method.

$salesChannelId can be replaced with $salesChannelContext->getSalesChannelId().

$context can be replaced with $salesChannelContext->getContext().

Writing to product.availableStock field is now not possible

The field is write protected. Use the product.stock to write new stock levels.

Reading product stock

The product.stock should be used to read the current stock level. When building new extensions which need to query the stock of a product, use this field. Not the product.availableStock field.

Removed \Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\Event\BeforeDeleteEvent

It is replaced by \Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\Event\EntityDeleteEvent with the same API.

You should use \Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\Event\EntityDeleteEvent instead, only the class name changed.

sw-field deprecation:

  • Instead of <sw-field type="url" use <sw-url-field. You can see the component mapping in the sw-field/index.js

Removal of ProductLineItemFactory

Removed \Shopware\Core\Content\Product\Cart\ProductLineItemFactory, use \Shopware\Core\Checkout\Cart\LineItemFactoryHandler\ProductLineItemFactory instead.

Removal of Shopware\Core\Framework\App\FlowAction and Shopware\Core\Framework\App\FlowAction\Xml

We moved all class from namespaces Shopware\Core\Framework\App\FlowAction to Shopware\Core\Framework\App\Flow\Action and Shopware\Core\Framework\App\FlowAction\Xml to Shopware\Core\Framework\App\Flow\Action\Xml. Please use new namespaces.

  • Removed \Shopware\Core\Content\Product\SalesChannel\Listing\ProductListingFeaturesSubscriber, use CompositeProcessor instead

Removal of API-Conversion mechanism

The API-Conversion mechanism was not used anymore, therefore, the following classes were removed:

  • \Shopware\Core\Framework\Api\Converter\ApiVersionConverter
  • \Shopware\Core\Framework\Api\Converter\ConverterRegistry
  • \Shopware\Core\Framework\Api\Converter\Exceptions\ApiConversionException

Removal of separate Product Export exception classes

Removed the following exception classes:

  • \Shopware\Core\Content\ProductExport\Exception\RenderFooterException
  • \Shopware\Core\Content\ProductExport\Exception\RenderHeaderException
  • \Shopware\Core\Content\ProductExport\Exception\RenderProductException

writeAccess field removed in integrations

The writeAccess field was removed from the integration entity without replacement as it was unused.

defaultRunInterval field is required for ScheduledTask entities

The defaultRunInterval field is now required for ScheduledTask entities. So you now have to provide the following required fields to create a new Scheduled Task in the DB:

  • name
  • scheduledTaskClass
  • runInterval
  • defaultRunInterval
  • status

Removed \Shopware\Core\Content\Media\DeleteNotUsedMediaService

All usages of \Shopware\Core\Content\Media\DeleteNotUsedMediaService should be replaced with \Shopware\Core\Content\Media\UnusedMediaPurger. There is no replacement for the countNotUsedMedia method because counting the number of unused media on a system with a lot of media is time intensive. The deleteNotUsedMedia method exists on the new service but has a different signature. Context is no longer required. To delete only entities of a certain type it was previously necessary to add an extension to the Context object. Instead, pass the entity name to the third parameter of deleteNotUsedMedia. The first two parameters allow to process a slice of media, passing null to those parameters instructs the method to check all media, in batches.

  • Changed the following classes to be internal:
    • \Shopware\Core\Framework\Webhook\Hookable\HookableBusinessEvent
    • \Shopware\Core\Framework\Webhook\Hookable\HookableEntityWrittenEvent
    • \Shopware\Core\Framework\Webhook\Hookable\HookableEventFactory
    • \Shopware\Core\Framework\Webhook\Hookable\WriteResultMerger
    • \Shopware\Core\Framework\Webhook\Message\WebhookEventMessage
    • \Shopware\Core\Framework\Webhook\ScheduledTask\CleanupWebhookEventLogTask
    • \Shopware\Core\Framework\Webhook\BusinessEventEncoder
    • \Shopware\Core\Framework\Webhook\WebhookDispatcher

FlowEventAware interface change

With v6.6 we change the class hierarchy of the following flow event interfaces:

  • CustomerRecoveryAware
  • MessageAware
  • NewsletterRecipientAware
  • OrderTransactionAware
  • CustomerAware
  • CustomerGroupAware
  • MailAware
  • OrderAware
  • ProductAware
  • SalesChannelAware
  • UserAware
  • LogAware

When you have implemented one of these interfaces in one of your own event classes, you should now also implement the FlowEventAware interface by yourself. This is necessary to ensure that your event class is compatible with the new flow event system.


<?php declare(strict_types=1);

namespace App\Event;

use Shopware\Core\Framework\Log\LogAware;

class MyEvent implements LogAware
    // ...


<?php declare(strict_types=1);

namespace App\Event;

use Shopware\Core\Framework\Event\FlowEventAware;

class MyEvent implements FlowEventAware, LogAware
    // ...

Indexer Offset Changes

The methods setNextLanguage() and setNextDefinition() in \Shopware\Elasticsearch\Framework\Indexing\IndexerOffset are removed, use selectNextLanguage() or selectNextDefinition() instead. Before:




Changes to data-attribute selector names

We want to change several data-attribute selector names to be more aligned with the JavaScript plugin name which is initialized on the data-attribute selector. When you use one of the selectors listed below inside HTML/Twig, JavaScript or CSS, please change the selector to the new selector.

HTML/Twig example


    data-offcanvas-menu="true" {# <<< Did not match options attr #}
    data-off-canvas-menu-options='{ ... }'


    data-off-canvas-menu="true" {# <<< Now matches options attr #}
    data-off-canvas-menu-options='{ ... }'

The options attribute is automatically generated using the camelCase JavaScript plugin name.

Full list of selectors

old new
data-search-form data-search-widget
data-offcanvas-cart data-off-canvas-cart
data-collapse-footer data-collapse-footer-columns
data-offcanvas-menu data-off-canvas-menu
data-offcanvas-account-menu data-account-menu
data-offcanvas-tabs data-off-canvas-tabs
data-offcanvas-filter data-off-canvas-filter
data-offcanvas-filter-content data-off-canvas-filter-content

Introduced in

Removed SyncOperationResult

The \Shopware\Core\Framework\Api\Sync\SyncOperationResult class was removed without replacement, as it was unused.

Deprecated component sw-dashboard-external-link has been removed

  • Use component sw-external-link instead of sw-dashboard-external-link

Selector to open an ajax modal

The selector to initialize the AjaxModal plugin will be changed to not interfere with Bootstrap defaults data-attribute API.


<a data-bs-toggle="modal" data-url="/my/route" href="/my/route">Open Ajax Modal</a>


<a data-ajax-modal="true" data-url="/my/route" href="/my/route">Open Ajax Modal</a>

IsNewCustomerRule to be removed with major release v6.6.0

  • Use DaysSinceFirstLoginRule instead with operator = and daysPassed of 0 to achieve identical behavior

Seeding mechanism for AbstractThemePathBuilder

The generateNewPath() and saveSeed() methods in \Shopware\Storefront\Theme\AbstractThemePathBuilder are now abstract, this means you should implement those methods to allow atomic theme compilations.

For more details refer to the corresponding ADR.

Removal of blacklistIds and whitelistIds in \Shopware\Core\Content\Product\ProductEntity

Two properties blacklistIds and whitelistIds were removed without replacement

Replace @shopware-ag/admin-extension-sdk with @shopware-ag/meteor-admin-sdk


    "dependencies": {
        "@shopware-ag/admin-extension-sdk": "^3.0.14"


    "dependencies": {
        "@shopware-ag/meteor-admin-sdk": "^3.0.16"

Update @shopware-ag/meteor-admin-sdk to ^4.0.0


    "dependencies": {
        "@shopware-ag/meteor-admin-sdk": "^3.0.17"


    "dependencies": {
        "@shopware-ag/meteor-admin-sdk": "^4.0.0"

Administration tooltips no longer support components/ html

Due to a Vue 3 limitation the v-tooltip directive no longer supports components or html.


        message: 'For more information click <a href=\"\">here</a>.',


        message: 'For more information visit',