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Skule Vote Repo

The repository hosting the code for the Skule Voting website.



Getting Started

Python Environment

For local development, create a Python virtual environment.


We recommend you use Anaconda (or Miniconda), as it makes managing virtual environments with different Python versions easier:

$ conda create -n skule_vote python=3.9

This will create a new conda environment named skule_vote (you may choose a different name). Then, activate the environment:

$ conda activate skule_vote


Alternatively, you can use venv provided under the standard library, but note that you must already have Python 3.9 installed first:

$ python3.9 -m venv venv

How you activate the environment depends on your operating system, consult the docs for further information.

Installing Requirements

Install the requirements in skule_vote/requirements.txt. This should be done regularly as new requirements are added, not just the first time you set up.

$ cd skule_vote
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Environment Variables

In order to run the django and react development servers locally (or run tests), the following environment variables are used. Those in bold are required.

Variable Required value Default Description
DEBUG 1 0 Run Django in debug mode. Required to run locally.
SECRET_KEY Something secret, create your own None Secret key for cryptographic signing. Must not be shared. Required.
DB_HOST Postgres database host.
DB_USER postgres User on the postgres database. Must have permissions to create and modify tables.
DB_PASSWORD Password for the postgres user.
DB_PORT 5432 Port the postgres server is open on.
DB_NAME skule_vote Postgres database name.
REACT_APP_DEV_SERVER_URL http://localhost:8000 Path to the django development server, used by React. Update the port if you aren't using the default 8000.
CONNECT_TO_UOFT 0 If set, tries to obtain voter information by connecting to the UofT endpoint. Disabled by default to allow for testing, but must be enabled for production.
UOFT_SECRET_KEY 0 Used to verify the integrity of voter data sent by UofT. Only used when CONNECT_TO_UOFT == 1

If you are using miniconda, you can add these to your environment such that each time you conda activate skule_vote, the variables will be sourced as well. To do this run (while the skule_vote environment is activated):

$ conda env config vars set DEBUG=1

where you can substitube DEBUG=1 for any environment variable you desire.

Running the development server


Before the development server can be ran, the database must be running. This project is configured to use PostgreSQL.

You may install Postgres on your machine if you wish, but we recommend running it locally using docker. A docker-compose service is available in development/docker-compose.yml. To run the database:

$ docker-compose -f development/docker-compose.yml up -d

To shut down the database:

$ docker-compose -f development/docker-compose.yml down

The postgres container uses a volume mounted to development/.postgres-data/ for persistent data storage, so you can safely stop the service without losing any data in your local database.

A note about security: by default, the Postgres service is run with trust authentication for convenience, so no passwords are required even if they are set. You should not store any sensitive information in your local database, or broadcast your database host publicly with these settings.

Database migrations

Migrations are Django's way of managing changes to the database structure. Before you run the development server, you should run any unapplied migrations; this should be done every time you pull an update to the codebase, not just the first time you set up:

$ cd skule_vote
$ python migrate

Run the development server

Finally, you can run the development server, by default on port 8000. From above, you should already be in the top-level skule_vote directory:

$ python runserver

If you would like to run on a port other than 8000, specify a port number after runserver.

Creating users locally

In order to access most of the functionality of the site (the React dashboard or otherwise), you will need to have user accounts to test with.

To start, create an admin user. This will give you access to the admin site, and will bypass all Django permissions checks:

$ python createsuperuser

Once a superuser is created (and the Django dev server is running), you can log in to the admin site at http://localhost:8000/admin. Note that creating a superuser does not give it a first or last name, so you should set those from the admin site otherwise some parts of the site may behave weird. Our regular sign up flow also assumes that username and email are the same, so we recommend creating your superuser accordingly.

TLDR of the above

If you're on Mac or Linux, copy and paste the following in the top-level skule_vote directory:

Start the Django server in terminal 1:

conda activate skule_vote
export SECRET_KEY=<your key>
export DEBUG=1
export REACT_APP_DEV_SERVER_URL=http://localhost:8000
docker-compose -f development/docker-compose.yml up -d
cd skule_vote/
python migrate
python runserver

Start the React app in terminal 2:

cd skule_vote/frontend/ui
yarn start

Assuming you are using all default ports:

Working with the Admin Site

The admin site can be found at /admin (for login credentials enquire with the previous CRO) and is used to set up ElectionSessions, Elections, Candidates for each Election and Eligibilities for each Election. These can be done either manually or automatically using a CSV file. Note that there are templates for how these files must appear in the skule_vote/backend/static/backend/csv_templates folder of this repo.

Additionally, if you go to the admin site and click on Election Sessions on the left-hand panel, you will get a page that shows you a list of all the Election Sessions. On top right this page you will see a button Download CSV Templates that will serve you a ZIP file of all of the CSV files in the skule_vote/backend/static/backend/csv_templates directory.

Developer Note: If you wish to change the CSV templates in any way, make sure to regenerate the ZIP file and place it in the skule_vote/backend/static/backend directory.

Notes on Committing Backend Changes

To run all unit tests, run python test. You can learn more about writing and running unit tests in Django documentation.

All python code is formatted using Black. To format your code, simply run black . in the project root. To format a specific file, run black

You can only merge PRs if all unit tests are passing and your code is fully formatted with Black.

If you have changed a model, you need to run python makemigrations to generate the required migrations to translate that change to the DB. Otherwise, tests will fail and the website will not work.

Setting up an Election Session

Method 1: Using a CSV File (Recommended)

To use this method, when you go to the admin site and add an ElectionSession you must add an ElectionSession with a name, start_date and end_date, and CSV files for each section of election, candidate and eligibility. These CSV files have certain constraints that must be obeyed. The constraints are as follows:

  • The header (first row) of each CSV file must be the same as the ones in the /csv_files templates.
  • Within a single CSV file all rows must be of equal length (have the same number of comma separated values).
  • Election and Eligibility CSVs must have the same number of rows, since they are 1-to-1.
  • The Election names in the Eligibilities and Candidates CSVs must match the ones in the Elections CSV.
  • Within the Elections CSV:
    • All of the seats_available must be integers and >=1.
    • Election Categories must be one of [Referenda, Officer, Board of Directors, Discipline Club, Class Representative, Other].
  • Within the Eligibilities CSV:
    • All of the eligible fields must be integers and either 1 (True) or 0 (False).
    • Eligibilities status_eligible fields must be one of [Full Time, Part Time, Full and Part Time].

Note: All the CSV files must be uploaded at once, or none at all. If this is not met then an error will be shown and nothing will happen.

Note: if you upload CSVs successfully and realize you made a mistake, you can just re-upload the updated CSVs to the same ElectionSession. All of the previous Elections, Candidates and Eligibilities connected to that ElectionSession will be deleted and new ones will be created from the new CSV.

Note: once an ElectionSession has started you cannot edit it to change its name, start_date, or upload any new CSV files. Any changes required for Elections, Candidates and Eligibilities must be made manually. You can change the ElectionSession's end_date once it has started, also manually.

Method 2: Manually

To use this method, when you go to the admin site and add an ElectionSession you must add an ElectionSession with only a name, start_date and end_date. You will then go and manually create each of Election, Candidate and Eligibility. Note that Candidate and Eligibility require an Election to connect to, so Elections should be created first.

Notes on the RON/No Candidate

The RON/No Candidate is created by default on the creation of each Election. It is also deleted by cascade on deletion of any Election, which includes manual Election deletion or as a cascade from deleting an ElectionSession. We describe it as the RON/No Candidate since it can take the form of a RON Candidate in the case where there are two or more other Candidates, or the No Candidate in the case of a single other Candidate.

The RON/No Candidate has a default statement that says Choose this option if you don’t believe there are suitable candidate(s). If 'Reopen Nominations' wins, nominations for this position will be re-opened so that more candidates can run.. This will appear to the user when RON is active. When No is active, we remove the message and change the name to No. This is all done in the frontend.

The RON/No Candidate is protected from accidental deletion in the following ways:

  • When you go to the Candidate changelist on the admin site, you will not see any RON Candidates when in production more (you will see them in debug mode though).
  • When you go to the change view for a specific Candidate on the admin site, you should not see a Delete button for any RON Candidates, while you can see it for regular Candidates (you will see them in debug mode though).

Developer Note: If you wish to change any of these options they are found in the backend/ and backend/ files.