- CHANGELOG.md now uses keepachangelog.com format
- Minor documentation improvements
class has moved one namespace up. It's new FQCN isPhraseanetSDK\AbstractRepository
.- Support for calling V2 (and newer) routes has been added
- Removed inlined CSS (excepted for tree view) and JS from profiler templates: allows to keep in line with global profiler styling
- Removed support for PHP 5.4
- Removed use of annotations to configure entity hydration, replaced by manual JSON hydration.
- Support for facet entities returned by newer Phraseanet versions (>= 4.0)
- Improved documentation blocks in source
- Adds support for user administration routes (requires an app token created with an admin account):
Repository\User::requestCollections(array $collections)
Repository\User::requestPasswordReset(string $emailAddress)
Repository\User::resetPassword(string $token, string $password)
Repository\User::createUser(User $user, string $password, array $collections = null)
- Adds support for change password route (only valid for current user)
Repository\User::updatePassword(string $currentPassword, string $newPassword)
Repository\User::unlockAccount(string $token)
- Adds
property toDataboxCollection
entities - Adds
property toRecord
entities - Adds
properties toUser
entities - Adds
method toDataboxCollection
- Fix getSubdefs method for record.
- Fix thumbnail property for story was not properly populated.
- Add getStatus method for stories.
- Add getCaption method for stories.
- BC Break : Add consistency in entities API. (see UPGRADE.md)
- BC Break : Renamed some services in Silex ServiceProvider. (see UPGRADE.md)
- Add proxies for entities, removing dependencies to entity manager.
- Add annotations for mapping entities properties to API response.
- Add User entity.
- Add support for localized labels.
- Add possibility to override can_cache strategy, re-validation strategy, key provider and cache adapter for cache plugin.
- Compatible with Phraseanet API version 1.4.
- Add possibility to fetch extended API response.
- Add support for /me route.
- Implements feeds restriction on aggregated feed entries.
- Add possibility to fetch a story caption.
- Remove final constructor in entities to allow overloading.
- Avoid player crashs because of HTTP failure.
- Add post parameters to profiler.
- Add SDK Loader to upload files to Phraseanet.
- Add PhraseanetSDK\Application ; BC Break, PhraseanetSDK\Client does not exist anymore.
- Add cache support.
- Add simpler log support.
- Add support for PhraseanetSDK profiling through silex web profiler.
- Add requests recorder.
- Add support for monitoring routes.
- Add a documentation recipe to test the connection to Phraseanet
- SDK now depends on doctrine/collections instead of doctrine/common
- Add Entity\Record::getSubdefsByDevicesAndMimeTypes method
- SDK now depends on Guzzle 3.x (instead of Guzzle >= 2.7 previously)
- New feature : Add ability to fetch stories
- Compatible with Phraseanet API version 1.3
- First stable version, compatible with Phraseanet API version 1.2