cli tool for downloading spotify tracks from youtube
as of now, supports playlist & album downloads
results may be invalid, make sure to double check downloads (currently works for most genres, although classical music results are bad)
you will also have to obtain spotify app client id and secret. To do that go to the app creation page and create new app. Upon creating, click "Settings" button, copy client id & client secret and put both into .env file
python3.11 [-h] [--type type] [--path path] [--precise] link
- -h - program help
- --type - download type, must be either 'album' or 'playlist'
- --path - specify download path, by default creates 'Downloads' dir in workdir
- --precise - enable precise search. It will work slower, but results will be as close to the spotify's ones as possible
- link - spotify playlist/album link, can be either id or link
python3.11 --type album --path 'Infinite Hyperdeath'
- will create folder 'Infinite Hyperdeath' and download album into it
python3.11 --precise
- will create folder 'Downloads' and download playlist filtered by duration into it