Snowman Labs is developing an application that allows the users to view and create tour points on a map. You need to create a cloud service applications to consume and register this information in mobile app.
Develop a webservice for the mobile app.
- RESTful based architecture;
- The developer can choose your favorite database, but it must be free and relational;
- Python development mandatory;
- Using the Django Framework, in the latest version available;
- The developer can use Docker, Redis and Elasticsearch if necessary;
- The developer must deal with all the requisition structure and data security.
As an user, I want to signup using my facebook account;
As an user, I want to signin using facebook
As an user, I want to view a tour points list in a 5km radius from my actual position;
As an user, I want to register a tour point with a name, geographical coordinate, category and set public or private register;
As an user, I want to view a list tour points I registered;
As an user, I want to delete a tour point I registered.
The categories of the presentation will be fixed in the follow ones:
- Park;
- Museum;
- Restaurant;
An anonymous user can only see the tour points for restaurant category;
See bellow the following deliverables:
- Source code in public git repository (Github or Bitbucket);
- Instructions for running and configuring the code.
The evaluation will follow the criterias below:
- Good practices;
- Source code maintenance;
- Performance;
- Data security;
- Data consistency;
- Organization;
- Full operation;
- Confiability;
- Robustness.
- If there is cache: done with libraries;
- Use of unit tests
- Postman file with all configured methods