An extensible data ingestion warehouse build on Apache Arrow and Apache Parquet. Instead of relying on external data ingestion systems you implement the data warehouse that meets the needs of your specific use case. This package provides you with a set of primitive patterns that allow you to build a data warehouse using Golang. The focus of this package is on the implementation of the data ingestion process. You define tables with a set of columns and how those tables are partitioned. Once you insert data into your warehouse this package manages the distribution of data across a set of works connected to a common Redis compatible key-value database and an S3 compatible object storage. Data is processed in parallel across your workers allowing you to scale up workers as needed. Only one worker can process a table partition at any given time, but if you increase the number of partitions to a sufficiently large number then it is unlikely you will ever limit your ability to process data in parallel. Tables should be partitioned using a unique identifier since the partition key also ensures uniqueness of rows in the table. Currently integer range and string hash partitioning is available. You can have at most 2^32-1 partitions.
An example application and be found here
Use the redis-commander tool
create secret locals3mock3 (
KEY_ID "key",
SECRET "secret",
ENDPOINT "localhost:9090",
URL_STYLE "path",
USE_SSL false
select * from 's3://default/chdb/table-state/part-data/table1/0/d_2_0.parquet';