- Visitor Features:
- Landing page overview.
- Navigate to exercise bank as guest.
- Demonstrate searching, filtering, and sorting.
- Registration Flow
- Navigate to sign up page
- Register as a coach (username should be coach, name should be XXXX)
- Fill out Initial Survey and Coach Survey.
- Go to coach search to show you're not approved yet
- Admin Capabilities:
- Open a new private browser window
- Log in as admin (test/test)
- Approve new coach request
- Navigate to exercise bank
- Demonstrate adding/editing/deleting exercises
- Log out
- Daily Survey & Results:
- Log in as an mock client (kccomini0)
- Fill in daily survey
- Show all statistics
- Workout Plan:
- Navigate to Workout Plan page
- Demonstrate search and sorting (need to create workout plans for kccomini0)
- Create a new workout plan (Cardio Crunch)
- Add an exercise scheduled for Thursday
- Edit that plan, delete another plan
- Assign THAT workout plan to self
- Log workout plan activity.
- Return to dashboard to show logged activity
- Coach Search:
- Navigate to coach search
- Demonstrate sorting, filtering, searching
- View coach profile (Name XXXX)
- Request to hire coach
- Coach Dashboard:
- Return to previous window with coach logged in already
- At coach dashboard, check pending client requests and accept.
- View client's Weekly and Statistics
- Reset dashboard to personal information
- Go to workout plan page, create a workout plan.
- Go to dashboard, assign to client
- Go to workout plan page, edit plan assigned to user as coach
- Messaging System:
- Navigate to messaging, message Kevon
- Return to previous window with client logged in already and respond
- Return to previous window with coach logged in already refresh
- Technical:
- Navigate to Jenkin's, CI/CD pipeline (same URL, port 8080)
- Username/PW: moxi/moxi
- Go to moxi-backend, show that testing is being done in pipeline.
- Navigate to API Docs (:3500/api-docs)
We need:
- A client user with nice mock data
- A client user without a coach
- A coach with multiple pending and existing clients (with good mock data), messaging history
- An admin with multiple pending coach requests