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"Is there any chance that the 18 month timeline for development of a vaccine can be shortened, and by how much?","This is a great question. There are over 6 different efforts going on to make a vaccine. Some use a new approach called RNA which is unproven. We will have to build lots of manufacturing for the different approaches knowing that some of them will not work. We will need literally billions of vaccines to protect the world. Vaccines require testing to make sure they are safe and effective. Some vaccines like the flu don't for the elderly.
The first vaccines we get will go to health care workers and critical workers. This could happen before 18 months if everything goes well but we and Fauci and others are being careful not to promise this when we are not sure. The work is going at full speed.",thisisbillgates,2020-03-18 13:20:41+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fksnbf/im_bill_gates_cochair_of_the_bill_melinda_gates/,"I’m Bill Gates, co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. AMA about COVID-19.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
"Hi Mr. Gates,
In your opinion, after this pandemic comes to a close, however long that may be, what should be the first step we as a global community take so that we are better prepared for the next pandemic?","The [TED talk](https://www.gatesnotes.com/Health/We-Are-Not-Ready-for-the-Next-Epidemic) I did in 2015 talked about this. We need to have the ability to scale up diagnostics, drugs and vaccines very rapidly. The technologies exist to do this well if the right investments are made. Countries can work together on this. We did create CEPI = [Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovation](https://cepi.net/) which did some work on vaccines but that needs to be funded at higher level to have the standby manufacturing capacity for the world.",thisisbillgates,2020-03-18 13:00:58+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fksnbf/im_bill_gates_cochair_of_the_bill_melinda_gates/,"I’m Bill Gates, co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. AMA about COVID-19.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
What about the current crisis worries you the most? What gives you the most hope?,"The current phase has a lot of the cases in rich countries. With the right actions including the testing and social distancing (which I call ""shut down"") within 2-3 months the rich countries should have avoided high levels of infection. I worry about all the economic damage but even worse will be how this will affect the developing countries who cannot do the social distancing the same way as rich countries and whose hospital capacity is much lower.",thisisbillgates,2020-03-18 13:02:28+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fksnbf/im_bill_gates_cochair_of_the_bill_melinda_gates/,"I’m Bill Gates, co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. AMA about COVID-19.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
What do you think of the current approach the Netherlands is currently taking to combat this virus? They are not going to a full lockdown but rather try to spread it controllably in order to work towards ‘herd immunity’.,"The only model that is known to work is a serious social distancing effort (""shut down""). If you don't do this then the disease will spread to a high percentage of the population and your hospitals will be overloaded with cases. So this should be avoided despite the problems caused by the ""shut down"". If a country doesn't control its cases then other countries will prevent anyone going into or coming out of that country. I think the Netherlands will end up doing what other countries are doing.",thisisbillgates,2020-03-18 13:17:45+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fksnbf/im_bill_gates_cochair_of_the_bill_melinda_gates/,"I’m Bill Gates, co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. AMA about COVID-19.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
"Bill, I read the [Imperial College COVID-19 Response Team](https://www.imperial.ac.uk/media/imperial-college/medicine/sph/ide/gida-fellowships/Imperial-College-COVID19-NPI-modelling-16-03-2020.pdf) report as well as [this explanation in a historical context.](https://twitter.com/jeremycyoung/status/1239975682643357696)
Essentially, it says that by doing nothing, 4 million Americans die. Through the mitigation strategy - i.e. social distancing and ""flattening the curve"" - it says that 1.1-2 million Americans will die. However, it also says that the suppression strategy, or ""shutting everything down for 18 months"" - will lead to only a few thousand people dying.
Do you agree with these numbers, and if so, is there any excuse for not immediately issuing a shelter in place order for the entire country?","Fortunately it appears the parameters used in that model were too negative. The experience in China is the most critical data we have. They did their ""shut down"" and were able to reduce the number of cases. They are testing widely so they see rebounds immediately and so far there have not been a lot. They avoided widespread infection. The Imperial model does not match this experience. Models are only as good as the assumptions put into them. People are working on models that match what we are seeing more closely and they will become a key tool. A group called Institute for Disease Modeling that I fund is one of the groups working with others on this.",thisisbillgates,2020-03-18 13:40:38+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fksnbf/im_bill_gates_cochair_of_the_bill_melinda_gates/,"I’m Bill Gates, co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. AMA about COVID-19.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
Is there anything you can do to assist with ventilator production?,"There are a lot of efforts to do this. If we do social distancing (""shut down"") properly then the surge of cases won't be as overwhelming. Our Foundation's expertise is in diagnostics, therapeutics and vaccines so we are not involved in the ventilator efforts but it could make a contribution to have more especially as the disease gets into developing countries including Africa.",thisisbillgates,2020-03-18 13:03:57+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fksnbf/im_bill_gates_cochair_of_the_bill_melinda_gates/,"I’m Bill Gates, co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. AMA about COVID-19.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
Can you provide any estimates for how much of the world's population might become infected?,"This will vary a lot by country. Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore acted quickly and will have very few cases. Even China will stay at a low level of their population (less than .01%) so far. Thailand is another exemplar. Unfortunately in poorer countries doing social distancing is much harder. People live in close proximity and need to work to get their food so there could be countries where the virus will spread broadly.",thisisbillgates,2020-03-18 13:35:28+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fksnbf/im_bill_gates_cochair_of_the_bill_melinda_gates/,"I’m Bill Gates, co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. AMA about COVID-19.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
"Covid-19 testing standards seem grossly unfair in favor of the rich and famous. Testing is happening for people like professional sports players, even those without any symptoms at all. I’m not talking about health care workers or people in essential jobs- I’m talking about actors, actresses, sports players and so on. On the flip side, the guidance from Kaiser in WA is that you must have a fever of 101.5 and either serious shortness of breath or a bad cough, and even then testing results take 5 days or more.
How is it that even with something like covid-19 testing, which the government is supposed to manage, the rich and famous are getting special treatment? Is there a big stash of tests that are reserved for “people that matter”? Isn’t it hypocritical for everyone else to be told they need to look out for the common good and avoid demanding too much of the health care system, meanwhile the rich and famous get whatever they want, when they want it?","We need to democratize and scale the testing system by having a CDC website that people go to and enter their situation. Priority situations should get tested within 24 hours. This is very possible since many countries have done it. Health care workers for example should have priority. Elderly people should have priority. We will be able to catch up on the testing demand within a few weeks of getting the system in place. Without the system we don't know what is missing - swabs, reagents etc..",thisisbillgates,2020-03-18 13:51:58+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fksnbf/im_bill_gates_cochair_of_the_bill_melinda_gates/,"I’m Bill Gates, co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. AMA about COVID-19.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
"Hello Mr. Gates,
As an educator, what is something I can do for my students, especially for my low-income students who don't have access to technology during this time? I have tried to send reassuring emails (including cat pictures), but I worry about the educational impact, as well as the long-term impact to my students' well being.
Thank you.","It is a huge problem that schools will likely be shut down for the next few months. I am impressed by the creative approaches that many teachers are coming up with to teach remotely. (If you are a teacher reading this, thank you for the work you’re doing.) But I know that not everyone is set up to teach remotely. There are a lot of good online resources out there, including [Khan Academy](https://nam03.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.khanacademy.org%2F&data=02%7C01%7Cjosh.friedman%40gatesventures.com%7C3094c8f7452240b94ca608d7cb6b8aa5%7Ce38fdd56dd644d67b048e7c0ae321d11%7C0%7C0%7C637201535050995089&sdata=otvLO6MMcaZFw8VrkS3dWJN%2B2oxXoowjHbjbh8oI0Qo%3D&reserved=0), [CommonLit](https://nam03.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fgo.communications.gatesfoundation.org%2Fe%2F701613%2FzZz25iaTZ5qkA5N8A3D-reserved-0%2Fbp16r%2F98717434%3Fh%3DlEgSOXrYgynF1jO6bh2euzcG4YJP7R_K89J1vnZQqT4&data=02%7C01%7Cjosh.friedman%40gatesventures.com%7C3094c8f7452240b94ca608d7cb6b8aa5%7Ce38fdd56dd644d67b048e7c0ae321d11%7C0%7C0%7C637201535051005077&sdata=uNy9%2BeHIhfqjvtcP2amlG8v9peCDmAim5sXTGlkEMSA%3D&reserved=0), [Illustrative Math](https://nam03.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fgo.communications.gatesfoundation.org%2Fe%2F701613%2FhQvc2BUR72FepRr9s3D-reserved-0%2Fbp16t%2F98717434%3Fh%3DlEgSOXrYgynF1jO6bh2euzcG4YJP7R_K89J1vnZQqT4&data=02%7C01%7Cjosh.friedman%40gatesventures.com%7C3094c8f7452240b94ca608d7cb6b8aa5%7Ce38fdd56dd644d67b048e7c0ae321d11%7C0%7C0%7C637201535051005077&sdata=3uCjlmquOU2IBntHguFLPBsxJVpZ1aajq2q6hrS4h9Y%3D&reserved=0)[ematics](https://nam03.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fgo.communications.gatesfoundation.org%2Fe%2F701613%2F2020-03-16%2Fbp16w%2F98717434%3Fh%3DlEgSOXrYgynF1jO6bh2euzcG4YJP7R_K89J1vnZQqT4&data=02%7C01%7Cjosh.friedman%40gatesventures.com%7C3094c8f7452240b94ca608d7cb6b8aa5%7Ce38fdd56dd644d67b048e7c0ae321d11%7C0%7C0%7C637201535051015069&sdata=ZiDjQrDNJ3mwVptprFJ9OGJjtVuL6OpoBiTV0F8AHaQ%3D&reserved=0), [Zearn](https://nam03.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fgo.communications.gatesfoundation.org%2Fe%2F701613%2FL1gi4mSHl2Qlgr89w3D-reserved-0%2Fbp171%2F98717434%3Fh%3DlEgSOXrYgynF1jO6bh2euzcG4YJP7R_K89J1vnZQqT4&data=02%7C01%7Cjosh.friedman%40gatesventures.com%7C3094c8f7452240b94ca608d7cb6b8aa5%7Ce38fdd56dd644d67b048e7c0ae321d11%7C0%7C0%7C637201535051015069&sdata=stWd27uQ88S5uTeksMSfZdfJ7Mogt0SNKS89A2V0bWs%3D&reserved=0), and [Scholastic](https://nam03.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fclassroommagazines.scholastic.com%2Fsupport%2Flearnathome.html&data=02%7C01%7Cjosh.friedman%40gatesventures.com%7C3094c8f7452240b94ca608d7cb6b8aa5%7Ce38fdd56dd644d67b048e7c0ae321d11%7C0%7C0%7C637201535051025073&sdata=KEn6dbE1ThxHsj4N80vbP3BlZFOzWpcvzqb9i2%2B7FCc%3D&reserved=0). Comcast and other internet connectivity providers are doing special program to help with access. Microsoft and others are working on getting machines out but the supply chain is quite constrained. Unfortunately low-income students will be hurt more by the situation than others so we need to help any way we can.",thisisbillgates,2020-03-18 13:31:01+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fksnbf/im_bill_gates_cochair_of_the_bill_melinda_gates/,"I’m Bill Gates, co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. AMA about COVID-19.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
"Bill - thank you for taking the time to do this today. I live in Seattle, like you, and it feels like our testing has not increased. Our number of confirmed cases are starting to lag behind other states. What do you think gives? Effective social distancing or lack of testing?","The testing in the US is not organized yet. In the next few weeks I hope the Government fixes this by having a website you can go to to find out about home testing and kiosks. Things are a bit confused on this right now. In Seattle the U of W is providing thousands of tests per day but no one is connected to a national tracking system.
Whenever there is a positive test it should be seen to understand where the disease is and whether we need to strengthen the social distancing. South Korea did a great job on this including digital contact tracing.",thisisbillgates,2020-03-18 13:25:49+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fksnbf/im_bill_gates_cochair_of_the_bill_melinda_gates/,"I’m Bill Gates, co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. AMA about COVID-19.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
"Mr Gates,
Why do you think most world governments weren’t prepared if you and other experts warned of such events such as this?","No one could predict what the chance of a new virus emerging was. However we did know it would happen at some point either with a flu or some other respiratory virus. There was almost no funding. The creation of CEPI which was funded by our foundation, Wellcome, Norway, Japan, Germany and the UK was a step but tiny compared to what should have happened. We prepare for possible wars and fires and now we have to have preparation for epidemics treated with the same seriousness. The good news is that our biological tools including new ways to make diagnostics, therapeutics and vaccines make it possible to have a strong response system for naturally caused epidemics.",thisisbillgates,2020-03-18 13:44:38+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fksnbf/im_bill_gates_cochair_of_the_bill_melinda_gates/,"I’m Bill Gates, co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. AMA about COVID-19.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
I have friend who is an NHS doctor. Since yesterday he is working without masks as they have run out. Who is hogging all the masks?,I am sorry to hear this. This is an example of why we need the social distancing to minimize the number of cases and why we need the national testing network and database to get running as soon as possible.,thisisbillgates,2020-03-18 13:36:37+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fksnbf/im_bill_gates_cochair_of_the_bill_melinda_gates/,"I’m Bill Gates, co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. AMA about COVID-19.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
Thoughts on chloroquine/hydroxychloroquine?,There are a lot of therapeutic drugs being examined. This is one of many but it is not proven. If it works we will need to make sure the finite supplies are held for the patients who need it most. We have a study going on to figure this out. We also have a screening [effort to look at all the ideas for Therapeutics](https://www.gatesfoundation.org/TheOptimist/Articles/coronavirus-mark-suzman-therapeutics) because the number being proposed is very large and only the most promising should be tried in patients. China was testing some things but now they have so few cases that that testing needs to move to other locations.,thisisbillgates,2020-03-18 13:06:02+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fksnbf/im_bill_gates_cochair_of_the_bill_melinda_gates/,"I’m Bill Gates, co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. AMA about COVID-19.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
"What is the projected amount of positive cases in 1 month?
3 months? 6 months?
Any thoughts or theories as to what will happen in China when the lockdown is lifted?
Is it possible that a 2nd wave could come out?",China is not reporting much rebound. The number of cases in South Korea is going in the right direction. If people who test positive isolate themselves then the spread can be very low. The sooner people know they are infected the sooner they can isolate.,thisisbillgates,2020-03-18 13:46:31+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fksnbf/im_bill_gates_cochair_of_the_bill_melinda_gates/,"I’m Bill Gates, co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. AMA about COVID-19.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
"How is your foundation helping the current pandemic? Are you donating money, producing products for health workers?","Our foundation is working with all the groups who make diagnostics, therapeutics and vaccines to make sure the right efforts are prioritized. We want to make sure all countries get access to these tools. We donated $100M in February for a variety of things and we will be doing more. One priority is to make sure that there is enough manufacturing capacity for therapeutics and vaccines. We have other efforts like our education group working to make sure the online resources for students are as helpful as they can be.",thisisbillgates,2020-03-18 13:54:38+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fksnbf/im_bill_gates_cochair_of_the_bill_melinda_gates/,"I’m Bill Gates, co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. AMA about COVID-19.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
How long will this go on?,"This will vary a lot by country. China is seeing very few cases now because their testing and ""shut down"" was very effective. If a country does a good job with testing and ""shut down"" then within 6-10 weeks they should see very few cases and be able to open back up.",thisisbillgates,2020-03-18 12:57:53+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fksnbf/im_bill_gates_cochair_of_the_bill_melinda_gates/,"I’m Bill Gates, co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. AMA about COVID-19.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
Why are we not on a lockdown yet??,We are going into lockdown but as usual in retrospect we should have done it sooner. The sooner it is done the easier it is to get the cases down to small numbers.,thisisbillgates,2020-03-18 13:29:02+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fksnbf/im_bill_gates_cochair_of_the_bill_melinda_gates/,"I’m Bill Gates, co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. AMA about COVID-19.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
Can you explain briefly what most Americans can do to help other Americans in this moment of crisis?,"A big thing is to go along with the ""shut down"" approach in your community so that the infection rate drops dramatically to let us go back to normal as soon as possible. Some people like health care workers will be doing heroic work and we need to support them. We do need to stay calm even though this is an unprecedented situation.",thisisbillgates,2020-03-18 12:59:14+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fksnbf/im_bill_gates_cochair_of_the_bill_melinda_gates/,"I’m Bill Gates, co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. AMA about COVID-19.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
What changes are we going to have to make to how businesses operate to maintain our economy while providing social distancing?,"The question of which businesses should keep going is tricky. Certainly food supply and the health system. We still need water, electricity and the internet. Supply chains for critical things need to be maintained. Countries are still figuring out what to keep running.
Eventually we will have some digital certificates to show who has recovered or been tested recently or when we have a vaccine who has received it.",thisisbillgates,2020-03-18 13:48:23+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fksnbf/im_bill_gates_cochair_of_the_bill_melinda_gates/,"I’m Bill Gates, co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. AMA about COVID-19.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
Should there be a national shelter in place order? Why or why not?,Most people can shelter in their home but for people who that doesn't work for there should be a place for them to go. [We are working on seeing if we can send test kits to people at home](https://www.gatesfoundation.org/TheOptimist/Articles/coronavirus-interview-dan-wattendorf) so they don't have to go out and so the tests get to the people who are the priority. The US still is not organized on testing.,thisisbillgates,2020-03-18 13:07:22+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fksnbf/im_bill_gates_cochair_of_the_bill_melinda_gates/,"I’m Bill Gates, co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. AMA about COVID-19.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
When will this all end?,To bring it to small numbers globally we need a vaccine. Many rich countries will be able to keep the number of cases small (including the US) if they do the right things but developing countries will find it very difficult to stop the spread so a vaccine is critical. A group called [GAVI](https://www.gavi.org/) helps buy vaccines for developing countries and they will play a key role once we have a vaccine being made in volume.,thisisbillgates,2020-03-18 13:56:13+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fksnbf/im_bill_gates_cochair_of_the_bill_melinda_gates/,"I’m Bill Gates, co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. AMA about COVID-19.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
"Do you think there's any chance of the US doing a staggered approach (with respect to social distancing measures and school closings) to keep the load at health care facilities manageable? I saw this idea presented in the recent paper from Imperial College and I'm curious what your thoughts are.
Edit: specifically, this paragraph:
>Given suppression policies may need to be maintained for many months, we examined the impact of an adaptive policy in which social distancing (plus school and university closure, if used) is only initiated after weekly confirmed case incidence in ICU patients (a group of patients highly likely to be tested) exceeds a certain “on” threshold, and is relaxed when ICU case incidence falls below a certain “off” threshold (Figure 4). Case-based policies of home isolation of symptomatic cases and household quarantine (if adopted) are continued throughout.
And [link](https://www.imperial.ac.uk/media/imperial-college/medicine/sph/ide/gida-fellowships/Imperial-College-COVID19-NPI-modelling-16-03-2020.pdf) to the paper I'm referencing just in case.",I think people in the US will be able to largely isolate for 2-3 months. If they can access testing including a home test kit then they will understand who is infected. I keep saying how important the testing piece is.,thisisbillgates,2020-03-18 13:42:06+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fksnbf/im_bill_gates_cochair_of_the_bill_melinda_gates/,"I’m Bill Gates, co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. AMA about COVID-19.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
Hi Bill thank you very much for all of your assistance worldwide with various diseases and virus'. What do you see as the long-term strategy for fighting this pandemic and do you feel like it will adequately prepare us for the next?,I think that after this is under control that Governments and others will invest heavily in being ready for the next one. This will take global cooperation particularly to help the developing countries who will be hurt the most. A good example is the need to test therapeutics wherever the disease is to help the whole world. The Virus doesn't respect national boundaries.,thisisbillgates,2020-03-18 13:33:43+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fksnbf/im_bill_gates_cochair_of_the_bill_melinda_gates/,"I’m Bill Gates, co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. AMA about COVID-19.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
How is the economy likely to recover after all if this in your opinion,"Yes eventually. The economic impact of the ""shut down"" will be large but if it is done well (including the testing piece which I keep mentioning) eventually we can open back up.",thisisbillgates,2020-03-18 13:08:19+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fksnbf/im_bill_gates_cochair_of_the_bill_melinda_gates/,"I’m Bill Gates, co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. AMA about COVID-19.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
"Given the economic impact of COVID-related social distancing, isolation, and quarantine, is your foundation committed to anything beyond direct medical intervention? For example, increasing funding to food banks, politically supporting bills that provide income/sick leave for workers, etc.?","The Foundation is focused on its area of expertise which is diagnostics, therapeutics and vaccines. There will be lots of opportunity to give to social service organizations including food banks and I am sure people will be generous about this. Once we know who tests positive we can figure out how to support them so they can stay isolated and still get the food and medicine they need.",thisisbillgates,2020-03-18 13:28:30+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fksnbf/im_bill_gates_cochair_of_the_bill_melinda_gates/,"I’m Bill Gates, co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. AMA about COVID-19.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
What precautions should I take when delivering things such as groceries to my grandparents to limit my exposure to them?,Hand washing is key. Keeping a distance. Having someone else do it if you have a fever or are coughing.,thisisbillgates,2020-03-18 13:45:12+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fksnbf/im_bill_gates_cochair_of_the_bill_melinda_gates/,"I’m Bill Gates, co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. AMA about COVID-19.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
What do you think about China's response to the outbreak? How would you rate their response on a scale 1-10?,After January 23 when they realized how serious it was they did strong social isolation which made a huge difference. Of course that isolation created a lot of difficulties for the people involved but they were able to stop the case spread. Other countries will do it somewhat differently but a combination of testing and social isolation clearly works and that is all we have until we get a vaccine.,thisisbillgates,2020-03-18 13:49:54+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fksnbf/im_bill_gates_cochair_of_the_bill_melinda_gates/,"I’m Bill Gates, co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. AMA about COVID-19.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
Why did Bill step down from his rolls before the Chinese virus escalated?,My retiring from public boards was not related to the epidemic but it does reinforce my decision to focus on the work of the Foundation including it's work to help with the epidemic.,thisisbillgates,2020-03-18 13:31:58+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fksnbf/im_bill_gates_cochair_of_the_bill_melinda_gates/,"I’m Bill Gates, co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. AMA about COVID-19.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
"Are you concerned there are a lot of asymptomatic carriers and transmissions occurring in densely populated areas like Seoul and Inchon? If so how is the South Korean govt looking to tackle this problem? Also, is the govt aiming to completely eradicate this virus from South Korea? Thank you for the amazing job you guys are doing and showing the world there is hope in this fight!","The cities of Seoul and Incheon--and the surrounding province of Gyeonggi--have the highest population density in the nation, so they are operating surveillance systems with local governments as much as possible.
It is still unclear whether asymptomatic patients infect others, and even if they do, we consider that they take up a small portion of infections. Right now, the primary goal for Korea is to decrease the number of new outbreaks from 100 patients per day to around 10 patients.
Thank you so much for your support.",Professor-JS-Eom-MD,2020-03-24 10:47:22+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fo4pj4/im_joong_sik_eom_md_a_physician_treating_covid19/,"I’m Joong Sik Eom MD, a physician treating COVID-19 patients at a hospital near Seoul. I serve on a team advising the South Korean government’s pandemic response. AMA.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
What is the one thing besides washing our hands and distancing ourselves from others that we can do to help stop the spread and transmission of the virus?,"I would say coughing etiquette is important as well - coughing into the crook of the elbow (or better yet into one's own facemask).
We also need to respect and concede to high-risk patients.
In addition, we need to control the movements and social activities of young people who expect to suffer only mildly from the disease.",Professor-JS-Eom-MD,2020-03-24 10:14:50+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fo4pj4/im_joong_sik_eom_md_a_physician_treating_covid19/,"I’m Joong Sik Eom MD, a physician treating COVID-19 patients at a hospital near Seoul. I serve on a team advising the South Korean government’s pandemic response. AMA.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
"It seems like South Korea are clear winners in the battle and the response against COVID-19. I congratulate you on that.. I have a couple of questions--
1) what measures that SK took that can be easily translated and copied by almost any other country regardless of culture and their democratic status.?
2) what do you envision happening in South Korea in 1 month, 6 months, and a year later since it looks like you have already flattered the curve?","1) Social or physical distancing is the most important.
2) It is hard for anyone to predict what will happen in the future in this volatile situation. However, South Korean experts think that if the situation doesn't get better within the month, it will last up to 6 months. If the situation exacerbates within 6 months, it's apparent that this will become a much more difficult scenario than previously imagined. There would be a high chance of economic repercussions of this outbreak. Moreover, the resources of medical personnel may be entirely exhausted in this situation, which would lead to more deaths. In South Korea alone, 300,000 deaths would be a fair prediction from such a scenario.",Professor-JS-Eom-MD,2020-03-24 10:13:22+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fo4pj4/im_joong_sik_eom_md_a_physician_treating_covid19/,"I’m Joong Sik Eom MD, a physician treating COVID-19 patients at a hospital near Seoul. I serve on a team advising the South Korean government’s pandemic response. AMA.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
What’s the real deal with a z pack and Hydroxychloroquine?,"Currently, clinical studies of remdesivir are ongoing in Korea. The Korean treatment guidelines recommend using a combination of hydroxycholrquine (HCQ) and ritonavir/lopinavir. However, according to recent research results, ritonavir/lopinavir has no clinical effect, and HCQ is undergoing clinical research on prevention and treatment effects. Nothing has been researched in Korea regarding Zpack yet.
I am not sure if it would be desirable for President Trump to comment on a particular drug. I would like to leave treatment recommendations to specialists.",Professor-JS-Eom-MD,2020-03-24 10:31:24+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fo4pj4/im_joong_sik_eom_md_a_physician_treating_covid19/,"I’m Joong Sik Eom MD, a physician treating COVID-19 patients at a hospital near Seoul. I serve on a team advising the South Korean government’s pandemic response. AMA.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
"I'm a care worker for the elderly and unfortunately the virus has entered one location I work at. We have generally no protection, only for caring for confirmed patients. And the protection we do have is not sufficient (1 layer paper masks). Unfortunately due to a shortage of tests, once a patient has been confirmed, all other patients will not receive testing.
Do you have any tips for me on staying safe and healthy?
I can not keep distance as I primarily work with patients who have dementia.","That is a very difficult situation. How many patients are confirmed with the virus? Reduce face-to-face contact with the patient as much as possible and practice thorough hand hygiene. And if possible, I recommend taking a shower after the session with the patient. I'm not sure how helpful this will be, but without PPE, I think this is the best you can do.",Professor-JS-Eom-MD,2020-03-24 10:36:25+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fo4pj4/im_joong_sik_eom_md_a_physician_treating_covid19/,"I’m Joong Sik Eom MD, a physician treating COVID-19 patients at a hospital near Seoul. I serve on a team advising the South Korean government’s pandemic response. AMA.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
What percentage of your patients are under 40 years old?,50% of all patients in Korea are under the age of 40.,Professor-JS-Eom-MD,2020-03-24 10:33:27+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fo4pj4/im_joong_sik_eom_md_a_physician_treating_covid19/,"I’m Joong Sik Eom MD, a physician treating COVID-19 patients at a hospital near Seoul. I serve on a team advising the South Korean government’s pandemic response. AMA.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
"Hello doctor good evening.
1.) Currently (here in the Philippines) we do not have enough test kits, so only those with severe symptoms get tested. Do you know of any flow chart or algorithm that could help those in triage in deciding which patients to send home, to quarantine or get tested?
2.) We have trouble setting up the flow of patients in the ER. How do we direct traffic? Do we setup a triage post outside the hospital building and direct everyone with cough and fever to a separate clinic?
3.) What machine do you use in the drive through testing? Because it is very hard to set-up a molecular lab outside the hospital. Do you use those that detect antibodies? Or do you use CepheID?
4.) In your experience, does HCQ produce better outcome? What is your opinion regarding Remdesivir?
5.) Will Korea be publishing any treatment guidelines anytime soon? Thank you.
These are the only questions I can think of as of now. I am sure a lot will come to mind soon. Hope you can answer these.","1. Since we are seeing the spread coming mainly from people showing symptoms, I think it is reasonable to focus on testing these people. It is crucial for the medical team to observe whether high-risk patients (aged 60+, chronic diseases, diabetes, and immune-reducing diseases) develop into severe cases, so they can be prioritized for hospital placement. Low-risk groups are more likely to be sent home and be asked to self-quarantine.
2. In Korea, screening clinics are installed outside the exit of the emergency room to prevent suspected or confirmed patients from entering the emergency room. It is advisable to treat patients with fever or respiratory symptoms in a clinic separately.
3. At the drive-throughs, we secure only the samples and send them to the examination room to conduct a PCR test. Korea uses an independently-developed diagnostic kit instead of a CephelID.
4. Both drugs are still difficult to assess. Further clinical research should be carried out.
5. It's my understanding that there are no plans to publish additional treatment guidelines as of yet.",Professor-JS-Eom-MD,2020-03-24 11:03:36+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fo4pj4/im_joong_sik_eom_md_a_physician_treating_covid19/,"I’m Joong Sik Eom MD, a physician treating COVID-19 patients at a hospital near Seoul. I serve on a team advising the South Korean government’s pandemic response. AMA.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
"Hi Dr. Eom, I live in Germany and what I'm asking myself how South Korea, unlike most other countries, including Germany, have such small numbers of infected people? As I heard the testing in Germany is, like in South Korea, very numerous, but nevertheless the German infected count is way higher than in South Korea. Do you have a plausible reason for this?
Thank you and all the best to you and all your colleagues!","Since Korea is close to China, we tried to find and quarantine infected patients from a relatively early stage. Furthermore, South Korea established a diagnostic system for confirmatory examination 2-3 weeks earlier than had other countries. South Korea also found and isolated patients as quickly as possible, and facilitated wide-scale testing.",Professor-JS-Eom-MD,2020-03-24 12:04:25+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fo4pj4/im_joong_sik_eom_md_a_physician_treating_covid19/,"I’m Joong Sik Eom MD, a physician treating COVID-19 patients at a hospital near Seoul. I serve on a team advising the South Korean government’s pandemic response. AMA.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
"American/western media and health experts advise against the wearing of masks. Ignoring mask supply, do masks provide any benefit to people?","That is a difficult question to answer. Many experts believe that masks, to a certain extent, have contributed to reducing outbreaks in Korea. That being said, we do not have any quantitative study to confirm how helpful they have been.
There are some confirmed cases where a mask had been worn by an infected patient thoroughly since the onset of symptoms, and no transmission had occurred to anyone else in contact. Thus, it seems safe to say that it would be beneficial for people with fever or respiratory symptoms to wear a mask than those with no symptoms.",Professor-JS-Eom-MD,2020-03-24 10:27:15+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fo4pj4/im_joong_sik_eom_md_a_physician_treating_covid19/,"I’m Joong Sik Eom MD, a physician treating COVID-19 patients at a hospital near Seoul. I serve on a team advising the South Korean government’s pandemic response. AMA.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
How is the mental health of you and the staff? We are seeing pictures of some people in the medical field that are at breaking point.,I can say that Korea has a very different medical system from other developed countries. Medical staff are used to seeing a significant number of patients day in and day out. So I suspect personally that South Korean doctors may be more accustomed to the present situation than elsewhere.,Professor-JS-Eom-MD,2020-03-24 11:20:47+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fo4pj4/im_joong_sik_eom_md_a_physician_treating_covid19/,"I’m Joong Sik Eom MD, a physician treating COVID-19 patients at a hospital near Seoul. I serve on a team advising the South Korean government’s pandemic response. AMA.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
"Thank you so much for doing this ama.
Im a emergency responder in the UK which as you might have heard, has gone into lock down. As I'm still out and dealing with people on a day to day basis, I am almost certainly going to make contact with numerous people affected by corona. Other than washing hands, keeping some distance, wearing gloves and masks, is there anything I can do to help manage the risk of contracting/spreading it?
Thank you!",Thank you for your work. The only additional precaution I'd recommend would be to also use a face shield.,Professor-JS-Eom-MD,2020-03-24 11:24:25+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fo4pj4/im_joong_sik_eom_md_a_physician_treating_covid19/,"I’m Joong Sik Eom MD, a physician treating COVID-19 patients at a hospital near Seoul. I serve on a team advising the South Korean government’s pandemic response. AMA.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
What’s the long term game plan for preventing imported cases from starting new clusters and outbreaks? Are you going to screen all international travelers before they enter the country? Require a 14 day quarantine upon entry?,"The biggest issue right now is the start of the academic school year. Korean schools begin in March. If the school starts from the current state, the case trend is likely to grow again, so the government is coordinating the opening period of school which is extremely challenging.
Starting from April 26th, every inbound traveler from abroad showing symptoms will be required to get tested. Inbound travelers without symptoms will be required to self-quarantine for 14 days. It's clear that preventing foreign inflow is critical in this situations. Korea has developed a program to distinguish between patients with symptoms and without symptoms, and to track them. We have also secured self-quarantine facilities for foreigners.",Professor-JS-Eom-MD,2020-03-24 10:40:57+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fo4pj4/im_joong_sik_eom_md_a_physician_treating_covid19/,"I’m Joong Sik Eom MD, a physician treating COVID-19 patients at a hospital near Seoul. I serve on a team advising the South Korean government’s pandemic response. AMA.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
How bad is am America going to be hit if we don’t mandatory isolate,"Self-quarantine of suspected and confirmed cases is crucial. The government and local communities should work to ensure that the quarantine period is sufficient.
Here in Korea, there have been many cases in which people became infected due to patients going outside during their self-quarantine period. COVID-19 is known to have the highest levels of virus emissions in the early stages of infection, so they propagate the most when symptoms are unclear. Thus, maintaining a sufficient quarantine period *before and after confirmation* is critical to mitigating the outbreak.",Professor-JS-Eom-MD,2020-03-24 10:23:02+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fo4pj4/im_joong_sik_eom_md_a_physician_treating_covid19/,"I’m Joong Sik Eom MD, a physician treating COVID-19 patients at a hospital near Seoul. I serve on a team advising the South Korean government’s pandemic response. AMA.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
"In America, we are being adamantly told NOT to wear masks. To the point of being attacked and demonized if you wear a mask in public and are not elderly or obviously at risk. I've seen very different advice given from South Korea, Hong Kong, Singapore etc. Part of the problem is a lack of supply (medical professionals absolutely need them first and foremost), but I've seen a lot of DIY mask options available as well. [Like this DIY mask devised by University of Hong Kong](https://youtu.be/aNjpH5lBZ8w) made entirely from tissues and paper towels. These could be easily made by virtually every American household today if needed.
How important is it for the general population to be wearing masks when out? What guidelines do you give to South Korean citizens?","The Korean Food and Drug Administration has released guidelines for wearing masks. It is recommended that you use it when visiting a medical institution, if you have fever or respiratory symptoms, or when you need to come into contact with high-risk or symptomatic patients.",Professor-JS-Eom-MD,2020-03-24 11:10:42+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fo4pj4/im_joong_sik_eom_md_a_physician_treating_covid19/,"I’m Joong Sik Eom MD, a physician treating COVID-19 patients at a hospital near Seoul. I serve on a team advising the South Korean government’s pandemic response. AMA.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
What were the most common symptoms in patients? Was there any after effects of the virus for them?,"Patients in Korea typically show symptoms such as sore throat and shortness of breath.
Most complete recoveries have no aftereffects. A small minority are known to have decreased lung functionality.
We anticipate some may show mental aftereffects (such as PTSD) due to the challenge of long-term isolation during the treatment period.",Professor-JS-Eom-MD,2020-03-24 11:13:09+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fo4pj4/im_joong_sik_eom_md_a_physician_treating_covid19/,"I’m Joong Sik Eom MD, a physician treating COVID-19 patients at a hospital near Seoul. I serve on a team advising the South Korean government’s pandemic response. AMA.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
"Dr. Is South Korea using antibody testing to track and discover mild case/asymptomatic population? There is a lot of conjecture on the true size of the infected population vs actual reported cases.
Or do you believe that most countries that are doing consistent testing like Singapore, South Korea, have a very good idea of the scope and size of the infected population","We still do not have tests using antibodies in Korea. We believe that there are issues concerning the sensitivity of antibody tests. Also, the PCR tests we're using right now are enough to meet the demand for the tests. Korea has a total of 9,037 confirmed cases so far, of which 3,507 have been completely cured. Epidemiologists believe that there are at least three times as many minor or asymptomatic patients.",Professor-JS-Eom-MD,2020-03-24 11:21:42+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fo4pj4/im_joong_sik_eom_md_a_physician_treating_covid19/,"I’m Joong Sik Eom MD, a physician treating COVID-19 patients at a hospital near Seoul. I serve on a team advising the South Korean government’s pandemic response. AMA.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
"Greetings and thank you!
If you’ve had Corona. and you’ve recovered, are you still contagious? Will you still test positive?","After the infection of the coronavirus, there are cases where the PCR test came out positive even though the person has completely recovered. In such a case, we are concerned about the extent to which the virus is contagious, but it is difficult to confirm whether the result is evidence of a viable virus or a dead virus. Most experts believe that even if it is PCR-positive, the spreadability will be very low when recovered.
In Korea, patients are released from quarantine when PCR results come out negative at least twice within a 24hr period.",Professor-JS-Eom-MD,2020-03-24 10:20:36+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fo4pj4/im_joong_sik_eom_md_a_physician_treating_covid19/,"I’m Joong Sik Eom MD, a physician treating COVID-19 patients at a hospital near Seoul. I serve on a team advising the South Korean government’s pandemic response. AMA.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
Are cloth masks helpful at all?,"If you have to go to a place where a lot of people are together in an enclosed space, we recommend wearing a cloth mask if you don't have something better. However, it is difficult to guarantee the preventive effect when using it for a long period of time.",Professor-JS-Eom-MD,2020-03-24 10:24:47+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fo4pj4/im_joong_sik_eom_md_a_physician_treating_covid19/,"I’m Joong Sik Eom MD, a physician treating COVID-19 patients at a hospital near Seoul. I serve on a team advising the South Korean government’s pandemic response. AMA.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
"How was South Korea able to get the virus under control, after getting almost a 1000 cases per day for a while?","The virus should not be considered to be entirely controlled. The trend of large clusters in the city of Daegu (and the surrounding Gyeongbuk province) areas has merely diminished.
To alleviate this epidemic, South Korea has established a strategy to conduct early detection, early isolation, and early treatment by extensively conducting confirmatory examinations centralized in Daegu.",Professor-JS-Eom-MD,2020-03-24 10:45:36+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fo4pj4/im_joong_sik_eom_md_a_physician_treating_covid19/,"I’m Joong Sik Eom MD, a physician treating COVID-19 patients at a hospital near Seoul. I serve on a team advising the South Korean government’s pandemic response. AMA.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
Does the weather has any effects on the virus spreading capability ?,"It's been speculated that the activity of the virus will decrease in heat and humidity, but whether such is the case is unclear.
I believe it unlikely for the climate to be a factor affecting the virus, given that the pandemic is also occurring in countries with subtropical climates.",Professor-JS-Eom-MD,2020-03-24 11:14:51+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fo4pj4/im_joong_sik_eom_md_a_physician_treating_covid19/,"I’m Joong Sik Eom MD, a physician treating COVID-19 patients at a hospital near Seoul. I serve on a team advising the South Korean government’s pandemic response. AMA.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
South Korea has done a great job containing the Daegu outbreak. What do you think about Japan's current situation? No lockdowns at all but relatively few daily cases. It seems like an anomaly compared to most of the world.,"As far as I know, Japan only tests a small percentage of patients with certain symptoms or pneumonia. Information regarding Japan is very limited and arguably difficult to accept at face value.",Professor-JS-Eom-MD,2020-03-24 11:27:00+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fo4pj4/im_joong_sik_eom_md_a_physician_treating_covid19/,"I’m Joong Sik Eom MD, a physician treating COVID-19 patients at a hospital near Seoul. I serve on a team advising the South Korean government’s pandemic response. AMA.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
Does immunity gained from a low viral load exposure and subsequent recovery transfer to exposure to high viral loads? Could people who recovered go help in hospitals with no risks of getting sick themselves?,"It's possible, if one is in good condition. However, one should use the same PPE as other healthcare workers.",Professor-JS-Eom-MD,2020-03-24 11:25:23+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fo4pj4/im_joong_sik_eom_md_a_physician_treating_covid19/,"I’m Joong Sik Eom MD, a physician treating COVID-19 patients at a hospital near Seoul. I serve on a team advising the South Korean government’s pandemic response. AMA.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
"I'm in self quarantine for days but my roommate still goes out, if they catch it, how can I prevent myself from getting it?","Get out of the house ASAP, move to a safer place, and self-quarantine yourself while monitoring your symptoms.",Professor-JS-Eom-MD,2020-03-24 11:18:56+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fo4pj4/im_joong_sik_eom_md_a_physician_treating_covid19/,"I’m Joong Sik Eom MD, a physician treating COVID-19 patients at a hospital near Seoul. I serve on a team advising the South Korean government’s pandemic response. AMA.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
What is your suggestion to countries that have responded slowly? Is there still a way they can flatten the curve or are there things they can still do to ensure that they don’t encounter the worst case scenario.,"It's likely that the outbreak with continue on for some time. It might even go back and forth between the Northern and Southern Hemisphere. Thus, I advise that you set up a system for confirming cases and strongly enforce social (and physical) distancing.",Professor-JS-Eom-MD,2020-03-24 11:26:03+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fo4pj4/im_joong_sik_eom_md_a_physician_treating_covid19/,"I’m Joong Sik Eom MD, a physician treating COVID-19 patients at a hospital near Seoul. I serve on a team advising the South Korean government’s pandemic response. AMA.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
"Why is it that face masks are more accepted in SK (or Asia in general) compared to Western culture? That is, what are the psychological, sociological, historical, etc., differences where it is much more accepted there?
Even if we (the US; I'm American) had the supplies, I can't see it being accepted very well. Especially if you aren't sick, even if it would reduce spread.","It's difficult to answer definitively. I believe most people are motivated to wear masks out of a sense of personal protection, but there is also the eagerness to avoid infecting others.",Professor-JS-Eom-MD,2020-03-24 11:47:19+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fo4pj4/im_joong_sik_eom_md_a_physician_treating_covid19/,"I’m Joong Sik Eom MD, a physician treating COVID-19 patients at a hospital near Seoul. I serve on a team advising the South Korean government’s pandemic response. AMA.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
If you are forced to work in an essential job around other people(hundreds of general public) should you be wearing an N95 mask even if you are showing no symptoms?,"Medical staff should be wearing the N95 respirator when contacting patients. However, N95 is not recommended for non-medical personnel. The N95 has a good preventive effect, but it actually dangerous if one is not trained to put on and remove the mask as the chance of contamination can actually increase. In addition, when worn for a long period of time, the mask may lose its preventive effect.",Professor-JS-Eom-MD,2020-03-24 10:34:58+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fo4pj4/im_joong_sik_eom_md_a_physician_treating_covid19/,"I’m Joong Sik Eom MD, a physician treating COVID-19 patients at a hospital near Seoul. I serve on a team advising the South Korean government’s pandemic response. AMA.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
"How do you think India is going to fare given the current response (stopping of all domestic flights, passenger trains, S.144 in 75 districts et al)?
Thank you for the incredibly important work you are doing and I hope you get adequate recognition and compensation.","Considering India's medical resources, economic levels and population levels, I think there's no other way forward besides enforcing strong standstills. Failure to take strong measures in developing countries could have catastrophic results.",Professor-JS-Eom-MD,2020-03-24 11:28:27+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fo4pj4/im_joong_sik_eom_md_a_physician_treating_covid19/,"I’m Joong Sik Eom MD, a physician treating COVID-19 patients at a hospital near Seoul. I serve on a team advising the South Korean government’s pandemic response. AMA.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
"Hi, just curious what happens if a droplet of a person who has Covid-19 happens to fell into our food? Does this means people who consume it becomes infected?","I believe there is a low chance that COVID-19 would spread through food. The virus is structurally equivalent to the enveloped virus, which is known to transmit poorly through the GI tract.
The mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, and the eye, should be protected the most.",Professor-JS-Eom-MD,2020-03-24 10:17:58+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fo4pj4/im_joong_sik_eom_md_a_physician_treating_covid19/,"I’m Joong Sik Eom MD, a physician treating COVID-19 patients at a hospital near Seoul. I serve on a team advising the South Korean government’s pandemic response. AMA.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
"What lead to the selection of, and implementation of, South Korea's response? Was there a plan already in place before the virus hit, or was this something that has been evolving since the outbreak?","Since the announcement of the unknown case has occurred in Wuhan, China, experts from the Center for Disease Control and Management have tried to obtain the maximum information and evaluate the crisis. The strategy to prevent the initial influx, the possibility of a second surge, and the countermeasures were continuously discussed. It was a little easier to deal with the large-scale patient outbreak in Korea, especially in the Daegu-Gyeongbuk region, centered on a particular religious group. In addition, the establishment of an infrastructure that can perform a lot of confirmatory tests every day also contributed greatly.",Professor-JS-Eom-MD,2020-03-24 11:59:21+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fo4pj4/im_joong_sik_eom_md_a_physician_treating_covid19/,"I’m Joong Sik Eom MD, a physician treating COVID-19 patients at a hospital near Seoul. I serve on a team advising the South Korean government’s pandemic response. AMA.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
Has there been people who have recovered who have then got sick again and tested positive again?,"Yes there are cases. However, those patients did not spread the virus to other people.",Professor-JS-Eom-MD,2020-03-24 11:04:01+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fo4pj4/im_joong_sik_eom_md_a_physician_treating_covid19/,"I’m Joong Sik Eom MD, a physician treating COVID-19 patients at a hospital near Seoul. I serve on a team advising the South Korean government’s pandemic response. AMA.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
Do you think western governments are overreacting with mass quarantines? The Korean government seems to be succeeding without that.,"Social distancing is emphasized in Korea. We do not enforce mandatory containment or mobility restrictions, we are trying to encourage people to voluntarily refrain from any form of gathering.
However, as time passes, people seem to be wavering in their commitment to social distancing. As such, the national government messaged all citizens (via news and SMS text message) a couple of days ago to explicitly advise against social gatherings, and to limit going outside except for necessary cases such as going to work.",Professor-JS-Eom-MD,2020-03-24 10:53:37+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fo4pj4/im_joong_sik_eom_md_a_physician_treating_covid19/,"I’m Joong Sik Eom MD, a physician treating COVID-19 patients at a hospital near Seoul. I serve on a team advising the South Korean government’s pandemic response. AMA.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
"First of all, I want to thank you and all the front line workers for all you are doing in the crisis. You are all truly heroes in these times of vast unknowns.
I have seen a few people talk about the possibilities of this virus mutating into a less deadly but more contagious version of itself. Do you think there is any evidence to support this with the data we have that it can be happening? And If it's not happening now do you think it is possible it could in the future?","RNA viruses, such as coronavirus, are characterized by mutations. I think there is a possibility of new virus or mutation like the coronavirus.",Professor-JS-Eom-MD,2020-03-24 12:01:29+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fo4pj4/im_joong_sik_eom_md_a_physician_treating_covid19/,"I’m Joong Sik Eom MD, a physician treating COVID-19 patients at a hospital near Seoul. I serve on a team advising the South Korean government’s pandemic response. AMA.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
"What do you have to say to all the doctors in Canada and the US that claim masks are ineffective and that an entire continent is delusional for thinking it may be protective?
In British Columbia, the province is now only testing the hospitalized and health care workers. In your expert opinion, is this a responsible measure? Would you rate Canada's response as closer to South Korea, or Italy?
선생님도 바쁘실텐데 이렇게 와주셔서 너무 감사합니다. 캐나다 사는 교포로 이렇게 이 나라에 대해 실망한 적은 처음입니다. 캐나다에 문제는 제가 알로는 PCR Reagent 부족이라는데, 이 검사 문제, 해결 할수 있는 문제인가요?","Prioritize by inspection with medical professionals. You can do it during the inspection process. It is a very different situation from Korea, as here we implemented a system of early inspection. Fortunately, in Korea, inspections will be conducted systematically and selectively. However, we can only determine after the pandemic whether South Korea's method was effective or not.
There's no information on how many Reagents Canada can produce. I believe it would be more effective to import from other countries with sufficient production capacity.",Professor-JS-Eom-MD,2020-03-24 11:43:09+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fo4pj4/im_joong_sik_eom_md_a_physician_treating_covid19/,"I’m Joong Sik Eom MD, a physician treating COVID-19 patients at a hospital near Seoul. I serve on a team advising the South Korean government’s pandemic response. AMA.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
What is your or the overall opinion regarding Trump’s response to COVID-19 in America? Were people in South Korea able to easily get tested if they wanted?,"I don't have enough insight into the U.S. response strategy to assess President Trump's response, but I think he was careless at the beginning stage.
In Korea, if you visit the Corona19 Selective Care Center around you, the doctor present can elect to grant you a free examination.",Professor-JS-Eom-MD,2020-03-24 11:17:16+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fo4pj4/im_joong_sik_eom_md_a_physician_treating_covid19/,"I’m Joong Sik Eom MD, a physician treating COVID-19 patients at a hospital near Seoul. I serve on a team advising the South Korean government’s pandemic response. AMA.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
"I normally have a pulse/ox reading of 98 oxygen but it’s been dropping a little for 3 days... todays reading was 88 and I can feel a slight difference in my chest (headache, sore throat only other symptoms). I live in southeastern US (Georgia) so it is most likely from the pollen... but at what point does a low oxygen reading become a sign that a person needs to seek treatment for possible COVID?","Oxygen saturation does not determine when to treat a patient. Instead, it can be used to indicate severity. In Korea, if the oxygen saturation in room air is less than 90%, it is classified as a serious disease.",Professor-JS-Eom-MD,2020-03-24 11:29:11+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fo4pj4/im_joong_sik_eom_md_a_physician_treating_covid19/,"I’m Joong Sik Eom MD, a physician treating COVID-19 patients at a hospital near Seoul. I serve on a team advising the South Korean government’s pandemic response. AMA.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
"I just read a report that said the virus actually survived for up to 17 days on the quarantined cruise ships. Is the advice we are getting so far wrong?
https://www.cnbc.com/2020/03/23/cdc-coronavirus-survived-in-princess-cruise-cabins-up-to-17-days-after-passengers-left.html","This seems like a special case; I'll have to review that report. If it has been proven by virus culture, it's necessary to evaluate the survival environment to see if there's a special reason, and if it was detected by PCR, there is a high possibility that it's a dead virus.",Professor-JS-Eom-MD,2020-03-24 12:05:39+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fo4pj4/im_joong_sik_eom_md_a_physician_treating_covid19/,"I’m Joong Sik Eom MD, a physician treating COVID-19 patients at a hospital near Seoul. I serve on a team advising the South Korean government’s pandemic response. AMA.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
"What is your protocol to treat people who have light symptoms as of now ? And the one who are in more severe conditions ?
Thanks","We evaluate the patient's risk and confirm that it is necessary for PCR testing. If the patient is stable, he or she is expected to wait at home until results are obtained, but if a high-risk patient/group is tested, they will be hospitalized. In cases of unstable patients, they will be sent to isolation facilities. If not, they will still be isolated from others in facilities that have ventilators.",Professor-JS-Eom-MD,2020-03-24 11:22:43+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fo4pj4/im_joong_sik_eom_md_a_physician_treating_covid19/,"I’m Joong Sik Eom MD, a physician treating COVID-19 patients at a hospital near Seoul. I serve on a team advising the South Korean government’s pandemic response. AMA.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
"1) Genuinely curious about South Korea’s opinion of US response to Covid?
2) Are you seeing an increase risk of illness for physicians/ medical providers treating Covid? Do you think increased risk observed for physicians is an issue of PPE supplies or abundance of viral load?
3) If you could give one advice to the US during this pandemic (and all other countries really), what would it be.
Thank you","2) I think the problem is that once the virus has a very high initial transmission capacity, and the PPE supply is not adequate, it is difficult for the medical staff to effectively prevent respiratory transmission.
3) Please make every effort to secure hospital beds for large-scale patient outbreaks and to ensure adequate protection of medical staff.",Professor-JS-Eom-MD,2020-03-24 11:54:54+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fo4pj4/im_joong_sik_eom_md_a_physician_treating_covid19/,"I’m Joong Sik Eom MD, a physician treating COVID-19 patients at a hospital near Seoul. I serve on a team advising the South Korean government’s pandemic response. AMA.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
"After a positive test and with mild symptoms, how long until a patient can be considered recovered? How long can people expect to experience symptoms? How long until they can be considered safe for others?","Depending on the patient, symptoms usually begin and recover within 7 to 14 days. In mild cases, the risk of infection is expected to disappear by 3 weeks after the onset of symptoms.",Professor-JS-Eom-MD,2020-03-24 11:25:41+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fo4pj4/im_joong_sik_eom_md_a_physician_treating_covid19/,"I’m Joong Sik Eom MD, a physician treating COVID-19 patients at a hospital near Seoul. I serve on a team advising the South Korean government’s pandemic response. AMA.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
"Have you and your colleagues seen pregnant women, unborn children and newborns/infants sick with coronavirus? What are the risks to these groups of people? Should women delay getting pregnant during this pandemic?","We do have confirmed cases among pregnant women and infants here in Korea. However, it's difficult to compare it with other groups because there have been very few cases.
It's difficult to assess the risks, but we think that if a pregnant woman is infected, it's quite dangerous because there are more limitations in terms of treatment, as well as the chance for decreased lung capability.",Professor-JS-Eom-MD,2020-03-24 11:48:00+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fo4pj4/im_joong_sik_eom_md_a_physician_treating_covid19/,"I’m Joong Sik Eom MD, a physician treating COVID-19 patients at a hospital near Seoul. I serve on a team advising the South Korean government’s pandemic response. AMA.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
are there any possible emergency options to save patients in need of ventilator support who are not able to be intubated as a result of shortages? are you aware of any efforts being developed to address this inevitability? I have heard of doctors in Italy developing ways to support multiple patients with one ventilator: is this a large scale practical solution?,"We need to evaluate Italy's ideas in detail. Because every patient is somewhat unique, it's difficult to determine which condition requires a ventilator. In such cases, it's unavoidable that painful decisions must be made on the basis of survival probability.",Professor-JS-Eom-MD,2020-03-24 12:01:01+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fo4pj4/im_joong_sik_eom_md_a_physician_treating_covid19/,"I’m Joong Sik Eom MD, a physician treating COVID-19 patients at a hospital near Seoul. I serve on a team advising the South Korean government’s pandemic response. AMA.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
Why do you think South Korea has such a low mortality rate?,"I think it can be attributed to early detection and implementation of conservative management.
Also, more than half of the confirmed patients are in their 40s or younger, and they are relatively healthy. Mortality rates of people in their 70s and older are not so low.",Professor-JS-Eom-MD,2020-03-24 11:23:16+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fo4pj4/im_joong_sik_eom_md_a_physician_treating_covid19/,"I’m Joong Sik Eom MD, a physician treating COVID-19 patients at a hospital near Seoul. I serve on a team advising the South Korean government’s pandemic response. AMA.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
"Thank you for this AMA.
What medical treatments are you using?
In the U.S. I have seen herbal suggestions, such as green tea, turmeric, and ginger. Do you support or back any herbal remedies as an alternative or preventative treatments?
I have also heard that South Korea and Japan are handling this very well. I have read that in America we give cars a yearly checkup but not ourselves. Do you believe a yearly check up for citizens is beneficial?
And, at what point do those that are sick in South Korea become hospitalized?
How are you doing / feeling ?
Thank you again for your dedication and service to mankind, with much love.","1. I do not recommend those treatments as they have not been proved to be effective.
2. In Korea, starting from age 20, we provide necessary annual examinations. We need to analyze how cost-effective this method is, but this method motivates us to look back on the person's health and check.
Thank you for asking about me. It's true that these times are physically and mentally draining. However, if we don't give our best effort, we can't have a chance to minimize the damage.",Professor-JS-Eom-MD,2020-03-24 11:09:26+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fo4pj4/im_joong_sik_eom_md_a_physician_treating_covid19/,"I’m Joong Sik Eom MD, a physician treating COVID-19 patients at a hospital near Seoul. I serve on a team advising the South Korean government’s pandemic response. AMA.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
"Hi Dr Joong Sik Eom, thank you for your contribution.
Small Open Economies are defined as economies that participate in international trade, but are confined regarding exports due to their limited size and dependency of other economies.
Most islands in the Caribbean have or are closing their borders. Considering most of the islands depend on tourism due to their confinement of making exports, how would you advise such economies moving forward?
Would you advise them to keep their borders shut? If so, what criteria’s must be met globally or regionally to consider it safe to open borders again?
Edit: Additionally, what recommendations do you have for such economies who may not have 100 ICU’s prepared for a doomsday scenario?
Thank you.","There is certainly a risk of economic recession. For developing nations, it's difficult to set up strategies other than containment and standstill. There are no standards in place for reopening borders. Doing so should be done only in consideration of case trends, not just domestically but looking at other countries with internationally traveling citizens. There is a need for active support from developed countries.",Professor-JS-Eom-MD,2020-03-24 11:53:58+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fo4pj4/im_joong_sik_eom_md_a_physician_treating_covid19/,"I’m Joong Sik Eom MD, a physician treating COVID-19 patients at a hospital near Seoul. I serve on a team advising the South Korean government’s pandemic response. AMA.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
"What actions do you think the US government can take, that it is currently not taking, to help slow down the spread in the United States?",I think we should create a plan to address the lack of hospital beds for large-scale patient outbreaks.,Professor-JS-Eom-MD,2020-03-24 11:30:46+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fo4pj4/im_joong_sik_eom_md_a_physician_treating_covid19/,"I’m Joong Sik Eom MD, a physician treating COVID-19 patients at a hospital near Seoul. I serve on a team advising the South Korean government’s pandemic response. AMA.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
Have you noticed a lot of misinformation being spread in SK? Does the public seem to trust in what the government and health care professionals are saying?,"There has been a lot of misinformation that take advantage of (and create) fear, disgust, and discrimination to generate pageviews and attention. However, experts have been making a sincere effort to get accurate information out to the media. Most citizens tend to trust the information coming from the government because there has been a demonstrated emphasis on transparency.",Professor-JS-Eom-MD,2020-03-24 11:58:54+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fo4pj4/im_joong_sik_eom_md_a_physician_treating_covid19/,"I’m Joong Sik Eom MD, a physician treating COVID-19 patients at a hospital near Seoul. I serve on a team advising the South Korean government’s pandemic response. AMA.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
"Thank you for taking the time to do this!
Do you believe this current social distancing will still be necessary worldwide in September?","It may vary depending on the trend in the future, as well as on the particular local and national circumstances.",Professor-JS-Eom-MD,2020-03-24 11:30:33+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fo4pj4/im_joong_sik_eom_md_a_physician_treating_covid19/,"I’m Joong Sik Eom MD, a physician treating COVID-19 patients at a hospital near Seoul. I serve on a team advising the South Korean government’s pandemic response. AMA.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
"With all the different sources of information coming to us here in the U.S., sometimes it feels like we have a mass of options for a possible cure/vaccine that we're testing and other times it feels like we'll be stuck at home for multiple months and won't have a cure/vaccine for a few years. With that being said, how close are we to a cure and/or vaccine? I understand that we won't have one for at least the next few weeks, but given the state of this health emergency, how fast can these crucial drugs be brought to the market?","> how close are we to a cure and/or vaccine?
A lot of efforts being put into developing the cure. Unfortunately, it seems very unlikely that we will be able to develop an effective anti-viral drug or a vaccine under a short period of time. Even if we're lucky to find the cure, it will probably take over a year to actually put it into use.",Professor-JS-Eom-MD,2020-03-24 12:02:16+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fo4pj4/im_joong_sik_eom_md_a_physician_treating_covid19/,"I’m Joong Sik Eom MD, a physician treating COVID-19 patients at a hospital near Seoul. I serve on a team advising the South Korean government’s pandemic response. AMA.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
"What do you think about everyone wearing masks when they are outside, do you feel like they helped slowing the spread since most people in South Korea usually wear one? What about homemade ones? If they do work dont you think the rest of our governments should promote them more?
Also how do you think governments can ease lockdowns safely without having a second wave?
Thank you","I believe the government and advising expert groups are currently working on mitigation strategies for any potential future waves. At present, the start of the school academic year and upcoming April elections (national senate and local level offices) are Korea's current primary issues.",Professor-JS-Eom-MD,2020-03-24 11:51:48+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fo4pj4/im_joong_sik_eom_md_a_physician_treating_covid19/,"I’m Joong Sik Eom MD, a physician treating COVID-19 patients at a hospital near Seoul. I serve on a team advising the South Korean government’s pandemic response. AMA.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
"I’m an RN on an Oncology unit in Florida, there is an ever increasing amount of R/O’s everyday. Our hospital has already restricted N95’s and is now rationing surgical masks unless the patient is actually being tested.
I am worried about my health (CVID), that of my son who has respiratory issues and of all the immunocompromised pt i care for on a daily basis especially if I don’t know I have it.
Am I crazy and thinking it’s completely unsafe to be caring for COVID-19 pt’s without N95 if they are actively coughing and symptomatic even if they are not vented or receiving nebulizers? I feel unsafe and worried about the coming weeks as the 60 beds assigned for COVID likely will not hold them.","I think it’s really important we wear full PPE, which includes gowns, gloves, face masks, and eye shields. The virus has been shown to aerosolize and also be able to spread via our eyelashes. What we recommend healthcare workers do is to have an observer - someone to watch them take on and take off this PPE, since many things often get missed and it’s easy to contaminate yourself if you’re not careful. For example, I may touch my face accidentally while pulling off my mask. It’s like when you’re scuba diving: have a buddy and have a checklist so you don’t drown.
The truth is we’re all rationing right now. Part of the reason that we’re doing this AMA is that we want people to understand that while, yes masks work, healthcare workers absolutely NEED them right now. We see our colleagues across the country getting ill every day - who will take care of the sick patients when all of the healthcare workers are all ill themselves? So /u/Drgrundle we totally agree that we need as many facemasks and N95's possible. To be clear, even at MGH, we are trying to ration and clean and reuse as much as possible, because we are all at a critically short supply as well. It is a frustrating situation.
That's why we're asking all non-healthcare workers, please self quarantine. That is the best protection. The CDC is recommending bandanas, scarves, and other homemade masks if you are able to make them. Try to consider the population as a whole and help us healthcare workers by leaving the disposable N95 masks on the shelves. You really don’t want us wearing homemade ones at work and then taking them from room to room. However, homemade masks (made from teacloth or regular cloth) may still confer a significant degree of protection, and you are likely fine to wear one to the grocery store. These masks likely won’t suffer from the limited supply issue we’re having with manufactured facemasks. We are asking the public to help in this way.
**TL;DR Please wear N95 if you can. Otherwise, save, reuse, and frankly we're just all hoping for the best right now**
* https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24229526/
* https://www.change.org/p/hospital-administrators-us-physicians-healthcare-workers-for-personal-protective-equipment-in-covid-19-pandemic-do-not-donate?fbclid=IwAR0S20XL9M8a-T_ffd_jccu6OWiJTgvHm25pHXfIq-oGphkoJ6i2FXwxtaw&use_react=false",Emergencydocs,2020-03-20 13:36:32+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/flvu7k/im_ali_raja_md_and_shuhan_he_md_emergency/,"I'm Ali Raja, MD and Shuhan He, MD emergency physicians from Mass General Hospital/Harvard Medical School. We're back to report from the front lines of COVID-19. Let's talk PPE, new updates & science, testing, quarantine and more. AMA",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
"Thanks for doing this, Docs! My question is about the [Imperial College report](https://www.imperial.ac.uk/media/imperial-college/medicine/sph/ide/gida-fellowships/Imperial-College-COVID19-NPI-modelling-16-03-2020.pdf), specifically the chances of Covid-19 returning in cycles (falling when strict social distancing measures are in place and rising when they are lifted for a period of up to 18 months) until a vaccine is developed. I'm wondering how likely this is. Is this sort of cyclical infection something all epidemiologists consider likely or is it just a guess at the moment? Is it common knowledge among epidemiologists that pandemics of this magnitude will tend to re-appear as the report suggests?","/u/H_Fantods We think this is a pretty good model of the likely scenarios we're facing as a society here. To be clear, the report was for the UK, but if you take these models and plug them into the USA, it does a pretty good job outlining this.[ Credit Twitter Jeremy Young for a really nice breakdown](https://twitter.com/jeremycyoung/status/1239975682643357696) (and if you want to have some nightmares)
""You may or may not have seen the Imperial College of London report. This will and should scare everyone. Let’s walk through what they did: The Imperial College team plugged infection and death rates from China/Korea/Italy into epidemic modelling software and ran a simulation: what happens if the US does absolutely nothing -- if we treat COVID-19 like the flu, go about our business, and let the virus take its course?""
**Now specifically addressing a vaccine and trying to paint our own picture:**
We’ve heard a lot of people say we just need to hold out until a vaccine. Then life will go back to what it was like before, and we have pretty significant concern that it is being treated as a magic bullet to reverse time to what it was like before. But let's paint an alternative picture here where the vaccine is more like the Flu vaccine. The vaccine sort of-maybe works, but we’ll still have an outbreak of the flu every year, and every year thousands of people will die (as they have for many years with the seasonal flu).
Why do we think that? Well, this novel coronavirus is somewhat related and in the same family as the viruses that cause the common cold (which is usually caused by one of a number of relatively benign coronaviruses). And you can’t really make a vaccine for the common cold. Why? Because by the time we come out with a vaccine to the virus, there may be multiple strains across the world with different genetic variations (imagine COVID with 18 months to evolve). I’m not convinced a new strain won’t just travel to an area immunized for a different strain and resprout again, and that's assuming a vaccine is 100% effective for a particular strain (which it likely won't be). Now, there are vaccines being developed that target parts of the flu virus that are similar across strains, and that may work with coronaviruses as well, but we’re many years from that point.
So here’s what I think the future will look like. We’ll get this novel coronavirus under control, if, and only if, we do things like self-quarantine aggressively. We’ll develop a vaccine, and the symptoms will be milder, but it won’t entirely prevent it (much like the flu shot, which decreases the symptoms and duration of - but doesn’t entirely prevent - influenza). But every so often, maybe once or twice a year, there will be flare-ups, and we likely haven’t seen the last of things like occasional city-wide lockdowns and travel restrictions. This might be a new reality for us for a long time. This is assuming we actually do quarantine and self-isolate. If not, well, [read up on the numbers people are projecting](https://twitter.com/jeremycyoung/status/1239975682643357696). I want to try to avoid being too pessimistic here today. It's not fun for a Friday afternoon.
**TL;DR We have choices. Either we self-quarantine and lockdown for a short period (months), or lots of bad things will happen.**
This is the report by the ICL
Source: https://www.imperial.ac.uk/media/imperial-college/medicine/sph/ide/gida-fellowships/Imperial-College-COVID19-NPI-modelling-16-03-2020.pdf",Emergencydocs,2020-03-20 13:53:07+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/flvu7k/im_ali_raja_md_and_shuhan_he_md_emergency/,"I'm Ali Raja, MD and Shuhan He, MD emergency physicians from Mass General Hospital/Harvard Medical School. We're back to report from the front lines of COVID-19. Let's talk PPE, new updates & science, testing, quarantine and more. AMA",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
"Whats the level of concern people should have in supermarkets? More and more in the US people are only leaving their homes to go food shopping only, but there in lies the risk of contracting this virus. My question is, while we should be acutely aware of people sneezing etc around us, what is the RISK of walking through clouds of this virus still being suspended in the air in indoor settings such as a supermarket.","So let’s talk generally about cleaning surfaces, and we’ll also touch on food.
There is some evidence that shows that the virus can be found on surfaces for up to 7 days on a surface if you put droplets of the virus on it. If you cough (aerosolized it) well up to a few hours to days too. A recent study in NEJM showed it can last in the air up to an hour after a sneeze or cough. That is dangerous.
In a normal world, I do try to clean contact surfaces every week or two (doorknobs, buttons, etc). In this situation what I recommend is to increase it periodically (perhaps to every 4-6 hours) based on the number of customers and if anyone has symptoms. A person simply handling a doorknob is not an issue, as much as someone coughing and sneezing onto their hand and then handling the doorknob. This is exceptionally tough for grocery and other stores to gauge, however, and so the important thing is that everyone who is symptomatic (coughing, etc.) absolutely stays home in self-quarantine - you WILL spread the virus if you go out, so please get someone else to bring your groceries to you instead.
As we may all be realizing now, in reality, life itself - in every aspect - presents risk factors, but we should use common sense. The most important thing I want to communicate is that people should still continue to live their lives as much as possible with social isolation, continue their normal habits while quarantined, and take care of themselves. This is particular for things like not obsessing with over-cleaning, (which can be harmful).
However, please be cautious and make sensible decisions about cleanliness when going shopping - for example,* absolutely do wash* your vegetables and food after coming home from the supermarket, where it may have been handled by any number of people before you. Send people to get groceries or have them delivered by people who aren’t coughing or showing symptoms. That would be sensible too. We’ll address wearing masks in public in a different question, but they’re certainly closely related.
**TL;DR: Wash your food, hands and surfaces frequently. Stay at home if you have a cough.**
1. [Persistence of coronaviruses on inanimate surfaces and their inactivation with biocidal agents. . Kampfa,G. Kampf G. Kampf, D. Todtb, S. Pfaenderb, E. Steinmannb](https://www.journalofhospitalinfection.com/article/S0195-6701\(20\)30046-3/fulltext)
2. https://www.nejm.org/doi/10.1056/NEJMc2004973",Emergencydocs,2020-03-20 13:17:37+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/flvu7k/im_ali_raja_md_and_shuhan_he_md_emergency/,"I'm Ali Raja, MD and Shuhan He, MD emergency physicians from Mass General Hospital/Harvard Medical School. We're back to report from the front lines of COVID-19. Let's talk PPE, new updates & science, testing, quarantine and more. AMA",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
"My five-year-old had her butt kicked by the flu back in mid-December. She was hospitalized for double pneumonia for a few days, and it seemed to take her over a month to fully recover from it all.
How likely would it be that she could have a similar experience with COVID if she catches it?
**Basically, are people that recently suffered from pneumonia more likely to develop the more severe symptoms?**","We are learning a ton about the disease as it progresses. We’re also learning and developing predictive tools to help us figure out how to take care of our patients. For example, a very popular tool called [MDCalc by Graham Walker](https://www.mdcalc.com/covid-19#calcs) just came out based on the science to help us make decisions based on data of when to admit the patients and when to send them home. This will continue to evolve in the next week. The difference in what we could state in our AMA this week just from last is already exponentially better and I anticipate it will continue trending in that direction. Specifically for prior pneumonia? We're not sure. However, we do have enough information to make some guesses and paint a picture of what this disease looks like for most people:
**If you’re on the mild trajectory.**
* Day 1: The first symptom is usually a fever. You might have fatigue, muscle aches, and a dry cough.
* Day 5: You might get worse shortness of breath at this point, especially if you have other medical problems.
* Day 17: The symptoms continue, but get milder and milder until you get fully better. The trajectory is a lot like a flu, and how bad it is depends on your baseline health.
**If you’re on the critically ill trajectory**
* Day 1: The first symptom is usually a fever still. You might have fatigue, muscle aches, and a dry cough. Some patients are particularly susceptible with diarrhea and abdominal pain. We think this cohort does worse than the rest (diarrhea).
* Day 5: Your symptoms continue and it feels like a flu. You might get worse shortness of breath at this point, especially if you have other medical problems.
* Day 7: At this point in other countries, people are admitted to the hospital. You have Dyspnea, which is shortness of breath while speaking. This is usually the symptom that we make that has patients admitted to the hospital
* Day 8: ARDS, acute respiratory distress syndrome, where a significant amount of fluid builds up in the lungs from leaky capillaries, builds up. This is while you are in the ICU and on a ventilator. At this point you worsen to death or you improve in the ICU. This is the critical time for improvement or worsening.
* 17 days later: On average, the people who make a full recovery from the virus after discharge from the hospital do so after 2.5 weeks.
So far we don’t know if the things we’ve seen in Italy and China will apply here in the USA. We’re still around day 14 for the first smaller clusters, especially in Boston. It might feel like an eternity ago, but in Boston the first cluster linked to the Biogen cluster was March 8th, almost 2 weeks ago.
To give all a sense of how rapidly this is changing, on 3/19 the first cohort of data came out of Washington State that looked at these patients. We are still digesting this and rapidly learning new things.
https://www.masslive.com/boston/2020/03/coronavirus-15-new-cases-in-massachusetts-linked-to-biogen-conference-28-total-cases-now-reported.html",Emergencydocs,2020-03-20 14:30:56+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/flvu7k/im_ali_raja_md_and_shuhan_he_md_emergency/,"I'm Ali Raja, MD and Shuhan He, MD emergency physicians from Mass General Hospital/Harvard Medical School. We're back to report from the front lines of COVID-19. Let's talk PPE, new updates & science, testing, quarantine and more. AMA",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
What are you seeing in the ERs as far as this is hitting people in their 20s and 30s? There seems to be conflicting information coming in on that from other countries. Thank you for your amazing work and dedication to all of us.,"I just admitted a patient to the hospital yesterday who was not old enough to drink alcohol legally in the US. This patient had gone on spring break and come back with a cough and shortness of breath so bad he could barely walk across a room. I am very concerned that younger people look at the mortality numbers from the WHO (0.2%) and not realize they are susceptible too. Sure, they may only die at 0.2%, but they are susceptible to hospitalization, ICU admission.
14-20% of patients 20-44 needed hospitalization from a CDC report that recently came out. Sure we may be able to keep these people alive 0.2% of the time, but is that really the best way to measure risk? I want to emphasize this because it’s important for young people to do their part with social distancing.
I am also very concerned about what will happen because of spring break. I think there have been reports of younger people ignoring social distancing recommendations and then potentially returning home from vacations and spreading COVID.
Just last Saturday, a digital health thermometer company, Kinsa, showed data that indicated an unusual rise in fevers in South Florida, even though it's not a known Covid-19 cluster. Our worry: is this because of spring breakers? The elderly? A local cluster in Florida? The fear is that this will be a potential new spreading cluster with people flying back from spring break into their homes and igniting thousands of smaller cluster across the USA. Keep in mind that the South Korean outbreak can almost solely be attributed to a single person (Patinet #31) who did not self quarantine, then went to church and buffets while positive with COVID. Please, please let's do our part to not be that patient.
**TL;DR: Please don’t be our patient #31. Self isolate, especially if you’re young and healthy.**
* https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/69/wr/mm6912e2.htm?s_cid=mm6912e2_w
* https://healthweather.us/
* https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/18/health/coronavirus-fever-thermometers.html?referringSource=articleShare
* https://graphics.reuters.com/CHINA-HEALTH-SOUTHKOREA-CLUSTERS/0100B5G33SB/index.html
* https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/nvsr/nvsr68/nvsr68_06-508.pdf",Emergencydocs,2020-03-20 13:03:21+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/flvu7k/im_ali_raja_md_and_shuhan_he_md_emergency/,"I'm Ali Raja, MD and Shuhan He, MD emergency physicians from Mass General Hospital/Harvard Medical School. We're back to report from the front lines of COVID-19. Let's talk PPE, new updates & science, testing, quarantine and more. AMA",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
"ELI5, when studies now show that the virus can live in the air, what exactly does that mean? Clouds when people sneeze that just hang there? When they breathe? Could you sneeze and then have it float across a certain distance before it dissipates?","Unfortunately, the fact that it is airborne means that yes, it looks like it just stays in the air like a cloud. We think this means that it probably stays infectious too. Remember, these are slightly separate things, but at this point we have to assume it does. The study we’re referencing is the NEJM one below.
“COVID remained viable in aerosols throughout the duration of our experiment (3 hours), with a reduction in infectious titer from 103.5 to 102.7 TCID50 per liter of air.”
What the researchers did was to create an experiment where they simulated sneezing/coughing, and then looked at how the amount of virus decreases while in the air. Remember, clouds of virus don’t just appear and disappear, they slowly dissipate. You can measure that with half life: how long it takes for the initial amount to cut in half. So it's not totally clear how long it is staying around, but it is clear that it can probably be transmitted just by floating in the air. And it probably remains infectious. Ooph. We learned this lesson from the SARS epidemic and we think its probably the same here too.
COVID airborne: https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMc2004973
SARS airborne: https://www.nejm.org/doi/10.1056/NEJMoa032867",Emergencydocs,2020-03-20 13:56:40+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/flvu7k/im_ali_raja_md_and_shuhan_he_md_emergency/,"I'm Ali Raja, MD and Shuhan He, MD emergency physicians from Mass General Hospital/Harvard Medical School. We're back to report from the front lines of COVID-19. Let's talk PPE, new updates & science, testing, quarantine and more. AMA",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
I definitely would like to know when to go to the ER. I’m a little nervous I can’t get healthcare.,"**Two things:**
**First,** I think its important for people to remember that we’re treating patients here in the Emergency Department for COVID, but we’re also here for all your other emergency medical needs as well /u/ashley_oc . We still see patients with strokes, heart attacks, gunshot wounds, car accidents, blood clots, and all the things that people regularly have, which are quite deadly in themselves. My biggest fear during all this is that someone with shortness of breath will test negative for coronavirus but then be found days later to have a severe pulmonary embolism that was passed over because we were only focusing on COVID. Its important for people who need care to come to the ER, that’s why we’re here. We’re the front door of the hospital - that’s our mission. The reason that we became emergency physicians was so we could offer that care 24/7/365. We hope to make sure that the message gets out that we’re still here for people, even (especially!) for non-COVID related concerns.
**Second:** the dividing line for when we have told people to come to the ER has and continues to be based on symptoms: If you are having a hard time breathing or feel awful, call you doctor or, if you can’t get a hold of them, come to the ER. We’ve had patients with home oxygen monitors who have noticed that their numbers drop into the 80s (normal is above 95%) when they walk around at home and feel short of breath. That is something we’d normally only see when you’re ill or at a very high altitude like climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro. While most people probably don’t need a home O2 monitor, we should all listen to our bodies, because our symptoms can often correlate with vital signs (like our blood pressure or oxygen saturation). If you feel short of breath while doing your day to day activities, I think that's the time to come in.
**TL;DR: Come in when you feel short of breath. It could be a reason to admit you for COVID, or it could be something else that’s dangerous. We don’t know until we see you.**",Emergencydocs,2020-03-20 13:26:16+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/flvu7k/im_ali_raja_md_and_shuhan_he_md_emergency/,"I'm Ali Raja, MD and Shuhan He, MD emergency physicians from Mass General Hospital/Harvard Medical School. We're back to report from the front lines of COVID-19. Let's talk PPE, new updates & science, testing, quarantine and more. AMA",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
"Should I wear a mask? I don't have any symptoms as of now. I'm getting different inputs from different sources so I'm a bit confused.. If yes, which mask should I use?","This is something I think is really important to address. Do you remember #flattenthecurve? One of the things that happens in crisis is that valuable supplies, or sometimes even things that have no trouble going around, predictably become scarce because of hoarding/overuse. That means people buy all that they can get their hands on and then it just sits on a shelf somewhere. This goes for hospital ICU beds, toilet paper (are you really using all that toilet paper?), and also for personal protective equipment (PPE) and masks. One of the things we are seeing was that hospitals themselves can’t purchase any PPE because so many people, both government, hospitals, and regular folks are buying masks.
This is because masks work. Of course they do. There is ample evidence that the virus is transmitted by airborne droplets (NEJM report below) and that masks of all types do prevent infections.
However the mask situation is like the toilet paper situation. When everyone tries to buy toilet paper at once, there is no toilet paper left. That is a peak in the curve. But when everyone buys TP at a slow regular pace, there is usually enough to go around. That is a peak that can hopefully be flattened.
Now imagine that same situation for those of us in healthcare. If everyone buys masks at the same time, then the masks are like your TP—nothing left. This means the nurses taking care of coronavirus patients don’t have masks, which means they will get sick. What happens if there are no doctors, nurses, PAs, NPs, environmental services personnel, or other staff left to take care of the sick, and we are all ill? Essentially, there won’t be any of us available to treat you when you do. Thus the need to leave masks for healthcare workers. [We talked about it over here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/flvu7k/im_ali_raja_md_and_shuhan_he_md_emergency/fl1bm3y/):
**TL;DR: Wear a mask, but a homemade one if you can. Please save us the reusable N95's, or we might have a shortage of doctors & nurses if/when you get it.**
**Sources**: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24229526/",Emergencydocs,2020-03-20 13:40:34+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/flvu7k/im_ali_raja_md_and_shuhan_he_md_emergency/,"I'm Ali Raja, MD and Shuhan He, MD emergency physicians from Mass General Hospital/Harvard Medical School. We're back to report from the front lines of COVID-19. Let's talk PPE, new updates & science, testing, quarantine and more. AMA",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
How bad do you think this is going to get?,"https://www.reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/flvu7k/im_ali_raja_md_and_shuhan_he_md_emergency/fl1dega/
Permalink here. We try to remain optimistic but these numbers are quite scary, frankly.",Emergencydocs,2020-03-20 13:54:40+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/flvu7k/im_ali_raja_md_and_shuhan_he_md_emergency/,"I'm Ali Raja, MD and Shuhan He, MD emergency physicians from Mass General Hospital/Harvard Medical School. We're back to report from the front lines of COVID-19. Let's talk PPE, new updates & science, testing, quarantine and more. AMA",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
"Hi! I think I may have gotten a mild case of COVID-19 roughly 3 weeks ago: “head cold,” light cough/chest pain, no sniffles, sore throat, and general malaise. I feel mostly better now, except for an occasional cough and “heavy lungs.”
Unfortunately, my coworkers and I were turned away for testing, as we’re not in a high risk group.
So, my question is: **Is there any testing to determine if someone *already had* COVID-19?**
I’d sleep easier knowing that I had it and survived ok with potential immunity, rather than live in constant fear.",/u/lIIEGlBIE this is a pretty good answer. Thank you /u/Mymarathon,Emergencydocs,2020-03-20 13:53:50+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/flvu7k/im_ali_raja_md_and_shuhan_he_md_emergency/,"I'm Ali Raja, MD and Shuhan He, MD emergency physicians from Mass General Hospital/Harvard Medical School. We're back to report from the front lines of COVID-19. Let's talk PPE, new updates & science, testing, quarantine and more. AMA",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
Thanks so much for doing this AMA. Please feel free to answer any one or more of these questions that you can, or think are legitimate:
1) Doesn’t flattening the curve rely on the premise that people who are infected and recover become immune and can’t get reinfected? Which as I understand it is something that’s not clear yet?
2)If people can get reinfected after recovering doesn’t it make it that much harder to successfully flatten the curve and to build herd immunity?
3) Why are people talking in weeks or 6 months, what can realistically change in that time? Isn’t he only real solution a vaccine and/or effective targeted antivirals that will take a minimum of 18 months to develop?
4) And even then, can’t the virus mutate and wipe out the process made in finding vaccines or treatments? Do you think in the future this will become endemic in the population like the flu but more deadly?","1. Yes, to some degree. Usually infection and recovery presumes immunity. This is generally what we are seeing out of Asia.
2. yes, but we think this is likely an outlier scenario and much less likely.
3. I am not exactly sure the reference to weeks/months, but I think this is in reference to quarantine. In reality true vaccines will take months.
4. Yes we do think there is some possibility this happens.[ See our answer here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/flvu7k/im_ali_raja_md_and_shuhan_he_md_emergency/fl1dega/)",Emergencydocs,2020-03-20 14:55:38+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/flvu7k/im_ali_raja_md_and_shuhan_he_md_emergency/,"I'm Ali Raja, MD and Shuhan He, MD emergency physicians from Mass General Hospital/Harvard Medical School. We're back to report from the front lines of COVID-19. Let's talk PPE, new updates & science, testing, quarantine and more. AMA",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
"Is there anything we can do to help fight this, other than staying home as much as possible? Any way to support the health care workers from home?","This is Shuhan. I want to discuss this point specifically. In the past week alone I have been reached out to something like 500 times by people with really unique talents, skills and abilities to help. I absolutely am floored with the care and dedication people have. I posted this below in a Facebook group and I think it bears worth repeating here: We have a lot of needs, and here is how I think people can be most helpful:
1) Focus on consumers. Can you provide PPE that decreases demand from the private sector to maximize supply among the medical community? We are in critically short supply and our husbands/wives/loved ones are starting to make us masks. Before I would have wondered if it really is kosher for me to wear a homemade mask between patient to patient. Now I know that might be a reality. But I beg people to try to save the N95's for us. Of the patients I saw in the ER the other night, something like 60% had COVID. We see many of them and are at very high risk. Increased production of other types of masks would be incredibly helpful for this effort.
2) Education among the population: can you find ways to decrease barriers to understanding and maximize responsible actions like social distancing, hand hygiene, and self-quarantine? This AMA by itself is incredibly helpful. Please keep spreading the message.
3) Issues with self-quarantine: Can you assist with technology that can make self-quarantine more tolerable, humane, easy for those most vulnerable in the population? (homeless, etc). The truth is the most vulnerable in our society will not be able to self-quarantine, perpetuating infections.
4) Childcare: Schools are closed and many healthcare providers have families. If healthcare providers cannot care for their children, they cannot go to work. This is a major issue being discussed in healthcare right now. Something that we discussed in our recent AMA:
""I do want to mention that closing schools has a HUGE impact on us and everyone in healthcare. Both my wife and I work in healthcare... if our schools close, how do we both continue to see patients when one of us has to stay home with the kids? Sure, we can afford sitters, but demand is high and - more importantly - many of our coworkers (from nurses to the very important environmental staff that disinfect rooms of infected patients) often cannot. The decision to close schools can have far-reaching impact beyond the kids who are students at them.""
* Open Source COVID19 Medical Supplies is a Facebook group that I want to give a shout out to.
* https://www.nbcboston.com/news/coronavirus/mgh-desperately-needs-supplies-president-says/2094292/?fbclid=IwAR3hWqnQV54vwxjNT5y-ulYeGPEpd_vT9bW8fz2TB3ZAu9-B07h7A2znG1o",Emergencydocs,2020-03-20 14:09:16+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/flvu7k/im_ali_raja_md_and_shuhan_he_md_emergency/,"I'm Ali Raja, MD and Shuhan He, MD emergency physicians from Mass General Hospital/Harvard Medical School. We're back to report from the front lines of COVID-19. Let's talk PPE, new updates & science, testing, quarantine and more. AMA",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
Are you guys testing Chloroquine/Hydroxychloroquine already? What's your opinion on those?,"Let’s talk about this drug and study, as it has certainly garnered a significant amount of interest in the last 48 hours. First and foremost, yes we are testing these drugs combinations of these drugs in our hospital. Almost every hospital is doing some sort of research to find out how we can better take care of those in need. For confidentiality sake, we can’t say exactly what is happening, but we are working very hard on counting the numbers, and learning about if there is real data on if these drugs work.
Right now, there is definitely enough data to think that it might work and to study it more. We want to caveat that it is important to keep these results in context.
Here is the study that is of interest:
**We want to emphasize again the importance of caution here.**
These drugs still need more data. This one study by itself is littered problems. Let’s walk through this:
1. First of all, the trial is really small and might not be more broadly applicable.
2. Second, alot of patients in the treatment group dropped out. This is a really odd signal. Imagine a scenario where you have a drug that actually does harm, causing them to drop from the study. The people left over will consequently look quite healthy. So we might actually just be seeing data about how fast it makes people be removed from a study after being harmed than to be cured.
3. Third, usually, you want the groups who get treated and not treated to be the same so you can really look at the effect of the drug. In this study, we can’t do that. The treated group looks much healthier at the start than the untreated group.
So short to say, we don’t know, but its certainly enough hope and signal to try and look as fast as we can more deeply.
However, even assuming it works, the worst scenario is a run much like toilet paper on Hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin, so much that we can’t study it or prescribe it to those most in need. Hospitals themselves may run short on supply if we find that we cannot obtain the drug itself and speculation runs rampant.
We both expect this to start some larger trials. These drugs have a long history of safety and efficacy in humans and they’re both relatively inexpensive generic drugs. We are working really hard to find out if this is true.",Emergencydocs,2020-03-20 14:51:11+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/flvu7k/im_ali_raja_md_and_shuhan_he_md_emergency/,"I'm Ali Raja, MD and Shuhan He, MD emergency physicians from Mass General Hospital/Harvard Medical School. We're back to report from the front lines of COVID-19. Let's talk PPE, new updates & science, testing, quarantine and more. AMA",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
"I and others in my family have a mild cold/cough.
How do I know if it's COVID-19? Is there any recommended treatment or procedure besides self-quarantine?
If we do have one of the milder/asymptomatic cases, is there a point at which we have enough immunity that we can step into places of known infection to help ease the burden there, or safely bridge a gap between infected and uninfected?
Are the odds likely that it's just a cold? The way it has come up, it's not like allergies.","All the data so far is suggesting that a runny or congested nose, or watery eyes are less likely to be part of COVID-19.
Its a really quick and easy way to tell that you probably don’t have it, especially since we’re facing so many testing shortages. Obviously the best way to tell is more testing, and its something everyone in the medical field is advocating for. But in the interim, those two symptoms (nose and eye symptoms) are a good way to distinguish between the two.
Here is what I am doing when I am seeing patients
Question 1: Are you sneezing, or have runny eyes? If yes, then its less likely. In fact these two symptoms are not part of our hospital wide algorithm to test as it stands.
Question 2: Do you feel short of breath? If you do, then you should see a doctor immediately. This is your sign to go to the hospital, just like any other time when you have any other disease. If you can’t catch your breath, or speak without feeling short of breath, or just generally feel crummy, please come in, we want to see you and treat you.
Now the caveat to all the discussion above, is that in life, no rule goes unbroken, and there are still some people with COVID that will have sneezing, literally the exact opposite of what we just said. That is why the only way to truly know is more testing, and we are hoping that the capability to test more will come soon. That as doctors we have a responsibility to push for.
**TL;DR: There are 5 main symptoms: Cough, Fever, Shortness of breath, Muscle Aches, Feeling generally lethargic/weak**",Emergencydocs,2020-03-20 14:16:10+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/flvu7k/im_ali_raja_md_and_shuhan_he_md_emergency/,"I'm Ali Raja, MD and Shuhan He, MD emergency physicians from Mass General Hospital/Harvard Medical School. We're back to report from the front lines of COVID-19. Let's talk PPE, new updates & science, testing, quarantine and more. AMA",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
What is the main reason I should decide it's time to go to the hospital with this?,"
I think the best guidance to ask yourself is: if this were any other disease, would I go to the hospitals with the symptoms I am having? If I have what feels like a Flu, I may have muscle aches and feel crummy, but if I’m still able to eat and drink and get some rest, I should stay home. If, instead, I get really short of breath and can’t keep any food down, I’d definitely head in. The same is true with suspected COVID. We don’t have the tools to treat the virus, as clinical trials are still underway. But we do have the tools to treat your body and its symptoms when you’re ill and getting dehydrated.
There is still no objective clear definition, but to me it's if you are having a hard time breathing or feel awful. We are happy to see you and assess you in real-time, but keep in mind that the danger of this virus is that it causes Acute Respiratory Distress syndrome.
TL;DR: come to the hospital if you feel really bad.",Emergencydocs,2020-03-11 13:55:38+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fgy7rg/im_dr_ali_raja_vice_chair_of_the_department_of/,"I’m Dr. Ali Raja, Vice Chair of the Department of Emergency Medicine at Mass General Hospital, and Associate Professor at Harvard Medical School. I’m joined by Dr. Shuhan He, an Emergency Medicine physician at Mass General Hospital. Let's talk treatment & self care during COVID-19 outbreak. AMA.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
"Does the virus leave permanent lung damage in patients who needed hospitalization and recovered?
Is it possible to be infected by the same strain again? how soon? will it be more severe the second time?","As with much of what we discussed today, data is limited. There is a case study from china following an infected patient who received antiviral treatment in the hospital. While the initial CT scan does show the lung scarring, by day 19 healing was shown and by day 31, there was complete resolution of the lung damage.
**TL;DR It is unlikely. A study from China showed the damage healed after 31 days.**",Emergencydocs,2020-03-11 14:16:32+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fgy7rg/im_dr_ali_raja_vice_chair_of_the_department_of/,"I’m Dr. Ali Raja, Vice Chair of the Department of Emergency Medicine at Mass General Hospital, and Associate Professor at Harvard Medical School. I’m joined by Dr. Shuhan He, an Emergency Medicine physician at Mass General Hospital. Let's talk treatment & self care during COVID-19 outbreak. AMA.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
"Describe ""mild symptoms"" are we talking a regular cold, maybe a flu? Or does mild mean realy bad but you don't need oxygen or a ventilator yet.","Let’s talk about symptoms. The largest study we have to date is from Wuhan and the Chinese WHO report. It’s actually quite interesting. Let’s take a look together:
**The most common symptoms are:**
* fever (87.9%)
* dry cough (67.7%)
* fatigue (38.1%) - these are definitely “mild”
**The next most common were:**
* sputum production (33.4%)
* shortness of breath (18.6%)
* sore throat (13.9%)
* headache (13.6%),
* myalgia or arthralgia (14.8%) aka muscle aches or joint pains
* chills (11.4%)
* nausea or vomiting (5.0%) - you might see these with the flu as well
**Things that seem to be quite rare:**
* nasal congestion (4.8%)
* diarrhea (3.7%)
* hemoptysis (coughing up blood) (0.9%)
* conjunctival congestion (0.8%)
**Things we classified as very severe disease (about 13.8% have this)**
* dyspnea (shortness of breath while speaking)
* Breathing more than 30 breaths a minute
* blood oxygen saturation ≤93%,
* Some lab data: PaO2/FiO2 ratio <300, and/or lung infiltrates >50% of the lung field within 24-48 hours)
**6.1% are critical** (respiratory failure, septic shock, and/or multiple organ dysfunction/failure)
**TLDR Mild really does mean mild, and runny nose/ runny eyes probably means you dont have COVID. If you're breathing fast or can't catch your breath while speaking, that is severe and you should be seen by a doctor immediately**",Emergencydocs,2020-03-11 14:14:23+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fgy7rg/im_dr_ali_raja_vice_chair_of_the_department_of/,"I’m Dr. Ali Raja, Vice Chair of the Department of Emergency Medicine at Mass General Hospital, and Associate Professor at Harvard Medical School. I’m joined by Dr. Shuhan He, an Emergency Medicine physician at Mass General Hospital. Let's talk treatment & self care during COVID-19 outbreak. AMA.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
"What home medications should we and should we not be taking if we have the virus? (Cough syrup, albuterol etc)",/u/antiseptic123 [see my comment below here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fgy7rg/im_dr_ali_raja_vice_chair_of_the_department_of/fk87zjf/),Emergencydocs,2020-03-11 15:45:58+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fgy7rg/im_dr_ali_raja_vice_chair_of_the_department_of/,"I’m Dr. Ali Raja, Vice Chair of the Department of Emergency Medicine at Mass General Hospital, and Associate Professor at Harvard Medical School. I’m joined by Dr. Shuhan He, an Emergency Medicine physician at Mass General Hospital. Let's talk treatment & self care during COVID-19 outbreak. AMA.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
"If you are diagnosed with COVID-19 and make a successful recovery, can you get the virus again?","With many viral illnesses, a successful recovery means that most people won’t be reinfected, as the body has built up an immunity to the virus. We sometimes see reinfection in patients who are ill or immunocompromised, but even that is rare. With the flu, it actually has multiple strains so when there is “reinfection” it’s often a second infection with a different strain. So, based on what we know so far, it should be very hard to be reinfected with COVID-19. However, it’s important to emphasize that we really haven’t seen enough data to rule this out since not enough patients have fully recovered and then been re-exposed, and we’re all extrapolating at this point.
**TL;DR: You are unlikely to get reinfected...we think.**",Emergencydocs,2020-03-11 13:57:26+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fgy7rg/im_dr_ali_raja_vice_chair_of_the_department_of/,"I’m Dr. Ali Raja, Vice Chair of the Department of Emergency Medicine at Mass General Hospital, and Associate Professor at Harvard Medical School. I’m joined by Dr. Shuhan He, an Emergency Medicine physician at Mass General Hospital. Let's talk treatment & self care during COVID-19 outbreak. AMA.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
"Hi Dr. Raja and Dr. He! So I live in Boston, I had a question about COVID-19 treatment. In some countries such as Italy, Netherlands, Iran, South Korea, and China -- among others -- we're hearing news that doctors use chloroquine and Remdesivir against COVID-19 patients. Recently, in a press release, China [claimed here](http://news.southcn.com/nfplus/gdjktt/content/2020-03/09/content_190536632.htm) that Chloroquine Phosphate healed patients on average 4.4 days (reddit discussion and translation [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/COVID19/comments/ffztou/expert_chloroquine_phosphate_has_a_negative_time/)). However, we're hearing that US doctors will not be able to use these medicines since they're not FDA approved. Is it true that if I show up to Mass General Hospital with complications from COVID-19 doctors would be reluctant to use these medicines even though there is some (although not peer reviewed) evidence that they work in other countries. What will the process of using new drugs in the US look like. Is the roadmap in the order of weeks, or months or years i.e. if it's proved unequivocally that these are helpful drugs in treatment, how long will it take them to be approved in US so that doctors can give them to COVID-19 patients?","/u/BrokenWineGlass in the ER we aren't doing any experimental testing, but I can't comment about what's happening in the ICU as those are other doctors and other departments. As you can imagine trial drugs usually only get tested on the sickest of the sick--our first pledge as doctors was to do no harm. If you look healthy to me and otherwise well, I'd be really reluctant to give unproven medications, especially ones that have pretty significant side effects like Chloroquine, but thats my 2 cents. My job in the ER is to stabilize you, and we have known methods to do that mostly around ventilation and intubation to help your lungs function. That's my clinical experience. After that, I am an informed scientist and I would only know based on whats published.
-Shuhan",Emergencydocs,2020-03-11 14:57:09+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fgy7rg/im_dr_ali_raja_vice_chair_of_the_department_of/,"I’m Dr. Ali Raja, Vice Chair of the Department of Emergency Medicine at Mass General Hospital, and Associate Professor at Harvard Medical School. I’m joined by Dr. Shuhan He, an Emergency Medicine physician at Mass General Hospital. Let's talk treatment & self care during COVID-19 outbreak. AMA.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
"Why do we not have better information about some basic questions everyone has:
1) does recovering from covid-19 confer immunity, at least until the virus mutates?
2) are asymptomatic patients infectious? I’ve read conflicting reports and having a reliable source for this is important
3) does heat kill coronavirus? This seems like a simple piece of research that would be beneficial and assuage a lot of fears. As we approach spring on the west coast, the temperature in cars is getting over 90F. As it gets even warmer it would be great to know if heat kills the virus. People can park in the sun to kill coronavirus in their cars, and leave the AC off during the day or all day as summer hits to kill coronavirus.","/u/backward_s
1) This is a tricky question--I'll answer to say that there has been no evidence that people who get it once get it a second time (see our answer below). Thus to most people that would mean you have immunity.
2) I have also read conflicing reports but my answer tends to be no.
The WHO notes that asymptomatic infection has been reported, but the majority of the relatively rare cases who are asymptomatic on the date of identification/report went on to develop disease. It’s important to note that the proportion of truly asymptomatic infections is unclear since we aren’t yet widely testing asymptomatic patients, but appears to be relatively rare and does not appear to be a major driver of transmission.
3) Heat doesn't kill it, but it does make it harder to spread. See my answer below about how long Coronavirus stays on surfaces. There is data that temps around 80-90 does make it harder to transmit.
-Shuhan",Emergencydocs,2020-03-11 15:32:10+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fgy7rg/im_dr_ali_raja_vice_chair_of_the_department_of/,"I’m Dr. Ali Raja, Vice Chair of the Department of Emergency Medicine at Mass General Hospital, and Associate Professor at Harvard Medical School. I’m joined by Dr. Shuhan He, an Emergency Medicine physician at Mass General Hospital. Let's talk treatment & self care during COVID-19 outbreak. AMA.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
"As a healthy, younger person (20-29), but with chronic asthma, am I at a higher risk? I have seen the percentage of fatalities for people with chronic respiratory illness being as high as 6.3%, which is significantly higher than the estimated fatality rate for my age group (0.2%). I have had a cough for the last week, but no fever, and doctor's office advised no need to self isolate. Should I be concerned?
EDIT: Thank you both for taking the time to engage with the general public on these difficult topics. We appreciate your expertise and candor.","/u/4AKlondike[ see my comment below](https://www.reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fgy7rg/im_dr_ali_raja_vice_chair_of_the_department_of/fk85kml/). Asthma certainly is a concerning issue, regardless of coronavirus so it's important to try to get your asthma under control and watch carefully for symptoms of shortness of breath.",Emergencydocs,2020-03-11 15:47:55+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fgy7rg/im_dr_ali_raja_vice_chair_of_the_department_of/,"I’m Dr. Ali Raja, Vice Chair of the Department of Emergency Medicine at Mass General Hospital, and Associate Professor at Harvard Medical School. I’m joined by Dr. Shuhan He, an Emergency Medicine physician at Mass General Hospital. Let's talk treatment & self care during COVID-19 outbreak. AMA.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
When should schools be closing? We have 5 cases already in/near my city.,"We're not public health officials, so really can't be commenting on when schools should close. However, my two kids are still in school today, and will be as long as our public schools stay open.
I do want to mention that closing schools has a HUGE impact on us and everyone in healthcare. Both my wife and I work in healthcare... if our schools close, how do we both continue to see patients when one of us has to stay home with the kids? Sure, we can afford sitters, but demand is high and - more importantly - many of our coworkers (from nurses to the very important environmental staff that disinfect rooms of infected patients) often cannot. The decision to close schools can have far-reaching impact beyond the kids who are students at them.
-Ali",Emergencydocs,2020-03-11 14:22:56+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fgy7rg/im_dr_ali_raja_vice_chair_of_the_department_of/,"I’m Dr. Ali Raja, Vice Chair of the Department of Emergency Medicine at Mass General Hospital, and Associate Professor at Harvard Medical School. I’m joined by Dr. Shuhan He, an Emergency Medicine physician at Mass General Hospital. Let's talk treatment & self care during COVID-19 outbreak. AMA.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
"I have well-controlled asthma but get a chest infection almost every winter and was hospitalised with pneumonia as a child. Aside from taking the same hygiene precautions as everyone else, is there anything I should be watching out for if I do get infected? I don’t want to go to the hospital unnecessarily if I just get a cough but I also don’t want to, you know, die.","There’s two separate issues here, one is the shortness of breath you get from COVID, and the second is shortness of breath from Asthma. They can certainly go hand in hand and as you probably know from living with it, infections can exacerbate asthma. Specifically for COVID-19, people generally develop signs and symptoms, including mild respiratory symptoms and fever, on an average of 5-6 days after infection (mean incubation period 5-6 days, range 1-14 days).
On top of that, you might actually start feeling short of breath because of asthma. We can definitely treat that--with steroids and nebulizers. You should make sure you keep these handy. If you start feeling more short of breath and your usual treatments (steroids, nebulizers) aren’t helping the way they normally do with your asthma (after all, you know your disease well!), call your doctor to get checked out. If you feel worse quickly, go directly to the hospital as asthma is still an emergency. We’ll answer the other symptoms question separately because its actually quite interesting and informative
**TL;DR: If it feels like your typical asthma attack, it probably is. If it doesn’t improve, call your doctor or head to the hospital. Asthma is still an emergency**",Emergencydocs,2020-03-11 14:02:55+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fgy7rg/im_dr_ali_raja_vice_chair_of_the_department_of/,"I’m Dr. Ali Raja, Vice Chair of the Department of Emergency Medicine at Mass General Hospital, and Associate Professor at Harvard Medical School. I’m joined by Dr. Shuhan He, an Emergency Medicine physician at Mass General Hospital. Let's talk treatment & self care during COVID-19 outbreak. AMA.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
"Do you see any value in taking vitamins as a precautionary measure? I'm currently taking Vitamins C & D, Zinc and Elderberry. Figure it couldn't hurt, just wondering if it's worth recommending to others.","So I actually looked this up for recent [Parents.com](https://www.parents.com/health/healthy-happy-kids/is-elderberry-really-good-for-kids-heres-what-parents-need-to-know/) piece. There actually is some evidence that Elderberry makes symptoms of a cold more tolerable, but there is no evidence it prevents infections. Keep in mind it also has to be boiled to prevent cyanide toxicity.
I think this whole discussion gets to two main points
1) I think in medicine we need to do a better job talking about patient-reported outcomes, or how you feel. We don’t have a lot of data on medicines and treatments that just make people feel better. I fully acknowledge that, but at the same time I have been seeing a lot of talk about the idea of boosting your immune system, but keep in mind that a lot of the reasons why people get respiratory distress is that the immune system is too activated, causing a cytokine storm and causing death. A really overactive immune system is really quite harmful (Shuhan).
2) I think its more useful to talk about what makes you feel better, and what prevents illness, rather than what boosts your immune system.
In general, none of the home/over-the-counter medications you will take have yet been shown to decrease the duration of symptoms of COVID-19.
They may, however, help you with your symptoms. Decongestants may help with your nasal congestion and your cough, and anti-inflammatory medications (like acetaminophen and ibuprofen) will help with your fever.
3) While vitamin supplements haven’t been shown to help either, there is currently a trial being proposed in Wuhan looking at high-dose Vitamin C and whether it helps patients who are severely ill. However, the patients will receive 24 grams of IV vitamin C per day for 7 days. That's more than 260 times the Daily Value (DV) for vitamin C for adults and children age 4 years old and up, which is 90 mg per day. I would caution everyone to NOT take anywhere close to this dose at home, and that vitamin C has not been proven to help patients with other forms of sepsis (a life threatening infection), but it still bears further study. If you get to this point, its probably better to come to the hospital.
**TL;DR: Lots of medications help your symptoms. No medications really treat the root cause. Take medications because they make you feel better, not for your immune system.**",Emergencydocs,2020-03-11 14:24:36+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fgy7rg/im_dr_ali_raja_vice_chair_of_the_department_of/,"I’m Dr. Ali Raja, Vice Chair of the Department of Emergency Medicine at Mass General Hospital, and Associate Professor at Harvard Medical School. I’m joined by Dr. Shuhan He, an Emergency Medicine physician at Mass General Hospital. Let's talk treatment & self care during COVID-19 outbreak. AMA.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
"I continue to hear mixed advice on the use of masks. Some outlets have recommended against using them. Others say it can reduce my chances of getting COVID-19.
What is the complete answer about masks and COVID-19?","Masks can definitely decrease the risk for infection from COVID-19. The thought is that it is transmitted via large droplets, which a mask should help prevent. HOWEVER, we have a shortage of masks worldwide, so rather than making a large purchase of masks if you are young and healthy, it’s best to try to leave them for older patients or those with significant medical illnesses. Thats why you may be hearing mixed messages. We really need them for people who are at high risk of death and contracting COVID.
The reports about masks not working are really based around the fact that - at this time - the evidence is that more restrictive N-95 masks are necessary to prevent the virus’ transmission (this may change - we’ll be watching the CDC’s webpage for those of us in the U.S.). These require specific fitting, as there are different sizes. The surgical masks you see most people wearing don’t actually limit much airflow and may - instead - offer a false sense of security.
**TL;DR: If you’re young and healthy, don’t bother with a mask, if you need one, wear it, but wear it correctly.**",Emergencydocs,2020-03-11 14:49:32+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fgy7rg/im_dr_ali_raja_vice_chair_of_the_department_of/,"I’m Dr. Ali Raja, Vice Chair of the Department of Emergency Medicine at Mass General Hospital, and Associate Professor at Harvard Medical School. I’m joined by Dr. Shuhan He, an Emergency Medicine physician at Mass General Hospital. Let's talk treatment & self care during COVID-19 outbreak. AMA.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
How much stock do you take in the statement yesterday that in 10 days hospitals are going to be overrun?,"I am very concerned about the capacity of the US hospital system to treat the people most in need. Its why we're doing this AMA!
-Shuhan",Emergencydocs,2020-03-11 15:35:11+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fgy7rg/im_dr_ali_raja_vice_chair_of_the_department_of/,"I’m Dr. Ali Raja, Vice Chair of the Department of Emergency Medicine at Mass General Hospital, and Associate Professor at Harvard Medical School. I’m joined by Dr. Shuhan He, an Emergency Medicine physician at Mass General Hospital. Let's talk treatment & self care during COVID-19 outbreak. AMA.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
"How are pregnant women or newborns affected by this virus? Should I be even more concerned about them, and their safety? -My child isn't born yet, But could be in the next few weeks.
Thank you.","At this time, very little is known about COVID-19, particularly related to its effect on pregnant women and infants/newborns. There are two sources that we look at for this, and we’re all still making best informed guesses right now. Keep in mind we have limited data sets here to make decisions off of. However this question really is three separate questions that we’ll answer separately
**1) Are pregnant women at higher risk for severe disease?**
We look at The JAMA report from the 72,000 cases in Wuhan china
“As opposed to Influenza A(H1N1)pdm09, pregnant women do not appear to be at higher risk of severe disease. In an investigation of 147 pregnant women (64 confirmed, 82 suspected and 1 asymptomatic), 8% had severe disease and 1% were critical.”
However ACOG (American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists) looked at limited data from previous viruses like SARS and MERS (and COVID-19 is often thought of as SARS-2). Based on this, they may be a higher risk. Additionally, there is some data that suggests that there may have been cases of preterm birth in women in China who were infected with COVID-19.
**TL;DR Right now we just don’t know how bad the risk is, so your friend should take (or not take) whatever action makes her feel more comfortable. As you can see its a bit contradictory.**
**2) Should I breastfeed?**
ACOG recommends against breastfeeding, as the concern is for respiratory droplet transmission during feeding. There has been no evidence to date yet showing transmission of virus in breastmilk. There have been a small number of cases in china where infants were found to test positive for the virus shortly after birth but it is unknown if this was from transplacental, droplet, or breast milk transmission.
**TLDR Keep away from breastfeeding, not because of the milk, but because you would cough and sneeze on your baby.**
**3) Will this affect my baby?**
If we use old models like radiation, fetuses tend to be most susceptible to issues in the first trimester, but by the third trimester, since they’re mostly fully formed, it's probably safe. The highest infection rate in fetuses is in the first trimester for viruses and we’re thinking about it in those terms until better evidence proves or disproves us. At this point there is just no way to know.
**Overall TL;DR It’s probably safe, we think. The only way to know is once we start taking care of more children with COVID-19, so that we can track how they were infected. Don't breastfeed if you're sick**",Emergencydocs,2020-03-11 14:32:19+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fgy7rg/im_dr_ali_raja_vice_chair_of_the_department_of/,"I’m Dr. Ali Raja, Vice Chair of the Department of Emergency Medicine at Mass General Hospital, and Associate Professor at Harvard Medical School. I’m joined by Dr. Shuhan He, an Emergency Medicine physician at Mass General Hospital. Let's talk treatment & self care during COVID-19 outbreak. AMA.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
"Should I be worried about the virus staying in my clothing if I come in contact with a contaminated surface? If so, how should I manage cleaning my clothing and personal items when I get home?","Normal hygiene like soap and seems to work really well, but it does stay on surfaces for quite a long time
-Shuhan",Emergencydocs,2020-03-11 15:35:57+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fgy7rg/im_dr_ali_raja_vice_chair_of_the_department_of/,"I’m Dr. Ali Raja, Vice Chair of the Department of Emergency Medicine at Mass General Hospital, and Associate Professor at Harvard Medical School. I’m joined by Dr. Shuhan He, an Emergency Medicine physician at Mass General Hospital. Let's talk treatment & self care during COVID-19 outbreak. AMA.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
Should people who smoke be really worried? I'm in the UK and a large proportion of my family are smokers. How does coronovirus impact those who smoke?,"/u/Bean9661 unfortunately smoking does seem to be a risk factor for developing severe disease. Please be safe and watch your symptoms carefully. If you are having shortness of breath, please see a doctor!",Emergencydocs,2020-03-11 15:37:22+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fgy7rg/im_dr_ali_raja_vice_chair_of_the_department_of/,"I’m Dr. Ali Raja, Vice Chair of the Department of Emergency Medicine at Mass General Hospital, and Associate Professor at Harvard Medical School. I’m joined by Dr. Shuhan He, an Emergency Medicine physician at Mass General Hospital. Let's talk treatment & self care during COVID-19 outbreak. AMA.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
"My grandparents have been self isolating as they do not want to risk catching the virus.
We will be providing them with their groceries and other needs. What is the best method of doing this to ensure we don't pass on the virus to them if we have it ourselves and don't know yet?","Coronavirus seems to last quite a while on surfaces for up to 6-9 days! They actually tested this and there is data. Obviously, it does always vary depending on the type of surface, the amount of virus, and the temperature.
It just sort of depends on the humidity and the type of surface. On different types of materials it can remain infectious for from 2 hours up to 9 days.
On the lower end, it lasts only about 2 hours on paper surfaces but can persist on inanimate surfaces like metal, glass or plastic for up to 9 days. For plastic, its about 6-9 days. There isn’t a clear idea of cell phone screens specifically, but for glass it's about 5 days.
A higher temperature such as 80 degrees F reduced the duration of how long it persists for.
Similar viruses like SARS and MERS also show about the same time frame, so we think this is pretty accurate.
Here is a quick reference I made and cited in a digital rends piece
-Shuhan",Emergencydocs,2020-03-11 14:43:15+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fgy7rg/im_dr_ali_raja_vice_chair_of_the_department_of/,"I’m Dr. Ali Raja, Vice Chair of the Department of Emergency Medicine at Mass General Hospital, and Associate Professor at Harvard Medical School. I’m joined by Dr. Shuhan He, an Emergency Medicine physician at Mass General Hospital. Let's talk treatment & self care during COVID-19 outbreak. AMA.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
How do you self quarantine basically? What is the time period for that and what happens if you exceed that time period without any noticeable improvements?,"So, first, some definitions. Remember that quarantine isolates people who may have been exposed to COVID-19 to see if they get sick, whereas isolation is a way to separate an already sick person from people who aren't sick. Quarantines last for as long as the upper limit of the virus' incubation (the time between being exposed and showing symptoms), which the CDC is saying should be 14 days. After that, if you’re still not showing any symptoms, you should be in the clear. Isolation lasts for as long as the virus is contagious, which means until people are free of symptoms and test negative for the virus
So specifically to answer the question how do you self quarantine if you’ve been asked to do so?
* Stay away from other people in your home as much as possible, staying in a separate room and using a separate bathroom if available.
* No visitors unless the person needs to be in your home. Especially visitors who are elderly and frail.
* If you need medical attention (whether it’s for COVID-19 symptoms or for any other medical emergency), call ahead to ensure you're going to the right place and so that they can take the necessary precautions to isolate you when you arrive. Tell the EMT and tell the doctors early so we don't get sick from you!
* Wear a face mask if you must be around other people, such as during a drive to the doctor's office (We're answering the face mask question in another area)
* Avoid sharing household items, including drinking cups, eating utensils, towels or even bedding. Wash these items thoroughly after using.
* Clean high-touch surfaces daily using a household cleaner or wipe. These include: ""counters, tabletops, doorknobs, bathroom fixtures, toilets, phones, keyboards, tablets and bedside tables,"" the CDC says.[ Shuhan did a piece about it here,](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/clean-phones-ya-filthy-animals-232103183.html) I'll cite the table in another answer. The virus can stay on surfaces for 6-9 days!
* Clean any surfaces that may be contaminated with blood, stool or any bodily fluids. This should be obvious for any situation, not just COVID
* This one is really important: Continue monitoring your symptoms. If they worsen, such as you if you begin to have difficulty breathing,, and especially if you have trouble breathing while speaking ,that is your sign to go to the ER immediately.
- Keep in mind: when you begin the quarantine, you should have one set up for you to check in with regularly. Worst case is you are alone in an emergency.
**TL;DR Stay away from people, clean spaces you cough on, but have someone check in on you every once in a while**",Emergencydocs,2020-03-11 14:40:20+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fgy7rg/im_dr_ali_raja_vice_chair_of_the_department_of/,"I’m Dr. Ali Raja, Vice Chair of the Department of Emergency Medicine at Mass General Hospital, and Associate Professor at Harvard Medical School. I’m joined by Dr. Shuhan He, an Emergency Medicine physician at Mass General Hospital. Let's talk treatment & self care during COVID-19 outbreak. AMA.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
"If I think I have COVID-19, what should my first few steps be to get treated and prevent spreading it to others?","/u/vivagliazzurri1116 self-quarantine! [see our comment here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fgy7rg/im_dr_ali_raja_vice_chair_of_the_department_of/fk89r8n/)
-Shuhan",Emergencydocs,2020-03-11 15:38:51+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fgy7rg/im_dr_ali_raja_vice_chair_of_the_department_of/,"I’m Dr. Ali Raja, Vice Chair of the Department of Emergency Medicine at Mass General Hospital, and Associate Professor at Harvard Medical School. I’m joined by Dr. Shuhan He, an Emergency Medicine physician at Mass General Hospital. Let's talk treatment & self care during COVID-19 outbreak. AMA.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
There was some data out of China identifying a possible link between hypertension and fatalities. There was speculation that ACE inhibitors negatively affect the body's response. I have genetic high blood pressure and take an ACE inhibitor. There are many millions around the world in the same situation. Has any additional data come out about this?,"Hey, do you mind sending a link to the data?
Also, we discuss the connection between hypertension and coronavirus in this story:
[These underlying conditions make coronavirus more severe, and they're surprisingly common](https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/2020/03/these-underlying-conditions-make-coronavirus-more-severe-and-they-are-surprisingly-common/)",nationalgeographic,2020-03-12 14:59:25+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fhhoci/im_nsikan_akpan_a_science_editor_at_national/,"I’m Nsikan Akpan, a science editor at National Geographic covering the COVID-19 outbreak—AMA",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
"Assuming the best case scenario and we all successfully socially isolate as much as we can, thereby slowing the spread of the virus, how long would it take until it’s safe to return to normal life?","Hard to say. I've really loved watching the growth of the ""flatten the curve"" narrative over the past week as it is an awesome way to demonstrate the merits of social isolation. [https://abcnews.go.com/Health/flattening-curve-coronavirus-matters/story?id=69519338](https://abcnews.go.com/Health/flattening-curve-coronavirus-matters/story?id=69519338)
But it doesn't predict when this outbreak might end, because it can't. Nobody can at the moment, because the outbreak hasn't peaked.
Also, we might be in what is called the initial phase of a pandemic. If COVID-19 has multiple phases like Spanish flu or if it [becomes seasonal](https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/2020/02/what-happens-to-coronavirus-covid-19-in-warmer-spring-temperatures/), then we might see a regular bout of cases every year for the foreseeable future or until we can develop an effective preventive remedy, like a vaccine.",nationalgeographic,2020-03-12 13:19:35+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fhhoci/im_nsikan_akpan_a_science_editor_at_national/,"I’m Nsikan Akpan, a science editor at National Geographic covering the COVID-19 outbreak—AMA",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
"There have been reports of people testing positive after previously being declared recovered from COVID-19. What are the most likely reasons for this? Are we seeing reinfection, false negatives, or some kind of relapse like with chicken pox and shingles?","If you have links to the reports, I would love to see them.
We know that cold-causing strains of coronaviruses [can reinfect people](https://www.hopkinsguides.com/hopkins/view/Johns_Hopkins_ABX_Guide/540143/all/Coronavirus), most likely because RNA viruses mutate gradually over time or because our immunity after exposure wanes.
CDC doesn't believe that patients with MERS--a cousin of the novel coronavirus--[were ever reinfected](https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/hcp/faq.html), and SARS flamed out too fast for anyone to study. Animal models of [MERS](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28817732) and [SARS](https://www.annualreviews.org/doi/full/10.1146/annurev.immunol.25.022106.141706?url_ver=Z39.88-2003&rfr_id=ori%3Arid%3Acrossref.org&rfr_dat=cr_pub%3Dpubmed) show mixed answers on the reinfection question.",nationalgeographic,2020-03-12 12:20:44+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fhhoci/im_nsikan_akpan_a_science_editor_at_national/,"I’m Nsikan Akpan, a science editor at National Geographic covering the COVID-19 outbreak—AMA",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
"The prime minister of The Netherlands just decided not to close schools because children don't have a great risk of having the coronavirus, and the impact on our society would be too big. My question is, won't there still be a big risk by keeping the schools open? Children can still catch and spread the vrius onto other people, and the fatality rate might be low on children, but with many children catching the virus the fatalities can still run very high. What are your views on this? Am I overreacting or simply wrong by assuming that keeping the schools open will induce a great risk of the coronavirus spreading faster?","As we [reported](https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/2020/03/these-underlying-conditions-make-coronavirus-more-severe-and-they-are-surprisingly-common/):
""Early tracing among close contacts and in households has found that children [are just as likely to catch the novel coronavirus as adults](https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.03.03.20028423v1)."" AND ""The school closures seen worldwide are justified, because children are the major spreaders of every respiratory illness known to exist.""
While kids so far have been spared the worst outcomes of COVID-19, they can still act as prominent carriers that might inadvertently spread the coronavirus to others.",nationalgeographic,2020-03-12 12:33:15+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fhhoci/im_nsikan_akpan_a_science_editor_at_national/,"I’m Nsikan Akpan, a science editor at National Geographic covering the COVID-19 outbreak—AMA",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
"Do you know the true range of symptoms?
Like I know it ranges from asymptomatic-mild- “mild” (pnemonia)-dying, but is there anyway you can expand on upon the symptoms people face at each stage?","Via the World Health Organization:
As of 20 February 2020 and based on 55,924 laboratory confirmed cases, typical signs and symptoms include: fever (87.9%), dry cough (67.7%), fatigue (38.1%), sputum production (33.4%), shortness of breath (18.6%), sore throat (13.9%), headache (13.6%), muscle or joint pain (14.8%), chills (11.4%), nausea or vomiting (5.0%), nasal congestion (4.8%), diarrhea (3.7%), and coughing up blood (0.9%), and conjunctival congestion i.e., red eye (0.8%).
The WHO says the clinical course for the novel coronavirus--how the symptoms develop stage by stage--has varied case by case.
The CDC lays out a clinical course based on a review of available medical studies, here: [htt ps://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/hcp/clinical-guidance-management-patients.html](https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/hcp/clinical-guidance-management-patients.html)",nationalgeographic,2020-03-12 15:37:23+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fhhoci/im_nsikan_akpan_a_science_editor_at_national/,"I’m Nsikan Akpan, a science editor at National Geographic covering the COVID-19 outbreak—AMA",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
"Hi. Thank you for doing this.
Why do you think many countries are not implementing a wide lockdown or quarantining people from various infected countries? Is this a relations matter? Or do they not realize how incredibly dangerous it is? I just don't understand their perspective on this.","At best, the lockdowns can only the [**delay the spread**](https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/2020/02/why-travel-restrictions-are-not-stopping-coronavirus-covid-19/) of the virus. Travel restrictions can't fully stop an outbreak on their own.
We should also keep in mind that widespread lockdowns exact an enormous toll, whether it be emotional, physical, and yes, financial.
Many people under lockdown are physically separated from their friends and their loved ones, while also facing down a once-in-a-generation outbreak. These lockdowns impair [trade and tourism](https://www.nationalgeographic.com/travel/2020/03/is-coronavirus-impacting-your-spring-break-travel-plans/), which can influence the economy. But it can also keep essential resources--like volunteer health care specialists--from reaching an impacted destination.
I imagine that most leaders are trying to balance the massive pros against the massive cons of these lockdowns, which is tough.",nationalgeographic,2020-03-12 13:49:16+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fhhoci/im_nsikan_akpan_a_science_editor_at_national/,"I’m Nsikan Akpan, a science editor at National Geographic covering the COVID-19 outbreak—AMA",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
"What would your best response be to those that are saying ""It's just a flu""?","We tackled those questions in these pieces:
[How coronavirus compares to flu, Ebola, and other major outbreaks](https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/2020/02/graphic-coronavirus-compares-flu-ebola-other-major-outbreaks/)
[Here’s what coronavirus does to the body](https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/2020/02/here-is-what-coronavirus-does-to-the-body/)
[These underlying conditions make coronavirus more severe, and they're surprisingly common](https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/2020/03/these-underlying-conditions-make-coronavirus-more-severe-and-they-are-surprisingly-common/)
The easiest response might be to quote us and share [the first graphic in this story](https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/2020/03/these-underlying-conditions-make-coronavirus-more-severe-and-they-are-surprisingly-common/), made by Nat Geo's Kennedy Elliott:
""Evidence also shows that COVID-19 is more fatal across all age groups than seasonal influenza, with death rates six to 10 times higher for those under 50. Moreover, death isn’t the only danger, and severe cases of COVID-19 are more common among young adults than you might think.""
Also, naysayers need to realize that flu and COVID-19 are separate illnesses, and both deserve our attention for their own serious reasons.",nationalgeographic,2020-03-12 12:44:16+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fhhoci/im_nsikan_akpan_a_science_editor_at_national/,"I’m Nsikan Akpan, a science editor at National Geographic covering the COVID-19 outbreak—AMA",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
"I'm particularly worried about ***Virus Mutation***
How likely is the Coronavirus to mutate, and at what rate? Is it a mutation that restricts the possibility of a one-time vaccine? Is there a possibility that the virus may very well become a seasonal pandemic that mimics the seasonal cycle of the flu?
*Kindly explain this issue as it is a cause for concern for many of us.*","Coronaviruses, like influenza, are RNA viruses, which means they are more prone to mutation than other types of viruses.
With influenza, these mutations happen so often that it forces us to make a new vaccine each year to tackle the evolving strains. Hard to know if the same will apply for the novel coronavirus, given a vaccine has not been developed yet.
But not all mutations are beneficial mutations. While the novel coronavirus is certainly changing in its genetic makeup in real-time, this habit doesn't automatically mean that the virus is becoming more dangerous. Here are a couple resources about that:
Yes, there is a chance that COVID-19 will become seasonal.
[https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/2020/02/what-happens-to-coronavirus-covid-19-in-warmer-spring-temperatures/](https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/2020/02/what-happens-to-coronavirus-covid-19-in-warmer-spring-temperatures/)",nationalgeographic,2020-03-12 13:03:11+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fhhoci/im_nsikan_akpan_a_science_editor_at_national/,"I’m Nsikan Akpan, a science editor at National Geographic covering the COVID-19 outbreak—AMA",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
"On a scale of one to ten, how bad is this outbreak currently","9 to 10.
As it pertains to a novel disease, I would describe SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 as a worst-case scenario, in terms of the speed of transmission, the medical outcomes, and the public response to it.
A emerging influenza outbreak--like 2009 H1N1 or 1918 Spanish flu--are the only respiratory pandemics on par.",nationalgeographic,2020-03-12 12:04:00+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fhhoci/im_nsikan_akpan_a_science_editor_at_national/,"I’m Nsikan Akpan, a science editor at National Geographic covering the COVID-19 outbreak—AMA",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
What measures do you expect governments to take in large US metropolitan areas over the coming days?,"I would expect a global push in increase emergency capacity i.e., the construction of hospitals and ICUs, increased production of PPE, the development of rapid assays for coronavirus that work faster than the standard PCR test, more mobile testing facilities. South Korea and Singapore are good bellwethers.
You could expect additional travel bans and large-scale quarantines, which would likely lead to mass migrations of people who do not want to get stuck behind the restrictions. Those mass movements could work against the effectiveness of infection control strategies.
In the long-term, if the virus spreads widely, we might expect governments to move away from quarantine methods and divert resources primarily toward medical treatment.",nationalgeographic,2020-03-12 12:11:40+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fhhoci/im_nsikan_akpan_a_science_editor_at_national/,"I’m Nsikan Akpan, a science editor at National Geographic covering the COVID-19 outbreak—AMA",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
How long does it generally take for herd immunity to form on a new virus? How exactly does that occur?,"This question is tricky, because what you're really asking is ""What is the **herd immunity threshold** for the novel coronavirus?""
The **herd immunity threshold** is the percentage of the population that needs to develop resistance to a disease in order to stop transmission chains between people. You can find one of my favorite illustrations of this concept [here](https://www.nih.gov/about-nih/what-we-do/science-health-public-trust/perspectives/science-health-public-trust/building-trust-vaccines).
But this threshold varies by disease. For measles, you need 90-95% of the population to have immunity, either through vaccination or naturally through infection, for effective herd immunity. For mumps, it is 75-86%
Those thresholds are dependent on transmission rates, as others describe in this thread, but it also depends on how/if our bodies can develop long-lasting immunity to the disease. That, in turn, that depends on the virus' evolution but also on how our bodies respond to the virus.
For example, the seasonal flu virus mutates so fast that we need a new vaccine each year. Even then the vaccine is only 50% effective, which factors into why it is hard to build complete herd immunity against influenza. For dengue, there are multiple strains of the virus, they circle back at random times to spawn outbreaks, and our bodies can't seem to develop immunity that can cover all of them.
We need to learn more about all of these matters before we can know if herd immunity is possible for COVID-19 and how fast it might occur.",nationalgeographic,2020-03-12 17:30:37+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fhhoci/im_nsikan_akpan_a_science_editor_at_national/,"I’m Nsikan Akpan, a science editor at National Geographic covering the COVID-19 outbreak—AMA",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
"If this was to go seriously wrong (worst case scenario), how bad would the pandemic end up?
Are there any estimates on maximum death toll/infected rate?","Partially answered here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fhhoci/im\_nsikan\_akpan\_a\_science\_editor\_at\_national/fkc499h/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fhhoci/im_nsikan_akpan_a_science_editor_at_national/fkc499h/)
But keep in mind: Those are worst-case scenarios. A lot would need to happen between where the globe is now and there.",nationalgeographic,2020-03-12 18:01:27+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fhhoci/im_nsikan_akpan_a_science_editor_at_national/,"I’m Nsikan Akpan, a science editor at National Geographic covering the COVID-19 outbreak—AMA",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
"The John Hopkins dashboard shows that infection numbers are very low in Africa. [John Hopkins COVID-19 dashboard](https://www.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/bda7594740fd40299423467b48e9ecf6).
What do you think is happening here? are infections not reported, is testing not done? or is it a matter of time before an outbreak also occurs in Africa. Thank you!","It could be fewer cases are there, but more likely, it is due to a lack of resources for surveillance. Health departments can only report what they can detect.
That said, WHO-Africa is rapidly scaling up its activities in the region. [https://www.afro.who.int/health-topics/coronavirus-covid-19](https://www.afro.who.int/health-topics/coronavirus-covid-19)",nationalgeographic,2020-03-12 13:57:18+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fhhoci/im_nsikan_akpan_a_science_editor_at_national/,"I’m Nsikan Akpan, a science editor at National Geographic covering the COVID-19 outbreak—AMA",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
"Could you explain whether it's possible to get infected by touching an infected surface? Yesterday I read the following: ""*The good news is there have so far been no recorded cases of coronavirus transmission from surface-to-person contact, said Dr. Jonas Nilsen, the co-founder of the travel vaccination service Practico""*.
Does that mean that it's highly unlikely to transmit the virus between each other through objects and surfaces?","The World Health Organization says that COVID-19 **can indeed be spread via fomites** aka surfaces contaminated by the virus.
Here's CDC guidance on how to combat such transmission: [https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/community/home/cleaning-disinfection.html](https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/community/home/cleaning-disinfection.html)",nationalgeographic,2020-03-12 18:09:27+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fhhoci/im_nsikan_akpan_a_science_editor_at_national/,"I’m Nsikan Akpan, a science editor at National Geographic covering the COVID-19 outbreak—AMA",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
"Do you think COVID-19 is the worst outbreak in modern times in terms of scale and severity (versus SARS, MERS, H1N1 e.g.)?","COVID-19 is definitely worse than its cousins, SARS and MERS.
Time will tell where COVID-19 ranks among influenza pandemics and other major epidemics.
If COVID-19's case-fatality ratio remains the same and the virus infects as many people as the 2009 H1N1 pandemic (60.8 million) or more, then COVID-19 could certainly go down as one of the worst, if not the worst, outbreak of all time.",nationalgeographic,2020-03-12 14:19:46+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fhhoci/im_nsikan_akpan_a_science_editor_at_national/,"I’m Nsikan Akpan, a science editor at National Geographic covering the COVID-19 outbreak—AMA",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
What one thing do you wish people would stop saying about this epidemic?,"Two things:
1) I wish that naysayers would stop claiming that ""COVID-19 isn't dangerous"" and that ""only the elderly/infirm need to worry about it."" As we [report this week](https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/2020/03/these-underlying-conditions-make-coronavirus-more-severe-and-they-are-surprisingly-common/), the disease threatens a wide spectrum of people.
2) I wish that naysayers would stop claiming that ""the news media is exaggerating the risk."" I can't speak for all of news media, because we're not a monolith and some reporting is more evidenced-based than others. But many members of the news media are risking their lives to report these stories, and public awareness is the only tool available for showing people the importance of infection control tactics like social distancing.",nationalgeographic,2020-03-12 14:14:13+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fhhoci/im_nsikan_akpan_a_science_editor_at_national/,"I’m Nsikan Akpan, a science editor at National Geographic covering the COVID-19 outbreak—AMA",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
"Is what we're seeing in the news an accurate portrayal of the current outbreak?
I get the sense that there's a lot that we do you know.","News media isn't a monolith, but you can trust news stories from major outlets like National Geographic, PBS NewsHour, NPR, ProPublica, STAT News, The Washington Post, The New York Times, The Guardian, Science Magazine, Nature News, and many others.
The best journalism tries to objectively convey what is happening as it happens. Early on, we made the decision to cover the outbreak with occasional deep dives, because our readers seem to appreciate the 10,000-foot view rather than an individual piece about every single update.
There is a lot that we don't know about this outbreak, and my favorite stories make mention of that reality. The news can make mistakes because journalists are human, but the overarching goal is accuracy.",nationalgeographic,2020-03-12 16:16:08+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fhhoci/im_nsikan_akpan_a_science_editor_at_national/,"I’m Nsikan Akpan, a science editor at National Geographic covering the COVID-19 outbreak—AMA",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
"What do you think about the current countries who are not closing their schools, especially with countries who have 500+ infected?","Closing schools does cut down on the transmission of respiratory diseases like COVID-19.
But each country must make its decisions based on its individual risk. Hopefully, world leaders are listening to the scientific experts and making sound judgments.",nationalgeographic,2020-03-12 17:57:43+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fhhoci/im_nsikan_akpan_a_science_editor_at_national/,"I’m Nsikan Akpan, a science editor at National Geographic covering the COVID-19 outbreak—AMA",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
What is the progression of the disease like for people in severe care? Is it just like a bad fever or are there worse symptoms?,"This study tracked the progression of survivors and non-survivors. Check out Figure 1.
[https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(20)30566-3/fulltext](https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(20)30566-3/fulltext)",nationalgeographic,2020-03-12 12:50:20+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fhhoci/im_nsikan_akpan_a_science_editor_at_national/,"I’m Nsikan Akpan, a science editor at National Geographic covering the COVID-19 outbreak—AMA",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
What's the situation like in Africa? They seems to have suspiciously few cases and I'm guessing it's because of a lack of testing. So how bad do you think the situation is there really?,Answered here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fhhoci/im\_nsikan\_akpan\_a\_science\_editor\_at\_national/fkbmo21/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fhhoci/im_nsikan_akpan_a_science_editor_at_national/fkbmo21/),nationalgeographic,2020-03-12 18:30:49+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fhhoci/im_nsikan_akpan_a_science_editor_at_national/,"I’m Nsikan Akpan, a science editor at National Geographic covering the COVID-19 outbreak—AMA",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
Can someone please respond to a question really quick. I know it's stupid but I had this problem my whole life. So I have 21 years and I live in a country who doesn't have the best medical system in the world. I know this virus has a high mortality rate for the older people. I don't think I have it yet and I'm worried about myself and the older folks and I already started to stay just in home. I didn't had any medical problems that I know of and I'm curious about one thing...if i get infected what are my chances of dying?,"I don't think that anyone can predict an individual person's chances of being killed by the coronavirus. But epidemiology can glimpse what groups might be at a higher risk.
We review those risks in this story: [These underlying conditions make coronavirus more severe, and they're surprisingly common](https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/2020/03/these-underlying-conditions-make-coronavirus-more-severe-and-they-are-surprisingly-common/)
And the World Health Organization has put out a comprehensive report on the topic: [https://www.who.int/docs/default-source/coronaviruse/who-china-joint-mission-on-covid-19-final-report.pdf](https://www.who.int/docs/default-source/coronaviruse/who-china-joint-mission-on-covid-19-final-report.pdf)",nationalgeographic,2020-03-12 15:11:24+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fhhoci/im_nsikan_akpan_a_science_editor_at_national/,"I’m Nsikan Akpan, a science editor at National Geographic covering the COVID-19 outbreak—AMA",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
Do you think the virus is manmade or is it natural?,"I would check out [this twitter thread](https://twitter.com/arambaut/status/1229368840473235462) from one of the leading geneticists working on COVID-19. In short, the SARS-CoV-2 virus has genetic elements that **could not be predicted/designed in advance by humans**, based on everything we knew about the virus family.",nationalgeographic,2020-03-12 13:39:28+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fhhoci/im_nsikan_akpan_a_science_editor_at_national/,"I’m Nsikan Akpan, a science editor at National Geographic covering the COVID-19 outbreak—AMA",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
"I’m a student at a college that just announced it’s closing. There are no confirmed cases here, but I can’t leave for five days and I want to make sure I take the right precautions. The problem is that the nature of a college campus means I’m forced to enter and use public areas every day, like group bathrooms, dining halls, and classrooms. Any advice on my best course of action? Thanks for all your help.","Follow this guidance from the World Health Organization as closely as you can: [https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/advice-for-public](https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/advice-for-public)
I know that advice like ""don't touch your face"" can seem infeasible. But once you get in the habit of actively thinking about these tasks, they become easier. Stay vigilant!",nationalgeographic,2020-03-12 16:25:05+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fhhoci/im_nsikan_akpan_a_science_editor_at_national/,"I’m Nsikan Akpan, a science editor at National Geographic covering the COVID-19 outbreak—AMA",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
"I understand those who smoke and vape are at a higher risk. However, I haven’t seen anything about how to help other than quitting. I am a women in my late 20s and a smoker, and I am just quitting smoking today. I am thoroughly freaked because I put my own self at risk with the habit. What can I do to minimize my risks of becoming seriously ill and being hospitalized aside from social distancing, washing hands, and quitting smoking?","Social distancing, washing hands, and quitting smoking are a great start.
With a disease like COVID-19, the big key is minimizing risk, whether it be via preventing transmission ([CDC](https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/community/index.html) and [WHO](https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/advice-for-public) guidelines) or by getting the body into its best state for handling an infection.
We've covered what the virus can do to the body in these stories:
[These underlying conditions make coronavirus more severe, and they're surprisingly common](https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/2020/03/these-underlying-conditions-make-coronavirus-more-severe-and-they-are-surprisingly-common/)
[Here’s what coronavirus does to the body](https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/2020/02/here-is-what-coronavirus-does-to-the-body/)
Also, don't be afraid to check in with a doctor, if you have one. One of my favorite quotes from the ""underlying conditions"" story:
“When there's a great deal of misinformation in the public arena and when there's much that we don't know yet about the virus, this is the time to use your medical contacts.""",nationalgeographic,2020-03-12 18:27:14+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fhhoci/im_nsikan_akpan_a_science_editor_at_national/,"I’m Nsikan Akpan, a science editor at National Geographic covering the COVID-19 outbreak—AMA",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
What can you tell us about cytokines storm ? Are people really dying because their immune system is overreacting ? I have a fever of 37C + all the time but I couldn't get my blood tested. Is this my immune system overreacting ?,"We reported on cytokine storms here:
[Here’s what coronavirus does to the body](https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/2020/02/here-is-what-coronavirus-does-to-the-body/)",nationalgeographic,2020-03-12 18:31:49+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fhhoci/im_nsikan_akpan_a_science_editor_at_national/,"I’m Nsikan Akpan, a science editor at National Geographic covering the COVID-19 outbreak—AMA",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
Has there been any signs of permanent damage after recovery?,"Not at this stage, there hasn't. But we're still early in our understanding of the virus, and its lasting effects. -Dr. Torres and Dr. Fair",nbcnews,2020-03-06 12:02:54+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fefj9n/im_dr_john_torres_medical_correspondent_for_nbc/,"I’m Dr. John Torres, medical correspondent for NBC News who practices emergency medicine, and I'm joined by Dr. Joseph Fair, a virologist, epidemiologist and global outbreak responder. We’re here to discuss the new COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak. AMA.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
"I've seen numbers that ~10% of people infected require breathing assistance for several days, potentially even weeks. If the virus continues to spread in densely populated areas, what are our options when facilities fill up?","Like any other country, we have a limited number of ventilators. IF this virus gets to that, we'll have to make some tough decisions. This is why it's important for the public to do their part and self quarantine, if necessary. But the government is taking steps to increase manufacturing capability / pace of ventilators. -Dr. Torres and Dr. Fair",nbcnews,2020-03-06 12:08:08+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fefj9n/im_dr_john_torres_medical_correspondent_for_nbc/,"I’m Dr. John Torres, medical correspondent for NBC News who practices emergency medicine, and I'm joined by Dr. Joseph Fair, a virologist, epidemiologist and global outbreak responder. We’re here to discuss the new COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak. AMA.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
[deleted],"Yes, we will have to take serious self quarantine measures. We currently don't have the capacity to do a traditional quarantine. But we're not at that stage yet. -Dr. Torres and Dr. Fair",nbcnews,2020-03-06 12:03:38+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fefj9n/im_dr_john_torres_medical_correspondent_for_nbc/,"I’m Dr. John Torres, medical correspondent for NBC News who practices emergency medicine, and I'm joined by Dr. Joseph Fair, a virologist, epidemiologist and global outbreak responder. We’re here to discuss the new COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak. AMA.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
"Is it realistic to attempt to avoid infection, or should I just be preparing to make myself comfortable at this point?","You want to do all you can to avoid an infection: be it COVID-19, or a regular cold or flu. Wash your hands. Avoid touching your face. Avoid large gatherings if there is an outbreak in your area. -Dr. Torres and Dr. Fair",nbcnews,2020-03-06 12:09:18+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fefj9n/im_dr_john_torres_medical_correspondent_for_nbc/,"I’m Dr. John Torres, medical correspondent for NBC News who practices emergency medicine, and I'm joined by Dr. Joseph Fair, a virologist, epidemiologist and global outbreak responder. We’re here to discuss the new COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak. AMA.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
"I manage a senior residential care community, and I’m trying to have at least minimal stock of PPE we only need small amounts for case of flu or noro . However every vendor I go to purchase we are on the lowest priority list, infact some places will straight just cancel our order. This is leaving other senior providers with ZERO tools to manage an outbreak or even one or two cases.
What are some alternative options for protective equipment?","Contact your state public health authorities, because you care for a high risk population. -Dr. Fair",nbcnews,2020-03-06 12:43:33+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fefj9n/im_dr_john_torres_medical_correspondent_for_nbc/,"I’m Dr. John Torres, medical correspondent for NBC News who practices emergency medicine, and I'm joined by Dr. Joseph Fair, a virologist, epidemiologist and global outbreak responder. We’re here to discuss the new COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak. AMA.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
"If someone is infected with the virus with mild to moderate symptoms, are there any at-home or over-the-counter treatments we can use to prevent more severe symptoms from developing?
If hospitals become overburdened and deny admission for severe cases, are there any at-home or over-the-counter measures we can take to ease severe symptoms?","It's similar your do with the flu or any other respiratory virus: fluids, lots of rest, keeping distance from other people, so that they don't get sick. -Dr. Torres",nbcnews,2020-03-06 12:41:59+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fefj9n/im_dr_john_torres_medical_correspondent_for_nbc/,"I’m Dr. John Torres, medical correspondent for NBC News who practices emergency medicine, and I'm joined by Dr. Joseph Fair, a virologist, epidemiologist and global outbreak responder. We’re here to discuss the new COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak. AMA.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
"Although we are told for those that catch this disease, 80% of us will have mild cases, with the reproduction number being as high as it is, isn’t the more worrying scenario an overload on the healthcare system and then a higher fatality rate? How do we combat this?","As the numbers increase, yes, the system will start to get overloaded. But every region of the country has plans and training in place to handle these situations, and they're starting to prepare, just in case. -Dr. Torres and Dr. Fair",nbcnews,2020-03-06 12:23:34+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fefj9n/im_dr_john_torres_medical_correspondent_for_nbc/,"I’m Dr. John Torres, medical correspondent for NBC News who practices emergency medicine, and I'm joined by Dr. Joseph Fair, a virologist, epidemiologist and global outbreak responder. We’re here to discuss the new COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak. AMA.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
How long do you expect this to last?,"At least 1 year. We're optimistically at least 1 year from a vaccine.
We will presumably see a drop in cases in the summer. And even if there is a dip in cases in the summer, the southern hemisphere will be entering its cold and flu season. -Dr. Torres and Dr. Fair",nbcnews,2020-03-06 12:18:58+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fefj9n/im_dr_john_torres_medical_correspondent_for_nbc/,"I’m Dr. John Torres, medical correspondent for NBC News who practices emergency medicine, and I'm joined by Dr. Joseph Fair, a virologist, epidemiologist and global outbreak responder. We’re here to discuss the new COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak. AMA.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
"I keep hearing that healthy people do not need to wear a mask.
When I asked healthy people (or at least, not showing any symptoms when I spoke to them) wearing masks why they are doing so, they said that they don’t trust those who are showing symptoms to be responsible ie staying at home, wear a mask when outside etc., instead of carrying on with life as usual.
So shouldn’t we all try to wear a mask (or something equivalent to at least cover our nose and mouth) given the extraordinary spread of the coronavirus right now?","Masks without goggles only protect 2 of 3 known routes of transmission. Most people use masks incorrectly, whereas health care workers are trained in infection prevention and control. Acutely ill individuals may want to consider wearing a surgical mask to help prevent others from being infected. But realize that masks only offer partial protection. -Dr. Torres and Dr. Fair",nbcnews,2020-03-06 12:20:37+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fefj9n/im_dr_john_torres_medical_correspondent_for_nbc/,"I’m Dr. John Torres, medical correspondent for NBC News who practices emergency medicine, and I'm joined by Dr. Joseph Fair, a virologist, epidemiologist and global outbreak responder. We’re here to discuss the new COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak. AMA.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
I read a couple of articles that suggest this virus could be biphasic. What are your thoughts on that?,"Since this virus is so new, and scientists are still analyzing the data from China and elsewhere, we can't say for certain that this virus is biphasic.
There are always going to be ""outliers"" and until we know more about the course of disease associated with COVID-19, we can't say for certain. --Dr. Torres and Dr. Fair",nbcnews,2020-03-06 12:13:25+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fefj9n/im_dr_john_torres_medical_correspondent_for_nbc/,"I’m Dr. John Torres, medical correspondent for NBC News who practices emergency medicine, and I'm joined by Dr. Joseph Fair, a virologist, epidemiologist and global outbreak responder. We’re here to discuss the new COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak. AMA.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
"There has been news that this virus can cause permanent lung damage. Is that true even for mild cases? Also, if you could shed some light on how patients are being treated since there is no known treatment for COVID-19.
Thank you in advance!","Long term effects are unknown at this point, if any. -Dr. Torres and Dr. Fair",nbcnews,2020-03-06 12:42:45+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fefj9n/im_dr_john_torres_medical_correspondent_for_nbc/,"I’m Dr. John Torres, medical correspondent for NBC News who practices emergency medicine, and I'm joined by Dr. Joseph Fair, a virologist, epidemiologist and global outbreak responder. We’re here to discuss the new COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak. AMA.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
"Dr. Fair,
In 1918 we saw the Spanish Flu dissipate during the warmer months only to reappear during the fall. Do we expect the same with COVID-19?",">We will presumably see a drop in cases in the summer. And even if there is a dip in cases in the summer, the southern hemisphere will be entering its cold and flu season. -Dr. Torres and Dr. Fair",nbcnews,2020-03-06 12:19:11+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fefj9n/im_dr_john_torres_medical_correspondent_for_nbc/,"I’m Dr. John Torres, medical correspondent for NBC News who practices emergency medicine, and I'm joined by Dr. Joseph Fair, a virologist, epidemiologist and global outbreak responder. We’re here to discuss the new COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak. AMA.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
"I know people with other conditions are at risk, I was wondering if asthmatic people are at risk too because the virus targets the respiratory system?",Anyone with underlying respiratory conditions is at higher risk. -Dr. Torres and Dr. Fair,nbcnews,2020-03-06 12:16:20+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fefj9n/im_dr_john_torres_medical_correspondent_for_nbc/,"I’m Dr. John Torres, medical correspondent for NBC News who practices emergency medicine, and I'm joined by Dr. Joseph Fair, a virologist, epidemiologist and global outbreak responder. We’re here to discuss the new COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak. AMA.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
What's the one question that people should be asking that they aren't?,"""Are we overreacting? Or are we taking the appropriate measures?"" -Dr. Torres and Dr. Fair",nbcnews,2020-03-06 12:15:28+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fefj9n/im_dr_john_torres_medical_correspondent_for_nbc/,"I’m Dr. John Torres, medical correspondent for NBC News who practices emergency medicine, and I'm joined by Dr. Joseph Fair, a virologist, epidemiologist and global outbreak responder. We’re here to discuss the new COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak. AMA.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
"The United States testing program has been grossly inadequate. I have seen mathematically plausible estimates that there are thousands of unknown cases actively spreading cov19 in us communities. Why is the likely true scale of the outbreak in the united states not being publicized, in favor of official counts of confirmed cases that are regarded by nearly all experts as inaccurate and misleading?","The only way we're going to know this answer is by rolling out broad testing. What we do know: 80% of the cases are mild to moderate, and they might not even know they have the virus. -Dr. Torres and Dr. Fair",nbcnews,2020-03-06 12:11:41+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fefj9n/im_dr_john_torres_medical_correspondent_for_nbc/,"I’m Dr. John Torres, medical correspondent for NBC News who practices emergency medicine, and I'm joined by Dr. Joseph Fair, a virologist, epidemiologist and global outbreak responder. We’re here to discuss the new COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak. AMA.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
"I’ve seen several reports of patients recovering, but then their symptoms return and in some cases the return of symptoms is when the patient succumbs to the virus. This was most recently reported in the second confirmed case in North Carolina. That patient returned from Italy in February after his original symptoms resolved but now they have re-emerged. How concerned should we be about reports of re-emerging symptoms after a supposed recovery?","We don't yet know if this is just a testing issue, or just a return of the disease in someone who already had it. Although we think the incubation period for this virus is 14 days, that is based on early data and may change. -Dr. Torres and Dr. Fair",nbcnews,2020-03-06 12:14:38+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fefj9n/im_dr_john_torres_medical_correspondent_for_nbc/,"I’m Dr. John Torres, medical correspondent for NBC News who practices emergency medicine, and I'm joined by Dr. Joseph Fair, a virologist, epidemiologist and global outbreak responder. We’re here to discuss the new COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak. AMA.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
Why is it so hard to have widespread (perhaps inexpensive?) testing a la South Korea?,"The US is a lot larger than South Korea, and have a decentralized health care system. That being said, diagnostic tests can be produced on large scale using modern technology. -Dr. Fair",nbcnews,2020-03-06 12:31:42+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fefj9n/im_dr_john_torres_medical_correspondent_for_nbc/,"I’m Dr. John Torres, medical correspondent for NBC News who practices emergency medicine, and I'm joined by Dr. Joseph Fair, a virologist, epidemiologist and global outbreak responder. We’re here to discuss the new COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak. AMA.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
"What should you do if you suspect that you are infected, *but do not have health insurance*?
Edit: Guys, I'm not asking for political reasons. There are a lot of people who don't have insurance right now, myself included, who need actual answers. It's scary to think of the consequences of getting infected with no insurance and we need proper info. Please see the doctors reply if you're like me, and get the number to your local public health office just in case.","Call your public health dept. or call your local ER and ask what steps you should take next. While you're waiting on an answer, make sure you keep your distance from other people. -Dr. Torres",nbcnews,2020-03-06 12:47:10+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fefj9n/im_dr_john_torres_medical_correspondent_for_nbc/,"I’m Dr. John Torres, medical correspondent for NBC News who practices emergency medicine, and I'm joined by Dr. Joseph Fair, a virologist, epidemiologist and global outbreak responder. We’re here to discuss the new COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak. AMA.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
Why does Italy have so many deaths and critical cases compared to South Korea? Do you think there's a more aggressive type in Italy?,"No. We have seen no significant evidence of mutation of strains of COVID-19. It has to do with the number of cases they have and the strength of their testing, and ability to control the spread of the virus. -Dr. Torres and Dr. Fair",nbcnews,2020-03-06 12:30:42+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fefj9n/im_dr_john_torres_medical_correspondent_for_nbc/,"I’m Dr. John Torres, medical correspondent for NBC News who practices emergency medicine, and I'm joined by Dr. Joseph Fair, a virologist, epidemiologist and global outbreak responder. We’re here to discuss the new COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak. AMA.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
In what cases is it required to move the patient to the ICU?,"If the patient is having respiratory issues and require ventilation, or other issues that require constant medical attention. -Dr. Torres",nbcnews,2020-03-06 12:51:52+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fefj9n/im_dr_john_torres_medical_correspondent_for_nbc/,"I’m Dr. John Torres, medical correspondent for NBC News who practices emergency medicine, and I'm joined by Dr. Joseph Fair, a virologist, epidemiologist and global outbreak responder. We’re here to discuss the new COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak. AMA.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
"Do you think residents of large and densely populated cities (nyc, Chicago etc.) should avoid public transportation?","No, not at this point. But take appropriate safety measures, including rigorous hygiene. -Dr. Torres and Dr. Fair",nbcnews,2020-03-06 12:46:08+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fefj9n/im_dr_john_torres_medical_correspondent_for_nbc/,"I’m Dr. John Torres, medical correspondent for NBC News who practices emergency medicine, and I'm joined by Dr. Joseph Fair, a virologist, epidemiologist and global outbreak responder. We’re here to discuss the new COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak. AMA.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
"Why is the [US Surgeon General](https://twitter.com/Surgeon_General/status/1233725785283932160) telling people not to buy masks, when there are a number of good arguments in favour of it, including:
* Wearing one prevents you from touching your face
* You may be asymptomatic and sick without knowing it
* It can lead to [a sense of solidarity](https://www.nytimes.com/2020/02/13/opinion/coronavirus-face-mask-effective.html) (we are all in this together, instead of stigmatizing only the sick wearing masks)
* Any protection is better than nothing
* China appears to have virtually stopped the virus, and nearly everyone there wears a mask in public
Is it just because of limited supply, and we are prioritizing the supply chain for health professionals over the safety of the public?","Masks without goggles only protect 2 of 3 known routes of transmission. Most people use masks incorrectly, whereas health care workers are trained in infection prevention and control. Acutely ill individuals may want to consider wearing a surgical mask to help prevent others from being infected. But realize that masks only offer partial protection. -Dr. Torres and Dr. Fair",nbcnews,2020-03-06 13:14:49+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fefj9n/im_dr_john_torres_medical_correspondent_for_nbc/,"I’m Dr. John Torres, medical correspondent for NBC News who practices emergency medicine, and I'm joined by Dr. Joseph Fair, a virologist, epidemiologist and global outbreak responder. We’re here to discuss the new COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak. AMA.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
"given the lack of containment strategies practiced in the US and the (editorially scandalous) lack of widespread testing to track chains of contact and clusters, how do you predict US infection and death rates will compare to china’s when all is said and done? what resources or assumptions do you use to make this prediction?
what should people in known epicenters like WA state be doing? do you think public health agencies are being cautious enough/ communicating clearly enough?
where else should we assume the virus is widespread?","Chinas has more aggressive measures under martial law, however, they do have an older, sicker population, and a weaker health care system vs. the US. It's hard to predict, but overall, we likely not have the same situation as China.
Communication and over-communication of how to prevent infections is a key tool in any epidemic response. People in known epicenters of infection should practice rigorous hygiene and avoid others, if ill.
We can assume at this point that the virus has spread across the U.S.
\-Dr. Torres and Dr. Fair",nbcnews,2020-03-06 12:35:00+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fefj9n/im_dr_john_torres_medical_correspondent_for_nbc/,"I’m Dr. John Torres, medical correspondent for NBC News who practices emergency medicine, and I'm joined by Dr. Joseph Fair, a virologist, epidemiologist and global outbreak responder. We’re here to discuss the new COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak. AMA.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
Is there a reason the CDC and WHO hasn’t labeled COVID-19 as a pandemic? What even constitutes a pandemic and how do responses from governments/organizations/hospitals change if COVID-19 is labeled a pandemic?,"The technical definition of a pandemic means that it has reached all 7 continents. Currently, it has reached all 6, except Antarctica. And calling a pandemic will not change our response measures. And could have further detrimental economic and psychological effects to call it a pandemic. WHO said it well that the word ""pandemic"" has never saved a life. -Dr. Torres and Dr. Fair",nbcnews,2020-03-06 12:29:26+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fefj9n/im_dr_john_torres_medical_correspondent_for_nbc/,"I’m Dr. John Torres, medical correspondent for NBC News who practices emergency medicine, and I'm joined by Dr. Joseph Fair, a virologist, epidemiologist and global outbreak responder. We’re here to discuss the new COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak. AMA.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
"How prepared are US hospitals for this? Is it fair to say a big concern could be overcrowded hospitals? Are measures being taken now for more ICU beds, PPE for staff, oxygen devices, ECMOs, etc?","As prepared as they can be at this point. Private hospital systems and the government have plans in place for increased pressure on the system. But the more people with only mild symptoms that show up at the hospital, the harder it's going to be on the system for those people who need it. -Dr. Torres and Dr. Fair",nbcnews,2020-03-06 12:41:14+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fefj9n/im_dr_john_torres_medical_correspondent_for_nbc/,"I’m Dr. John Torres, medical correspondent for NBC News who practices emergency medicine, and I'm joined by Dr. Joseph Fair, a virologist, epidemiologist and global outbreak responder. We’re here to discuss the new COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak. AMA.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
"When a sugarcoated view of a situation like this is presented to the public, I believe this only increases panic when the outbreak grows exponentially — because when people see it getting worse than they were told, they lose trust in authorities, and immediately assume the absolute worst is true (when the reality is likely somewhere in the middle).
1. Why do you think so many nurses and doctors have been saying things like *“the flu is worse, don’t worry about it”* which very much contradicts the real situation in China and the assessment of many virologists/epidemiologists?
2. What do the latest models show for how many people are likely to die worldwide from this? I understand we don’t know an exact number, but do we at least have an interval?","1. We're saying the flu is worse because, at this stage, it tends to kill more people annually: approx. 10M per year. That doesn't mean we shouldn't take coronavirus seriously; we just can't forget the flu. Remember: healthy individuals are likely to survive, but can still infect those in the most high risk categories.
2. The truth is: we don't know at this stage. Mortality rates vary by region, and the strength of the health system, and age groups. High risk categories have higher mortality; low risk groups, including children, have lower mortality.
\-Dr. Torres and Dr. Fair",nbcnews,2020-03-06 12:26:18+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fefj9n/im_dr_john_torres_medical_correspondent_for_nbc/,"I’m Dr. John Torres, medical correspondent for NBC News who practices emergency medicine, and I'm joined by Dr. Joseph Fair, a virologist, epidemiologist and global outbreak responder. We’re here to discuss the new COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak. AMA.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
"Do you feel as if people should avoid traveling domestically, and if so, why?","No. The main thing is to do what you can to keep yourself protected during the flight. You can use the airplane restroom, for example, but make sure to wash your hands afterward, or use 60% alcohol hand sanitizer. -Dr. Torres",nbcnews,2020-03-06 12:52:27+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fefj9n/im_dr_john_torres_medical_correspondent_for_nbc/,"I’m Dr. John Torres, medical correspondent for NBC News who practices emergency medicine, and I'm joined by Dr. Joseph Fair, a virologist, epidemiologist and global outbreak responder. We’re here to discuss the new COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak. AMA.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
Is it true that you can catch the virus again after you've been cured?,"There is no evidence that can happen, but we still have a lot to learn about this virus. -Dr. Torres",nbcnews,2020-03-06 12:32:06+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fefj9n/im_dr_john_torres_medical_correspondent_for_nbc/,"I’m Dr. John Torres, medical correspondent for NBC News who practices emergency medicine, and I'm joined by Dr. Joseph Fair, a virologist, epidemiologist and global outbreak responder. We’re here to discuss the new COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak. AMA.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
"You've been to Wuhan, if masks don't work, then what do you think about people there should be wearing them in possible exposure to the virus?
If it does work, why keep telling people do not wear them even it's in great shortage, truth would be more acceptable.",">Masks without goggles only protect 2 of 3 known routes of transmission. Most people use masks incorrectly, whereas health care workers are trained in infection prevention and control. Acutely ill individuals may want to consider wearing a surgical mask to help prevent others from being infected. But realize that masks only offer partial protection. -Dr. Torres and Dr. Fair",nbcnews,2020-03-06 12:36:09+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fefj9n/im_dr_john_torres_medical_correspondent_for_nbc/,"I’m Dr. John Torres, medical correspondent for NBC News who practices emergency medicine, and I'm joined by Dr. Joseph Fair, a virologist, epidemiologist and global outbreak responder. We’re here to discuss the new COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak. AMA.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
"Why is there a misinformation campaign that N-95 masks do not work. When worn correctly, they have been shown to work effectively and protecting the user from infection.
Why is the focus on ""some people do not use it correctly, touch their face more, etc, therefore masks do not work"". Most things used incorrectly do not work. Do you think providing false information to the public that masks do not work will lead to distrust in other areas as well?","N-95 masks work, IF its properly made to fit AND worn correctly. Medical workers receive training and made to fit masks. Masks without goggles only protect 2 of 3 known routes of transmission. Most people use masks incorrectly, whereas health care workers are trained in infection prevention and control. Acutely ill individuals may want to consider wearing a surgical mask to help prevent others from being infected. But realize that masks only offer partial protection. -Dr. Torres and Dr. Fair",nbcnews,2020-03-06 13:16:31+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fefj9n/im_dr_john_torres_medical_correspondent_for_nbc/,"I’m Dr. John Torres, medical correspondent for NBC News who practices emergency medicine, and I'm joined by Dr. Joseph Fair, a virologist, epidemiologist and global outbreak responder. We’re here to discuss the new COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak. AMA.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
Do you believe the media is downplaying the potential impacts and implications?,"No. In our experience, fear, panic and hysteria do more to exacerbate the effects of a pandemic than they do to mitigate them. But that depends on your media source. Make sure you're listening to trustworthy sources is extremely important. Always refer to CDC and WHO for the most accurate, up-to-date information. -Dr. Torres and Dr. Fair",nbcnews,2020-03-06 12:27:48+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fefj9n/im_dr_john_torres_medical_correspondent_for_nbc/,"I’m Dr. John Torres, medical correspondent for NBC News who practices emergency medicine, and I'm joined by Dr. Joseph Fair, a virologist, epidemiologist and global outbreak responder. We’re here to discuss the new COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak. AMA.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
"How is this virus different than influenza?
The context of my question is, I'm a 40 year old, healthy guy. If I get influenza (which I did last year), I'll take NyQuil and ibuprofen and ride it out, but I have near zero fear of dying. Should I treat this any different?","They're both respiratory viruses. 80% of people with COVID-19 have mild to moderate symptoms. Vast majority of people recover without issues. The flu is similar, with the main difference being that the flu has a vaccine and a medical treatment. -Dr. Torres and Dr. Fair",nbcnews,2020-03-06 12:40:10+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fefj9n/im_dr_john_torres_medical_correspondent_for_nbc/,"I’m Dr. John Torres, medical correspondent for NBC News who practices emergency medicine, and I'm joined by Dr. Joseph Fair, a virologist, epidemiologist and global outbreak responder. We’re here to discuss the new COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak. AMA.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
How would you rate USA's response to the coronavirus so far out of 10?,"I've never been part of an outbreak response where the government has not been criticized. Once this is over, there will be after action reports on what worked and what didn't. We'll know more over the next few weeks how robust our response has been. -Dr. Torres and Dr. Fair",nbcnews,2020-03-06 12:38:37+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fefj9n/im_dr_john_torres_medical_correspondent_for_nbc/,"I’m Dr. John Torres, medical correspondent for NBC News who practices emergency medicine, and I'm joined by Dr. Joseph Fair, a virologist, epidemiologist and global outbreak responder. We’re here to discuss the new COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak. AMA.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
"How likely is this to become the next seasonal ""flu""?","It is too early to say at this point, but this virus, indeed, could become seasonal or long term. -Dr. Torres and Dr. Fair",nbcnews,2020-03-06 12:45:26+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fefj9n/im_dr_john_torres_medical_correspondent_for_nbc/,"I’m Dr. John Torres, medical correspondent for NBC News who practices emergency medicine, and I'm joined by Dr. Joseph Fair, a virologist, epidemiologist and global outbreak responder. We’re here to discuss the new COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak. AMA.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
"How do you personally feel about whether everyone may soon contract this virus or if we'll soon overcome this threat, about how it will influence our lives a year from now?",">I think, if everyone takes the appropriate measures, and if the government is able to ramp up its testing abilities, we'll get a much better handle on this virus, and keep it better controlled. A year from now, we'll be able to look back and see what we did right and wrong. -Dr. Torres",nbcnews,2020-03-06 12:56:54+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fefj9n/im_dr_john_torres_medical_correspondent_for_nbc/,"I’m Dr. John Torres, medical correspondent for NBC News who practices emergency medicine, and I'm joined by Dr. Joseph Fair, a virologist, epidemiologist and global outbreak responder. We’re here to discuss the new COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak. AMA.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
Is it present and contagious before symptoms form?,"It doesn't seem to be, but we're still learning a lot about this virus. The flu, which is also a respirator virus, can be contagious 24 hours before symptoms start. -Dr. Torres",nbcnews,2020-03-06 12:54:35+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fefj9n/im_dr_john_torres_medical_correspondent_for_nbc/,"I’m Dr. John Torres, medical correspondent for NBC News who practices emergency medicine, and I'm joined by Dr. Joseph Fair, a virologist, epidemiologist and global outbreak responder. We’re here to discuss the new COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak. AMA.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
Would coronavirus make a cpap impossible to use? I use a cpap and I’m concerned about how it would interact...,"No, not at all. But clean it regularly. -Dr. Torres and Dr. Fair",nbcnews,2020-03-06 12:47:31+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fefj9n/im_dr_john_torres_medical_correspondent_for_nbc/,"I’m Dr. John Torres, medical correspondent for NBC News who practices emergency medicine, and I'm joined by Dr. Joseph Fair, a virologist, epidemiologist and global outbreak responder. We’re here to discuss the new COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak. AMA.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
"Thank you for taking the time to answer questions.
What do we know about the two strains that have emerged from this virus?",There are no two strains of the virus known at this time. -Dr. Fair,nbcnews,2020-03-06 12:44:18+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fefj9n/im_dr_john_torres_medical_correspondent_for_nbc/,"I’m Dr. John Torres, medical correspondent for NBC News who practices emergency medicine, and I'm joined by Dr. Joseph Fair, a virologist, epidemiologist and global outbreak responder. We’re here to discuss the new COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak. AMA.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
"The CDC has posted Pandemic Response Preparedness Resources for Health Departments in the US on their website, although this is not being called a Pandemic as of now. If this currently is not considered a pandemic at this time, when will it be? Additionally, lack of testing availability in the US has clearly suppressed the amount of cases that are likely present across the nation. At what point should local governments talk about closing schools and cancelling large gatherings? It seems as though people in my area aren’t even considering these measures yet, even though we have confirmed cases within 15 miles of our town in New Jersey.","Schools are being closed out of an abundance of caution. Even thought we know children can be infected, and they have survived it. They tend to have mild symptoms. They are still infectious, and can infect those in high risk categories, especially considering children's' hygiene in general. -Dr. Torres and Dr. Fair",nbcnews,2020-03-06 13:12:27+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fefj9n/im_dr_john_torres_medical_correspondent_for_nbc/,"I’m Dr. John Torres, medical correspondent for NBC News who practices emergency medicine, and I'm joined by Dr. Joseph Fair, a virologist, epidemiologist and global outbreak responder. We’re here to discuss the new COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak. AMA.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
"@ Dr. Fair,
are there any project already starting to collect data from mid november across the world for other people that might have died from covid-19 and were just considered a flu death?
Is the death report a global standard or a Country, let's say Italy, is considering a 85y.o dead from an heart attack but positive to this particular virus a covid-19 death while another Country, let's say Germany, isn't?","Once there are enough diagnostics to diagnose current cases, retrospective diagnostic studies will be conducted. -Dr. Fair",nbcnews,2020-03-06 12:48:30+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fefj9n/im_dr_john_torres_medical_correspondent_for_nbc/,"I’m Dr. John Torres, medical correspondent for NBC News who practices emergency medicine, and I'm joined by Dr. Joseph Fair, a virologist, epidemiologist and global outbreak responder. We’re here to discuss the new COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak. AMA.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
Is there a reason recovery numbers in the USA are so low? When do we consider someone recovered?,"Right now what you're seeing is just the worst cases of COVID-19. So, it appears like their recovery is low, but we're not including in that number all the cases that do not report and recover on their own. -Dr. Torres",nbcnews,2020-03-06 12:54:01+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fefj9n/im_dr_john_torres_medical_correspondent_for_nbc/,"I’m Dr. John Torres, medical correspondent for NBC News who practices emergency medicine, and I'm joined by Dr. Joseph Fair, a virologist, epidemiologist and global outbreak responder. We’re here to discuss the new COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak. AMA.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
Is there a possibility that the virus can mutate and get stronger?,"The known mutation rates for coronaviruses are relatively low, historically. However, this is a new virus to science, and we will continue to sequence viral genomes to monitor for any change or mutations. -Dr. Torres and Dr. Fair",nbcnews,2020-03-06 12:50:25+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fefj9n/im_dr_john_torres_medical_correspondent_for_nbc/,"I’m Dr. John Torres, medical correspondent for NBC News who practices emergency medicine, and I'm joined by Dr. Joseph Fair, a virologist, epidemiologist and global outbreak responder. We’re here to discuss the new COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak. AMA.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
"In your opinion, how many more cases are there which are either asymptomatic or too mild to require treatment and go completely undetected?","80% of COVID-19 cases have mild to moderate symptoms, and the majority of those probably go unreported / undetected.",nbcnews,2020-03-06 12:57:27+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fefj9n/im_dr_john_torres_medical_correspondent_for_nbc/,"I’m Dr. John Torres, medical correspondent for NBC News who practices emergency medicine, and I'm joined by Dr. Joseph Fair, a virologist, epidemiologist and global outbreak responder. We’re here to discuss the new COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak. AMA.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
"Are any symptoms known to specifically affect the eyeball that might be a concern to people with complex eye diseases?
(Attempts to google it run into discussions of the eye as a vector of infection, hence asking here)","No. This is a respiratory virus. But if someone gets critically ill from this, other diseases, known as opportunistic infections, could take hold, including those effecting the eye. -Dr. Torres",nbcnews,2020-03-06 12:58:55+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fefj9n/im_dr_john_torres_medical_correspondent_for_nbc/,"I’m Dr. John Torres, medical correspondent for NBC News who practices emergency medicine, and I'm joined by Dr. Joseph Fair, a virologist, epidemiologist and global outbreak responder. We’re here to discuss the new COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak. AMA.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
Does hand sanitizer also work to help protect ourselves? They’ve been selling out everywhere,"Yes, as long as it's used correctly, and contains AT LEAST 60% alcohol. Remember: hand washing for 20 seconds is essential. -Dr. Torres and Dr. Fair",nbcnews,2020-03-06 12:49:35+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fefj9n/im_dr_john_torres_medical_correspondent_for_nbc/,"I’m Dr. John Torres, medical correspondent for NBC News who practices emergency medicine, and I'm joined by Dr. Joseph Fair, a virologist, epidemiologist and global outbreak responder. We’re here to discuss the new COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak. AMA.",https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
"How likely is it this virus mutates? How does a virus mutate and why does a virus mutate?
- Thank you in advance","It's in the nature of viruses to mutate. They copy themselves many times and when they do this they will likely make a 'typo'! They simply put the wrong base in place when making a copy.
So yes - the virus will mutate, and is mutating. But this isn't alarming at all.
The important thing to remember is that these mutations are largely non-functional. They do not make the virus better or worse in any way (contrary to the movies!). Most mutations do nothing, as I said, the next most likely is that they are deleterious - bad for the virus. These viruses won't replicate and thus they won't leave offspring.
The cool thing about mutations it that this allows us to track them! Mutations that are the same in two viruses indicate they came from an ancestor with the same mutations. This is exactly how we put the viruses together into a 'tree' on [nextstrain](https://nextstrain.org/ncov)!",emmademiology,2020-03-13 12:11:00+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fi14db/we_are_four_swiss_scientists_studying/,We are four Swiss scientists studying COVID-19/SARS-CoV-2 - AMA!,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
"In your opinion, which country has had the best response so far?","In my opinion - South Korea. They have had a big outbreak! However in the last few days they seem to have stabilised cases without taking severe measures (lockdown) that cause social and economic damage. Here's what they've done
\- Strongly encouraged work-from-home - this includes supporting businesses by providing compensation per employee for lost profit due to home working, and making grants available for small business, and 'resuming business' when this is all over.
\- Giving employees extra sick paid sick leave and extra leave for caring for sick relatives
\- Closing schools, but providing free childcare to health care workers & critical workers and those who can't work from home - classes < 10 , or even personal care if needed
\- Cancelling and discouraging large events & gatherings, & unnecessary travel
\- Finally, they **really really ramped up testing**. It's widely available, free, and fast (6 hours results).
Why does this make a difference? Because we know you can have this virus and be asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic, and can also transmit the virus before you develop symptoms. This means those people go around doing their normal things, and infect others. If people know early on that they are infected, they can go self-isolate - this has a huge impact on transmissions.
This is why I say: **TEST TEST TEST!**",emmademiology,2020-03-13 12:44:56+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fi14db/we_are_four_swiss_scientists_studying/,We are four Swiss scientists studying COVID-19/SARS-CoV-2 - AMA!,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
How long will this virus stick around? Will it fizzle out or will it stick around every year like the flu?,"So we wrote a pre-print that covered the possibility of seasonality - you can read some twitter threads that u/richardneher and I made of them \[here\]( [https://twitter.com/firefoxx66/status/1229401845346570241](https://twitter.com/firefoxx66/status/1229401845346570241) ) and \[here\]( [https://twitter.com/richardneher/status/1229487444011233281](https://twitter.com/richardneher/status/1229487444011233281) ).
In short - we don't know the impact of seasonality. For this preprint we looked at the effect of seasonality that we inferred from other coronaviruses, and applied it to the pandemic COVID-19. It is possible that this virus could become seasonal, but we don't know this for certain. It'll depend on immunity and how much seasons impact transmission likelihood.",emmademiology,2020-03-13 12:07:21+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fi14db/we_are_four_swiss_scientists_studying/,We are four Swiss scientists studying COVID-19/SARS-CoV-2 - AMA!,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
When will all of this be over?,"This is hard to know! It will depend a lot on how countries react now. South Korea has managed to stabilise their case counts through interventions that aren't as extreme as lockdowns. They have increased testing (very important), supported businesses for work on home, closed schools, limited sizes of gatherings - and they seem to be seeing great effects.
Acting sooner will be better, as cases increase exponentially, so it's harder to stop with each increasing generation.",emmademiology,2020-03-13 12:14:52+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fi14db/we_are_four_swiss_scientists_studying/,We are four Swiss scientists studying COVID-19/SARS-CoV-2 - AMA!,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
"I follow you all on twitter and love your work. What is your best guess CFR? And we are hearing some reports of younger patients in serious situations. Is the narrative that it only kills the elderly wrong, or are those cases an exception to the data? Have we just not seen enough young people to see the final clinical endpoint?","Thank you for your kind words! CFR is really hard to estimate - it's a slippery number. It depends a lot on the state of the healthcare system, who is infected, and the number of cases that are being detected (to make the denominator). If a lot of cases are going untested, and only serious cases are, this will lead to a higher CFR. Also, if health systems are overwhelmed so people can't even get basic healthcare, this will also affect CFR.
This virus is \*most risky\* to the elderly, but it can certainly kill younger people too - even without pre-existing conditions. We aren't entirely sure why yet. It does seem that younger people are at *much less risk* than the elderly, but this definitely shouldn't be passed off as a 'disease of the elderly'.
Perhaps even more importantly, young people can be 'fine' and transmit the virus to vulnerable populations!",emmademiology,2020-03-13 12:24:15+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fi14db/we_are_four_swiss_scientists_studying/,We are four Swiss scientists studying COVID-19/SARS-CoV-2 - AMA!,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
I have seen so many reports that it's the disease that will kill everything or that it's just a bad flu. I have heard so much misinformation that I dont even know what the misinformation is anymore. Just give it to me straight. Do I need to start preparing for the apocalypse or will it all blow over in a month or 2?,"I agree, the misinformation about this has not helped the situation. I'm not very happy with those who are said it's a 'bad flu' - this is something we've now had to counter. For one thing, people don't seem to realise how many people a 'bad flu' can kill in a year!
This virus is one worth being alert about. Whether for yourself personally I can't say - if you are young and healthy you will \*probably\* be fine (though note that it does kill young, healthy people). However what's definitely true is that we can all put vulnerable people at risk, and that there's a real risk this virus moves so quickly, that it infects a lot of people who do get severe infections, and this overwhelms hospitals (see Italy, Wuhan).
This won't be the apocalypse - we won't run out of food. Society won't collapse. But it might need to function difficulty for a while - perhaps fewer delivery drivers can work, so we might need to have a few days for systems to adjust. You might not be able to get your favourite brand of yogurt. But you won't starve. This is why people are advising a little prep now - if you don't have to go to the shop for a few days you give the system 'slack' to adjust - so that they can adjust deliveries and not cause more problems.",emmademiology,2020-03-13 13:03:05+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fi14db/we_are_four_swiss_scientists_studying/,We are four Swiss scientists studying COVID-19/SARS-CoV-2 - AMA!,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
What are one (1) very serious concern and one (1) encouraging statements you'd say about the virus?,"1) That countries are not reacting very quickly. This is starting to change in the past few days. However, I think Europe & America have a real chance to slow transmission and have a 'South Korea' approach (see one of my other answers), and there is a limited opportunity to do this. In particular I've been baffled by the US slowness to acknowledge the severity of the disease and ramp up testing. I'm still afraid testing is far below the necessary capacity in the US.
2) The scientific response to the virus has been hugely inspiring. We've never known so much about an epidemic this early into it. Sequencing is fast & cheap, scientists are sharing data quickly & openly, and we are using preprints and tools like [nextstrain.org/ncov](https://nextstrain.org/ncov) and twitter to share data and critique analyses in real time. Everyone is helping everyone in whatever way they can. It's really been inspiring.",emmademiology,2020-03-13 12:50:04+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fi14db/we_are_four_swiss_scientists_studying/,We are four Swiss scientists studying COVID-19/SARS-CoV-2 - AMA!,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
What do you all make of the UKs plan to adopt herd immunity?,"Personally I am sceptical of this plan. I agree that we cannot 'stop' this virus now - it will be spreading in the population for a while (there will be many undetected cases circulating in the UK already, right now). That means that we **will** build up some level of immunity as a population.
The problem with herd immunity is that you need a \*lot\* of people to have it before its effective. That means openly deciding that you will allow a really large proportion of the population to get it - like 70% or more (usually you need more). You might say, ok just the young people get it, and the 30% is everyone over age XX. However, we know this virus \*does\* kill young people - even healthy ones.
So, if you let this virus infect every person under 65... and assume a fairly low estimate of CFR of 0.1% - what do the numbers tell you for the numbers dead? And this assumes we perfectly isolate all those over 65 - which is pretty difficult. (And what about those who have other conditions that make them vulnerable?)
I think the idea that we know enough about the virus to so carefully and preceicly control its spread in a way that would lead to this plan being successful is arrogant. We do not know the virus that well, and we cannot control spread so exactly.
However, I think we can seriously limit the spread and the speed of spread, by taking action now to limit social contacts and large groups, etc.",emmademiology,2020-03-13 12:39:55+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fi14db/we_are_four_swiss_scientists_studying/,We are four Swiss scientists studying COVID-19/SARS-CoV-2 - AMA!,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
I believe a correctly worn mask will assist in preventing getting infected by someone else. I know others who do not agree. Can you clear it up please? Thanks.,"The issue is that wearing a mask 'correctly' is really difficult. More difficult than most people understand. And unless it's an N95 mask, it's not really doing much good.
I strongly do not recommend people buy the N95 masks. There have been reports of shortages, and this means that those who really need them - health care workers, and researchers working on the virus - can't get them. Trust me, that's bad news.
They are also really, really hard to wear properly - most people don't have proper training (and from reading threads about the training - it's hard!). They are hot and uncomfortable, and have to fit really tight. You can't touch the outside, even when removing. Most people can't do this, they get uncomfortable and adjust them and take them off all the time - and so they end up being useless. So, a waste of a limited resource.
The more common surgical masks can be helpful for sick people, as they do contain coughs and sneezes. However, again, on the balance they are a limited resource for other medical workers. I would recommend wearing them if sick but not if well, unless you are sure there are plenty.
Masks can also give a false sense of confidence - people then tend to not wash their hands more, to go out more, to get closer to people... all with a mask that isn't really helping.",emmademiology,2020-03-13 12:21:39+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fi14db/we_are_four_swiss_scientists_studying/,We are four Swiss scientists studying COVID-19/SARS-CoV-2 - AMA!,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
"Do you think that governments are purposefully hiding the real numbers, to avoid mass panic? Given that the virus’ mortality rate isn’t that high, but highly infectious?
(A hungarian citizen here. We have 18 confirmed cases, and a lot of my friends in quarantine, without any kind of information. The doctors say they “mixed” their papers. )","I can't speak for every country, but I think in most countries we are under-counting cases because of testing availability and testing criteria, rather than the numbers being known but hidden. There are many reasons for testing not being available - especially in places where government coordination may be lacking of health care services are not ideally funded. (To be clear I am not saying either of these is the case in Hungary - I can't speculate there.) A lot of countries have just also been a bit slow to respond - there's been a lot of complacency around the virus, people (and govts) thinking it's 'just the flu'. That's led to a slower ramp up in testing.",emmademiology,2020-03-13 12:32:48+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fi14db/we_are_four_swiss_scientists_studying/,We are four Swiss scientists studying COVID-19/SARS-CoV-2 - AMA!,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
This may seem very conspiracy. and just say it up front I am a Chinese. may I ask is it really possible that this is a man-made virus? is there any possibility? (not pointing fingers),"No, there's no evidence of this - it's highly unlikely. The virus is very similar to coronaviruses that are circulating in bats and panogolins. This tells us that it's likely that the virus has 'jumped' from another species into humans.
This is really common with viruses - it has happened many times in the past (bats often seem to be involved... dunno what it is about bats) - and it'll happen in the future, too. The fact the viruses fit so well into the tree with animal sequences means that by far the most likely explanation is that the virus was a 'spillover' from animals.",emmademiology,2020-03-13 12:53:01+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fi14db/we_are_four_swiss_scientists_studying/,We are four Swiss scientists studying COVID-19/SARS-CoV-2 - AMA!,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
How likely is it that we’ll go back to normal by end of 2020 calender year?,"Given the current trajectory of the virus around the global as well as the economic and social knock-on effects, it's highly unlikely we will be ""back to normal"" by the end of 2020. The situation will vary by between and within countries.",jonoquick,2020-03-18 11:53:58+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fkqzh9/im_dr_jonathan_quick_call_me_jono_ive_worked_to/,I’m Dr. Jonathan Quick – call me Jono. I’ve worked to improve health more than 70 countries. I’ve seen health leaders imagine the impossible – then make it happen. AMA!,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
"Hi Jono! Thanks for doing this :)
As someone who actually understands the issue, what are your thoughts on the threads that have appeared over the last few days regarding hydroxychloroquine as a potentially viable treatment option? Is it something to get excited about? Why or why not?
Thanks again!","There are TOO MANY myths online now for me to answer one-by-one. And the myths keep changing. So learn where to get the best information: www.cdc.gov, Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, New York Time has excellent team. Your local universities provide reliable information. Social media can give you ideas, but GO TO THE SOURCE when deciding for self & family.",jonoquick,2020-03-18 12:02:23+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fkqzh9/im_dr_jonathan_quick_call_me_jono_ive_worked_to/,I’m Dr. Jonathan Quick – call me Jono. I’ve worked to improve health more than 70 countries. I’ve seen health leaders imagine the impossible – then make it happen. AMA!,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
What’s the next step after “flattening the curve”? How do we ensure that the curve doesn’t keep peaking?,"Next steps depend on: (1) Virus--does it became less active in warmer months--don't know yet, (2) Government action for testing, healthcare, instructions on social distances, etc. (3) Us - you and me, our families, friends, workmates -- do we self-isolate when sick or exposed? (4) Vaccine - human testing started but safe, effective, mass produced vaccine 12-18 months.",jonoquick,2020-03-18 12:06:22+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fkqzh9/im_dr_jonathan_quick_call_me_jono_ive_worked_to/,I’m Dr. Jonathan Quick – call me Jono. I’ve worked to improve health more than 70 countries. I’ve seen health leaders imagine the impossible – then make it happen. AMA!,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
[deleted],"Covid-19 is proving to be a ""stealth virus"" in that we now know a significant amount of transmission is through people who don't have symptoms. The exact % will depend on setting, but is high enough to make testing and surveillance key tools.",jonoquick,2020-03-18 12:09:58+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fkqzh9/im_dr_jonathan_quick_call_me_jono_ive_worked_to/,I’m Dr. Jonathan Quick – call me Jono. I’ve worked to improve health more than 70 countries. I’ve seen health leaders imagine the impossible – then make it happen. AMA!,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
"We're obviously now seeing the huge impact the virus currently has on Europe and USA.
To your best knowledge and understanding of the virus, how likely is it that poorer countries in Africa and South America, will experience similar pandemics? Is the virus likely to continue to grow there, despite the different climate?
If so, what measures or prevention can be employed now, so as not to further destroy and impoverish those countries?
Is there anything we, as individual citizens, can do to help? (Besides the obvious of trying not to spread the virus)","Impact on poorer countries serious concern. Assume it is coming and prepare. The economic knock-on effects from rich countries alone could be devastating. To see your countries preparedness see ghsindex.org. 1-pager for every country scored 1-100. As of this morning reported ""southern"" cases include Brazil 300+, South Africa 100+, Australia 500+. Not yet clear how much local spread.",jonoquick,2020-03-18 12:19:29+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fkqzh9/im_dr_jonathan_quick_call_me_jono_ive_worked_to/,I’m Dr. Jonathan Quick – call me Jono. I’ve worked to improve health more than 70 countries. I’ve seen health leaders imagine the impossible – then make it happen. AMA!,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
What is the best route for convincing or at the very least leading people in the right direction to educate the deniers on just how bad it really is right now?,"Big lesson from past epidemics is that the MESSENGER matters as much as the MESSAGE. Government & public health leaders at all levels must be aligned in their messages. BUT, top down messages are not enough. Trusted leaders from across the political and social spectrums, in business, social sectors, faith must also understand and communication the threat and agreed response.",jonoquick,2020-03-18 12:28:02+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fkqzh9/im_dr_jonathan_quick_call_me_jono_ive_worked_to/,I’m Dr. Jonathan Quick – call me Jono. I’ve worked to improve health more than 70 countries. I’ve seen health leaders imagine the impossible – then make it happen. AMA!,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
"What is the current status of this disease in the world? I mean, will it get worse or is it starting to slow down because of the summers?","Nowhere near peak for most countries. As of today there are only 2 countries that have ""flattened the curve"" (leveled off new cases). A few countries in Asia ""doubling time"" (number of days to double today cases) of 10 days. For US, most of Western Europe: doubling time = 3 days, and for worst hit doubling time close to to 2 days.",jonoquick,2020-03-18 12:48:56+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fkqzh9/im_dr_jonathan_quick_call_me_jono_ive_worked_to/,I’m Dr. Jonathan Quick – call me Jono. I’ve worked to improve health more than 70 countries. I’ve seen health leaders imagine the impossible – then make it happen. AMA!,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
"What is the best way to avoid contracting it in public areas? Gloves? Mask? Hand Sanitizer? Eye protection?
Assuming we are talking about necessary shopping and work excursions.","Basics are the same everywhere: Handwashing and/or good hand sanitizer, cover cough & sneeze, keep 3-6 feet. Best source of all such advice is www.cdc.gov. This is our world-renowned Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Remember, we've only known this highly contagious and potentially deadly barely 2 months, so advice will change.",jonoquick,2020-03-18 11:59:29+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fkqzh9/im_dr_jonathan_quick_call_me_jono_ive_worked_to/,I’m Dr. Jonathan Quick – call me Jono. I’ve worked to improve health more than 70 countries. I’ve seen health leaders imagine the impossible – then make it happen. AMA!,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
"Do you think more people will die from the economic consequences and homelessness caused by shutting down business or from the Corona virus?
I.e. are these measures worth it?","The last 100 years of epidemics, which I discuss in my book, The End of Epidemics, teaches us epidemics kill in 3 days: (1) The direct impact of the disease, (2) the indirect impact on health system (in 2014 W.Africa Ebola ~ 11,000 died Ebola & 10,000+ from disruption of AIDS, malaria, child health, maternal health care, (3) indirect impact on economy. EG: 2008 recession cost at least 260,000 lives from knock-on effect. This may be bigger",jonoquick,2020-03-18 12:54:25+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fkqzh9/im_dr_jonathan_quick_call_me_jono_ive_worked_to/,I’m Dr. Jonathan Quick – call me Jono. I’ve worked to improve health more than 70 countries. I’ve seen health leaders imagine the impossible – then make it happen. AMA!,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
"How big of a factor is culture in preventing/containing epidemics, and what are the most effective ways to tackle cultural barriers?","Cultural factors can be a significant problem -- or an important part of the solution. South Koran's culture of social cohesion contributed to it being the first country outside China to turn around Covid-19. Religious & other cultural factors were a barrier in W.Africa as long as the government ignored cultural leaders. Once leaders from the faith community, 400 market women, 20,000 traditional healers, and local media were respectively and thoughtfully engaged, the epidemic was fairly rapidly brought to an end.",jonoquick,2020-03-18 13:03:56+00:00,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fkqzh9/im_dr_jonathan_quick_call_me_jono_ive_worked_to/,I’m Dr. Jonathan Quick – call me Jono. I’ve worked to improve health more than 70 countries. I’ve seen health leaders imagine the impossible – then make it happen. AMA!,https://reddit.com/r/Coronavirus,
"Thank you for all that you do.