Pathfinder Character Sheet
Name Rodolf Preval
Race Dhampir (Vetala)
Gender Male
Height 6’2”
Weight 190
Age 43
Alignment Lawful Neutral
Deity None
Background Occupation Wanderer
Languages Common, necril, tengu, aklo, sylvan
! Stat Total Modifier Base Inherent Enhance Misc
# Strength 5 -3 7 -2
# Dexterity 24 7 18 6
# Constitution 14 2 14
# Intelligence 18 4 18
# Wisdom 16 3 16
# Charisma 7 -2 7
! Total Base Misc
# Initiative 4 4
! HP HD Class Name BAB Skills Fort Ref Will Levels
d6 White-haired Witch 2 2 1 1 4 4
Totals Favored Class
# 8 2 2 1 1 4 4
! HP HD Class Name BAB Skills Fort Ref Will Levels
d8 Hungry Ghost Monk 3 4 4 4 4 4
# 0 3 4 4 4 4 4
! HP HD Class Name BAB Skills Fort Ref Will Levels
# 32 d8 Gestalt 3 4 4 4 4 4
Class Weapons Armors
Monk Brass knuckles, cestus, club, crossbow, dagger, handaxe, javelin, kama,
nunchaku, quarterstaff, sai, shortspear, short sword, shuriken, siangham,
sling, spear, shortsword
Witch Simple weapons
Name Description
Improved Grapple +2 to grapple, +2 against, don’t provoke
Combat Reflexes AOOs up to dex mod +1 and while flat-footed
Weapon Focus (Hair) +1 to attack rolls with hair
Weapon Finesse Dex to attack for certain weapon types
Punishing kick Can push or knock prone as part of attack roll
Knock prone gives fort save dc 10+wis+1/2 level
Can be used 1/lvl per day.
Psychic Sensativity Can activate chakras and obtain psychic skill
unlocks. Psychic skill unlocks can only be
used once a day or week. Only next to crab.
Feral Combat Training Can flurry with hair and apply feats with
imporoved unarm strike as a prereq
Name Description
Weakness -1 caster levelin consecrate, hallow, or holy area spells
Undead Resistence +2 racial bonus on disease and mind affecting
Resist Level Drain No penaties until negative levels until death at HD.
Automatically removed after 24 hours
Manipulation +2 to use magic device, escape artist
Spell-like abilities Can cast comprehend languages 3 times a day as spell-like
Darkvision 60ft dark vision
low light vision low light vision
Negative energy affinity swap effects of positive and negative energy
Name Description
White Hair (Su) Hair is natural attack dealing 1d4 + int. Int also gets added to CMB instead of strength.
Free action grapple on hit without provoking. Grappling does not cause witch to become
grappled. At 4th level and every 4th after add 5 ft to reach. Cannot be sundered
Constrict (Ex) Swift action while grappling dealing attack damage
Trip(Ex) Can trip as a swift action when attacking
Patron Agility
Name Description
AC Bonus (Ex) Wisdom + table bonus to ac. Lost if immobilized, helpless, armored/shields or in medium load
Flurry of blows Attacks as table. Can replace them with combat manuevers.
Unarmed Strike Improved Unarmed strike as bonus feat. Can deal nonlethal if chosen. Progression as table.
Bonus Feats Bonus feats at 1,2,6,10,14,18 from list. Do not require prerequisites.
Punishing kick (Ex) Gain punishing kick as bonus feat. Can push on successful attack roll. Deals normal
damage and pushes them 5 feat. Increases distance by 5ft at 10, 15 and 20.
Can knock prone and push in same attack at 15th.
Evasion(Ex) On reflex save take no damage if it would normally half
Fast Movement (Ex) Enhancement bonus to speed as table
Manuever Training (Ex) Use monk level in cmb instead of bab
Still Mind (Ex) +2 against enchantments
Ki Pool (Su) 1/2 level + wisdom in ki points. Can make a ki strike as long as you have 1.
This gives dr penetration based on level. Magic4 coldiron/silver7 lawful10 adamant16
Can spend ki to get +20 move, +1 attack in flurry, +4 dodge to AC as swift
Slow fall (Ex) If a wall is in arms reach lower fall height by 20 (see table)
! Saving Throws Total Base Ability Enhance Misc
# Fortitude 6 4 2
# Reflex 11 4 7
# Will 7 4 3
# Base 32
Temporary HP 0
# Total 55
! Type Total Base Armor Shield Dex Size Dodge Natural Deflect Misc
# AC 26 10 4 0 0 0 0 0 5 7
# Touch 22 10 N/A N/A 0 0 0 N/A 5 7
# Flat-foot 19 10 4 N/A N/A 0 N/A 0 5
! Total Base BAB Dex Str Size Misc
# CMD 22 10 3 7 -3 0 5
Damage Reduction
Spell Resistance
! Total Base Attack Bonus Ability Size Misc
# Melee 1 3 -2 0
# Ranged 7 3 4 0
# CMB 1 3 -2 0
! Weapon Enhance Attack Modifiers Damage Crit Range Size Type Notes
! TR AP Class Skill Stat Total Ranks Ability Trained Misc
# 1 1 Acrobatics Dex 8 1 4 3
# Appraise Int 4 4
# Bluff Cha -2 -2
# 1 1 Climb Str 2 1 -2 3
# 1 Craft (Alchemy): Int 4 4
# Diplomacy Cha -2 -2
# 1 1 Disable Device Dex - 4
# Disguise Cha -2 -2
# 1 1 Escape Artist Dex 11 4 4 3
# 1 1 Fly Dex 8 1 4 3
# 1 Handle Animal Cha - -2
# 1 Heal Wis 7 1 3 3
# 1 Intimidate Cuha 2 1 -2 3
# 1 1 Knowledge: Arcana Int 11 4 4 3
# 1 Knowledge: Dungeon Int - 4
# 1 Knowledge: Engineer Int - 4
# 1 Knowledge: Geography Int - 4
# 1 1 Knowledge: History Int 8 1 4 3
# 1 Knowledge: Local Int - 4
# 1 1 Knowledge: Nature Int 11 4 4 3
# 1 Knowledge: Nobility Int - 4
# 1 1 Knowledge: Planes Int 11 4 4 3
# 1 1 Knowledge: Religion Int 11 3 4 3
# 1 Linguistics Int - 4
# 1 Perception Wis 7 3 3
# 1 Perform: Cha -2 -2
# 1 1 Profession: Wis - 3
# 1 1 Ride Dex 4 4
# 1 Sense Motive Wis 7 1 3 3
# 1 1 Sleight of Hand Dex - 4
# 1 1 Spellcraft Int 8 4 4 3
# 1 Stealth Dex 4 4
# Survival Wis 3 3
# 1 1 Swim Str 2 1 -2 3
# 1 1 Use Magic Device Cha - 1 -2
# Total: 32
! Name Quantity Effective Weight Actual Weight
Wand of inflict light wounds 100 0 0
Masterwork backpack
# Total Weight: 35 35
Body Robe of Infinite Twine
Feet Featherstep slippers
! Type Name Enhance AC Max Dex Penalty Spell Fail (%) Type Size Material
Armor Mage Armor 4 0 0 0
# Totals: 14 0 0 0
Gold 1250
Container Volume Weight
Backpack 2ft^3 2
! Save DC Spell Level Total Class Bonus Ability Misc Total Known
# 0 0 0
# 15 1 5 4 1
# 16 2 5 4 1
# 17 3 4 3 1
# 18 4 4 3 1
# 19 5 4 4 0
# 20 6 3 3 0
# 21 7 2 2 0
# 22 8 1 1 0
# 23 9 0 0
! Total Base Ability Misc
# Concentration 8 4 4
# Close 30
# Medium 120
# Long 480
# Prepared Level Name Description Save DC
0 Arcane Mark Inscribes a personal rune on an object or creature
0 Bleed Causes a stabilized creature to resume dying
0 Dancing Light creates torches or other lights
0 Daze creature with <=4 hd loses next action
1 0 Detect Magic detects magic
0 Detect Poison detects poison in creature or small object
0 Guidance +1 on one attack, saving throw or skill scheck
0 Light object shines like a torch
0 Mending make minor repairs on an object
1 0 Message whisper conversation at a distance
0 Putrefy food and drink make food and water inedible
0 Read Magic read scrolls and spellbooks
0 Resistance +1 on saving throws
1 0 Spark ignites flammable objects
1 0 Stabilize causes dying creature to stabilize
0 Touch of fatigue touch attack to fatigue targets
1/2 1 Air bubble Creates a small pocket of air around head/object
1 Jump +10 to jumps (20 at 5, 30 at 9)
1 Bouncy Body +2 on grapple, escape aritist, and cmd. Falling-20’. Bounce
1/1 1 Compel Hostility As an immediate action force target to attack you instead
1/1 1 Infernal healing Fast healing 1 for 10 rds
1 Inflict Light Wounds 1d8+1/clvl (max 5)) negative energy
0/1 1 Mage armor +4 armor bonus to ac
1 Mudball ranged touch to blind
1 Obscuring Mist Mist! 20 ft radius
0/1 1 Reduce person Creature becomes small gains bonuses
1 Summon monster 1 Summons monster
1/1 2 Blood transcription Learn spells by drinking a pint blood of a dead caster
2 Glitterdust Blind creatures and outline them negating invisibility
2 Levitate Lift and move an object
0/1 2 Cat’s grace +4 enhancement bonus to dexterity
0/1 2 Merge with Familiar merge with familiar
2 Inflict Moderate Wds 2d8+1 (max 10) negative energy
chain shirt
light crossbow
+1 ring of protection
small vials 5 empty
1 potion cure moderate
2 scrolls
scroll case
6 pearls 160gp
71 gold
add 50 gold for yourself
4 min cats grace
4 min reduce person
4 min airbubble
21 rounds