bin/ \
&& bin/ \
&& dc run --rm configurator migration:v20230807 -vvv
- Backup actual version:
export NAMESPACE=<namespace>
cd /path/to/phrasea
./bin/ops/ "${NAMESPACE}"
- Upgrade HELM release
Go to Cycloid and change HTML Chart version and phrasea image tag (i.e 3.2.2
You can also enable Sentry (don't forget DSN for PHP and Client).
If Databox was not enabled before, you need to enable it and uncheck "Run Migrations" from "Deployment Settings (Advanced)"
Then, after plan/apply, you can shell to the new databox-api-php
and run the following commands:
bin/console doctrine:schema:drop -f || true
Then you should restore "Run Migrations" to checked and disable Databox back. Then plan/apply
- then run the following script line by line:
export CHART_VERSION=<chart-version>
bin/ops/ ${NAMESPACE} v20230807 ${CHART_VERSION}
Follow the logs (optional):
kubectl attach -it job/configurator-migrate-${MIGRATION_NAME}
Clean jobs:
kubectl delete job/configurator-migrate-${MIGRATION_NAME}
kubectl delete job/configurator-configure