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File metadata and controls

86 lines (62 loc) · 1.87 KB


Ansible playbook to create a k8s cluster in Google Cloud, using a vagrant file for testing and labs.

Create/change the playbook file with your configurations.

- hosts: all
  connection: local
  gather_facts: yes
    k8s_cluster: YOURCLUSTERNAME
    k8s_zone: us-central1-a
    kubectl_version: v1.14.0
    gcloud_project: YOURGCLOUDPROJECT
    node_type: n1-standard-4
    disk_size: 40
    node_count: 2
    install_ingress_controller: False
    install_istio: True
    istio_version: 1.1.4
    kiali_user: kiali
    kiali_pass: password
    - { role: create-k8s-cluster }
    - { role: install-tools }
    - { role: install-istio }

Run your vagrant file and have your vm and k8s cluster ready.

vagrant up

to destroy your vm (remember to destroy your k8s cluster first)

  1. Log into your vm
vagrant ssh
  1. Run the ansible playbook to destroy your k8s Cluster
ansible-playbook /vagrant/playbook-destroy.yml -i /vagrant/hosts
  1. Destroy the vm
vagrant destroy -f


You must create an account previously and write the associated key to roles/create-k8s-cluster/files/gcp-service-account.json, this account must have enough privileges to create a cluster in your gcloud project.

For your GCloud project (Example for this lab is 'gdcdevops')

This account can be created in

IAM & admin
Service Accounts
Create Service Account
    Role: Project/Owner

Then create key in json format and write it to roles/create-k8s-cluster/files/gcp-service-account.json


To access Grafana

Get istio gateway external ip.

kubectl get svc istio-ingressgateway,EXTERNAL-IP:.status.loadBalancer.ingress[*].ip -n istio-system
NAME                   EXTERNAL-IP

Open browser with the ip and port 1031