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utbotcpp`\n* add release version to bash env, check it\n on [github releases page](\n `export UTBOT_VERSION="1.0.31"`\n* Download archive from\n `wget$UTBOT_VERSION/utbot-release-$`\n* unarchive zip\n `unzip utbot-release-$`\n* unarchive from tar.gz and run UTBotCpp server\n `chmod +x && ./`\n')),(0,i.kt)("p",null," for restart UTBotCpp run ",(0,i.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"./ $PORT")," from utbot_distr"),(0,i.kt)("p",null," ",(0,i.kt)("img",{alt:"serverinstallGif",src:""})),(0,i.kt)("p",null,"2) #### ",(0,i.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"(remote only)")," Install VSCode SFTP plugin (skip if you alredy have installed SFTP plugin)"),(0,i.kt)("pre",null,(0,i.kt)("code",{parentName:"pre"},"* [link](\n* in VSCode invoke `Developer: Reload Window`command from the Command pallette `Shift + Ctrl + P` or `F1`\n")),(0,i.kt)("p",null," ",(0,i.kt)("img",{alt:"sftpinstallGif",src:""})),(0,i.kt)("p",null,"3) #### Install VSCode plugin\n",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"install-vscode-plugin"},"More about VSCode plugin install")),(0,i.kt)("pre",null,(0,i.kt)("code",{parentName:"pre"},"* `(remote only)` download archive from [github releases page](\n* `(remote only)` unarchive zip\n* in VSCode inovke `Extensions: Install from VSIX` command from the Command pallette `Shift + Ctrl + P` or `F1`\n* choose the `utbot_plugin.vsix` file, that contains in release zip archive.\n")),(0,i.kt)("p",null," ",(0,i.kt)("img",{alt:"clientinstallGif",src:""})),(0,i.kt)("p",null,"4) #### Open project\nFor test project, we recommend\nuse ",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:""},"c-example")),(0,i.kt)("pre",null,(0,i.kt)("code",{parentName:"pre"},"* `File` -> `Open Folder`\n")),(0,i.kt)("p",null,"5) #### ",(0,i.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"(remote only)")," Add SFTP config"),(0,i.kt)("pre",null,(0,i.kt)("code",{parentName:"pre"},"* in VSCode invoke `SFTP: config` command from the Command pallette `Shift + Ctrl + P` or `F1`\n* fill with your data\n* in VSCode inovke `SFTP: Sync Local -> Remote` command from the Command pallette `Shift + Ctrl + P` or `F1`\n* check files on server\n")),(0,i.kt)("p",null," ",(0,i.kt)("img",{alt:"sftpconfigGif",src:""})),(0,i.kt)("pre",null,(0,i.kt)("code",{parentName:"pre",className:"language-json"},'{\n "name": "ServerName",\n "host": "", // your server ip, or host name\n "protocol": "sftp",\n "port": 22, // ssh port to server usually 22\n "username": "utbot", // username on server\n "remotePath": "/home/utbot/remote/c-example", // path for project should same with path that you set in UTBotCpp plugin settings \n "uploadOnSave": true\n}\n')),(0,i.kt)("p",null,"6) #### Configure VSCode plugin\n",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"wizard"},"More about UTBot wizard")),(0,i.kt)("pre",null,(0,i.kt)("code",{parentName:"pre"},"* in VSCode inovke `Run UTBot: Quickstart Wizard` command from the Command pallette `Shift + Ctrl + P` or `F1`\n* `Host` on `Connection` page\n * `(same machine)` set ``\n * `(remote only)` set same with SFTP host ip\n* `Port` on `Connection` page by defult `2121`, or `$PORT` that you use then run `./ $PORT`\n* `Remote Path` page\n * `(same machine)` set path to project that you open\n * `(remote only)` set same with SFTP remotePath\n* use defaults`Build Directory` and `CMake Options`\n* press Finish\n* Open `UTBot explorer` from left corner or press F1 and type `View: Show UTBot explorer`\n")),(0,i.kt)("p",null," ",(0,i.kt)("img",{alt:"wizardGif",src:""})),(0,i.kt)("p",null,"7) #### First tests generation"),(0,i.kt)("pre",null,(0,i.kt)("code",{parentName:"pre"},"* right click on some source file `Generate Tests` -> `for Current File`\n* in lower right corner press `Create build folder`\n* in lower right corner press `Configure`\n")),(0,i.kt)("p",null," ",(0,i.kt)("img",{alt:"generateGif",src:""})),(0,i.kt)("p",null,"8) #### Generate tests\n",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"generating-tests"},"More generate tests")),(0,i.kt)("pre",null,(0,i.kt)("code",{parentName:"pre"},"- For project\n * in VSCode inovke `UTBot: Generate Tests For Project` command from the Command pallette `Shift + Ctrl + P`\n or `F1`\n * right click in VSCode folder explorer and click `UTBot: Generate Tests For Project`\n- For file open file\n * in VSCode inovke `UTBot: Generate Tests For Current File` command from the Command pallette `Shift + Ctrl + P`\n or `F1`\n * right click on it `Generate Tests` -> `for Current File`\n- For function open file with function\n * place the carriage in function body, inovke `UTBot: Generate Tests For Current Function` command from the\n Command pallette `Shift + Ctrl + P` or `F1`\n * right click on function body `Generate Tests` -> `for Current Function`\n")))}c&&c===Object(c)&&Object.isExtensible(c)&&!,"__filemeta")&&Object.defineProperty(c,"__filemeta",{configurable:!0,value:{name:"MDXContent",filename:"src/docs/usage/"}}),c.isMDXComponent=!0}}]);