This is a list of all the BEPs which have been implemented in MonoTorrent. A full list of all available BEPs can be seen here
- BEP 3 - The BitTorrent Protocol Specification. (Alternative specification)
- BEP 20 - Peer ID Conventions
- BEP 5 - DHT Protocol
- BEP 6 - Fast Extension
- BEP 9 - Extension for Peers to Send Metadata Files
- BEP 10 - Extension Protocol
- BEP 11 - Peer Exchange (PEX)
- BEP 12 - Multitracker Metadata Extension
- BEP 14 - Local Service/Peer Discovery
- BEP 15 - UDP Tracker Protocol
- BEP 19 - HTTP/FTP/Web Seeding (GetRight-style)
- BEP 23 - Tracker Returns Compact Peer Lists
- BEP 27 - Private Torrents
- BEP 16 - Superseeding
- BEP 48 - Tracker Protocol Extension: Scrape
The client downloads torrents and has a wide range of functionality.
Prioritise specific files.
Selective file downloading (including the ability to not download specific files).
Rarest first piece picking (takes priorisation into account).
End-game mode to boost the last 1-2% of the download.
Sequential downloading (for media files).
Per-torrent download/upload rate limiting.
Overall download/upload rate limiting.
In memory cache to reduce disk reads.
Auto-throttling if the download rate exceeds the piece verification/disk write rate.
IPV4 connections.
IPV6 connections.
IP address ban lists.
Creating torrents from a single file, a folder, or arbitrary files in arbitrary folders.
Fast resume data can be saved/restored to avoid hashing the data every time a torrent is started.
Incremental piece hashing (reduces disk reads by incrementally hashing each block in a piece as it is received).
Sparse files (NTFS filesystem).
Creating and using Magnet URI.
This is a standard bittorrent tracker server.
- HTTP announce and scrape requests.
- UDP announce and scrape requests.
- Compact peer responses (reduces bandwidth)
- Optionally allows unregistered torrents. In this mode the tracker will begin maintaining peer lists for a torrent as soon as the first announce request is received.