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alekmaul edited this page Mar 16, 2021 · 51 revisions

Feel free to help us by implementing any of this functionalities !

High priority:

  • TCC: integrate the last modifications done by mic_ (Done: Alekmaul)
  • WLA DX upgrade: solve the warning which appear on consoles.asm and sprites.asm about the slot number (Done: Alekmaul)
  • Review of the header file to include last modifications of wla (Done: Alekmaul)
  • Remove DEVKITSNES and DEVKIT65XX to add them as environment variables (like JAVAHOME for example) (Done: RetroAntho)
  • Include the python script directly in tcc tool
  • upgrade to the latest version of tcc
  • Review of constify tools :
    • '__tcc_' should become 'tcc_'
    • manage const declared like : const myArray[5*6] = ...;
    • add a function to remove comments in C source file (// ou /* */)
    • add a function to detect include in C files then parse them
    • solve the issue from big size array : (sample available in attachment) (Done: AlekMaul)
    • manage implicit declaration of const array (const char a[] = {3,3}) on one or multiple lines
  • Add an example of how to update VRAM with a buffer (with, for example, two different screens)

Medium priority:

  • recursively scan for source code in Makefile (Done: RetroAntho)
  • replace .obj files by .lib with wla dx
  • Finish to implement mode 5, 6 by adapting gfx2snes to have compatible pictures (see here)
  • replace tasm.exe part (spc700) by the wla dx version to provide a unix alternative
  • integrate docker image
  • add a vscode template (Done: Alekmaul)
  • add some chipsets support (sa1, dsp, superfx, ...)
  • tcc : review the part which create unique file name which add a slash on unix system (Done: AlekMaul)
  • harmonize tools bin2h.exe (devkitsnes) & bin2txt.exe (tools) to have the same name
  • review samples with sound to move some parts of code in snes rules (Done: RetroAntho)
  • clean some issues opened for a long time on github
  • create new sample to show how to load sounds and musics at the same time (we need to respect specific order: sound at first, then music...)
  • replace pixel.c file by asm version to improve performances and provide function to draw pixels

Low priority:

  • Develop a more flexible asm sprite engine
  • Develop a more flexible asm map engine
  • Improve mode 7 functionalities and include the sample provided by mills32 (Done: AlekMaul)
  • Add capabilities to create HIrom games
  • Manage hblank
  • develop new driver to get more files format with sound engine
  • add new function getPaletteColor which will return the value from VRAM for the given color ID
  • add in snes rules the check on PVSNESLIB_DEBUG variable. If it exists, it will create automatically the temporary tree to store all steps executed during the build (.ps file, .asp, .asm...). It will be easier and quick to see the content of each files to debug it.