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File metadata and controls

274 lines (211 loc) · 8.92 KB


A Clojure(Script) library implementing functional visitors over zippers. This library was inspired partly by (dead link, alternative: and my own needs for walking and modifying tree data structures in clojure.


Add the dependency:

[zip-visit "1.1.0"]

Require the library.

(require '[zip.visit :refer :all])

(When requiring in ClojureScript, make sure you add :refer-macros:)

(ns my-awesome-ns
  (:require [zip.visit :as v :refer-macros [visitor defvisitor]]))

Visitors operate over zippers, let's require that:

(require '[ :as z])

Zippers can operate over any tree or sequence type data. As an example, we will walk over XML. Let's load a short HTML example into a zipper:

(require '[clojure.xml :as xml])

(def s "<div><span id='greeting'>Hello</span> <span id='name'>Mr. Foo</span>!</div>")
(def root (z/xml-zip (xml/parse ( (.getBytes s)))))

The visit function provides events for pre-order, post-order, and partial in-order traversal. To illustrate this, let's create an event printer from scratch.

(defn printer [evt n s] (println evt (str n s)))

Visitors are just functions that take three arguments. The first is the event, either :pre, :post, or :in. The second is the current node and the third is the current state. We will explain the state in detail later. For now, let's visit our HTML.

user=> (visit root nil [printer])
:pre {:tag :div, :attrs nil, :content [{:tag :span, :attrs {:id "greeting"}, :content ["Hello"]} {:tag :span, :attrs {:id "name"}, :content ["Mr. Foo"]} "!"]}
:pre {:tag :span, :attrs {:id "greeting"}, :content ["Hello"]}
:pre Hello
:post Hello
:post {:tag :span, :attrs {:id "greeting"}, :content ["Hello"]}
:in {:tag :div, :attrs nil, :content [{:tag :span, :attrs {:id "greeting"}, :content ["Hello"]} {:tag :span, :attrs {:id "name"}, :content ["Mr. Foo"]} "!"]}
:pre {:tag :span, :attrs {:id "name"}, :content ["Mr. Foo"]}
:pre Mr. Foo
:post Mr. Foo
:post {:tag :span, :attrs {:id "name"}, :content ["Mr. Foo"]}
:in {:tag :div, :attrs nil, :content [{:tag :span, :attrs {:id "greeting"}, :content ["Hello"]} {:tag :span, :attrs {:id "name"}, :content ["Mr. Foo"]} "!"]}
:pre !
:post !
:post {:tag :div, :attrs nil, :content [{:tag :span, :attrs {:id "greeting"}, :content ["Hello"]} {:tag :span, :attrs {:id "name"}, :content ["Mr. Foo"]} "!"]}
{:node {:tag :div, :attrs nil, :content [{:tag :span, :attrs {:id "greeting"}, :content ["Hello"]} {:tag :span, :attrs {:id "name"}, :content ["Mr. Foo"]} "!"]}, :state nil}

The visit function does all the work and takes as arguments: the zipper, the initial state, and a sequence of visitor functions. It returns a map with two keys: :node, and :state. If visitor functions modify the tree, then :node contains the final modified zipper. Similarly, :state is the state at the end of the walk. In this example, we get back the original unchanged input zipper.

Modifying Data

Now let's talk about modifying the tree. Say we want to modify the span with id #name. Consider the following function.

(defn replace-element [id replacement]
  (visitor :pre [n s]
    (if (= (:id (:attrs n)) id) {:node replacement})))

There is a fair bit going on here, so let's break it down into pieces. On the top most level we have defined a function, replace-element that returns a visitor function. The replace-element function takes an id and replacement string.

Next, we introduce one of zip-visit's helper functions: visitor. This is a macro that creates a visitor function which fires only on a particular event. As in our first example, n is the tree node and s is the state. In this example our visitor will only fire in a pre-order walk.

Finally, the core of the function checks that the id matches, and if so, it replaces the current node with the desired replacement. If a visitor function returns nothing, the tree is unmodified. However, if it returns a map, either the tree, the state, or both are modified. To modify the tree we supply a new value for the :node key.

Let's try it:

user=> (pprint (:node (visit root nil [(replace-element "name" "Mr. Smith")])))
{:tag :div,
 :attrs nil,
 [{:tag :span, :attrs {:id "greeting"}, :content ["Hello"]}
  "Mr. Smith"

But what if we wanted to modify other parts of the tree? Do we need to do multiple walks? Create huge conditionals in our visitor? Fortunately not! Remember that visit takes a seq of visitor functions. What happens when we supply more then one function? At every step, each function is applied in the order is appears in the seq. Successive functions get the node and state values from the previous functions.

user=> (:node (visit root nil [(replace-element "greeting" "Greetings") (replace-element "name" "Mr. Smith")]))
{:tag :div, :attrs nil, :content ["Greetings" "Mr. Smith" "!"]}


Ok, so what about state? The state is completely user defined and evolves along with the zippered data during the walk. As an example, let's collect all the spans in our example data.

(defvisitor collect-spans :pre [n s]
  (if (= :span (:tag n)) {:state (conj s (:content n))}))

Here we introduce the second visit helper macro, defvisitor. This is the same as visitor but binds the result to a symbol. The collect-spans function expects state that is just a set.

user=> (:state (visit root #{} [collect-spans]))
#{["Mr. Foo"] ["Hello"]}

And remember, we can mix and match any visitor functions:

user=> (pprint (visit root #{} [collect-spans (replace-element "name" "Mr. Smith")]))
 {:tag :div,
  :attrs nil,
  [{:tag :span, :attrs {:id "greeting"}, :content ["Hello"]}
   "Mr. Smith"
 :state #{["Mr. Foo"] ["Hello"]}}

Just be aware of the order!

user=> (pprint (visit root #{} [(replace-element "name" "Mr. Smith") collect-spans]))
 {:tag :div,
  :attrs nil,
  [{:tag :span, :attrs {:id "greeting"}, :content ["Hello"]}
   "Mr. Smith"
 :state #{["Hello"]}}

Walking Replacements and Cuts

What does visit do when you replace a node? After applying all the visitor functions, at a given step, it continues walking the replaced content. Consider this example.

(def s* {:tag :span, :attrs {:id "other-name"}, :content ["Mrs. Foo"]})

(defvisitor extended-greeting :pre [n s]
  (if (= "greeting" (:id (:attrs n))) {:node (update-in n [:content] conj s*)}))

user=> (pprint (:node (visit root nil [extended-greeting (replace-element "other-name" "Mrs. Smith")])))
{:tag :div,
 :attrs nil,
 [{:tag :span,
   :attrs {:id "greeting"},
   :content ["Hello" "Mrs. Smith"]}
  {:tag :span, :attrs {:id "name"}, :content ["Mr. Foo"]}

Notice that "Mrs. Foo" has been resplaced with "Mrs. Smith". This happened because the walk continued into the replaced code. Beware of recursive replacements!

What if you don't want this behaviour? You can disable it on a per function basis by using the a cut.

(defvisitor extended-greeting :pre
  [n s]
  (if (= "greeting" (:id (:attrs n))) {:node (update-in n [:content] conj s*) :cut true}))

user=> (pprint (:node (visit root nil [extended-greeting (replace-element "other-name" "Mrs. Smith")])))
{:tag :div,
 :attrs nil,
 [{:tag :span,
   :attrs {:id "greeting"},
    {:content ["Mrs. Foo"], :attrs {:id "other-name"}, :tag :span}]}
  {:tag :span, :attrs {:id "name"}, :content ["Mr. Foo"]}


Let's try to build a tree based version of the some function from the standard library. Recall that some takes a function and a collection and returns the first non-nil value of that function.

(defn some-tree-visitor [f]
  (visitor :pre [n s] (if-let [v (f n)] {:state v})))

(defn some-tree [f zipper]
  (:state (visit zipper nil [(some-tree-visitor f)])))

And let's use a different sort of zipper, because we can!

(def my-zip (z/vector-zip [1 2 3 [4 5 [6] 7 [8 9]]]))

user=> (some-tree #(if (and (number? %) (even? %)) %) my-zip)

Whoops! I bet some of you saw that coming. Some is supposed to return the first value that matches, but here we got the last value. We could modify some-tree-visitor to adjust for this, but if we really want to match the behaviour of some we need to stop the walk as soon as we find the right value. Enter break!

(defn some-tree-visitor [f]
  (visitor :pre [n s] (if-let [v (f n)] {:state v :break true})))

user=> (some-tree #(if (and (number? %) (even? %)) %) my-zip)

When break is set the walk stops and immediately zips back up to the root.


  • rubicks
  • Dave Della Costa


The MIT License (MIT)

Copyright (c) 2013-2017 Alexander K. Hudek

See LICENSE file.