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This is an extendable project budget tracking framework build using Laravel and VueJS. The scope of this project is to provide a base into which you can connect to any banking/transaction API of your choice, and from there on you can use the prebuild budget tracking features.

The main building blocks of the system are:

  • An API that serves the data to the JS frontend
  • A user permissions system
  • Projects: users can create projects within which individual costs are located
  • Cost Items: Each cost item is created within a project. A cost item represent a planned expense/revenue inside of the project.
  • Transaction: Each transaction that feeds into the system via the external API create a local DB transaction entry
  • Cost Link: A cost link serves to connect the Bank Transaction to the Cost Item. This way you can track which transaction belong to which Project.

The main pages are:

  • Landing page
  • Projects Overview Page
  • Project Editor
    • Add/Edit cost items, categorize them into departments and sectors.
    • See the difference between expected costs and actuals.
    • See the difference between the gross cashflow (including VAT) and net cashflow.
    • Enter cashflows that were created outside of the banking app (from cash balances etc.)
    • Assign tags to manually defined cashflows
    • Filter cost items on open/final status
    • Have an overview of the aggregate budget
  • Transactions page
    • See transactions coming from the banking API.
    • Link transactions from cost items in projects
    • Add tags to transactions
  • Cashflow check page
    • See the actual cashflow coming in adn out of accounts
    • Filter based on project name, cost status and tag
    • Get aggregated amounts
  • Settings page
    • Manage user roles


Create new user

Run php artisan tinker or sail artisan tinker (when using Docker) and execute:

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Hash;
$user = new App\Models\User();
$user->password = Hash::make('root');
$user->email = '[email protected]';
$user->name = 'root';
$user->role = 'super';

Run Docker Environment

Start the containers by running the command from the root folder.

./vendor/bin/sail up
./vendor/bin/sail up -d # TO run in detached mode

Stop the container:

./vendor/bin/sail down

Setup the initial environment by running the Laravel migrations with:

./vendor/bin/sail migrate

Execute artisan commands:

./vendor/bin/sail artisan [command]

PhpMyAdmin is running on pot 8000, username:root, pass:password.


Laravel+VueJS based project budgeting tool.






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