Every member and guest of the space is expected to follow the rules.
Below is a summary of the rules, each has its own full description that can be accessed on the rules site at rules.nottinghack.org.uk .
- Rule 0: Do Not Be On Fire
- It is essential you use the Space safely as a responsible adult.
- Membership of the Hackspace
- Any person aged 18 or over can join Nottingham Hackspace, by visiting on a open night, providing correct details, and setting up and maintaining a monthly payment into our nominated bank account.
- Guests & Visitors
- Guests & visitors are welcome in the Hackspace. However whoever brings them into the space or lets them into the Space is wholly responsible for them.
- Be Excellent To One Another
- We ask that you respect others when using the Hackspace. Do this by cleaning up after yourself, abiding by our safe spaces policy and code of conduct.
- Respect the Hackspace
- We ask that you respect the Hackspace. Do this by cleaning up after yourself, by being careful not to damage infrastructure and by reporting both damaged/broken tools and infrastructure.
- Do Not Hack
- Do Not Hack is an integral part of the Hackspace. Do Not Hack means you are claiming materials, a donation or a project as your own, and requesting that no other members 'hack' the component parts.
- UK Legislation
- Whilst in the Hackspace you must abide by all applicable UK laws and legislation.
- Storage in the Hackspace
- Remember that the Hackspace has limited storage space. We have designated storage space for consumables, resources and members’ storage.
- Donating to Nottingham Hackspace
- Consider the benefit to the Nottingham Hackspace when making a donation. Do this by posting your items and offers to the Google Group. Is there a general consensus from the members about its use or usefulness?
- Complaints Policy
- This is the policy followed by the Trustees when we receive a complaint.
- SafeSpaces Policy
- This policy sets out what behaviour is inappropriate in that it may amount to harassment.