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Crud UI Add-on provides an API to automatically generate CRUD-like UIs for any Java Bean at runtime.

The API is defined through 4 interfaces and their implementations:

  • CrudComponent: A Vaadin Component that can be added to any ComponentContainer. This is the actual CRUD final users will see in the browser. Implementations:

    • GridCrud: A CRUD UI based on Vaadin's standard Grid component.
    • TreeGridCrud: A CRUD UI based on Vaadin's standard TreeGrid component.
  • CrudLayout: Defines CRUD layouts and related behaviors. Implementations:

    • WindowBasedCrudLayout: Shows forms in pop-up windows.
    • HorizontalSplitCrudLayout: Grid on the left, form on the right in a split layout.
    • VerticalSplitCrudLayout: Grid on the top, form on the bottom in a draggable split layout.
    • VerticalCrudLayout: Grid on the top, form on the bottom in a vertical layout (no draggable split).
  • CrudFormFactory: Builds required UI forms for new, update, delete operations. Implementations:

    • DefaultCrudFormFactory: Java Reflection-based autogenerated UI forms customizable through FieldProvider implementations.
  • CrudListener: Connects the CRUD to your backend operations. You must implement this interface or call the equivalent methods defined in the Crud interface.

Basic usage

Let's say, you have the following domain/entity/Java Bean class:

public class User {

    @NotNull // Validation API is required! Add it as a dependency on your project
    private Long id;

    private String name;

    private Date birthDate;

    private String email;

    private String password;

    ... getters & setters ...

You can create a new CRUD component and add it into any Vaadin layout as follows:

GridCrud<User> crud = new GridCrud<>(User.class);

You can enable Java Bean Validation as follows (don't forget to add the corresponding Java Validation API dependency to your project):


Then use lambda expressions or method references to delegate CRUD operations to your backend implemented for example with JPA/Hibernate, Spring Data, or MyBatis):

crud.setFindAllOperation(() -> backend.findAll());

Advanced usage

As an alternative to method references and lambda expressions, you can implement the CrudListener interface to connect the CRUD UI to your backend:

crud.setCrudListener(new CrudListener<User>() {

    public Collection<User> findAll() {
        return backend.findAllUsers();

    public User add(User user) {
        return backend.add(user);

    public User update(User user) {
        return backend.update(user);

    public void delete(User user) {

To change the general layout, use an alternative CrudLayout implementation (defaults to WindowBasedCrudLayout):

GridCrud<User> crud = new GridCrud<>(User.class, new HorizontalSplitCrudLayout());

To configure form behavior or override related functionality, define a CrudFormFactory:

CustomCrudFormFactory<User> formFactory = new CustomCrudFormFactory<>(User.class);

To configure form fields visibility:

formFactory.setVisibleProperties(CrudOperation.READ, "name", "birthDate", "email", "groups", "mainGroup", "active");
formFactory.setVisibleProperties(CrudOperation.ADD, "name", "birthDate", "email", "password", "groups", "mainGroup", "active");
formFactory.setVisibleProperties(CrudOperation.UPDATE, "name", "birthDate", "email", "groups", "mainGroup", "active");
formFactory.setVisibleProperties(CrudOperation.DELETE, "name", "email");

To configure field captions in the same order as you defined the set of visible properties:

formFactory.setFieldCaptions("The name", "The birthdate", "The e-mail");

To add columns as nested properties in the Crud component of GridCrud instances:

crud.getGrid().addColumn(user -> user.getMainGroup().getName()).setHeader("Main group").setKey("key");

To configure the type of UI component to use for a specific field:

formFactory.setFieldType("password", PasswordField.class);

To further customize fields after their creation:

formFactory.setFieldCreationListener("birthDate", field -> ... your own logic here ...);

To manually create input fields, define a FieldProvider:

formFactory.setFieldProvider("groups", user -> {
    CheckboxGroup<Group> checkboxes = new CheckboxGroup<>();
    return checkboxes;

Or use an included or custom FieldProvider implementation:

        new CheckBoxGroupProvider<>("Groups", GroupRepository.findAll(), Group::getName));

To set a Converter:

formFactory.setConverter("salary", new Converter<String, BigDecimal>() {
    public Result<BigDecimal> convertToModel(String value, ValueContext valueContext) {
        return Result.ok(new BigDecimal(value)); // error handling omitted

    public String convertToPresentation(BigDecimal value, ValueContext valueContext) {
        return value.toPlainString();

To customize button captions:

formFactory.setButtonCaption(CrudOperation.ADD, "Add new user");
crud.setRowCountCaption("%d user(s) found");

To customize form titles:

crud.getCrudFormFactory().setCaption(CrudOperation.ADD, "Create new User");
crud.getCrudFormFactory().setCaption(CrudOperation.UPDATE, "Modify User");


Automatically generate CRUD-like Vaadin views for any Java Bean







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